A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 104: 104 A difficult decision


Although Zheng Rong and others were one step ahead, the carriage was heavy after all and could not be as fast as riding a horse. Qiu Yizhi caught up with his adoptive father Zheng Rong without much effort.

Qiu Yizhi was full of worries and was about to discuss it with Zheng Rong. She called out several times, but Zheng Rong did not respond. Then she saw Wen Lingjiao sticking her head out from the carport and said, "The prince just fell asleep. I'm afraid he won't be awakened for a while!"

Qiu Yizhi then realized that his adoptive father had been tossed about for half the night, and that he had been tortured in the prison, which damaged his vitality, so it was not surprising that he had not woken up for a long time. He said to Wen Lingjiao, "Okay, let my adoptive father have a good rest first. If he wakes up, please let Miss Wen know immediately and tell her that I have something important to report."

Before Qiu Yizi finished speaking, a hoarse voice came from the carriage shed: "Is that Yizi? What do you want to tell me?" It was the voice of Zheng Rong, King of Youyan.

After hearing this, Qiu Yizi hurriedly replied, "I deserve to die for disturbing my godfather's rest. However, there is another urgent matter that needs my godfather's decision."

At this time, Zhong Likuang had also woken up. He poked his head out of the window beside the carport and asked Qiu Yizhi, "Are we discussing how to get out of Tongguan?"

Qiu Yizhi was riding on the horse and nodded quickly, saying, "That's exactly what happened."

Wen Lingjiao, who was in the carriage with them, was quite smart. She knew that they were discussing confidential matters and it would be inconvenient for her to eavesdrop from inside the carriage. So she made an excuse that she needed to go to the bathroom and asked the carriage to stop. She and He'er got off and changed horses.

Qiu Yizhi also got off the horse and got into the carriage. She ordered the driver to drive the horses back on the road and got back into the carriage. Through the dim light of a few candles, she saw that Zheng Rong's complexion had improved a lot. Just as she was about to greet him, she heard Zheng Rong say, "That Miss Wen, is she really the Saint of Tianzun Sect?"

Qiu Yizi nodded in agreement, but then heard Zheng Rong say, "I think Miss Wen has a bit of evil in her, but she is also kind and virtuous. This is beyond my expectation. Oh, by the way, is there anything you want to discuss with me?"

Qiu Yizi thought that his adoptive father wanted to find out about Wen Lingjiao's background, and he panicked. He was thinking about how to answer, but when he heard him change the subject, he quickly said, "Although we have left the capital Luoyang, the pursuers may arrive soon. There is still a Tongguan Pass to pass. There are thousands of difficulties and dangers. I don't know how to cross it..."

Zheng Rong also frowned and sighed after hearing this, but he heard Zhong Likuang beside him ask, "I think Yizhi has already made a plan in mind, right?"

Qiu Yizhi shook his head and said, "Yizhi is incompetent. He only wants to take his foster father and master away from the capital as soon as possible. He has not thought about how to pass through Tongguan. As for crossing the Yellow River, it is even more out of reach. Moreover, Yizhi is extremely tired now. He is at the end of his rope and can't think of any ideas. That's why I came here to ask for advice from the master!"

Zhongli Kuang had lost his folding fan in the capital during yesterday's chaos, so he was at a loss with nothing in his hands. However, his mind was still clear, and he took a deep breath and said, "We can only take it one step at a time and do our best. As for success or failure, it depends on God's will!"

When Zheng Rong and Qiu Yizhi heard Zhong Likuang say this, they knew that he had a brilliant plan. They also knew that this resourceful and top strategist would definitely say something shocking, so they concentrated and held their breath to listen to him: "To cross Tongguan, the key is just one word, 'fast'. As long as we can be half a day faster than the pursuers behind us, and half a minute faster than the messenger from the capital going to Tongguan to report the news, it will be enough!"

Zhongli Kuang swallowed his saliva and continued, "It is not difficult to be faster than the pursuers. We are now one man and one horse, and we set out half a day earlier than the imperial army. As long as we gallop along the official road, unless something unexpected happens, we will definitely be faster than the pursuers behind us."

"As for the messenger who brought the message... we can only try to slow down his progress." Zhong Likuang's expression became more and more serious. "First, we have to burn down all the post stations along the way and seize all the horses in the post stations, so that the messengers have no food to eat and no horses to exchange, which will naturally slow down their speed. Secondly, we have to kill all suspicious people along the way. Anyone who looks like a messenger will be killed regardless of whether they are good or bad. Finally, we can't delay any longer, especially the 300 guards that the prince brought from Youyan Road. Among them, there are many injured people. Now we can only give them enough silver, let them temporarily leave the team, hide among the people, and find a way to rescue them when the prince returns to Youyan..."

Zheng Rong listened to Zhong Likuang's words and nodded continuously. At the end, he finally sighed and said, "I have always prided myself on loving my soldiers like my own sons. I never thought that there would be a day when I would abandon my soldiers for the sake of my dear life!"

Zhong Li Kuang said coldly: "It is because Your Majesty is known for loving his soldiers like his own sons that he can safely evacuate these wounded soldiers. Otherwise, if these people defected to the imperial court, wouldn't the enemy know all about Youyan Dao? Besides, Your Majesty is not completely abandoning them. When Your Majesty aspires to rule the world in the future, these people may be of other use."

Seeing that Zheng Rong was still a little hesitant, Qiu Yizi also hurriedly advised: "The situation is extremely urgent now. The only way to succeed is to sacrifice the car to save the driver. Otherwise, both the jade and the stone will be destroyed. Please make a decision as soon as possible, godfather!"

After hearing this, Zheng Rong finally shook his head and said, "Then I'll leave it entirely up to you two!"

After hearing this, Zhongli Kuang felt relieved and told Qiu Yizi, "Then Yizi, you go and make the arrangements first. Remember to pay enough silver to the soldiers who stay here." His tone had become much lighter.

Zhongli Kuang's strategy just now has given Qiu Yizhi a great inspiration, so he was not in a hurry to agree. He thought for a while and said, "Yizhi has a few more words in his mind, and I would like to ask my foster father, Master He, to make the decision."

Zheng Rong knew in his heart that he was able to escape from the desperate prison of the Ministry of Justice in the capital city all thanks to Qiu Yizi's single-handed efforts, and every one of the people escorting him were his trusted confidants, so whether he could return to Youyan safely depended entirely on him. The so-called "decision" was actually just a polite gesture.

Thinking of this, Zheng Rong replied: "Yizhi's contribution this time is very great. If the king can return to Guangyang by chance, he will definitely reward you handsomely. If Yizhi has anything to say, just say it."

After hearing this, Qiu Yizhi bowed and said, "I don't dare to accept your praise, my godfather. I just thought of two more strategies that don't conflict with Master Zhongli's strategy. I'm afraid that I'll be redundant, so I want to ask the two masters for advice."

Zhongli Kuang, like Zheng Rong, originally thought that Qiu Yizhi was taking the opportunity to ask for a reward, but when he heard that Qiu Yizhi only wanted to help Prince Youyan escape without considering fame and fortune, he felt relieved and said, "My plan was just a hasty one. If Yizhi sees any flaws, he can point them out to me. There is no need to worry."

Qiu Yizi said, "No, no, Master's plan is very appropriate in my opinion. It is indeed effective in removing the firewood from the bottom of the pot. I just have two suggestions. One is: My foster father gave me the Ferghana horse under my crotch, which can travel a thousand miles a day. Can you write a letter and give it to Zhao Chengxiao, so that he can ride back to Youyan first and give it to my brothers, so that they can prepare in advance..."

Zheng Rong knew it was a good plan when he heard it. He straightened up, but it hurt his injured ribs. The pain made him lie down again. He gasped and said, "I am not energetic enough. Can Mr. Zhongli write for me? First, Youyan Road must mobilize elite troops to guard all the passes and not let down our guard. Second, we must quickly seize the Yellow River crossing in Qingzhou Road. It would be even better if we can take Anhe Town. Third, Zheng Xin and Zheng Miao will stay in Youyan, and Cui Nan, Wei Hu and Zheng Miao will lead 3,000 elite cavalry to cross the Yellow River immediately and rush to support us. There must be no mistakes."

While listening, Zhongli Kuang took out the pen and ink prepared in the carriage. As soon as Zheng Rong finished speaking, he had already written a letter without any editing. He gently blew the ink dry and handed it to Zheng Rong.

Zheng Rong read it and praised, "Sir, you are very talented. What is written in this letter is exactly what I was thinking. The cursive writing you wrote in this bumpy carriage has a unique flavor. It can be said to be unique in the world." After that, he took the brush saturated with ink from Zhongli Kuang, signed at the bottom of the letter, and handed it to Qiu Yizhi, saying, "You can give this letter to Zhao Chengxiao and ask him to deliver it to Guangyang. What about the second thing?"

Qiu Yizi took the letter from Zheng Rong, folded it carefully, and then said, "The second thing is related to Master Zhongli." He looked at Zhongli Kuang with a puzzled expression, "I remember when I was sorting and reviewing the Tianzun Sect's scriptures, Master sent a clerk named Ruan Wenyuan to help. When I came to Beijing this time, I learned by chance that this clerk Ruan has a cousin who is currently serving as a captain in Tongguan, and is in charge of customs defense matters. He may be able to help."

Zhong Li Kuang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked, "Are you serious?" Seeing Qiu Yizhi nodded confidently, he took out a pen and paper, and wrote a note, handed it to Qiu Yizhi, and said, "This letter can be given to Zhao Chengxiao to take to Guangyang. I have ordered Ruan Wenyuan to come with the army to meet him."

Qiu Yizi took the note, looked at it, and said, "It is possible that Secretary Ruan may not be able to make it in time for the round trip, but there is a saying in the Art of War: 'He who plans for victory before the battle has made many plans; he who plans for defeat before the battle has made few plans.' The more prepared we are, the greater our chance of winning." After saying this, he told Zheng Rong and Zhongli Kuang a few words to rest assured, then got out of the carriage and went to make arrangements according to the plan.

So Zhao Chengxiao changed his horse to the Ferghana horse that he had become familiar with, and galloped towards Tongguan with two important letters in his pocket.

Qiu Yizi also gathered all the gold, silver and treasures brought by Yiran, Yelu, Wen Lingjiao and others, and handed them all to Zhang Long, asking him to distribute them to the soldiers who were unable to retreat eastward with the army, and to have them hide nearby in the capital area and wait for an uprising in the future.

Although Zhang Long was reluctant, he thought that this was a military order from King Zheng Rong of Youyan, and after listening to Qiu Yizi's reasonable explanation, he had no choice but to follow the order.

Qiu Yizhi selected thirty of the strongest warriors from the group, replaced them with elite war horses, and joined Yuchi Lianghong and Yelu. Whenever they saw a post station on the official road, they rushed in without saying anything. These post stations had not received the news yet and were completely unprepared. They surrendered after a little resistance. Qiu Yizhi did not make things difficult for those post station officials. He just robbed the post horses and burned the post station to ashes. (To be continued)