A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 32: 032 I get angry just looking at it


The combat power of the civilian army was really limited. Cui Nan, Weihu and Zheng Miaoyi each led an army and attacked in all directions. Within a few days, the civilian army's siege on Bianzhou was resolved.

Seeing that it was difficult for Tianzun Sect's rebels to gain a foothold in Bianzhou, they gradually withdrew to surrounding prefectures and counties, seeing that their mission was about to be completed in ten months. It's just that Yizhi had been an orphan without food and clothing for several years, Zheng Miao himself was quite kind-hearted, and Cui Nanweihu, the second general, was not a murderous demon king. After several battles, he could not kill more than a few thousand people, and captured those who surrendered. There were nearly 100,000 rioters. You must know that the total number of Youyan's troops along this route is only 20,000. They have to mop up the civilian army, station themselves along the way to ensure the food route, and allocate half of the troops to guard the prisoners. The troops are already stretched thin. It is also about to enter summer. The gathering of these 100,000 surrendered troops in one place can easily cause a plague. It is really not something that a guest army from Youyan Road can deal with.

The person in charge of this matter should be Wu Cai, the governor of Bianzhou.

Wu Cai, the prefect of Bianzhou, was a 20-year-old Jinshi of Shenzong. He was selected as the third place in the first class of the palace examination. He was from a serious Tanhua background, and his resume was not inferior to any official in the current dynasty. This man was elected to be in charge of the Ministry of Personnel in the last years of Emperor Shenzong's reign, and Lei Guan was already the right minister of the Ministry of Personnel. He was originally a general under the wings of Zheng Chang, the eldest son of the emperor. By virtue of his status as a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he fought for Zheng Chang and made it difficult for officials who were attached to Zheng Yao to be impeached. In the end, he was outraged by the public and was ordered by the eunuch Wang Zhonghai to find a buyer. The fault of selling one's official position was impeached. Originally, he was going to be sentenced to death as a serious crime, but Zheng Chang was quite righteous and moved around. Not only did Wu Cai save his life, but the punishment was only reduced to two levels and released, and he was replaced by a dignified fourth-grade minister to a full fifth-grade. Bianzhou Prefectural Animal Husbandry.

However, Wu Zhizhou's fortune was really bad. Less than half a year after taking office, the Tianzun Sect rebellion broke out. He had been in Jishu for a long time and had no understanding of local politics, let alone strategizing. He watched the flames of war spread everywhere in the land where he was pasture and was helpless to do anything. After finally gathering thousands of officers and soldiers, Zhonglang General Bao Chun, who failed to lead the army, was trapped in a tight siege by the civilian army. More than half of them were killed or injured, and he ran back to Bianzhou City in disgrace. After the defeat of the two frontiers, the military and political parties were frightened and closed the city gate tightly. Even if Henan Road issued several strict orders in January, they would always shirk and say that they would wait for a good opportunity and never step outside the city wall.

From then on, the city of Bianzhou was like a blind man and a horse. After reading the battle report sent by the imperial court, I realized that the critical situation in Bianzhou City had been relieved by the reinforcements from Youyan Dao, and I couldn't help but feel lucky.

Therefore, when the chief secretary of the mansion reported that "Prince Zheng Miao, Prince of Youyan, knocked on the door to ask for an audience," Wu Cai couldn't help being flattered. He meticulously put on the fifth-grade state pastoral uniform that he originally disdained. He didn't have time to wait for Bao Chun, the military attache at the same level, so he hurriedly Go out to the yamen gate to greet you.

Although Zheng Miao is the son of King Youyan, he has not been canonized by the imperial court, and he has to avoid suspicion. There is really no reason to meet with local officials. However, the two generals Cui Nan and Wei Hu who led the generals Zhengbei and Zhengdong were extremely unwilling to quarrel with the scholar, so they had no choice but to go to the city to quarrel with the parents. And because he had no rank and did not belong to any level of bureaucrat in the Han Dynasty, he took off his armor and put on casual clothes to visit.

Wu Cai, the prefecture pastor, had long heard that King Youyan's third son was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and that he was quite handsome in appearance. He was similar to the young man in front of him, so he couldn't help but bow his head to him. After kowtowing halfway, he realized that he was an official of the imperial court and it was extremely inappropriate to give such a gift. Then he remembered the official secret of "kowtow more and talk less", so he kowtowed firmly.

Wu Cai has been practicing this set of movements for thirty years and has long been perfected. Even though Zheng Miao is young and strong, he still has no time to reach out to support him. He received the gift and was frightened, sweating profusely, and immediately stayed in place. The old man and the young man were kneeling and standing, but in their clothes they looked like officials and citizens. Even Qiu Yizhi felt very embarrassed looking at them from a distance.

After all, Zheng Miao has the title of the legitimate son of King Youyan, but he is the son of a moth. If his brother hadn't been a beggar and insisted on accompanying him, Qiu Yizhi would never have gone through this muddy water. , so before entering the city, I had thought of myself as a young boy holding a horse in a stirrup, watching from a distance and never saying a word. It can be seen that the two people were in a stalemate for a while, fearing that the sun was so fierce that the old man kneeling on the ground would be unable to support him, so he hurriedly caught up a few steps to lift Wu Cai up and said: "Why is Old Hanlin like this? Call me How can you afford to be a child?"

When Wu Cai heard someone tell him his resume, he became very proud. He stood up and asked, "Do you know the name of this talented man?"

"Don't dare, Xiaoke is just a nobody under King Youyan's command." Yi Zhi said humbly.

When Mr. Zhou Mu heard what he said, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contempt. He casually said "too modest" in his mouth, said nothing, turned around and waved his hand to let Zheng Miao into the lobby. Zheng Miao knew Yi Zhi's thoughts and walked into the lobby hand in hand with Wu Cai without any explanation.

The two sat down separately as guest and host. General Bao Chun just arrived, and there was another round of greetings. After several exchanges, Zheng Miao felt that it was boring, so he went straight to the point: "This time, Xiao Ke was ordered by his father to lead the army into your land to quell the rebellion. Fortunately, the emperor's blessings, the rebellion was eliminated, and the dust settled just before our eyes. But our army I have captured nearly 100,000 people. Please tell me how to deal with them."

"Is this..." Wu Cai bowed slightly and said, "To be honest with Your Highness, I have never been familiar with military affairs, so I asked General Bao for advice."

Bao Chun said without thinking: "Rebels like this should be killed according to the law. But killing a hundred thousand people is not appropriate even for a rough man like me. I wonder what Lord Zhizhou has to say?" The ball was kicked back.

Wu Cai glanced at Bao Chun and thought that this warrior was not stupid at all. He pretended to be humble and said, "I just don't know what I am asking the general for. Why does the general come to ask me again?"

Zheng Miao, who was on the side, saw the two of them pushing the blame with each other, and was already impatient. However, he was naturally very well-educated, so he held back his anger and said, "What General Bao said is true. As expected of a Confucian general, it is really shocking to kill 100,000 people." Things to listen to…”

Bao Chun was born on the right track in martial arts, and he was always arty and elegant. He liked to be called "Confucian General" the most. Hearing Prince Youyan call him that, he couldn't help but feel proud.

After all, Wu Zhoumu was a Beijing official. He had been in the officialdom for a few years longer than a martial artist. He had already heard the hidden meaning. He thought he had figured out His Highness the prince's heart. He calmly said: "Your Highness is indeed generous and kind. Such a compassionate heart is really the best thing in the country." Blessings, blessings to the people! How dare you not to obey His Highness? Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to cut off the thumbs of these gangsters' right hands, tattoo their faces with gold seals, and send them back to their hometowns to be strictly controlled by local officials? "

"If you cut off your right thumb, you won't be able to hold a sword, but you won't be able to farm in the fields. You're no different from a disabled person. How can you make a living if you let him go to the countryside? I wonder if Mr. Wu has thought this through carefully?" Zheng Miao asked with a sideways glance.

Seeing that Wu Cai didn't agree with what he said, he suddenly became a little nervous and said hurriedly: "I am a low-ranking official who is not very talented and has little knowledge, which makes His Highness laugh. It is indeed inappropriate to cut off the fingers. It is better... It is better to chop off the big toe. In this way, the limp can not cause trouble, but also can cause trouble." It’s a sure-fire strategy if it doesn’t violate the farming season.”

After saying this, Zheng Miao bowed her head and remained silent. Qiu Yizhi, who was beside him, did not have such self-restraint. He couldn't help but mocked: "Master Wu's plan is really refreshing. I'm afraid that in less than two months, this matter will spread throughout the Kyushu. Your good name will spread all over the world, and your future will be bright..."

Wu Cai only regarded Qiu Yi as nothing more than a mere servant of Prince Youyan. Hearing his sarcastic words, he was already furious. If he hadn't cared about Zheng Miao's face, he would have been beaten out with sticks, so he had to suppress it. Fury, gnashing of teeth.

Seeing that the atmosphere was gradually getting awkward, Zheng Miao said: "My brother has always been poor at speaking and unable to express his ideas, but in his heart he has great respect for the sages and celebrities. I hope Master Wu will not take offense."

Wu Cai only thought that this unabashed servant brother was worthy of Prince Youyan, so he must be his close confidant, so he didn't want to get angry. He moved his lips and said: "Easy to say, easy to say."

"It's just that the younger generation really disagrees with Mr. Wu's policy." Zheng Miao continued, "The younger generation is also very familiar with this Tianzun religion. Its teachings are not perverse enough to be compared with famous Confucian scholars, but among the common people in the countryside and traffickers and foot soldiers, It has quite a bewitching effect. The younger generation also asked some prisoners, and they really did not agree with Tianzun Sect. It was only because Henan suffered from drought for many years, the government's relief was delayed, and the local tyrants and evil gentry were exploited by corrupt officials and subordinates that they took the risk. "

Zheng Miao looked like a nobleman from the sky, a son of a dragon or a phoenix grandson. Although his tone was calm, he brought great pressure. Wu Cai was sweating profusely when he heard this, and he picked up the tea cup unnaturally, but heard Zheng Miao continue: "The Taizu of my dynasty once had a sacred edict: 'The officials forced the people to rebel, and I failed to protect the herdsmen. It is not without fault.' Please pay attention to Mr. Wu. "There is a faint intention to write a letter of impeachment.

Wu Cai had just been demoted to Bianzhou as pastor, and there were countless political enemies in the court. If Zheng Rong, King of Youyan, sent a bullet directly to the central government, how powerful would the words "officials force people to rebel" be. Don't say that it is his own fame. The future is bright, even whether Qingqing's life can be saved is a matter of uncertainty. Thinking of this, Wu Cai was so frightened that he even forgot to take a sip from the celadon tea cup he held in his hands, and just kept trembling in his seat.

Zheng Miao smiled slightly and continued: "Emperor Taizu Gao was born in an ordinary way. He suffered from the tyranny of the previous dynasty, so he raised his arms and stood up, and the world followed. His golden words said that the younger generations are only unworthy descendants. They cannot explain one ten thousandth of it, but they dare not I don’t think I am a role model, but I hope you will understand!”

"Of course, of course. Oh, no. I don't dare, I don't dare..." Wu Cai was already incoherent.

"That's the case. The younger generation's father expanded hundreds of miles of land to the north a few years ago, and there is no one to cultivate it. It is better to move these 100,000 chaotic people there, which is a strategy that achieves multiple benefits with one stone. However, this immigration is actually involved in national affairs, and the younger generation is nothing more than Huang. "Kouruzi, I haven't discussed this matter with my father and brother yet. If there is anything wrong, I hope Master Wu can tell me."

Qiu Yi saw that Zheng Miao took an old bureaucrat who had been in the officialdom for decades into the palm of his hand with just a few words. She couldn't help but admire that the third brother in front of her was indeed the chosen heir apparent of her adoptive father. He has experienced such a profound experience, which is definitely not comparable to his own.

But I heard Wu Cai say in a trembling voice: "This matter of relocating the people must be reported to the Ministry of Household Affairs for approval. The official position is humble and small, so... I really don't dare Meng Lang to do it. If Prince Youyan leads the petition to Beique... then the lower officials must join forces. My disciples and colleagues chimed in and chatted about the sound of war horses."

"Hahaha." Zheng Miao looked very happy and said with a hearty smile, "Master Wu is indeed a senior official and a well-educated Confucian scholar. I have benefited a lot from meeting him today." After that, he stood up and faced Wu Cai and Bao Chun'er. People bowed respectfully.

The two people couldn't sit still, so they hurriedly stood up and returned the courtesy. Before they could straighten up, Zheng Miaoyi's brother had already strode off his horse and left Bianzhou to return to the camp.

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PS.0 Since the Tang Dynasty, civil and military officials have taken the imperial examination as the main way to enter officialdom. Then it is also based on official articles as a stepping stone. Why are some famous ministers and some mediocre officials? It's just that everyone has a smart mind. Some people will learn how to govern the country, some people are still addicted to boring articles, and some people will learn some worldly skills, and the final results will be very different. (To be continued)