A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 25: 025 I was scolded


The author said: Fortune and misfortune are interdependent, and the fate of the protagonist has gradually been swept away by the general trend...


"Shut up!" The woman in white interrupted Yi Ran's retort with a harsh voice, but immediately resumed her gentle tone, "It seems that the princess still has some misunderstandings about my Holy Church. I dare to keep the princess here for a moment to explain her slander and refute her accusations. I wonder if the princess can give me this face?"

Before Yiran could reply, Yizhi stepped forward and said, "We came here uninvited today. We are the first to be rude. I hope you will forgive me. However, as the saying goes, 'People with different beliefs cannot work together.' Your sect's actions are eccentric and strange. I really have nothing to say, so I will take my leave now!"

The woman in white at the altar laughed twice and said, "My lord, you came incognito. I admire your courage. Unfortunately, it's easy to come, but it may not be easy to leave." Then she raised her hand and said to her subordinates, "Prince Youyan has condescended to come here. How can our Holy Church not show hospitality? All disciples, listen to my order: Keep your Highness and the Princess for tea."

At the command, the believers who had been kneeling humbly for a long time all stood up, walked slowly towards Yizhi and Yiran, and gradually surrounded the two. Yelu, who had been silent for a long time, flashed and had already protected the two people. He shouted a few words in Turkic, and immediately four or five people with foreign faces stood up, drew out short swords hidden somewhere, and held them tightly in their hands to protect the two nobles. Yizhi secretly thought: These four or five foreign people were probably arranged by Yelu in advance. Although there were a few guards, the cult believers were numerous and powerful after all. They were not afraid of the steel knives and continued to approach.

Seeing that a conflict was about to break out, Qiu Yizi changed her mind and shouted loudly: "Since your sect has such good intentions, how can I refuse? However, the princess has something to do, so I would like to stay alone and have tea and talk with the young lady."

As soon as these words came out, the situation eased up instantly. All the believers stopped and turned their heads to look at the altar to see if the woman in white had any new instructions. But the woman who was calmly directing on the altar just now was nowhere to be found, leaving only the copper tripod burning with blazing flames. Seeing this, everyone was at a loss and speechless. The huge hall was completely silent, and only the crackling sound of the burning flames could be heard.

Qiu Yizhi was still thinking about how to get out when he heard a loud shout, "Government troops are here for inspection, don't move!", which finally broke the foggy silence. Yizhi looked in the direction of the voice and saw a group of government troops entering the hall from the tunnel entrance. They quickly separated more than 300 Tianzun sect believers and took control of the scene. Yizhi knew at a glance that this was the army under the command of King Youyan, so he shouted, "Qiu Yizhi is here, who is the leader?"

"Fourth brother is here, I am Zheng Miao!" Yizhi was overjoyed, holding Yiran with one hand and pushing through the crowd with the other, and squeezed in front of Zheng Miao. Before Yizhi could say anything, Zheng Miao complained, "Fourth brother came to investigate the cult, why didn't you tell me so that I could take care of you. Fortunately, your sister-in-law secretly heard your conversation with Yiran in the palace, so I ordered a hundred soldiers to come to support you. Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened. Next time, my dear brother, please..."

"I understand." Yizhi hurriedly interrupted Zheng Miao's slow instructions and said, "Brother, you are right, but the evil culprit was there just now, but now he is nowhere to be found. Please lend me ten elite soldiers, don't let them escape."

Zheng Miao thought for a moment, nodded, called up ten elite soldiers, and ordered the rest of the officers and soldiers to search the hall carefully to see if there was any secret passage for escape. After a while, a soldier reported that there was a tunnel behind each of the four cloth banners on the altar, but they didn't know which one was the real one, and needed the two princes to judge.

After hearing this, Yizhi rushed to the altar and saw that after the four-character banner was torn down, there were indeed four tunnels left, each large enough for one person to pass through. Qiu Yizhi didn't know which was true and was about to order the soldiers to investigate in groups of four, but Zheng Miao came forward and investigated carefully. He turned around and said to his brother, "The soil behind the 'Ren' banner in the tunnel has traces of freshly turned soil, and there seems to be a cool breeze. I think the cult leader escaped from here."

Yizhi listened and carefully analyzed it, then said, "Brother, you are very thoughtful. I am indeed inferior to you. Let's go in and take a look!"

So Zheng Miao and Qiu Yizhi led ten elite soldiers and Yiran and Yelu to enter the tunnel entrance one by one. The tunnel was not very long. After groping in the dark for a while, they suddenly saw the light. In front of them was a green mountain, a gurgling stream, and a yellow cow grazing leisurely on the lawn. Where did the leader of the Tianzun Sect come from? They turned around and sent people to explore the other three tunnels, but they were all dead ends. They thought that the woman of the Tianzun Sect got the news just before the government troops entered, and escaped from the tunnel behind the "Ren" cloth banner. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she was gone in a moment.

When Qiu Yizhi returned to the Youyan Palace, Zheng Rong called him into the study and scolded him: "Since you have got the clue, you should investigate it calmly. Acting rashly like this is just cowardly courage and will not accomplish anything great. Does the commander-in-chief have to charge into battle and put himself in danger when two armies are facing each other?" Even Yiran, who had never been reprimanded, was scolded: "I kept Yiran by my side so that you could learn some Central Plains education. It has been five or six years. How come you don't even know what is right and wrong? And you drag Yizhi into the trouble? If something unexpected happens, how can I and the court explain to King Zhongshun?"

Yiran was naturally speechless. Since Yizhi was adopted by the King of Youyan as his adopted son, even if he occasionally did something inappropriate, the King of Youyan always laughed it off. Today's scolding was unprecedented. Just as he was about to leave the study with Yiran, he was stopped by the King of Youyan, Zheng Rong. Yizhi thought that because Yiran was present just now, his adoptive father had some criticisms that were not easy to say, so he sent the outsiders away and said it. Then he had to turn around and stand still, lowering his head and not daring to look at Zheng Rong.

Zheng Rong did not speak to Qiu Yizhi, but asked all the servants to leave the study. The King of Youyan ruled the family with military orders, and soon, only the foster father and his son were left in the study.

Zheng Rong's original stern expression had long since disappeared, and his face was replaced by a peaceful expression, but his eyes were extremely deep, making it impossible to guess what was in his mind. He summoned Yizhi to his side and asked slowly, "How do I treat you on a daily basis? Have I ever scolded Yizhi like this?"

Yizhi said hurriedly, "Yizhi has been an orphan since childhood and has never seen what his father looks like. But I have seen that my adoptive father dotes on me more than my three brothers. For example, I am naughty by nature and often get into trouble, but my adoptive father never blames me. Even Master Zhongli occasionally complains about this... I guess, even if they are biological father and son, it would be no more than this!"

After hearing this, Zheng Rong nodded slightly and continued, "Then how will Yizhi treat me?"

"My adoptive father saved my life and gave me a new life. Yizi treats my adoptive father like his own father. I am afraid that I will be unfilial and let him down!" As Qiu Yizi spoke, she was touched and tears flowed from her eyes.

King Youyan Zheng Rong had seen countless people, and he knew at a glance that this was Yizhi's true feelings, so he said: "How could I not know Yizhi's feelings? In this case, you move a stool and sit in front of me, so that my father and I can have a good talk for a while."

Qiu Yizi agreed, turned around quickly, quietly wiped away her tears, moved a stool, and sat next to Zheng Rong.

Zheng Rong did not wait for him to sit down, and said coldly: "I have not mentioned this matter to anyone else, and there is no one inside or outside this study. If Yizhi reveals even a word of this conversation, don't blame your adoptive father for being ruthless. I will kill you, the little thief!" The last sentence was full of murderous intent, and Qiu Yizhi nodded in agreement. But he heard him say:

"Youyan is related to the rise and fall of the country, and the selection of the crown prince of Youyan cannot be taken lightly. Among my three sons, my second son Zheng Sen is brave but not smart enough; my eldest son Zheng Xin imitates me in everything but only learns the basics, and lacks tolerance; my third son Zheng Miao is kind and cautious, but not decisive enough. These three have their strengths and weaknesses. After careful consideration, I am afraid that only Zheng Miao can succeed the throne of Youyan to ensure peace in the northern border."

The more Zheng Rong spoke, the more emotional he became, but Yizhi became more confused the more he listened. This talk had nothing to do with the private visit to the Tianzun Sect, but involved the great matter of supporting the prince of the vassal king. Yizhi was so scared that he had to keep quiet and listen carefully, not even daring to agree. He only heard the dignified King Youyan continue to say: "But Zheng Miao is too kind-hearted, and it may be difficult for him to make decisions when faced with a situation. Although it is okay to use an open spear, it is difficult to guard against a hidden arrow. If it is a peaceful and prosperous era, he can become a wise king, but in troubled times, then... Alas, if Zheng Miao had half the decisiveness of Yizhi, this king would be at ease a hundred years later!" As he spoke, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yizhi felt uneasy after hearing this. He kept moving his buttocks on the stool and rubbing them. He quickly said modestly: "Yizhi is a country boy. How can I bear such praise from my godfather?"

Zheng Rong bowed and said, "Yizhi, don't be too modest. You are upright, intelligent, decisive and responsible, quite like me in my youth. Take this incognito visit for example, didn't I do less when I was young?" The story of the King of Youyan visiting the people in the capital incognito was heard by the world, and many of his deeds were exaggerated and became a hot topic in teahouses and taverns. Thinking of this past, Zheng Rong felt a little intoxicated, and he calmed down and continued, "Yizhi, you may be a little reckless now, but you will become a great man in time. If you are my biological son, I will pass the throne to you!"

Yizhi was horrified when he heard this. He could no longer sit still. He hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground and said, "I was originally an uncultivated child, and my life and death were at stake. Fortunately, my father took pity on me and took me in as a child. He cleared my name and vindicated me. He also influenced me with the benevolence of a saint, and that is why I am what I am today. Therefore, I am only grateful for your kindness, and how dare I have any intention of overstepping my bounds?"

Zheng Rong sat on the throne, and did not stand up to help Yizhi. He smiled and said, "Yizhi has such thoughts, which is worthy of my father's teachings over the years. Although my father is dull, he still knows something about the ancestral clan rules. However, from now on..."

As they were talking, they heard footsteps outside the door. Zheng Rong heard it clearly and asked loudly, "Who is outside?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a very calm voice coming from outside the door: "Zheng Xin and his two brothers have come to our father to plead for our fourth brother!"

Zheng Rong was very pleased to see that his three brothers were filial and fraternal, and said, "Come in, all of you!"

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PS. If readers remember the previous chapters, Zheng Rong was extremely opposed to his brother's decision to depose the eldest son and enthronize the youngest son. However, in his heart, he also wanted to depose the eldest son and enthronize the youngest son because he loved the youngest son. This is the complex and contradictory part of his character, and it also foreshadows the final tragedy. Please stay tuned! (To be continued)