A Paragon of Wuhun

Chapter 368: who? get out!


Chapter 368 Who? get out!

"I heard that you tortured and killed my sister for half an hour, and today I am going to make you endure ten times the pain of my sister."

As she spoke, she gently raised Yan Gaoyang's right hand, like a lover's touch, extremely gentle, then opened the nail of his right index finger, and gently inserted the tip of the Purple Moon Knife into it.

The fingers connected with the heart, and this time, Yan Gaoyang screamed in pain.

Chen Feng did not seal the blood in his throat, because the surroundings of this deserted temple were very desolate, and no one could hear the screams even if they were heard.

Chen Feng turned around and slowly walked out of the ruined temple. Behind him, screams from the ruined temple could be heard one after another, and they continued for five hours.

It wasn't until daylight brightened that the screams suddenly stopped.

In this scream that suddenly stopped, Chen Feng heard indescribable relief. Obviously, for Yan Gaoyang at this time, death was the real relief and the happiest thing.

Chen Feng walked into the ruined temple, and Hua Ruyan was kneeling on the ground, covering her face and crying bitterly.

Yan Gaoyang on the side was no longer human at this time. No one would believe him if he said it was a corpse, it was just a puddle of rotten flesh and blood.

Even Chen Feng felt a little disgusted after taking a look at it.

This shows how much hatred Hua Ruyan has in her heart. Otherwise, how could such a kind girl resort to such cruel methods.

Seeing Chen Feng come in, Hua Ruyan suddenly threw herself into his arms and burst into tears.

Chen Feng patted her back gently and said, "Don't cry, don't cry. You should be happy that a great revenge has been avenged."

Hua Ruyan nodded vigorously. She cried for a while and suddenly struggled away from Chen Feng's arms. Then she knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times: "Master, help me kill Yan Gaoyang and hug my sister's big brother." Qiu, I am deeply grateful, I will definitely follow you, never betray, and serve you forever."

His expression was extremely solemn, as if he had made the most profound oath.

Seeing that the atmosphere was quite heavy, Chen Feng smiled slightly, helped her up, looked at her, and said softly: "Aren't you going to serve me for the rest of your life? Why, is it possible that you weren't really sincere? "

Hua Ruyan was very worried and quickly defended: "No way, I was also sincere!"

She was so anxious that she almost cried. Chen Feng quickly patted her back and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I'm just joking."

The two cleaned up the scene a little, and then immediately left Daning City and headed towards the Qianyuan Sect.

Qianyuan Zong, back mountain, that quiet valley.

This place was originally Lu Yuxuan's training place and her cave, but it was later captured by Chen Feng and became Chen Feng's.

Chen Feng also brought Han Yu'er, Bai Mo, Wang Jingang and others here and let them practice here.

Anyway, the valley is big enough to accommodate these people without any problem.

The other disciples who occupied a cave did not accept others, not because there was not enough space, but more because they did not want others to disturb their cultivation.

Not long after Chen Feng conquered this valley, Shen Yanbing also captured a cave not far away. As the place where she would cultivate, she had very few friends, and only took her close friends. come over.

Because of Chen Feng's relationship, and because Chen Feng rescued Shen Yanbing the last time, the relationship between Shen Yanbing and Han Yu'er was already good, and now they are quite close, so they often visit each other to talk and have a good relationship. More intimate.

At this time, it was already early winter.

Most of the leaves have withered, and occasionally there are a few hanging under the tree, but they have all turned yellow.

A layer of leaves has fallen on the lakeside. At a glance, it looks like a pile of yellow flowers on the ground.

It rained just last night, a cold autumn rain. The ground was wet, and the treetops in the forest were also wet.

Weather like this seems to be particularly easy to cause sadness.

Han Yu'er wore a green shirt and walked slowly in the lonely woods, with a sad look on her face. But it's not because of the weather, but because of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng has not come back for two full months.

She missed and worried.

Generally speaking, it is very rare for Qianyuan Sect disciples to not return to the sect for a month or two, unless they are the kind of disciples who have reached the pinnacle of the inner sect and are among the top ten disciples in the overall list.

They would apply to the sect and go out for training. Such disciples would often not return for months or even years.

But like ordinary inner sect disciples, there are very few like this.

And if this happens, generally speaking, the most likely thing is that this disciple has encountered something unexpected.

And many people obviously think so about Chen Feng. Now, rumors have spread among the Qianyuan Sect's inner sect, saying that the reason why Chen Feng has not come back for two months is because he died outside.

Rumors spread like wildfire, and it was even clear where Chen Feng died and by whom.

And many people actually believed these rumors.

Of course Han Yu'er didn't believe it, but she was also very worried.

Why did Chen Feng stay away for so long? How come no news came back at all

Thinking of this, Han Yu'er only felt her body getting cold. She couldn't help curling up and wrapping her clothes tightly.

Her father's whereabouts are unknown. If she loses Chen Feng again, she will completely collapse.

But at this moment, her face suddenly turned serious, the softness on her face disappeared without a trace, and her whole person became cold and stern.

Han Yu'er turned around, stared at the lake, and said in a cold voice: "Who is that person? Sneaky, get out!"

A long and hoarse laugh sounded: "Junior sister Han is amazing now. Her strength has improved greatly. She can actually sense my existence."

As he spoke, a man slowly walked out of the forest by the lake.

This man was wearing a blue shirt, with a thin build and only one arm. His left arm was broken at the root. He was Zhang De.

He looked at Han Yu'er, his face full of undisguised greed and lust.

His expression was like he wanted to eat Han Yu'er.

Han Yu'er looked at him, her brows furrowed, a trace of doubt and a trace of great fear flashed in her eyes.

"Why did Zhang De come here? What is he doing here? Did he suddenly break in here while his junior brother was away? Did he do anything evil?"

Han Yu'er quietly retreated, frowning, her face as cold as frost, and shouted in a deep voice: "Zhang De, what are you doing here? This is my junior brother's cave, don't you know?"

"According to the rules of the Qianyuan Sect, breaking into other people's caves privately means declaring war. My junior brother can kill you on the spot!"

(End of chapter)