A Paragon of Wuhun

Chapter 304: Overlord axe, ghost-killing sword


Chapter 304 Overlord Axe, Ghost Slaying Sword

Chen Feng said gratefully: "Ziyue, thank you. I will definitely tell you when there is a suitable opportunity in the future."

Zi Yue snorted: "Hmph, who cares?"

In the cave, eight mustard seed bags were lined up, and Chen Feng was counting his loot.

After killing many masters of the Yang family in Baiyang Town, six mustard seed bags were found on their bodies.

After killing Xie Mingchang and Xie Yinghao yesterday, they each got a mustard seed bag. Now Chen Feng has a lot of mustard seed bags here.

He rubbed his hands and looked at these mustard seed bags with great anticipation. He felt like opening a treasure chest, not knowing what was inside.

Chen Feng opened these mustard seed bags one by one. Most of the mustard seed bags contained medium-grade spiritual stones, and some contained one or two secret books that the owner had collected personally. Of course, they all belong to Chen Feng now.

After opening all eight mustard seed bags, Chen Feng's eyes widened as he looked at the countless middle-grade spiritual stones placed in the mustard bags.

Opening these eight mustard seed bags, he got about fifteen thousand middle-grade spiritual stones.

The contribution of each mustard seed bag is almost two thousand yuan. This amount is definitely not small even for a strong person in the Shenmen realm.

The reason why Chen Feng always has tens of thousands of middle-grade spiritual stones in the mustard bag on his waist is because his net worth is so rich that he is much richer than others.

In addition to these middle-grade spiritual stones, there are also seven secret books. Among these seven secret books, one is the divine realm cultivation technique of the Bai family in Baiyang Town, and the other is the divine cultivation method of the Yang family in Baiyang Town. Practice the techniques in the door realm.

This was obtained from the masters of the Bai family and the Yang family.

In addition, there is also a book called Iron Wall Technique, which is a method for training the physical body. Obtaining it means copper wall and iron wall. Chen Feng glanced at it briefly and found that it was much worse than his own Golden Body Technique, and its realm was only You can reach the third level of Shenmen Realm. After reaching the third level of Shenmen Realm, you can no longer continue practicing.

There is also a secret book called Overlord Ax. This martial skill is an ax martial skill. It is extremely powerful when opened and closed. When practiced to perfection, each ax blow can weigh hundreds of thousands of kilograms. Power. However, the flaw of this martial art is: every time a move is used, the interval is very long and very slow. It takes half a cup of tea to attack once. After an attack, a lot of Gang Qi in the body will be consumed, and it will take a long time to move again. Attack a second time.

Another secret book is called Sword Drawing Technique.

The purpose of this sword-drawing book is very simple, it is to pursue one word: speed. It's so fast that the enemy can't see clearly. Before the opponent realizes that your sword has been unsheathed, your sword has already pierced the opponent's throat.

This is the essence of sword drawing.

This sword drawing technique is somewhat similar to the Thunder Sword Technique that Chen Feng once practiced, but it is far less complicated than the Thunder Sword Technique, but much purer. It only has one move, but one move is enough to kill the enemy.

Chen Feng's eyes stayed on this sword drawing technique for a very long time, and there was a light in his eyes, as if he was thinking.

But he didn't do anything else, but continued to read down. The other two remaining secret books, one was a technique practiced by the Xie family in the realm of Shenmen, and it was quite popular among all the techniques of the Xie family. The advanced one is called Lieyan Gong.

This is a fire-based training technique. After practicing it, the Gang Qi is like a raging fire. Every move and every move is filled with the power of passionate flames, which can easily burn the opponent.

There is also a book about swordsmanship and martial arts called Ghost Slaying Sword.

This sword technique should be a fast sword technique used in conjunction with the Flame Technique. It is upright and awe-inspiring. Each sword carries the power of flames. It is especially effective in restraining evil spirits.

None of these exercises and martial arts are suitable for Chen Feng, but Chen Feng had an idea just now and found a good source for them.

These things may not suit you, but they may not suit the people around you.

In addition, he also found a lot of precious materials and weapons in these mustard bags, including thousands of kilograms of very precious and rare metals.

Among the weapons, the one that Chen Feng valued most was a soft sword.

This soft sword is more than four feet long, but only two fingers wide. It is very soft and can be easily wrapped around the waist. I don’t know what kind of material the scabbard is made of. It looks like cloth on the surface, and it is inconspicuous when wrapped around the waist.

Chen Feng slowly pulled out the sword. Although he was more than a foot away, he still felt the sharp sword energy, and the skin on his face pierced with pain.

Chen Feng secretly praised: "What a sword!"

His eyes swept over all these things over and over again, and he already had a plan in mind.

After returning to Qianyuan Sect, Chen Feng went directly to Han Yu'er, and then placed two secret books and a sword in front of Han Yu'er.

The two secret books are the Sword Drawing Technique and the Ghost Slaying Sword, and the sword is the soft sword.

Han Yu'er didn't say anything more. Instead, she picked up the two secret books and the sword and held them in her hands.

After reading it, her heart trembled slightly.

"Yellow level six martial arts sword drawing technique! Huang level six martial arts ghost-killing sword!"

And this extremely sharp weapon, with two words written on the scabbard: Ziwei, it can be called Ziwei soft sword!

There is no doubt that these three things are very precious. For some children from poor families or even small families, each of them is a coveted treasure. If the three things are added together, they can be sold in the inner sect's market. , at least 20,000 mid-grade spiritual stones.

Han Yu'er said in surprise: "Junior brother, what are you going to do?"

"Senior sister, these three things are all for you."

"Give it to me?" Han Yu'er glanced at him and said anxiously: "Junior brother, where did you get these things from? Did you get them through some evil means? Don't get into trouble because of this!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, Senior Sister, these things were taken from dead people. It is impossible for the dead to come to me for revenge. Senior Sister, these things are all for you."

Han Yu'er felt a little relieved, and then said: "No, no, these things are too precious, I can't have them."

Chen Feng stared at Han Yu'er and said in a slow but firm voice: "Sister, don't care about the value of these things. You just need to remember that these things are given to you by me and they are to help you increase your strength. Just remember this. .”

"No, no."

Han Yuer still waved her hands.

Chen Feng said slowly: "Sister, don't you want to greatly improve your strength in a short period of time? Don't you want to practice better martial arts? Don't you..."

At this point, he paused, and then said in a deep voice: "Don't you want to take revenge?"

(End of chapter)