A Paragon of Wuhun

Chapter 243: The oriole is behind


Chapter 243: The oriole is behind

"Hahaha, my calculation was indeed correct. You were really fooled! This time Master Ge Dan practiced three realm-breaking pills. After I took one, I took the other two pills for auction and specifically told the Xie family to auction them. In the market, you can only buy two pills together, not separately. The purpose is to attract the two forces of you and let you fight to the death to consume each other, hahahaha!"

His face was filled with arrogance and arrogance: "I am so smart, you losers all fell into my trap."

The people of the Bai family and the people of Skull Valley were trembling with anger. At this time, Qian Dachuan showed the temperament that a hero should have and said calmly: "Yes, we have fallen into a trap. We have stepped into a trap. . However, we have a cooperative relationship now. I know that you hate the Bai family more than our Skull Valley. Especially for Bai Hongxuan, you gnash your teeth and hate it to the bone! So you must want to keep him? Then Hurry up and stop talking nonsense!"

Xue Shan asked him to speak and his face became uncertain for a while. He felt that he had lost face greatly, but he also knew that Qian Dachuan was telling the truth.

He snorted coldly, pointed at the young master of the Bai family and several others who were running away, and shouted loudly: "Go, kill them all!"


The more than 20 Changhe City Guards around him chased after him at high speed, and soon intercepted Bai Hongxuan and several others hundreds of meters away, fighting into a group.

This place is separated from the battle groups of Qian Dachuan and Bai Jia Taishang by several hills.

A proud and evil smile appeared on Xue Shan's face. Indeed, he hated the Bai family more than Skull Valley, especially Bai Hongxuan. The last fight between the two at the auction house intensified this hatred.

This time he brought people from behind, but he actually did not get his father's consent. He sneaked out in order to kill Bai Hongxuan, the young master of the Bai family, with his own hands. He doesn't care if the Breaking Realm Pill falls into the hands of Skull Valley, he only wants the life of his enemy!

However, things did not progress as smoothly as the young master of Changhe City thought. Although there were many people on their side, his guards were all masters of the ninth level of Houtian, and he had just entered the first level of the Shenmen Realm. The young master of the Bai family is the pinnacle master of the first level of Shenmen Realm. With him here, the Bai family has been able to support themselves for a long time.

After almost a cup of tea, several other masters of the Bai family were killed, and Bai Hongxuan fell into a tight siege.

Soon, he was covered in blood and seriously injured.

Xue Shan, the young master of Changhe City, slashed out a sword and said with a ferocious smile: "Die, give me your life!"

At this moment, the young master of Skull Valley, Qian Yiyi, also came with a few people and shouted loudly: "Xue Shan, father asked me to help you."

Although he shouted this, he rushed directly towards the young master of the Bai family and broke up the encirclement.

Bai Hongxuan saw the opportunity, threw the box containing the Broken Mirror Pill at the money, and shouted loudly: "Here you go, I don't want the Broken Mirror Pill."

Then, he immediately escaped from the gap in the encirclement.

Xue Shan glared at Qian Yiyi fiercely and cursed angrily: "You are a waste who fails to succeed but fails to succeed."

Then he immediately led people to chase Bai Hongxuan.

Qian Tong's goal has been achieved. He has obtained the Broken Mirror Pill. He laughed happily: "The Broken Realm Pill has finally fallen into my hands. Haha, you fools from the Bai family have spent so much on the middle-grade pills in vain. Lingshi, uncle, I didn’t spend a penny, but in the end, didn’t I get the Mirror-Breaking Pill?”

At this moment, Chen Feng, who was hiding next to him, flashed his eyes and jumped out in the air. He activated his Thunder Saber and slashed with Crazy Thunder. Nine swords struck Qian Yiyi in a row.

Qian Yiyi was only at the peak of the ninth level of the day after tomorrow. He couldn't even hide and was chopped into pieces by these nine swords.

The box in his hand flew up, Chen Feng caught it and put it in his arms, then turned around and ran away.

He knew that neither the Supreme Lord of the Bai family nor Qian Dachuan, the owner of Skull Valley, could afford to offend him. If they were to come, the consequences would be disastrous. So he grabbed the Broken Mirror Pill and ran away immediately.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. When Chen Feng had completely disappeared, several of Qian Tong's bodyguards realized what they were doing. They quickly shouted and chased after him, but how could they catch up

A moment later, Qian Dachuan came here covered in blood. Seeing his son in such a miserable state, his eyes were red and he shouted with a ferocious face: "If I find out who did it, I will cut you into pieces. Kill everyone!"

After Chen Feng escaped, he immediately found a secret place, then took off his human skin mask and put on a new one. He changed his entire outfit again, and even the weapon he used to disguise himself changed from a long sword to a long spear. He straightened his back again, and his mental temperament was exactly the same as that of the first person he pretended to be. It’s different.

(End of chapter)