A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 27: 027 The refined Wen Lingjiao


The author said: The heroine officially debuts!


Qiu Yizhi was born into poverty, and like King Youyan, he was not extravagant and had not yet married. In addition, Guangyang City was originally a military fortress and there was no extra open space. Therefore, Yizhi's residence occupied a very small area and the number of rooms was just enough. That’s all.

The mansion faces south and is surrounded by two-foot-high white walls. There is a main door more than ten feet wide in the south wall. Inside the door is a half-person-high hut, which houses the animals that Yizhi brought from Nanyang. A little white dog that has been raised fat and strong; the main entrance is open, and there is a relief screen wall engraved with auspicious patterns. Going around the screen wall is the main hall; the two side rooms on the left side of the main hall are used as study rooms and warehouses, and the four on the right side are The side room is the kitchen, toilet, door and waiter's residence; the mansion does not have a back hall, and behind the main hall is the bedroom where Yi Zhi sleeps. The whole courtyard is simple and unpretentious. In terms of luxury and comfort, it is similar to ordinary well-off people in Guangyang City. However, the two red tung trees planted in the corner of the courtyard, standing tall like umbrellas and canopies, have a special charm.

Yi Zhi was sitting in the main hall and saw a young girl slowly walking around from behind the screen wall. It was still cold in May in Youyan Road. The girl was wearing a short red jacket and a long beige skirt. She had her hair tied up in two buns by her ears. She did not put any makeup on her face. She raised her head slightly and grinned at Yi Zhi. A smile. This inexplicable smile made Yi Zhi very embarrassed. He quickly avoided the girl's eyes and unnaturally picked up the warm tea bowl and took a pretend sip.

The woman in red was about to walk past the screen wall, instead of walking towards the main hall. She just stood aside and saw another woman floating out from behind the screen wall. The woman wore a light purple cloak over her white dress, which perfectly reflected her snow-white skin. Her lowered eyes were shining brightly, her two thin eyebrows were raised happily, and the corners of her rosy mouth were slightly raised. He nodded to the owner of the mansion in a measured manner. A gust of breeze blew, slightly blowing the pure white skirt and long hair on the temples, as if a goddess descended to earth.

"This person must be Wen Lingjiao... Such a woman... How come I have seen it somewhere before?" While Yi Zhi was hesitating, the woman in white had already walked into the main hall accompanied by the girl in red.

Yi Zhi hurriedly called the waiter and ordered him to make tea to entertain the guests.

The waiter was only thirteen years old. He fled from Henan Road and was half-starved to death on the street before he was picked up by Yi Zhi. So for the sake of his fellow villagers, he made him a servant in his house. It's just that the original nickname "Donkey" was not elegant, so he simply changed it to "Rui Shou".

Rui Shou brought two bowls of tea. Unexpectedly, the girl in red just smelled it and said, "What kind of tea is this? It's astringent for gargling. Where can I drink it?" After that, he took it out from nowhere. He took a small bag of tea leaves and said, "These are the new leaves before the rain in Hangzhou this year. They need to be boiled with more than eight to nine percent hot water. The first stage must be filtered and poured before the second stage can be eaten. These tea leaves are only enough for two tea cups." Yes, don’t be greedy.”

Rui Shou is the personal servant of King Youyan's son, how many people in Guangyang City dare to boss him around? Being scolded by this unknown woman for no reason made me feel unhappy, and it was difficult to express my anger. I could only take the tea and angrily replied: "We don't have such stinky details!" and retreated.

Naturally, Yi Zhi could no longer invite the woman in white across from him to drink tea, so he asked her to sit down and asked, "I have never met the girl. I don't know what the honor is in condescending to a humble house."

The woman in white smiled sweetly and said slowly: "Prince Youyan is really a noble man who forgets things. In just a few days, he forgot about the little girl?"

Yi Zhiben is a very smart person. After she said this, she suddenly understood, but she was extremely surprised and blurted out: "What! Are you the demon...angel of the Tianzun Sect? You don't know that the Tianzun Sect is being wiped out in Guangyang City right now. How dare you come forward at this time?"

Wen Lingjiao raised her eyes and looked at Yi Zhidao: "It is disrespectful to come and not go back. Since the young master dares to visit the main altar of our holy religion alone, the little girl, although she is a female, does not dare not to follow suit and catch up. Come and see the young master."

"So you are really the woman in the main altar that day? Is the word Lingjiao really the girl's name?" Yi Zhi almost screamed, "Aren't you afraid that I will notify the patrol soldiers in the city and capture you immediately? , rectify the law on the spot?”

Wen Lingjiao seemed to have heard something funny, and did not answer Qiu Yizhi's question. She couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh, and said: "The little lady does not think that the young master is a common man who doesn't understand and cherishes his beauty. On the contrary, the little lady wants to leave in peace." I'm afraid Youyan still has to rely on the young master!"

"Hahaha!" Yi Zhi had calmed down a bit and said with a smile, "The girl is indeed extraordinary in appearance, but although I am not Liu Xiahui, I still know some truth. Since the girl is condescending to a humble family today, it is not considered a crime to catch her like this. I’d like to take back all the credit you’ve given me, and you’ll have to ask for your blessings in the future!”

This was considered to be expelling guests, but Wen Lingjiao didn't take it seriously and smiled and remained silent. At this moment, an elegant fragrance of tea floated in. It turned out that Rui Shou had just made tea and was bringing it to the main hall. Lingjiao happened to smile and said: "It's rare for a little girl to disturb the young master's house. She even brings her own tea. If not, the young master wouldn't even part with a bowl of hot water?"

This was said very cunningly, but Qiu Yizhi could not force him to issue an order to expel the guests, so he remained silent, not knowing how to deal with this uninvited guest.

While he was talking, Rui Shou had put two bowls of tea on the desk. The slight burst of popularity carried a refreshing fragrance and filled the whole room, making Qiu Yizhi couldn't help but pick up the tea bowl and take a sip.

Youyan was originally a miserable place in the extreme north of the Han Dynasty. The so-called tea was just inferior goods sold to the Bohai and Turkic people. It was actually despised by the elegant people in the south of the Yangtze River and the Central Plains. But the tea that fills the white porcelain tea bowl in Yi Zhi's hand is really different - the young tea leaves have been carefully roasted and soaked in the right water temperature to naturally stretch out, like a fairy dancing in the water; There are no impurities, and the refreshing water vapor is easily evaporated, which corresponds to the quatrain "The moon in the sea has tears, and the warm sun in the Lantian creates smoke." Take a careful swallow, and a warm current will instantly penetrate your esophagus and quickly melt throughout your body. , all the internal organs seemed to have been washed - even a layman like Yi Zhi, who never pays attention to the way of drinking tea, immediately felt the benefits of this tea.

After tasting this jade liquid, my ears and eyes were naturally sharp. A voice like a silver bell rang in Yi Zhi's ears: "It makes people blush. This little girl has no other good qualities, but she has some knowledge of others. No matter who she has a little contact with, her character will be revealed. Then you can know a little bit, and there is nothing wrong. On that day, the young master was a Rongdi girl at the main altar of our holy sect. convenient?"

Qiu Yizhi waved her hands and said, "What you said is wrong. I recall that although the girl is from Bohai, we were together on the next road to the north to attack the Turks in Biximi, and together we built the Han Dynasty barrier. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are close friends of life and death." I recall that I received education from the Central Plains in the palace of Prince Youyan since I was a child, and was influenced by the teachings of sages. Although my appearance is different, my heart is the same as that of a Central Plains woman. How can I differentiate between Huayi and Yi?" He took another sip of tea and continued, "On the contrary, Miss Wen, you are deeply bewitched by Tianzun's cult. You don't listen to the words of sages and behave erratically. You are indeed like an outsider. I sincerely feel sorry for you."

As soon as Wen Lingjiao heard that the Tianzun Sect was called a "heretical cult", Wen Lingjiao became angry again. Fortunately, she had extraordinary cultivation and suppressed her anger. She asked slowly: "Little girl, I heard that Buddhism was also introduced to the Central Plains from Tianzhu in the Western Region. It teaches people to worship Buddha and chant sutras without caring about worldly affairs. Chinese Taoism emphasizes cultivating immortals and taking elixirs. Many emperors in the past dynasties died suddenly because of taking elixirs. Confucianism also teaches people to worship ancestors, respect sages, and various other things. Etiquette is the same as religion. Why do you want to use the word 'evil cult' to slander this holy religion?"

If it were another famous scholar who might not be able to refute Wen Lingjiao's rhetorical question, Qiu Yizhi, who had always read a lot of books and understood the main idea, replied unhurriedly: "What the girl said is wrong. It has been passed down from father to son, and from generation to generation." It is the origin of human relations, and the teachings of sages are all the words of Zhuji. Confucianism only follows the way of heaven and human relations, and educates people with ethics. How can we criticize it? The saving grace: In the previous dynasty, there were demons who used the name of Taoism to create evil ways, and they only tried to confuse people's minds by burning elixirs, refining gold, and becoming immortal for a while. To be honest, the current emperor is also very fond of this idea. My adoptive father, King Youyan, has always opposed it. , every year, remonstrances and memorials are sent to heaven. As for Buddhism, since the beginning of India's introduction to the Central Plains, monasteries have been widely opened and wealth has been amassed, so that most of the emperors of the previous dynasty believed in Buddhism. It was of no use to the country, and he was afraid that his tail would not be lost, so he destroyed all the Buddhist temples in the world, which was known in history as "the sacred force destroys the Buddha". From then on, Buddhism did not dare to interfere in secular affairs. The monks practiced wholeheartedly and paid attention to compassion, which was not contrary to the principles of nature. "

"If it is true as the young master said, my Tianzun Sect is the only one who cannot tolerate worldly affairs, then why are the disciples of our Holy Sect spread all over the world and have lasted for hundreds of years?" As he spoke, Wen Lingjiao grinned, "Even I Emperor Taizu of Chao Dynasty was a disciple of my Holy Cult when he was still young!"

Zheng Bangxian, Taizu of the Han Dynasty, had attached himself to the Tianzun Sect before he gained power. Although this matter was covered up several times by later historians, it is an undeniable fact. Regarding this point, Zhongli Kuang had an in-depth discussion with several princes when he was teaching. Yi Zhi happened to be learning and selling, and he replied: "In the last years of the previous dynasty, the world was in great trouble, and the people were in dire straits. Although I, Emperor Gao, was a But he had the ambition to save all people from water and fire. It happened that Tianzun taught people to use medicine and preach, which meant to dispel darkness and bring forth light. So Taizu devoted himself to religion in order to bring peace to the world and bring order to the people. A few years later, Emperor Gao understood the ignorance, perversity and absurdity of the Tianzun Sect, so he quit the cult, protected the country and the people, and won over the heroes of the world. Only then did he achieve a great cause and create a two-hundred-year legacy of the Han Dynasty. The girl has a sensitive nature, so why not imitate Taizu as soon as possible. Changing evil and returning to righteousness can be regarded as the greatest good thing."

In just a few words, Wen Lingjiao, who was so smart and astute, was rendered speechless.

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PS. This chapter is very serious! The development of religion in ancient China is indirectly discussed. It is no exaggeration to say that the development of religion in China is completely dependent on the political power, and there is no chance of forming a situation similar to that in Europe and the Middle East that can compete with the secular government. This is a significant feature that distinguishes the development of Chinese history from the history of any other country. If we do not understand this, we do not understand Chinese history. (To be continued)