A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 68: haven't seen you for a long time!


This was a very dangerous behavior, but he seemed unaware of it.

The wind blew into the room, blowing the light blue Hanfei paper wrapped around the bouquet.

Song Yun turned around, removed his hands from the railing, closed the door of the French window, and went into the house.

As soon as he entered the room, the cell phone in his hand rang a few times and he looked down.

It was sent by Qin Shu.

[Don't leave the room at night. It's windy outside and you may catch a cold.]

It also comes with a serious cat head emoticon that I stole from him before.

Shaking his hands that were instantly frozen, Song Yun replied with an "OK" and a sincere cat head.

Very obedient.

"… "

The farthest thing within sight is a pavilion, covered with snow, but its general shape can still be seen.

When he was working here before, he heard people say that there was a mountain nearby that was considered a tourist attraction. From there, you could see the ancient buildings on one side of the city. The view was good and the scenery was nice, but he had never been there.

He heard a faint exclamation from behind and turned his head.

He exhaled a hot breath and gathered his scarf slightly.

City A is still very busy in the morning.

Even though the seasons didn't match, everything around me still looked the same as I remembered.

I didn't expect it to be here.

After eating the fried dumplings, Song Yunhui found a place to throw away the garbage, and then finally reached the foot of the mountain.

Not wanting to catch the morning rush hour, Song Yunhui packed up and left the hotel early.

This kind of place is perfect for people like them to have breakfast.

Even though many shops were still closed, breakfast stalls had been set up and there were already a few people buying breakfast at the stalls.

The photo shows a middle-aged couple, with big smiles on their faces illuminated by the sun.

The wind blew, and the only sound in the woods was the sound of snow falling to the ground.

The vermilion walls and gray-black roof tiles were covered with white snow, standing there quietly.

The road to the mountain was in full view, and there were only three people including him from the beginning to the end. The other two were probably tourists, and they looked very happy and energetic.

The mountain is not far away and can be reached in more than 20 minutes on foot.

Song Yun turned his head and looked down at the stone steps that were buried in the snow.

The higher you go, the wider the view.

At the end of the street, Song Yunhui finally bought a small box of steamed buns. He originally wanted to send it to Qin Shu, but then he thought that the other party might not have woken up yet, so he gave up and deleted the words in the chat box one by one, saving them for later.

A small favor.

This was the place where Ye Min brought him and Qin Shu to escape the summer heat when they were young.

Song Yunhui picked up his phone and took a picture.

The golden-red light turned the light-colored pupils into a warm yellow.

It was still dark when he got up.

Walk forward to the pavilion, look out from the pavilion, through the woods, and you can see a series of ancient buildings on one side.

Leaving a footprint in the snow, Song Yun walked back to the foot of the mountain and then went up the stone steps.

He spent some time learning from the photographer on the crew, gained a basic understanding of composition and color distribution, adjusted the sensitivity and white balance, and then took a picture.

There are not many people on the street now, and it is even quieter on the way to the mountain after crossing the street.

Song Yun nodded and took the phone from the person asking the question.

It's still hot climbing the mountain at this time.

He sniffed after sending the message.

I don’t know if it got better after a good night’s sleep, but it was definitely warmer than usual when I woke up.

The two tourists who were in front of him were behind him. They also noticed him. They looked at each other, and then one of them came forward and asked him with a smile: "Can you take a picture for us?"

The dark clouds in the sky had not yet dispersed, and the golden-red sunlight leaked out from a gap in the clouds, shining brightly on the ancient buildings.

The two took the phone that Song Yunhui handed back and took a look at it. The corners of their eyes, which had already begun to wrinkle, were filled with smiles, and they kept praising and thanking him.

Well, just go to sleep first, and you'll be fine after a good sleep.

It snowed after midnight last night. Now that it is still daybreak, some people have already started clearing the snow on the road. It looks like they have been busy for a while, and most of the snow has been cleared away.

The trees on the mountain are not evergreen. By now, all their leaves have fallen off, leaving only bare branches weighed down by snow.

It is golden red, penetrating the bare branches and reflecting on the white snow, somewhat dazzling.

The sun slowly rose at this time.

Song Yunhui also laughed, then left the pavilion and slowly went down the way he came.

I always feel a little hot.

This is a normal day that is no different from any other day for most people.

The Song residence was surprisingly quiet.

Today is a working day. Originally, Song Cheng and Song Yunyang were supposed to go to the company, but today, contrary to their usual practice, they stayed at home.

Now both of them are in the study. Song Zishu had already gone to the crew, and the only one left at home is Xu Wei.

As if they had sensed some impending storm, the servants in the house were very quiet today and would not appear in front of their master unless necessary.

Xu Wei no longer had the mood to even pretend to watch TV.

On the second floor, in the study, Song Cheng was sitting behind the desk and Song Yunyang was standing in front of the desk.

Song Cheng was originally going to inspect the branch company today, but he stayed after Song Yunyang told him that he had something to tell him today.

He knew his eldest son, and if there was nothing important, he would not ask to say something at this time.

He asked Song Yunyang to sit first.

Song Yunyang didn't sit down. He took out the notebook he had prepared and put it on the table.

He is very rigorous and meticulous in his work, and all matters are put into one document.

Everything seemed to be foreshadowed.

There was no usual smile on Song Cheng's face, and he was waiting for his son to speak.

Before making everything clear, Song Yunyang asked:

"Dad, are you afraid that Yun Hui will break off relations with you?"

Song Cheng's eyelids twitched, but he didn't answer.

The first thing he thought of was the huge amount of money he had received before.

Song Yunyang saw his reaction.

It turns out that Dad has been hiding something.

Song Cheng’s silence was already the answer.

Song Yunyang opened the folder and then turned the computer around.

He has always been very meticulous, and he laid out everything that had happened before in a timeline, including the event itself, the causes and consequences, the impact and consequences, and the evidence.

The first thing that Song Cheng thought of was that Song Yunyang had found out the person behind the previous dirty tricks, but later he felt that something was not right and denied this idea.

As long as they find out who it is, his eldest son can handle it himself.

—Unless the person behind it is very special and needs his review.

It could be someone you can’t easily make an enemy of… or it could be someone close to you.

The expression on his face restrained, Song Cheng took the glasses placed aside, put them on, and began to look at the computer screen seriously.

"The first traceable incident happened when Yun was back in high school."

Song Yunyang's voice was not as resounding as usual. There was a sense of suppressing something, and the voice was much deeper than usual.

The earliest incident that could be found happened when Song Yun returned to high school.

That was the first time his parents were called to the police station for fighting, and also the last time.

At that time, the group was in its growth phase, and Song Cheng was still working day and night to expand the territory. Song Yunyang was abroad and could not let the servants go, so it was natural for Xu Wei to go.

She went and listened to the teacher. When she came back she didn't say much, except that Song Yunhui had a fight with some hooligans outside the school.

For many years, there hasn't been anyone in the Song family who went to school and fought with others. Other people around were also discussing it privately, so Song Cheng decided to let him come back and reflect for a week.

Just that week, Song Yunhui had a competition and was just one step away from winning the national award.

Then he missed out on the national award because he was disqualified for failing to show up.

His high school class teacher at that time had retired and was still living in the house assigned by the school, which was easier to find. My subordinates asked him and found that the teacher still remembered this incident. When he mentioned this incident, he still felt regretful.

She said that the student fought back because he was being blackmailed by thugs who blocked the alley. Someone passing by thought he was bullying and urgently called the security guard.

The matter had been explained clearly at the time. He was not the one who initiated the attack. It was just that no one expected that the thugs who were beaten so badly were the ones who started the trouble.

The teacher called the parents mainly to let them go home and have a good talk, and persuade the student to rely more on the school and family members, and not to solve everything by himself. This time it was a gangster, but who knows who it may be next time.

At that time, Xu Wei agreed very well, left her number, and then left.

But the teacher didn't expect that the students didn't come to class for the next week.

She knew that the other party would also have a competition, so she called the student's parents a few days in advance.

According to her account, the competition organizers also called the students' parents, but the results were the same. One call was answered by a parent assistant who said he was busy and asked them to contact another guardian, who said he was still at home reflecting on his decision and there was nothing they could do.

Song Yunhui has won many awards of various sizes since he was in school. Generally speaking, this one is not a big deal.

But it’s like a start.

From school to work, there are many misunderstandings caused by taking advantage of information gaps.

Things are getting worse.

Song Cheng's expression has begun to change.

This is the expression Song Yunyang least wants to see after playing the role of a warm family for so many years.

Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back.

Once things start, you can't stop halfway no matter what.

He sorted out a lot of things, far more than the one about falling into the water that Zhong Xu had mentioned earlier.

The incident of falling into the water was just a wedge, a tool to open up one's thinking.

All the ignored and forgotten things in the past were turned up one by one.

The warm family atmosphere is too confusing, this kind of beauty is too addictive, and the long-term hints and guidance are too deeply rooted in people's hearts. Things are not difficult to investigate, but no one has thought about it before breaking through the thinking.

Everyone would think that this was a person who had lost his mother and was trying to gain the attention of his father and others in this way. He had completely changed his personality after being left unattended for so long and was ostracizing his stepbrother in his own way.

Equally important is an inexplicable influence. Under this influence, it seems that no matter what outrageous thing happens, they can find a reasonable reason and then accept it and the point of view it brings. Xu Wei's method is not superb, but she was able to deceive them for so long without being exposed.

Exhaling, Song Yunyang looked away without looking at Song Cheng's expression and continued to flip through the documents.

"… "

The heating was on in the house, but the servants hiding in a sheltered area couldn't help shivering.

Although I don’t know what happened exactly, this silence that was completely different from the usual was extremely scary and made people feel sinking in their hearts.

Any changes in the house might affect their work, so they were in no mood to watch the fun at this time.

Butler Chen has not said a word since last night. He did not continue his habit of drinking tea in his spare time and just stood in the corner of the living room.

It was the closest spot to the stairs in the living room, and he could clearly hear any calls from upstairs.

Xu Wei sat on the sofa in the living room for a long time, then finally stood up and walked upstairs.

Uncle Chen looked up at her, then looked away. The heating in the room was far from hot, and they needed to wear slightly thicker coats when moving around the room. At this time, Xu Wei's clothes were not thick, but her face was already covered with sweat.

Sweat soaked her hair, which stuck to her face. She didn't look as dignified as usual, like the noble lady she always was.

She didn't go to the second floor. She probably wanted to go back to her room on the third floor. She paused slightly when passing the second floor, and continued to walk up before Uncle Chen noticed anything unusual.

The study was very quiet, without any sound of talking.

Song Cheng covered his face with his hands and said nothing.

Song Yunyang put away his notebook and stood aside as well.

It finally came at this time.

This silence is more to allow Song Cheng to think better.

"It is said that… "

Song Cheng opened his mouth and found that his throat was particularly blocked. After clearing his throat, he spoke, "I heard that you went to find Yun Hui to go home."

Song Yunyang didn't respond to him, but just looked at him.

After a brief silence, Song Cheng asked, "What did he say?"

Song Yunyang said: "He has no plans to come back now."

The other party's feelings are understandable.

Their conversations were always sporadic, often ending in silence after a sentence.

It is indeed difficult to speak in this situation.

After taking off his glasses and wiping his face, Song Cheng let out a long breath, adjusted his state, and then asked:

"What about Zishu, does he know anything?"

It was hard to describe his voice, it seemed as calm as usual, but with an unbearable heaviness.

Song Yunyang said briefly: "I know a little."

Compared to the very proactive Xu Wei, Song Zishu should be quite satisfied with his previous life and did not do anything out of line.

But not doing doesn’t mean not saying.

It is hard to say that many of Xu Wei’s actions were not influenced by him.

A seemingly unintentional sigh or exclamation can lead to an ending that satisfies him.

He doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to talk to others.

Song Yunyang knew that he was also a tool of his.

He knew that Song Cheng could also think of it.

After a long silence, Song Cheng said he wanted to think about it himself.

Song Yunyang left the study.

The footsteps gradually faded away. Song Cheng rubbed his temple, then took out his cell phone and made a call.

Outside the living room, the others who had been secretly watching Uncle Chen finally saw him move.

He took a phone call and then went upstairs.

That's the direction of the study.

After knocking on the door and getting permission, Uncle Chen walked into the study.

Song Cheng, who was sitting behind the desk, asked him to sit down.

It looked like a long conversation.

Uncle Chen pushed his glasses up, the wrinkles on his face trembling slightly, and said:

"What do you want from me?"

Song Cheng's lips twitched.

Wrinkles have appeared on his face and there are white hairs in his hair. He is clearly an old man.


The only sounds in the spacious office were the computers and heaters.

A large bouquet of flowers is placed in a corner of the office, with bright colors and a strong presence.

The secretary took the documents into the office and couldn't help but glance at the flowers on the side. Then he looked at the boss who was still reading the documents sitting behind the chair. He didn't dare to look at him any more and said:

"Boss Zhong, this is the plan handed over by the design department."

Zhong Xu was still looking at the document in his hand and asked her to put it aside.

The secretary then gently put the document on the table, closed the door and left the office.

After leaving the office and returning to the secretary's office, she couldn't hold it in any longer and said, "Wow!" Then she said:

"Seriously! There are flowers in the boss' office!"

Previously, someone accidentally caught a glimpse of a flower in a corner when he went in to report, and since then the news that "there are flowers in the boss's office" has spread throughout the secretariat's office.

Seeing is believing. Just listening to others' exaggerated descriptions of something is not realistic enough. Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you know what it feels like.

As it happened, she got the job of delivering documents to the office and finally got to take a look at the legendary flower.

It was indeed a very large bouquet, and you could tell it was very expensive, and it was obvious that a lot of thought had gone into it.

Their boss seems to be a man of ulterior motives.

It’s just that the bouquet of flowers was already in the office yesterday, I didn’t expect it’s still there now.

In the office.

Putting the signed document in his hand aside, Zhong Xu took another document, but without opening it, his eyes unconsciously looked at the flowers placed in a corner.

The phone on the table rang and he answered it.

It was Zhang Jia calling.

The first thing the other person said was: "What do you mean, did you catch up?"

Zhong Xu asked him, "Aren't you going to work?"

"I'm not some social elite." Zhang Jia saw his intention and said, "Don't talk to me about this. Have you caught up?"

Zhong Xu calmly told the story that had happened before.

"You can't retreat at this time."

Zhang Jia on the other side was directly surprised and said, "Why do you care what their relationship is now? If they haven't officially announced it, then they are not together."

"It doesn't matter even if Qin Shu has that intention. You've known each other for so long, and Song Yunhui has confessed his love to you. Who do you think has the advantage?"

Zhong Xu rubbed his brows and said that he wanted to think about it carefully.

"Zhong Xu, have you ever been impulsive in your life?"

Zhang Jia seemed to be getting anxious, and he started calling her by name, saying, "You always want to figure out everything before you do anything, but love is not like that. If you think clearly, the person is gone. If you don't chase me, I'll do it!"

The last sentence is obviously just empty talk and has no deterrent effect, but the truth has been made clear.

Zhang Jia was really anxious and wished he could turn into King Ji Ji.

Although he was considering Zhong Xu's advantage, after watching the previous variety show live broadcast, he felt that if it was delayed any further, he would definitely be killed.

That kind of atmosphere was so intimidating that even a hopelessly playboy like him would want to have a serious relationship.

Having said that, Zhang Jia hung up the phone.

He himself didn't have a proper job and just sat there doing idle work to play with stocks every day. But since Zhong Xu was running such a big company, he didn't bother him too much.

Putting down his phone, Zhong Xu picked up the document beside him and looked down at it.

For a full half minute, his eyes did not move at all.

After a long time, the sound of papers turning slowly came from the office.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, the clouds slowly dissipated, and the golden red sunlight shone into the room from the window.


Song Yunhui was on his way back to the hotel.

He had been feeling hot when he had come down the mountain, but now that he was walking down the street, he felt cold again.

The little skin exposed was exposed to the sun and the cold wind, but the cold wind was more dominant.

He originally wanted to go back to the hotel to pack up, but when he passed by a street, he saw a coffee shop and remembered that he often came here when he worked here and thought the food was good.

It was not peak time yet and the store did not seem crowded, so he changed direction and headed towards the coffee shop.

There weren't many people in the cafe.

After ordering coffee, Song Yunhui sat down and looked at the street outside through the glass window.

Someone came in at the door, walked to the bar, ordered two cups of coffee, and continued chatting after ordering.

They talked about an open-air concert in the big square nearby.

Song Yunhui pulled the scarf over her mouth, covered it with her hands, coughed softly, and changed her sitting position.

The two also talked about a piano at the venue that looked very different.

The waiter handed the coffee to Song Yunhui.

Song Yunhui took it, then stood up and left.

Standing at the door of the coffee shop, he hesitated between going back to the hotel and going to the square to join in the fun.

"… "

Fatigue finally failed to overcome curiosity, and he finally turned around and walked towards the square.

Today is a weekday, but there are still quite a few people in the square.

Holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand, Song Yunhui followed the crowd and walked to the edge of a small square in the square.

The small square is sunken, with a stage in the middle and stepped viewing platforms surrounding it, with people sitting in groups of three or four on the steps.

He didn't need to go any further; he could see the piano above even from where he was.

It is indeed a rare style.

Unlike other pianos, this one is golden green, small and elegant.

The person who plays the piano also has some skills.

Song Yunhui found a corner and sat down. He took the opportunity to pull down his scarf, took a sip of coffee, and then quickly pulled the scarf back up.

It's probably time for lunch now, and there are still many people in the square. Many people left for a while and then came back with the hot food they bought.

Song Yunhui was standing aside, holding a cup of warm coffee.

Along with the others came a tall man who stood out from the crowd.

Zhong Xu walked among the crowd, looking around as he walked.

It is still a bit difficult to find someone in such a big place who may not be here at all.

He checked yesterday's flights and found out that all afternoon and evening flights were canceled. He also knew that the road from their area to the airport was blocked for a long time yesterday. It was also easy to find information about the hotel Qin Shu was staying in.

It is possible that Song Yunhui did not leave City A yesterday, it is possible that he stayed in a hotel near Qin Shu, it is possible that he heard about the concert, it is possible that he would come to see the piano, it is possible that I would meet him when I came here.

All of these are speculations with unknown probabilities. If any one of them is wrong, his trip will be in vain.

When Zhong Xu made the decision to go out and find someone, he had already made the most likely and worst-case scenario.

But he found it anyway.

It’s the same clothes and hat from yesterday, easy to recognize.

The moment I saw that figure’s back, my originally chaotic heart suddenly calmed down.

He is a person.

Zhong Xu took a step forward, his steps surprisingly easy.

Until he stood next to that person, his leather shoes made a light sound as they stepped on the cleared snow.

"Song Yunhui."

He bent down, his straight suit wrinkled slightly, and said softly, "Long time no see."

(End of this chapter)