A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 72: These two avatars of yours are pretty good looking!


There were footsteps on the stairs.

It’s Song Yunyang.

There have been a lot of things going on these days, and his eyes were obviously tired. He had several new documents in his hands, all related to this matter from the company.

Walking to the sofa and sitting down, he glanced at Song Cheng, then looked at the various documents on the desk, and then turned his gaze to Uncle Chen.

Uncle Chen understood what he meant and quietly cleared the things on the table.

The special assistant at the side took the document from him consciously.

"Dad didn't eat much for dinner today, do you want to eat something now?"

Song Cheng said no.

When your emotions reach a certain point, you can’t even tell whether you are full or hungry.

When he went downstairs, he heard some noise.

There are stairs and elevators in the house, but they usually don't use the elevator. The elevator is mostly used by maids for convenience. Now Song Cheng doesn't have the energy to climb the stairs, so Song Yunyang helps him open the elevator door.

The implication of his words was that this household registration change was just a form of expressing independence, and Song Zishu would even earn a house.

He would at least call her "Auntie Xu" before, but now he has even started calling her by her name.

The tone of voice fluctuates slightly, and every word seems to knock on people's hearts.

He asked where Song Cheng and Xu Wei were.

The doctor stood up again and said, "It's getting late. Staying up late is not good for your health. Mr. Song has been busy all day. It's time to rest."

This is to drive people away.

These words really touched Song Zishu's heart.

Song Zishu originally wanted to go back, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them.

It was the first time to see Song Zishu explode like this. The servant hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Even though he moved out only after he found out that Song Yunhui had moved out in order to make the other party's behavior less abrupt and uncomfortable, the result was indeed like this.

He spoke straightforwardly and made arrangements quickly.

Before Song Zishu could speak again, he continued calmly, "It's just right that you're back. You can move your household registration someday."

There was some emotion in his words.

He stood up by propping himself up on the sofa and told Uncle Chen, "It's too late now. Give them a room to sleep in for the night."

The servant who had been in the dark came out on his own accord and followed Uncle Chen to clean the room.

Song Yunyang said, "Dad has been feeling unwell lately, and the doctor said he needs to rest. Find some time to pack up your things and live in the property I gave you for a while."

Song Yunyang looked down at him and said, "Dad has gone to bed upstairs. Xu Wei has gone out. She may be in the hotel or in her new home."

His voice seemed to have aged a lot over the past few days, and he said, "Yes, it's time to rest. You should also go and rest."

Song Yunyang followed Song Cheng and accompanied him upstairs.

This makes it seem like Song Zishu is making a fuss out of nothing, and one can tell what he's thinking about in an instant.

He had always known it, but had always pretended not to know and enjoyed the good things that had happened.

Song Zishu is in a state of emotional distress and his mind hasn't come to its senses yet. From the household registration move back to the fundamental reason for Song Cheng's divorce.

Song Yunyang was not surprised by this.

Song Yunyang looked at him, his expression not changing at all because of his suddenly high spirits, and said, "Yun Hui and I have already moved."

If there is no divorce, there will be no transfer of household registration.

"I will transfer the property I own to you, and you can move out after the transfer."

Song Cheng waved his hand, looked at the people around him, and finally chose to compromise.

After so many years of relationship, why would they just leave without any feelings left

Song Zishu, who was filming outside, came back.

There's no way he didn't know.

When he came in, he found the lights in the living room were on, but the people who usually lived in the living room were not there, so he caught a servant and asked where everyone in the house had gone.

After watching the other party quietly enter the room and close the door, Song Yunyang went downstairs.

He wants an explanation.

Hearing the footsteps upstairs, Song Zishu turned around and saw Song Yunyang coming down from upstairs. He put down the servant in his hand and ran to question Song Yunyang.

This time, Song Yunyang looked him straight in the eye and asked, "You really don't know?"

After going upstairs and standing at the door of the room, Song Cheng turned around and looked at his eldest son who was already capable of standing on his own. He opened his mouth but in the end said nothing.

He didn't have time to think about anything else, and just said, "Why are you kicking me out?"

"you… "

The word "drive out" is used very subtly.

Song Zishu's voice suddenly became higher, but when he met Song Yunyang's expression, his voice suddenly became lower.

Song Yunyang made a gesture to silence him.

Behind the fingers were a pair of eyes devoid of any emotion.

Song Zishu suddenly understood.

The coldest-hearted person in this family is not Song Yunhui, nor Song Cheng and him, but Song Yunyang.

He only cares about things he thinks are important. Before, there was superficial harmony in the family, so he could indulge and take care of him, try his best to meet his needs, and respect Xu Wei like a real good son.

But now his goal has changed, perhaps for Song Yunhui, or perhaps for Song Cheng. All his previous efforts were decisively abandoned, along with him and Xu Wei.

The infinite care and concern before was just to protect his goal, not to really treat him as a younger brother. Even Song Yunhui was more humane than him, and the care and tolerance when he was a child were at least from the heart.

Song Zishu shuddered unconsciously.

The fact that this person could pretend to be something he is not was terrifying to another degree, for so many years no one could tell.

He no longer had the momentum he had when he walked in just now.

Song Yunyang passed by him without even looking at him, and said, "Whatever you do next, just don't disturb Dad."

"Don't leave in front of Dad when you leave."

He just left like that.

Song Zishu stood where he was, not even daring to turn around to see where the other person had gone.

Later, a servant saw him standing there for a long time and kindly took him to his room, breaking the dead silence.

After returning to the room and locking the door, Song Zishu looked at the familiar room and suddenly felt unfamiliar with it.

He wanted to take a nap, to escape, thinking that things might get better after a good night's sleep. However, he had already slept for a long time today and his mind was in an excited state, so he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Song Yunyang's eyes flashed in his mind for a moment.

Song Zishu turned his gaze to the suitcase under the bed and clenched his hands unconsciously.

Beyond the city lights.

Xu Wei didn't go anywhere. She was temporarily staying in a nearby hotel, thinking about how to deal with the next thing, but then someone found her.

It's the police.

Song Yunyang told her that if she divorced honestly, he would not do anything unnecessary.

But just because he doesn’t do it doesn’t mean the police won’t investigate it themselves.

Without the protection, it is easy to investigate what she did before.

The police originally investigated her as a victim of blackmail, but the more they investigated, the more they felt something was wrong, and finally they took her to the police station.

She has the money to hire the best lawyer and the money to bail herself out. The worst that can happen is that she has to stay here for a few more days and then she can go back.

But compared to this, she cares more about what other people think.

If anyone knew she was in police custody, the image she had spent so many years building would be destroyed.

Everyone has their own ending.


After the weather started to warm up, Song Yun's home was finally almost decorated, with only the final finishing touches left.

Qin Shu had been busy before, flying everywhere and had been busy for a long time. He will be back today and will rest for a few days after coming back, just in time to catch up with the final inspection after finishing.

Although there are still a lot of materials in the room, with dust, sawdust and putty still inside, you can already see its general appearance.

The master said that it can be finished today or tomorrow.

The weather is very good today. Song Yunhui stood on the balcony and watched Chengzi next door parkouring in the room through the window glass. He narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Orange also noticed him and ran to the glass window and started pulling at it.

It didn't move and looked anxious and aggrieved.

Unable to hold back his laughter, Song Yun turned back to his room and walked down the stairs.

The sunlight shines into the room through the glass windows, falls on the wooden floor, and creates a bright glow.

The entrance is also very bright.

Song Yunhui opened the door.

The wind blew with a warm breath, and green began to slowly emerge in the yard.

There was a person standing outside the yard, holding a bouquet of flowers tied with a pink ribbon.

The white petals are tender and fresh, exuding the breath of vigorous life.

Behind the flowers is a smiling face.

Zhong Xu behind the flowers said, "Long time no see."

Song Yunhui didn't follow his words and said, "If I remember correctly, we have met before."

He asked, “What are you doing here?”

Zhong Xu handed the flowers forward.

Song Yunhui didn't take his flowers.

"Don't you like it?"

Zhong Xu said with some regret, "I remember you liked it before."

He said, "Then I'll try a different flower next time."

Song Yun turned and looked at Zhong Xu.

The other party also looked back.

Behind the smile, his eyes were full of seriousness.

Song Yunhui frowned slightly, and had an unlikely guess in his mind, and asked: "Are you serious...?"

Although the other party said that he wanted to be together when they met last time, he never took it to heart and felt that the other party did not really mean that.

But he wasn't sure now.

"Song Yun replied, are you stupid?"

Zhong Xu had handsome features and laughed, "Why would I come here if I didn't really want to pursue you?"

He smiled, but his eyes moved away from the person standing at the door.

It's that familiar accent again.

Ever since their previous conflict, they had rarely spoken like this, more often in silence and emotionless, concise words.

The laziness in Song Yunhui's eyes disappeared, and he finally became a little serious.

Facing the other person's gaze, he said, "There's no chance for us."

He spoke very seriously this time, enunciating each word clearly.

The smile on Zhong Xu's face froze, but he still smiled and said, "How can it be impossible? You chased me before, and this time it's my turn to chase you, how can it be impossible?"

Song Yunhui stated the facts: "We no longer have the same feelings as before, you should know that."

Zhong Xu refused to admit it, "If the relationship is gone, we can cultivate it again."

You can see that he is very determined this time.

Song Yunhui finally said:

"Qin Shu and I are already together."

The sun was very warm today, and he stood in the light, his brows and eyes were lazy. Wearing a warm white coat, everything looked very warm.

But the words that came out of his mouth seemed to freeze everything.

The smile on Zhong Xu's lips gradually faded.

He didn't believe it and thought it was just a pretext to fool him.

In the silent atmosphere that seemed like a confrontation, footsteps were heard approaching from afar.

Zhong Xu turned around and saw a tall figure walking down the road with fast steps, taking off the three-piece face-covering suit as he walked.

It's the Book of Qin.

Zhong Xu looked back again and saw that Song Yun, who was originally standing by the door, seemed to have relaxed. He leaned back slightly and leaned lazily against the wall, smiling.

He was also looking in the direction of Qin Shu.

Qin Shu walked towards this side.

Zhong Xu was looking at him, and he also noticed the situation here.

Zhong Xu held the flowers and watched the other person pass by him, and naturally stood beside Song Yunhui. They looked like a perfect match.

Zhong Xu just watched Qin Shu's hand skillfully hook Song Yunhui's fingers, and then interlocked their fingers, lowered his head and asked:

"This is?"

The wind seemed to stop for a moment, and then suddenly became stronger.

The pure white bouquets were thrown to the ground, the petals of the brightly blooming flowers fell, and the leaves were blown away by the wind.

Zhong Xu attacked without warning.

As if he was going all out, he did not show any mercy.

The scene was very chaotic for a while, and the noise was so loud that even the decorator in the house could hear it. He bent over the upstairs balcony to watch, his eyes wide open.

"… "

Finally, the three of them appeared in the hospital together.

In the quiet room, Qin Shu had been bandaged, with his upper body simply covered with clothes, sitting silently aside.

Zhong Xu was shirtless and the doctor was still treating his wounds.

Song Yunhui sat on the bench next to the door, folding his arms and looking at the scene in the room.

The doctor was an old doctor with gray hair. He didn't pay much attention to the strange atmosphere and just kept talking to himself:

"Young people nowadays should refrain from fighting. We are all friends, so we should be more cautious when we attack."

Zhong Xu had a cold face and said nothing, looking at Qin Shu with sharp eyes.

Song Yunhui raised his eyes to look at him, "Want to fight again? Come and fight me later."

Both of the people who were fighting had practiced martial arts before, and the fight was much more violent than that of ordinary people. The only thing that stood between them and attracting the security guard was a fight.

It just so happens that he has practiced before, so if you want to play again, he can accompany you.

It could be seen that he was already showing some emotions. Zhong Xu didn't say anything and looked away.

The whole morning was spent in the hospital.

After treating two people's wounds and a bunch of follow-up matters, when it was time to leave the hospital, Song Yunhui didn't let Qin Shu move. He put on his coat and hat and went to buy a medical mask.

When Qin Shu came back today, all the things he brought had been thrown away somewhere in the chaos. They came in a hurry and didn't take anything. Fortunately, no one in the hospital took pictures when they came, but that might not be the case when they leave.

If you can’t get it because it’s far away, just buy two medical masks nearby.

When he came back after buying the masks, he found that the room was still quiet, and he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe nothing happened.

Zhong Xu's expression was even uglier than before he left. He was usually reserved in front of other people, but today he seemed out of control.

Qin Shu's expression didn't change much, but Song Yunhui could see that his emotions were also fluctuating.

The doctor was writing the prescription, but his hands were shaking a little.

"… "

They almost got into another fight just now.

Qin Shu had put on his clothes again. Song Yun asked him to sit still and lowered his head to help him put on the mask carefully.

Unable to bear it any longer, he reached out and grabbed a handful of Qin Shu's hair.

This man's hair is hard and a bit prickly.

Qin Shu let him pull him like that.

After plucking a handful and patting it, he said, "Let's go."

Qin Shu stood up, but the two did not hold hands this time.

There was still a bandage on his hand, but Song Yunhui didn't touch it.

As he walked out of the door, Song Yun turned around and wanted to say something. Zhong Xu was still getting dressed. When he saw his gaze, he raised the corner of his mouth.

He is always selfish and stubborn, and it seems like he won't listen to anything I say.

He didn't want to say anything anymore.

He drove us here and he drove us back there too.

"… "

Qin Shu sat aside, looking at the half-stuffed driver's license he casually stuffed into the roof pocket of the car.

It turns out that Song Yunhui really always brings his driver's license when he goes out.

Song Yunhui pulled the handbrake and turned on the turn signal, then glanced at him sideways.

Sensing that this might be a criticism or education, Qin Shu also looked back.

Song Yunhui had already retracted his gaze to look at the rearview mirror, smiled, and said:

"You're still the same as you were in high school."

It's not a criticism of education, but an unexpected statement.

The dark pupils were rippled. Qin Shu looked at his face, and many words were stuck in his throat. Finally, he smiled and said:


It was already afternoon when I got home.

As soon as they opened the door, they were greeted by a real-life crying cat head.

Song Yun replied: "..."

Song Yunhui's movement to open the door froze.

Only then did he remember that he had originally wanted to come back and play with Orange this morning.

Orange's furry face looked aggrieved. He walked over step by step, staggering like a little yellow flower hit by the wind, and stretched out his paw to ask for a hug. Even the movement of stretching out his paw revealed a sense of grievance.

Song Yunhui bent down and picked up the kitten, coaxing it as he held it.

The cat rubbed its head against his shoulder again and again, and this time it didn't even call out, it just rubbed against him clingingly.

It was already mid-afternoon, and Song Yunhui was still holding the orange in his arms and couldn't let go. Qin Shu originally wanted to go cook, but was stopped by him and didn't let him go.

The two of them finally ate takeout together, and to compensate Orange, they fed it some more freeze-dried food.

Orange was conquered by freeze-drying.

Qin Shu got off work, but Song Yun hadn't returned yet. He stayed in his room for the rest of the afternoon to take care of things, then changed his clothes, went downstairs and rolled up his sleeves to cook dinner.

Qin Shu injured his hand, but he said it didn't have much impact. In the end, Song Yun washed the vegetables while he cooked.

Song Yun returned to washing the vegetables and felt that something seemed wrong.

This seems to be no different from usual

Anyway, the meal is done this way.

After dinner and washing the dishes, it was time for a happy rest.

Today, I have eaten some grass and resumed updating. Song Yunhui lay down on the sofa with his phone in his arms and started to write happy cartoons.

Based on past experience, the more inhumane the company is, the more rude the content of the comic strip will be.

It can be seen that today is another day when the company is not humane.

Song Yunhui read it from beginning to end, and laughed six times as usual.

After sending six "hahaha", he went back to look at the last column of cartoons.

The last column was casually drawn while eating grass. It shows a happy little salted fish running on its two short legs, thinking it was running towards the door to the future. It turns out that the door is the cat's mouth, and the sparkling stars on the door are the cat's saliva.

A bit weird, not sure, take another look.

As soon as he took a look at these two, Chen Chen sent him two messages.

He clicked on it and took a look.

Two pictures sent by the other party.

One is a running salted fish, and the other is a cat with its mouth wide open.

[Nothing, just showing you my new avatar]

He even said hypocritically:

[The asking price is 19999. If you are dating someone, it can be used for free for you and your partner. What a pity [smile]]

Under normal circumstances, it would be a sign of getting beaten no matter how you look at it.

Song Yunhui changed his posture and sat on the sofa, raising his hand to type.

[Very good, take it, thank you]

The other party sent a [? ].

[Do you think I will believe it? ]

Song Yun waved to Qin Shu as he passed by on his way back to the court.

Qin Shu came over cooperatively.

Song Yunhui held his hand and took a photo, and was kind enough to just hold it loosely without exerting any force.

Instead, Qin Shu used a little force out of habit.

After Song Yunhui finished taking the photo, he let go of the other person and let him move freely.

Qin Shu raised his eyebrows slightly: "?"

Song Yunhui explained to him, "Take a photo and make money."

The tone was like one was submitting a piece to a professional paparazzi.

Song Yunhui did not submit the photos to the professional paparazzi and sent them to Chen Chen.

The other party's reaction was similar to before.

It’s just that the number of question marks increased from one to ten.

Song Yun also sent a smiling emoji back to the other party. He held the phone higher so that Qin Shu could see it clearly and asked:

“Is this fun?”

Qin Shu looked at the screen and then at him.

"… "

In less than two minutes, the new WeChat avatar is out.

He selected the troops and generals and picked the cat, and the other small salted fish was given to Qin Shu's head.

After changing their profile pictures, the two of them sent each other emoticons in a very ceremonial manner.

Qin Shu also saw the note that Song Yun left in reply.

[AAA Orange Wholesale Qinzong]

He sneered.

As expected, some people’s naming style has never changed from high school to now.

Song Yun knew what Qin Shu had left behind without even looking at the note he had left for him.

After all, I made the notes myself before.

Qin Shu glanced at the words "The Most Handsome Man in the Universe" on his phone, then took the cup and took a sip of water.

Song Yunhui also took a sip and immediately orgasmed.

The water was brown in color and he thought it was coffee, but it turned out to be medicine and it was very bitter.

Qin Shu stuffed a candy into his mouth.

As soon as I put the candy in my mouth, a phone call came.

You don't have to think about it to know it's Chen Chen.

He answered the call while chewing the candy in his mouth. Qin Shu, who was sitting next to him, also received a call and stood up to answer it.

Chen Chen seemed to be in a state of confusion. Half of the ten words in his sentence were modal particles.

He was still trying to confirm what he had just seen.

After he actually confirmed it, he uttered several common Chinese interjections in succession, said "Good guy", and then began to condemn Song Yunhui for not telling him about this matter at the first time.

Song Yunhui held the phone farther away, listened to his condemnation quietly, and yawned softly.

On the other side, Qin Shu received a call from the other side of the ocean.

It’s Ms. Ye Min calling.

She had to go to work, and should have been extremely busy, but she was able to notice small things while she was busy.

For example, suddenly changing the avatar at the same time.

She lowered her voice with some excitement and mystery, and asked:

"Where did you get this avatar? Mom, I also want to change the avatar for my secondary account."

She noticed something, but it seemed like she didn't notice anything.

Qin Shu didn't know for a moment whether to say that she had lost focus at the critical moment or that she actually had a small account.

He asked, "Don't you have anything else to say?"

Ye Min said "yes", and she said: "I think the cat is quite cute."

This is when you start to quietly express your preferences.

The other party had already started talking about his expectations for a fun new avatar. Qin Shu listened and finally found the air where the other party could breathe and said:

"We're together."

The other party became quiet instantly.

(End of this chapter)