A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 112: 112 The war is about to break out


Zhang Long hurriedly laughed and said, "Your Highness Yi, don't be so arrogant. Just now, I came over and saw two of the prince's personal soldiers guarding here. They were standing and sitting in an untidy manner, and were whispering to each other. Your Highness Yi, how can this be tolerated? I couldn't stand it any more, so I told them to go down and take twenty military sticks, and then stand guard here for them."

After hearing this, Qiu Yizi smiled and nodded, praising him: "General Zhang has such a loyal heart, no wonder he is trusted by my father. But you are a second-rank general guarding the east, guarding here like a door god, how can I, a mere commoner, dare to go in?"

Before Zhang Long could answer, Qiu Yizhi heard someone calling him from behind: "It's Yizhi, you're here so fast."

Qiu Yizhi looked back and saw that his adoptive father Zheng Rong had indeed changed and washed himself. He walked towards him leisurely from under the flower stand and spoke to him. He then bowed his head and said, "I didn't know that my adoptive father was here. I am sorry for being rude. I hope you will forgive me."

Zheng Rong was wearing a spotless robe, which was in line with his meticulous and well-groomed personality. He said to Qiu Yizi, "Get up. I have something to say to you. Please follow me into the house first."

Qiu Yizi and Zheng Rong entered the study room. Following Zheng Rong's instructions, she sat upright on the embroidered cushion and listened quietly to what Zheng Rong said.

The King of Youyan asked, "When we were offering sacrifices and selecting our generals, all the civil and military officials of Youyan were rewarded, except you, Qiu Yizi. Although your contributions are unmatched, you are the only one who didn't get any reward. Are you dissatisfied?" Zheng Rong said, and then added, "You should tell the truth and don't lie to me."

Qiu Yizhi knew that although his adoptive father, the prince, was upright in his actions, he had a sharp eye and far-sighted vision. Trying to deceive him would only backfire. He suddenly had an idea and said, "Yizhi's little thoughts can't be hidden from my adoptive father after all! I am really dissatisfied. Yizhi saw that his three brothers had been conferred the title of king, and several trusted people under my adoptive father were also given official positions. Only I have only the empty title of 'Your Highness Yi'. I can't issue orders or lead troops. Even if I want to share my adoptive father's worries, I have no title. How can Yizhi feel at ease?"

Zheng Rong smiled and said, "How could I not know what Qiu Yizi is thinking? But you are quite sensible in what you said, and you have lived up to the storms and baptisms of the past few months. I will not hide it from you. My Youyan Army is not as good as the Imperial Army. The more than 100,000 elite soldiers of Youyan Dao were trained by me for more than ten years. They only recognize Zheng Rong and not the emperor. In the final analysis, they are just the private soldiers of the Youyan Palace. Your three characters, 'Your Highness Yi', are worthless among the royal family, but in the Youyan Army, who dares to look down on you?"

Qiu Yi nodded as Zheng Rong continued, "I still say the same thing. Just do your job with confidence. After the matter is completed, you can be any official you want in the court except the emperor. Who dares to say anything more?"

Zheng Rong paused and said, "Also, you are still young, and you get along well with my sons. I have more than enough of your intelligence and wisdom, and I hope to use it on my sons!"

Qiu Yizhi heard this and thought: My father is always steady and prudent. Now the situation is only slightly better, why is he thinking about the throne that has not even been passed down yet? He thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. He just said: "Yizhi doesn't think as far as my adoptive father. Now he just wants to help my adoptive father achieve great things."

Zheng Rong listened and nodded, saying, "I think that's what you really think." Then he changed the subject and asked with a tense face, "In that case, why don't you tell me what Wang Zhonghai's death has to do with you? And what about the death of the late emperor?"

Qiu Yizhi knew that Zheng Rong would ask this question, so he said carefully, "This matter was all done by the Tianzun Sect. Although Tong Yizhi has some relationship with it, if Yizhi is not involved, Zheng Yao will also use the evil sect to kill the king." Then, Qiu Yizhi told the whole story of how the leader of the Tianzun Sect colluded with the second son of the emperor, Zheng Yao, and how they colluded with each other to order the martial arts masters to kill the king. Finally, he concluded, "This matter was said by the evil cult saint Wen Lingjiao Tong Yizhi, so it is not false!"

Zheng Rong listened to Qiu Yizhi's story while lowering his head in deep thought. When he mentioned Wen Lingjiao, he asked, "I originally thought that since Wen Lingjiao was a saint of a cult, she must have acted strangely. But when I met her, I felt that she was no different from an ordinary lady from an official family. But I don't know why she is always associated with you, Qiu Yizhi. Is there another connection?"

Qiu Yizi was such a smart person that he could tell from Zheng Rong's few words that his adoptive father no longer had the fear of Wen Lingjiao that "those who are not of our race must have different hearts", so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The Tianzun Sect has lasted for hundreds of years, and it has been the Wen family's assets passed down from generation to generation, just like the succession of the throne. Wen Lingjiao originally didn't want to be in the evil cult, but she was born in the Wen family and had no choice but to become the saint."

After hearing this, Zheng Rong sighed and said, "Qingqing Baibai, this woman, has been wronged."

Qiu Yizhi quickly took over the conversation and said, "Yizhi had a long talk with her and explained the pros and cons to her. As long as she could turn from evil to good and draw a clear line between herself and her brother, who was the leader of a cult, then it was not completely unforgivable. Wen Lingjiao was quite moved, so she helped Yizhi to rescue her adoptive father from the prison of the Ministry of Justice."

Zheng Rong nodded and was about to speak when he heard a chaotic sound of footsteps outside the door, and then someone reported loudly: "Your sons and I have obeyed the king's order and come here to pay our respects and discuss matters!" It was Zheng Xin's voice.

So Zheng Rong also answered loudly: "Come in, all of you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the study was pushed open, and Zheng Xin, Zheng Sen, Zheng Miao, Zhong Likuang, Cui Nan, and Wei Hu entered one after another. When they saw Zheng Rong, they bowed down. Seeing this, Qiu Yizi quickly stepped aside, and after these people had performed the ceremony, they sat down in order and started with Zheng Miao.

Seeing Zhang Long still standing outside the study, Zheng Rong called out, "Zhang Long, come in and discuss this matter!"

Zhang Long heard the summons and bowed at the door, saying, "I dare not do that. I will stand guard here for you all!"

Zheng Rong did not make it difficult for him. He asked him to close the study door tightly and said to everyone, "I think everyone has already known it. The court sent former general Dai Luanxiang to lead 200,000 imperial troops to garrison Henan and confront our army. I wonder what countermeasures you have?"

Among Zheng Rong's three sons, Zheng Sen was the most brave and reckless. While others were still thinking, he stood up and said, "The way to use troops is to stop them with troops and to block them with earth. Whether it is infantry, cavalry or crossbows, our Youyan army is far superior to the imperial army. As long as we fight him in an upright and open duel, we will surely win."

Zheng Rong heard the heroic spirit in his second son's words, so he praised: "Well, when the two armies are facing each other, it is your spirit that is needed. However, I know Dai Luanxiang. Whether it is attacking, defending or marching, he is very disciplined, resourceful, and good at using surprise troops. Don't underestimate him!"

Zheng Sen said nonchalantly, "Father, don't overestimate this Dai. If he was really capable, why did the late emperor appoint father as the commander-in-chief and Dai Luanxiang as the deputy general when he led his army to sweep the north? He was no match for father at the time, and he is still defeated by father now!"

Zheng Rong was delighted after hearing these two flattering words. He couldn't help but smile. He coughed twice, turned around and asked Zhong Likuang, "Mr. Zhongli, what do you think?"

Zhongli Kuang waved the folding fan in his hand and said, "I am not familiar with military strategy, but I know Dai Luanxiang's name. I'm afraid we should not take him lightly. However, our army will have to fight with the imperial court sooner or later. There is nothing wrong in letting Zheng Sen make contact with him first."

Zheng Rong calmed down a bit after hearing Zhongli Kuang's gloomy tone. He said to Zheng Sen, "I will order you to be the vanguard and lead 10,000 troops in the direction of Dengzhou to fight against the imperial guards." He then said to Wei Hu, "You go with Zheng Sen. You must know that this battle is just a confrontation with the court. The priority is to consolidate the current defense line and not underestimate the enemy and advance rashly. Do you understand?"

Zheng Sen and Wei Hu heard the order and hurriedly stood up and bowed, saying, "We obey your order."

Zheng Rong nodded with satisfaction and continued to give orders: "You two generals go ahead. Where are Zheng Miao and Cui Nan?"

Zheng Miao and Cui Nan listened to the order, stood up and stepped forward and said, "I am here!"

"You two generals must go to Bianzhou immediately and observe the developments on the front line carefully. If Dengzhou wins, you can seize the opportunity and attack the flank of the imperial army. If the battle in Dengzhou goes against your will, you must be prepared to provide support. Do you understand?" Zheng Rong ordered.

Zheng Miao and Cui Nan listened to the order and answered in unison: "I have received your order."

Zheng Rong nodded again, and said to everyone present: "I will cross the Yellow River to the south and enter Bozhou to command the front line. Leave Zheng Xin in Guangyang City to handle matters such as recruiting soldiers and transporting food. There must be no mistakes."

After hearing this, Zheng Xin stood up and said, "I have led troops and fought in battles before. My brothers have already gone to the front lines to fight for our father. How can I, as the elder brother, hide in Guangyang City?"

Zheng Sen smiled and said, "Do you think recruiting soldiers and transporting food is a trivial matter? Although war is a matter of swords and guns, it is ultimately a battle of soldiers and money. Although Youyan is rich, the imperial court has many soldiers and generals. If you handle this matter properly, you will be credited with the first merit!"

Zheng Xin was already eager to inherit the Youyan Palace as the crown prince. Now his father raised the banner of rebellion and added the "Nine Gifts" to himself, which showed that he had the intention of establishing himself as the emperor. If this event succeeded, Zheng Xin, the eldest son of the Youyan King, would suddenly become the eldest son of the royal family. Although his father Zheng Rong seemed to favor his third brother Zheng Miao, he was the eldest after all, and he only needed to perform well in this battle. Then, he might be canonized as the crown prince after the victory. After Zheng Rong died a hundred years later, this crown prince would be the future emperor...

Zheng Xin was overjoyed when he thought of this. He bowed and said, "Father's words are like enlightenment. I will do this job for you, your brothers and the generals, and I will not let you down!" (To be continued)