A Paragon of Wuhun

Chapter 385: Destroying God Dragon Claw


Chapter 385: Dragon Claw of the Destroying God

That dragon claw attack was so powerful that it directly killed Huangfu Bai, a strong man in the fifth floor of the Shenmen Realm. Chen Feng named it: "Dragon Claw of the God of Destruction."

He gained a lot more experience with the Dragon Claw of the Destroying God, and his understanding became even deeper.

At the same time, Chen Feng also discovered that if he wanted to use the Dragon Claw of the God of Destruction, not only would he have to pay an extremely heavy price, but his Gang Qi would all disappear, causing a huge burden on his body, and his body would even age by several years.

What's more, within the next ten days or even half a month, you will not have any strength, let alone practice. Moreover, using this trick requires consuming the dragon's blood in the ancient cauldron of Dantian.

Consuming lifespan, consuming dragon blood, and putting yourself in an extremely dangerous situation can be said to be extremely costly!

Therefore, Chen Feng also told himself that he must be cautious. If he is not careful, his life may be at risk if his claws go down.

Moreover, Chen Feng discovered that this claw was definitely not something he could use if he wanted to. At least now, he couldn't activate it at all. It seemed to require a huge opportunity.

Another regrettable thing is that he has not made any progress in his search for dragon blood transformation.

However, this is not the problem that troubles Chen Feng. The problem that troubles Chen Feng the most is his Xiang Liu Wuhun.

Chen Feng moved slightly in the New Year, and behind him, waves of light flashed, and in the shining light, the huge Xiangliu Wuhun quietly appeared.

But at this time, Xiangliu Wuhun had completely lost his previous agility. He looked very silent, without any vitality, and felt as if he was dead. However, Chen Feng did not feel any death breath of Xiangliu Wuhun.

If the martial soul dies. It was going to be broken, so I concluded that Xiang Liu Wuhun was not dead, but fell into silence for some reason.

As for the reason that caused it to fall into silence, Chen Feng has already found it.

At this time, Xiang Liu Wuhun, the two huge mouths on the snake body and human head have opened, and each of the two huge mouths is biting the shadow of a martial soul.

One of them is the Iron-clawed Eagle martial spirit, and the other is the Iron-armored Savage Bear martial spirit.

At this time, the two martial spirits had partially melted into the huge mouth of Xiang Liu's martial spirit.

For example, the two talons of the Iron-clawed Eagle Spirit have disappeared, and the legs of the Iron-Armored Bear Spirit have also disappeared.

Obviously, in the current situation, Xiangliu Wuhun is devouring these two martial souls, and they are gradually melting into Xiangliu Wuhun's mouth.

But Chen Feng didn't know how long this process would last. Anyway, he found that during this process, his Xiang Liu Wuhun could not play any role.

This made him unable to use his martial spirit during the battle, but Chen Feng didn't particularly care. He had enough patience to wait slowly.

There is no one else in the valley cave today, because today is the day when the chief instructor, Zhao Duanliu, gives unified lessons to the disciples.

However, when Chen Feng went to thank Zhao Duanliu, Zhao Duanliu had already personally told Chen Feng that he no longer needed to participate in this kind of basic teaching. With his strength, there was really no point in participating in this kind of teaching.

In the future, if there are higher-level elders giving higher-level lectures and insights, then Chen Feng will attend, so he is the only one in the valley cave.

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes and stretched out his hand. A six-sided snowflake floated in the palm of his hand and melted instantly, making Chen Feng feel a slight chill.

Chen Feng sighed slowly and looked at the snowflakes that were gradually gathering and falling in front of him. In an instant, it almost changed from light snow to heavy snowflakes that blocked all sight.

He sighed softly: "Winter has arrived!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Feng suddenly heard an extremely violent and powerful roar of a beast.

The sound of this beast's roar was quite far away from Chen Feng, at least dozens or hundreds of miles away, but when Chen Feng heard it, his blood surged and his heart beat wildly.

Chen Feng suddenly felt awe-inspiring in his heart. Being able to roar like this means that this monster is absolutely extremely powerful.

What shocked him the most was that after this roar, there seemed to be thousands of monster beasts roaring in unison around him, finally converging into an extremely loud sound.

The sound of beast roars is getting closer and closer, and it seems to be advancing in the direction of Qianyuan Sect.

Chen Feng seemed to be able to feel the ground shaking slightly, and there were black clouds gathering in the sky, breaking up the snowflakes.

Moreover, this gray cloud seems to be moving and flying towards the Qianyuan Sect.

In just a few moments, the roar of the beast got closer and closer.

Chen Feng frowned, not knowing what was happening, but he quickly rushed towards the mountain pass north of Qianyuan Sect.

The direction those monsters came from seemed to be towards the mountain pass to the north.

When Chen Feng arrived there, hundreds of disciples had gathered at the northern mountain pass, and there were even people who looked like elders.

Chen Feng intercepted a disciple halfway and asked in a deep voice: "May I ask this brother, what is going on? Why do I feel so many monsters coming towards our Qianyuan Sect?"

The disciple looked at Chen Feng and said in a deep voice: "This is the arrival of the beast tide!"

"The tide of beasts, what is that?" Chen Feng asked with some confusion.

The disciple was obviously a little impatient, but seeing Chen Feng's calm demeanor and powerful momentum, he didn't dare to offend him easily, so he had to be patient and explain it seriously.

(End of chapter)