A Million People Hate Him for Wanting to Leave

Chapter 8: Friends can't be given away easily!


After eating Xiaolongbao, I feel more energetic when working.

After briefly kissing and hugging Chengzi, Song Yun returned to work and Qin Shu left with Chengzi in his arms.

For the next few days, Song Yunhui rarely stayed at home, often leaving early and returning late.

The cool guy next door is unexpectedly an expert at staying up late. Every time Song Yunhui comes back, neither he nor the cat is asleep, and he can even touch and rub Orange on the way.

It seemed that Orange had figured out the time he would come every night. He had now learned to wait at the door in advance and fire the cannonballs as soon as the door opened.

The shells were soft and heavy, and every time my arms cried with happiness.

Qin Shu is now actively improving his cooking skills, and every time Song Yun comes back, there is a different midnight snack.

But happiness is simply a land of gentleness.

So, Song Yunhui's big eyes changed from a series of [hahahaha] to a daily midnight snack check-in and a series of [hahahaha].

I go out to work in the morning, come back to play with my cat and rest in the evening, and chat with the viewers in the live broadcast room. Time passes quickly.

If I remember correctly, he has not been on the air in the last few days as he has been so busy.

[What kind of fairyland is this!!!]

[Woc, why is it so early today! I almost thought I was seeing things]

[??? Is it so exciting in the whole afternoon?]

After the work was completely completed, Song Yunhui took a few days off.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Today was an abnormal live broadcast at Yang World time, and many people didn’t notice it at all, but there were also quite a few people who closed their eyes and went straight in, and got a big surprise.

Just a little dizzy.

Today he didn’t sing while eating, so he set the live broadcast to the chat area and changed the usual title to [Not singing, just chatting while eating]

He slept till midnight on the first day. He woke up after noon and finally felt that he had made up for all the sleep he had gotten before.

He watched the black business car leave, then turned and went into the room.

The aroma of the food instantly overflowed, and Song Yun replied:

After drinking the water, Song Yun returned to the bedroom barefoot. He glanced at his phone and saw the message from Qin Shu.

After making sure there were no gaps between the windows, Song Yunhui put the orange down and let it walk around the room by itself.

It was quite a surprise, but not a huge one. Song Yun supported his chin and went back to find the broadcast interface.

[It’s like this, cats with round heads and long hair are very annoying. Please help me educate them.]

It's pork rib soup, and it looks delicious.

This is a single-person meal with a combination of meat and vegetables, which is completely tailored to one person's appetite. It's not particularly luxurious, but it's obvious that a lot of thought went into it.

[Every night is a midnight snack, I am really going to cry QAQ]

Qin Shu was holding an insulated box and a bag of things that should be cat supplies in one hand, and holding the cat in the other. He was wearing a black coat and looked well prepared.

Perhaps it was Song Yunhui's persistence that touched the little comic blogger. He didn't know when the other party followed him, and now he has become a noble follower.

Next is a plate of vegetables, and after that is rice.

After taking the cat and the things, and quietly rubbing Xiaobai's paws, Song Yunhui smiled and waved to Qin Shu.

He said he had to go out for work today, and Song Yunhui quickly offered to help take care of Orange.

"No singing today, just eating and chatting."

The steam floated up, and when the vision became clear again, what the netizens saw was the fried buns decorated with green coriander and slightly greasy.

[Wait a minute, I can’t stop drooling, and someone downstairs complained about water seepage, sob sob sob QAQ]

Qin Shu went to work. There was no one to chat with today. After looking around the room, Song Yunhui finally decided to turn on the computer and put the thermal insulation box in front of the computer.

[Long time no see soy milk!!!]

When logging in, Song Yunhui opened the backstage and blinked, and found that his fans had increased a lot without him noticing, and had exceeded tens of thousands.

Song Yunhui scanned the comments while thinking about opening the thermal box.

[I am a student, give me a friend like this]

[I forgot why I followed Dan Zong, but now I can’t get out of here at all Orz. I obviously don’t follow the comics, but I can see them first every day]

A few minutes later, when I opened the door, I saw another inexplicably familiar scene.

Sure enough, there was something underneath.

Finally he found the buckle, applied a little force with both hands, and with a "click", the thermal box opened.

Song Yunhui didn't eat it right away. He weighed the thermal box and felt that the weight was not right. He imitated Qin Shu's usual movements, pressed the buckle at the bottom, and took out the layer of pan-fried buns.

[Today's unexpected world]

"You must have not eaten today, eat your meal while it's still hot."

[I want one, ah—]

[It turns out there is more than one layer!!!]

[Does Doujiang have a girlfriend?]

[You need to be open-minded, and your boyfriend doesn’t have to be either]

[Although it’s not time for dinner yet, I opened some serious pornographic software]

"Not a girlfriend, not a boyfriend, just a friend who happens to live next door."

Song Yunhui took out the chopsticks and spoon from the bottom of the thermos box and ate a pan-fried bun.

"Good times."

He gave a thumbs up.

The netizens could only see the thermal box and the hands holding the chopsticks. Even though they couldn’t see the face, they could still smell the fragrance through the screen.

[It’s come to this, and soy milk still doesn’t show up.]

[We are all family, don’t be shy]

[It smells so good, woooo, I didn’t have much appetite before, but now I’m craving for food QAQ]

After eating a steamed bun, Song Yunhui picked up the spoon and started drinking the pork rib soup, chatting as he worked.

It tastes very good. Qin Shu’s cooking skills have improved.

As he was chatting with his friends, Song Yun felt something furry under his feet. He looked down and saw Orange sitting at his feet. It must have finished patrolling its territory and felt bored, so it came to play with him.

Those big eyes were bright with desire.

Song Yunhui bent down and hugged it.

The netizens reacted quickly and immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to see the face, and their eyes widened instantly.

[I see it!]


[… I saw the hat (.)]

[How could this be?]

[Why would anyone wear a hat at home? ! ! Who are they protecting themselves from with such a long brim? ]

[Cat! Such a cute cat! Why are there such furry cats! ]

Holding the orange in his hands, Song Yunhui laughed twice and retorted loudly, "Isn't it normal to wear a hat at home?"

"This is a friend's cat. Please take care of it for him temporarily."

When Song Yun returned to eat, Chengzi rolled around in his arms, and its furry claws kept trying to pull at his sleeves.

From the perspective of the netizens, all they could see were two orange ears moving constantly and disappearing after a while.

[Wow wow wow, the one without food and cat has started crying! I'm going to start making a fuss! ]

[I envy Soymilk's life, having friends and being relaxed]

"Envy me?"

Song Yun paused and replied, "Each has its own merits. Maybe I envy your life."

He then laughed, "But I do like my life now."

Have a job you love and a friend who is not prejudiced against you.

Looking at the comments floating by, he swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Friends can't be sent away. I like my friends very much."


In the reception room, the man with questionable hair volume turned his phone around and handed it to Qin Shu.

"Take a look at this plan. What do you think of it?"

Qin Shu took the phone and just saw a table. He wanted to continue swiping down, but he seemed to touch something on the side and a small screen popped up.

I can’t tell what this is, but there are just a few dishes on the screen.

Qin Shu recognized it at a glance.

After all, it's something I made with my own hands.

"Look at the second page. This is what the crew said..."

The man stood up and came over. Just as he turned his head, he saw the small window in the upper right corner and was immediately scared to death.

The other half also flew away after seeing Qin Shu's expression.

Qin Shu had a blank expression on his face, and the man felt ashamed.

Finally, after a brief silence, Qin Shu spoke.

He said, "What is this?"

The man immediately replied, "You know, when you get to middle age, you're under a lot of pressure..."

"Can you send it to me?"

It's a question, and a polite one at that.

The man was still trying to explain. When he realized what Qin Shu had said, he paused for a moment, then carefully confirmed that the other party did not have any extra expression. Then he tentatively said, "Then I'll send it to you after I'm done."

Qin Shu nodded.

This seems to be just a small episode.

The discussion didn't take long. After everything was confirmed, Qin Shu's face showed that he would not have a dinner party. In the end, everyone went back to their homes and there was no dinner party.

When the man left, he held his phone and scrolled back and forth meaninglessly for many times. Finally, he decided to send the anchor link to Qin Shu.

The cell phone rang and Qin Shu picked up it.

[Don’t drink soy milk]

Haven't clicked on it yet, but it's already obvious.

The show "Don't Drink Soy Milk" had been taken off the air a while ago. Qin Shu took a quick look and found the latest recorded show.

The scenery on both sides quickly receded, and the mobile phone placed aside could occasionally make a sound.

As the car slowly stopped, a message came from the phone:

"I can't send friends off. I like my friends."

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

Qin Shu unbuttoned a shirt button, took off his mask and got out of the car.

The light in front of Song Yunhui's door was still on, a warm yellow color that made the surrounding scenery a little warmer.

The door opened before he even knocked.

He was wearing a thin sweatshirt and holding an orange in his hand, waving as he did when he left.

The wind kept blowing at night. Qin Shu came forward, then entered the house, left the door ajar, and asked, "How did you know I was back?"

Song Yun replied: "I can hear the sound."

When he was very young, he learned to listen to the sound of cars to judge whether someone was returning home. In addition, this is a villa area with few people, and even fewer people passing by them. The person who came back at this time was most likely Qin Shu.

Putting the orange into Qin Shu's arms, Song Yun asked, "Have you eaten?"

Qin Shu thought about it briefly, then answered truthfully: "No."

"That's good."

Song Yunhui took a pair of slippers to Qin Shu and said, "Tonight I'm doing this. Before, I... well, I learned it on purpose."

Qin Shu put on his slippers, lowered his brows, and observed carefully.

Different from the previous slippers.

Pink, fluffy, with two small strawberries on top.

(End of this chapter)