A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 19: 019 The bloody battle at Mantou Mountain


The author said: A war scene that everyone loves to see!


Since Dali raised the banner of rebellion, Bishimi had lost more than he won in the past few months. He was chased around the grassland in disgrace. Finally, he made up his mind to gather 30,000 elite cavalry, bypass half of the grassland, pass the border of the Han Dynasty, and kill from south to north to the base camp of the Wulin Yala clan, Hural City, to kill Dali by surprise. Last night, there was a blizzard on the grassland, which caused Bishimi to lose 100 or 200 soldiers and horses, and missed the opportunity to launch a sneak attack at night. However, his own difficulties may not be an advantage for the opponent. Although he could not launch a sneak attack, Bishimi got the upper hand after all, so he simply deployed 30,000 cavalry and attacked Hural in an upright manner.

When the Turkic warriors were on a long-distance raid, they always rode two horses in rotation. Although Piscimitar had ordered his warriors to change to strong horses when they set out in the morning, the headwind still slowed down the horses. This made Piscimitar a little unhappy, but this little setback could not ruin his good mood. He squeezed the horse's belly a little harder and continued to move north.

Zheng Rong followed Qiu Yizhi's strategy and ordered all of his 1,000 cavalry to change into grassland clothing, and mixed them with Dali's original 1,000 light cavalry, following the wind to the south to intercept Pisimi's troops, and finally saw cavalry with the Canglang flag all over the mountains and plains 20 miles south of Hular. Dali raised his hand to signal the troops to stop, and ordered his sharpshooter to shoot a whistling arrow at the enemy.

Seeing that the team that fired the whistling arrows was flying the eagle flag and had only about 2,000 people, Pismius also stopped the team, fired whistling arrows, and ran towards the enemy alone, shouting loudly: "Call Dali to come out and speak!"

Bishimi had a full beard and a loud voice, and was well-known on the grassland. Although the wind was blowing against him, his words were still heard by Dali. "What a courageous man! How can I, Dali Khan, show weakness at this moment?" Dali thought to himself, and he rode out to speak to Bishimi in front of the battle line.

The two horses were about 10 to 20 feet apart. Pisimi raised the jeweled whip, pointed at Dali and cursed: "A mother wolf who lost her cubs will kill the murderer to avenge her son even if she has to chase him for a thousand miles! Dali, you are just a blacksmith's slave, and you dare to have such daydreams of being the king of the grassland. I, Pisimi Khan, will make sure you die without a burial place today!"

Dali sneered, "Although the wolf is fierce, the eagle is the true pride of the grassland. My Wulin Yala clan has suffered from the enslavement of your Viromele clan. We should have rebelled long ago. We have defeated you in a few battles. Are you, Vishimi, here to embarrass yourself?"

Vishimith laughed loudly and said, "You little Dali, you are so arrogant. Today I brought 30,000 warriors from my tribe to fight against your mere 1,000 or 2,000 men. I wonder who will throw down their weapons and armor. Considering that we are master and slave after all, I advise you to offer your wife and daughter and beg for mercy on your knees. Then I, the Wolf Lord, will give you an intact body."

"An eagle soars in the sky, and once it identifies its prey, it will make a fatal strike, never bluffing. It is impossible for you, Pissimus, to defeat me with your tongue. Let's fight with real swords and guns!" Dali said, turning his horse's head and returning to his own formation, waiting for Pissimus to attack.

Seeing this, Bishimi laughed arrogantly, whipped his horse whip forward, and countless warriors rode their horses behind him and rushed over. Dali's troops were not panicked at all. Two thousand soldiers and horses separated to the sides, forming two arrows in the east and west, just brushing past the charge of Bishimi's cavalry. The two wings spread out and stabbed at the tail of the enemy cavalry. Bishimi's cavalry did not expect Dali to control the army like controlling his hands and feet, and they panicked for a moment. But after all, the opponent was stronger, and although Dali had taken advantage, he did not dare to go deep. He then gathered his troops together and quickly retreated to the north where Hural was.

"Hahaha!" Vishimith laughed heartily in the team, "Dali talks nicely, but he is a timid rabbit. Warriors, follow me and kill them!" After hearing the commander's mobilization, the Turkish knights howled wildly, whipped their horses, and killed to the north.

Dali's cavalry had just set out from Hural. They had light horses, were small in number and unrestrained, so they ran faster than the cavalry under Piscimel. From time to time, they turned back and fired one or two cold arrows, which made Piscimel angry and urged his troops to chase the enemy.

After running for a while, one of his generals suddenly reported to Pisimi: "Dali seems to be fleeing away from Hural and heading northwest."

Vishimith frowned, rolled his eyes and said, "This kid Dali wanted to use a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Well, this wolf lord will use the same trick against him. Pass the order down, whoever captures Dali alive, this wolf lord will reward him with five first-class horses, one hundred taels of gold, and ten beauties!" Another burst of roars swept through the team, and they quickened their speed to chase after the prey.

Qiu Yizhi was nearly tossed to death on his horse. He looked out and saw a nameless hill that looked like a white steamed bun to the west of Hural. He cried out, "Quick! Go up the hill from the north!" Who could hear the voice of a child amidst the galloping of thousands of horses? However, Dali and Zheng Rong still followed Yizhi's strategy before the battle. They led the troops to go around the west side of the steamed bun hill to the north slope and rode all the way up the hill.

When Pisimi saw Dali's horses disappear from his sight, he knew that he was hiding behind the mountain, trying to escape under the cover of the snow-capped mountains. He thought, "What's the point of all these tricks, Dali? I won't fall for them!" He waved his whip in the air and ordered, "The sheep are behind the mountain. Descendants of the Gray Wolf, kill them straight up the mountain!"

The juicy prey was right in front of them, so how could the greedy wolf let it go? The Turkic warriors in the front whipped their horses hard and charged straight up the not-so-steep mountain.

Qiu Yizhi dragged his almost broken body up the north slope. Yiran found his weird outfit funny and approached him to make a joke. Unexpectedly, Yizhi, with his sword-like eyebrows raised and a serious expression on his face, ran from the north mountain to the south mountain and lay on the snow to observe the battle situation.

The violent Turkic cavalry at the foot of the mountain surged like a tide towards the mountaintop, which was no more than a dozen feet high and two or three miles wide. The tsunami created by the warriors and horses was about to engulf the small Mantou Mountain, but at this moment, the waves were smashed like a dam, and the soldiers and horses rushed forward and fought against each other, with hundreds of casualties. The formation of Piximi's troops was a little chaotic, so he quickly reorganized the formation to see clearly what was in front of him.

It turned out that Yizhi's original plan was for Wei Hu to lead 3,000 soldiers of the Arrow Camp to build a circular defense line on the hillside of Mantou Mountain to prevent Piximi's cavalry from charging the mountain. However, Wei Hu, who was considered an expert in defense, went a step further. He not only set up three lines of defense around the mountain, including tripwires, chevaux de frise, and infantry formations, but also ingeniously built a snow wall in front of the defense line. If you look up from the bottom of the mountain, you can only see a vast expanse of white to conceal your presence.

The snow wall was a snow wall after all, and it collapsed everywhere after the cavalry charged. Piscemius used his hands as a canopy to look through the cracks in the collapsed snow wall, and saw three rows of soldiers neatly lined up around the mountainside. Scarlet battle robes, heavy armor, and half-man-high square steel shields, such obvious signs, how could Piscemius not recognize them.

"Dangshi Camp, it's actually Dangshi Camp!" Bishimi, who was used to big scenes, couldn't help but shout, then regained his composure and said to his subordinates and several trusted generals, "I didn't expect that Dali would actually ask the Han people for reinforcements. It really makes the grassland men lose face. But it doesn't matter. A group of hungry wolves will make even brown bears retreat. Come on, pass the order down, surround this Mantou Mountain for this wolf lord, and shoot arrows upwards. No matter who is on the mountain, they will be shot into hedgehogs today!"

Bishimi was able to dominate the grassland not just by brute force, but also by his own unique way of commanding cavalry. In less than an incense stick of time, nearly 30,000 cavalrymen had surrounded the small hill in three layers. At Bishimi's command, the Turkic warriors who were skilled in archery and horsemanship began to draw arrows and shoot at the mountain. Suddenly, the sound of metal colliding could be heard from the mountainside.

All the actions of the enemy were within Qiu Yi's expectations, which made him very happy. He put on a frivolous smile and looked around proudly, as if showing off. Zheng Rong frowned, not showing any joy, and said to the son of the moth: "The bows and arrows of the Turks are extraordinary. Although the bowstrings are not long, they are accurate and far-reaching. I have tried to imitate them several times but failed. I wonder how much impact this disadvantage of shooting up into the sky can have..."

As Zheng Rong said, Piximi saw that the arrows shot along the mountain could not penetrate the large square shields of the Dangshi Camp, so he ordered the warriors to shoot into the sky. The entire Mantou Mountain was only 13 or 14 feet high, and the soldiers of the Dangshi Camp halfway up the mountain were only about 60 or 70 feet high. The Turkic arrows shot into the sky, and the range was at least 10 feet. The arrows shot straight up to the sky, piercing the sky, leaving a perfect parabola, and turned and fell down with a terrifying "hissing" roar, like a rain of iron, easily breaking through the steel defense line, splashing bright red water on the weak human body, and leaving a little blood on the white snow. Even the most well-trained soldiers could not restrain the pain from their instincts, and they couldn't help but scream in despair from their throats.

It was the first time in Qiu Yizhi's life that he had seen such a tragic scene. He tried his best to resist the urge to vomit and said to King Youyan, whose cheeks were as tight as rocks, "Foster father, I think we can fight back!"

Zheng Rong shook his head, staring at the foot of the mountain, and said, "No, wait a little longer... wait a little longer..."

Soldiers from the Arrow Camp were constantly shot down by arrows, leaving gaps in the perfect defense line, but it never collapsed, leaving the enemy with even the slightest chance to exploit.

Bishimi was getting impatient. He had gone through untold hardships, led 30,000 elite soldiers, and crossed the entire prairie, risking being attacked from both sides if he was discovered, before he got behind Dali. He had hoped to completely wipe out the Wulin Yala clan with his large numbers, but now that the war was going on, although he had the upper hand, he still could not kill his opponent. The warhorse under his crotch seemed to have sensed his master's mood, and his four hooves trampled the snow-covered grass into mud. Bishimi called his generals and ordered: "Gather all of them to the north side of the mountain for this wolf lord. After concentrating your firepower to shoot open a gap, rush up and crush all the cowards on the mountain into powder!"

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PS. Using a few thousand men against tens of thousands of elite cavalry is not without precedent in history (such as the Battle of Montgisard by Baldwin IV), but it is extremely difficult. Forget it, this is one of the rare cool points in my slow-paced book. Alas~ (To be continued)