A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 23: 023 I want to see the world


"Is this the Tianzun Sect's countermeasure?" Yiran glanced at Yi Zhi and replied with a smile, showing a bit of cleverness and a bit of mischief.

Of course, the matters discussed in Prince Youyan's palace are extremely confidential. It is not easy for non-participants to know the details of the discussion, but it is not too difficult for people in the palace to find out the topics discussed. Son. Seeing that Yi Ran already knew the general idea, Yi Zhi said: "My foster father has sent me south to suppress the Tianzun Rebellion. He said that the imperial court will issue an order to set off in one or two months. Don't tell others!"

Yiran rolled his eyes and said like an elder: "Your Majesty always obeys his words. You may be sent to serve with the army, so you have to prepare in advance!" Then he changed his eyes to a sly look, Looking at Yi Zhi, he asked, "Do you know the details of this Tianzun Sect?"

Regarding the Tianzun Sect, apart from Mr. Zhongli's introduction just now, Qiu Yizhi only had vague memories from childhood. But since Yiran asked about it, he didn't want to show weakness, so he reorganized what Zhongli Kuang said. , adding his own point of view, speaking clearly, as if he already knew it.

After hearing this, Yiran somewhat admired his knowledge, but pretended to disagree and said: "What you said is very clear, but it's a pity that you only read it from books, or heard it from Master Zhongli, and didn't see it with your own eyes. Having seen the Tianzun Sect’s deeds does not count as knowing their details.”

What Yi Zhi said was refuted by Yi Ran, and when he saw the proud look on her face, he was very confused and asked: "Have you ever seen it before?"

After listening to Qiu Yizhi's tone, the pride on Princess Fanbang's face increased a bit, and she said: "That's because I'm not interested, but since you want to see it... I can make some arrangements, so it won't be difficult. "

Although she is a foreign woman, she is generous and righteous, and has many connections in Guangyang City. In addition, the Bohai people who come to the north to do business obey the princess's restraints, and within a few years, they have inadvertently weaved a not narrow Network comes. Even King Youyan heard about this, so much so that Zhongli Kuang sent people to investigate secretly, fearing that Yiran or the loyal and shun Wang Dali behind Yiran had some conspiracy. It was just that the shrewd Ruo Zhonglikuang had not found anything unusual, and Yiran had never had any scheming intentions, and it was inconvenient to strictly prohibit it, so King Youyan let her go.

Yi Zhi has been close to Yi Ran since he was a child. Of course he knows these things, and he also believes that Yi Ran may have some way to find out the reality of Tianzun Sect. He simply provoked her and said: "Tianzun Sect has always been secretive. How can you be the only one?" The little girl can get close to you, so you are trying to trick me, right?"

Yi Ran was innocent by nature, and he was indeed fooled by Yi Zhi's provocation. He pursed his lips and said angrily: "I'm just teasing you, don't follow me!" After that, he walked away angrily, unable to walk more than two steps. , but stopped, turned his head and looked back at Yi Zhi with a smile.

Qiu Yizhi had been with Yiran for a long time, so of course she knew this little thing. After bowing to her sister-in-laws calmly, she left the pavilion and left with Yiran. However, Mrs. Qin, the wife of the third prince Zheng Miao, asked in a low voice: "Where is uncle going? If my husband asks about it, I can give you a response."

Zheng Miao's wife Qin and the wife of Zheng Xin, the eldest son of King Youyan, are biological sisters. The father of the Qin sisters, Qin Guangyuan, was a famous scholar and hermit among the scholars. His literary talents and knowledge were extremely famous among the scholars of the Han Dynasty, and he was quite a leader in the literary world. It was a pity that his official career was bleak. He went to Beijing several times to take exams but failed. Even Yang Yuanzhi, the prime minister of the dynasty, once lamented: "Guangyuan is not an official. Although it is bad luck, we, the prime ministers and ministers, also have their share of responsibility." As a result, Qin Guangyuan's reputation became even more famous. He simply gave up his ambition for fame and wealth and returned to his hometown to teach and write, which was quite a happy life.

King Zheng Rong of Youyan had heard about Qin Guangyuan's name for a long time, and also knew that he had raised two well-educated daughters who were similar in age to his eldest and third sons. He also considered that Qin Guangyuan was a recluse and had nothing to do with the court, so he could not be a matchmaker with him. Unexpected problems arose, so several marriage arrangements were made. King Zheng Rong of Youyan was famous all over the world for his merits and virtues. Qin Guangyuan admired him very much and agreed to the two marriages.

Mrs. Da Qin studied with her father since she was a child. She is gentle and upright. After getting married with Zheng Xin, they treated each other with respect and raised their eyebrows as if they were guests. Although Mrs. Xiao Qin is also well-educated and well-educated, she is Qin Guangyuan's elderly daughter. She is extremely doting on her and is a bit more lively than her elder sister. Mrs. Xiao Qin has been very affectionate with Zheng Miao since she got married. Especially her husband Zheng Miao is very friendly with Yi Zhi. Therefore, Tong Yi and Yi Ran are also very close to each other, so they can ask about Qiu Yizhi's whereabouts.

Yi Zhi was both close and respectful to this sister-in-law. When she asked about it, he secretly thought that if he told the truth about his visit to the Tianzun Sect, it would make her worried. So he thought about it for a moment and said, "Yi Ran said that there are lawless people in Guangyang City." Well, let me go and check it out.”

Mrs. Xiao Qin nodded and said softly and slowly: "In that case, I hope uncle will be careful."

Qiu Yizhi nodded vigorously and exited the pavilion respectfully.

Although Yiran said something tough, she still waited patiently for the other female relatives to finish their salutes. When she saw him hurry up and catch up, she asked angrily: "Don't you believe me? Why are you following me again?"

Yizhipai smiled and said: "If I don't come, you will still go to check, how can I rest assured?"

This was somewhat flattering, but it was very useful to Yiran. He immediately turned from anger to joy and said: "Since you are going to make an unannounced visit, you should change into ordinary clothes. This prince's outfit is for getting... People still want to scare people?”

Seeing her change of attitude, Yizhi also joked: "The princess taught you a lesson."

Qiu Yizhi didn't go home and found a servant's clothes in the palace. Once they were put on, they seemed to fit her, so he went to Yiran's house to look for her. Unexpectedly, the maid who served her said that the princess had changed her clothes and left the palace. Yi Zhi was afraid that she would run away, so he hurriedly chased after her, only to see Yi Ran already whispering to a Bohai man at the gate of the palace.

The Hu man has a majestic physique, but his body is longer at the top and shorter at the bottom. It is obvious at a glance that he is a good horseman and archer on the grassland. Yi Zhi has met him several times before, but he does not know his name. Yiran chatted with the foreigner for a few words and saw Yi Zhi arriving, so he said to him: "I have arranged everything. Just pretend to be my attendant and follow me."

Although Yiran had taken off the clothes of a prince and princess and dressed up very much like a young lady from a wealthy family, the private clothes that Yi Zhi wore were extremely simple. He said that the relationship between the young lady and the servant was just right, so he agreed. The two of them left Prince Youyan's Mansion through the side door where daily firewood and rice were supplied.

Yiran didn't know where the Tianzun Sect was at all, so he relied on the burly Hu man to lead the way. The Bohai man walked steadily and powerfully, and breathed calmly and evenly. Although his attitude was humble, he had a vague aura of heroism about him.

Yi Zhi couldn't help but admire him when he saw it, so he took two steps quickly and asked, "May I know the name of this strong man?"

This barbarian actually spoke good Chinese. He bowed a little and said, "Why bother Fourth Prince Chrysostom to ask about a humble name? A humble name is also crude."

Although Yelu lowered his voice intentionally, he still said the two sentences with full force. Rang Yizhi heard it clearly, as if every word was poured into his ears, and he became even more fond of him, and said: "A hero is too modest. Dare I ask the hero, is there any Tianzun Sect active in this majestic Guangyang City? "

Yelu didn't know how to answer. Yi Zhi was about to ask, but Yi Ran shouted: "You went to see it, don't you know?"

Since the Battle of Mantou Mountain, when Dali was named King of Loyalty and Shun, and since the restoration of the Bohai Sea and long-term trade with each other, Guangyang City has become more lively and lively year by year in the past five or six years, and its population has also increased. When Yi Zhi, Yi Ran and Ye Lu came out of the inner city, they saw a large area of densely packed residential buildings.

Zhonglikuang is worthy of being a master of government affairs. In response to the continuous immigration of Han people, Hu people, and even people from the Western Regions living in Guangyang, he re-planned and built the outer city of Guangyang, using crisscrossing roads to connect Han people's residences with Hu people's residences, such as Divided at intervals like a chessboard. This not only avoids the friction that may be caused by the mixed living of Hu and Han people, but also prevents the uncontrollable gathering of Hu people. The roads extending in all directions also provide convenience for quickly mobilizing people to deal with emergencies. The scheming Zhongli Kuang even planted two kinds of trees, black locust and poplar, in front of the Han and Hu people's residences respectively, so that people could know at a glance the identity of the owner of the residence.

Yelu led the two nobles into a secluded alley. Although Guangyang is prosperous, there are still a few deserted streets and alleys. Qiu Yizhi has been here before, but such monotonous and straight alleys cannot really connect him with the Tianzun Sect.

The three of them turned another corner and finally stopped in front of a secluded courtyard. The gate of this courtyard is not wide, but it is enough for three or two people to enter and exit side by side. Together with the two-person-high courtyard walls, it surrounds the entire courtyard. A huge black locust tree grows in the courtyard, and its scattered branches and leaves filter the sunlight into dappled patterns. , showing a gloomy atmosphere. Qiu Yi looked up and down. Although the courtyard was a bit strange, it was by no means eye-catching.

While he was thinking about it, Yelu knocked on the wooden door several times very rhythmically, which was obviously some kind of secret signal. As soon as the knocking on the door stopped, the wooden door opened slightly. A pair of eyes peeked out of the crack and glanced at Yelu. Seeing that he was an acquaintance, he pushed the wooden door open slightly, only enough for Yelu to enter and exit. Yelu squeezed into the courtyard, followed closely by Yiran and Yizhi. The man who opened the door just now saw three people coming in, and immediately scolded: "You ignorant thing, how can you bring people in without permission, are you risking your life?"

Yelu, who had been full of heroism along the way, was now like a prisoner awaiting trial. He said with a frightened smile: "This lady is the master of my family. She has long admired the holy religion and wanted to come to worship. I have told the altar leader about this." Passed." He took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, secretly stuffed it into Menzi's hand, and said, "Senior Brother, please go and report to the Altar Master."

Yi Zhi took a sneak peek and saw that the ingot of silver was about ten taels in weight - rice was slightly more expensive and all kinds of clothing materials and utensils were extremely cheap - enough to cover the expenses of a middle-income family for a year. The doorman accepted the money. Although he didn't immediately smile, his attitude suddenly changed. After looking at Yiran and Yizhi, he said: "Okay, let me inform the altar leader."

Yizhi felt it was very strange, but did not dare to speak, and kept scanning the courtyard with his eyes. The courtyard gate is facing a rather large house. The ground is paved with green bricks, and the towering tree is in the middle. The floor and walls are extremely clean. Not to mention the sweet potatoes, peppers, and bacon dried in ordinary people's homes, there is not even a fallen leaf. There is no trace of anyone living here.

The three of them waited in silence for a moment, but then they heard a "squeak" sound, and the door of the room in the courtyard opened. They walked out through the door they had just entered, and then stepped aside to let someone else out, which was the "Altar Master" mentioned earlier. . That day, the altar leader who respected the religion was of medium height and had a big belly. He walked forward with square steps.

Seeing the man approaching, Yelu bowed his head, huddled on the ground, and murmured: "Disciple, see Master Wang!" Seeing this, if he hadn't known Yelu's identity earlier, Qiu Yizhi would have thought he was the real one. A devout Tianzun believer, I really admire his acting skills.

The altar leader Wang was so arrogant that he didn't even look at Yelu who was lying on the ground. His eyes were looking at where he was, and he lectured arrogantly: "Yelu, you are an old brother in the church. Why don't you understand the rules at all?" ? How dare you bring strangers here? Do you have second thoughts about Tianzun? "

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PS. This chapter further describes the distribution of Han and ethnic minorities under Guangyang City, basically based on the situation of "large mixed settlements and small settlements" that has been followed to this day in our country. To be fair, the predecessors who designed this system are worthy of the title of "genius" and can fully achieve the two functions written in the article. (To be continued)