A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 33: 033 Yuhuangding is easy to defend but difficult to attack


The author said: Thank you for your support. Please click, collect, recommend, and ask for everything... I found that I am thick-skinned enough...


Reports of battles on the front line were continuously transmitted to Prince Youyan's Mansion.

After General Cui Nan and Wei Hu on the eastern front surrendered 100,000 people in the Battle of Bianzhou, his reputation spread far and wide, and countless rebels traveled across mountains and rivers to surrender to him. The surrendered civilian armies were all ordered to report each other and distinguish carefully. All the leaders of the Tianzun Sect were severely punished without mercy in order to capture the thieves and capture the king. Those who were willing to return to their hometowns to farm were given travel expenses and allowed to leave. Despite this, within one month, 150,000 to 60,000 people surrendered and rebelled. Others who tried to resist were all defeated at the first touch. So far, the rebels in Bianzhou and surrounding counties such as Ruzhou, Zhengzhou, and Xuzhou have been largely wiped out.

On the western front, Zheng Xin and Zheng Sen achieved greater results. As soon as Zheng Xin entered Henan, he acted like the eldest son of King Youyan. Together with Li Xinru, the governor of Henan, and Wu Yan, the military governor of Jiedu, he summoned the prefects of Dengzhou, Haizhou, Qingzhou, Jizhou and Zhonglang generals to plan a steady attack and clear the country. Policy - Strictly order villagers and farmers to move into the fortified city with their rations, livestock, poultry and farm tools and cattle. Those who fail to move within the time limit will be punished as enemies.

The civilian army could not supply food and soldiers on the spot, so they had to take risks and attack by force. But the rebels had no siege weapons such as ladders and stone cannons, so it was difficult to win for a while. Zheng Xin and Zheng Rong waited at a distance for a large number of rebels to gather. They first used cavalry to attack, and then used infantry to sweep them away. They also cooperated with the city's defenders inside and outside to wipe out all the civilian troops attacking the city. The two brothers fought like this wherever they went. The poor Tianzun Sect rebels either starved to death or were killed, so they had to flee to Guannei and Shandong.

However, this civilian army was all local farmers. When they heard that they were going to leave their hometown, most of the army dispersed before they even started. After hearing the news, the two Shandong governors and Jiedu envoys in Guan Guan deployed heavy troops in the river valleys bordering Henan, fearing that they would be charged with opening doors to kill thieves and luring wolves into their homes. The rebels had no choice but to make a desperate move and returned to Henan Road to gather together for a decisive battle with the government troops.

This was exactly what Zheng Xin and Zheng Sen wanted, so they gathered together more than 60,000 Youyandao guest troops, local soldiers and horses from Henan, and Tuanlianxiangyong, and fought a big battle in Funiu Mountain, killing 100,000 rebels and bleeding into rivers. , corpses everywhere. But it was because the Henan army was so vulnerable that the rebel leader led more than a thousand desperadoes to cut a bloody trail and sneak into Funiu Mountain.

The Tianzun Sect's desire to rebel has never ceased, and has lasted for nearly a thousand years. Now that the counter-rebellion situation was excellent, Zheng Rong wanted to seize the opportunity to eliminate this serious harm. He strictly ordered the military and political officials in Henan to cooperate with Youyan's army to enter the mountains to encircle and suppress the rebels. They would definitely wipe out the Tianzun Sect rebels and avoid future troubles.

As for the large number of prisoners on the Western Front, Zheng Rong was extremely pleased when he heard about it. He couldn't help praising his counselor Zhongli Kuang: "Miao'er is so kind and has the legacy of ancient sages. He is far better than I was in the past!"

Zhonglikuang was such a smart man. He had long known King Youyan's intention to make Zheng Miao his crown prince, but he didn't want to get involved at all. He said matter-of-factly: "This immigration strategy is related to the fundamentals of the country. At that time, Shenzong's reform was also There was a plan to move the people from central Sichuan to Hetao to reclaim wasteland, but Emperor Shenzong was so decisive, but in the end it was stillborn. Now the emperor ignores government affairs, and the ministers in the DPRK are busy with party disputes. Therefore, the students thought that if the matter was reported to the court, the plan would not work. It’s like a mud cow sinking into the sea, let’s just let it go.”

Zhongli Kuang always spoke straightforwardly, but what he said made sense. Zheng Rong thought for a long time before saying: "It is better for us to use the art of hard-to-get tactics in this submission. It is clearly stated that there was prosperity in central Sichuan, and the people naturally did not want to travel thousands of miles to Hetao to fight with the Turks. land; now Henan is adjacent to Youyan, and these more than 100,000 people are willing to leave their hometowns to open up in Youyan. The situation is very different from that of Shenzong. "What do you think?"

Zhongli Kuang frowned and said, "Even so, the Ministry of Finance may not agree! But now we have no choice but to be a living doctor..."

"Then do I, the King, want to report it to the Holy One, directly to heaven?"

"Absolutely not!" Zhongli Kuang's tone was extremely firm. "Today, Long Live only thinks about immortality and would rather do less than do more. How can such a memorial be played accurately? Once it is refuted by the emperor, there will be no room for maneuver. There's no room for it. I'm sorry for the arrogance of the students, but the prince's status is so high that if he were an ordinary minister, he might not have seen this memorial!"

Zheng Rong sighed deeply after hearing this and said, "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Lao, to prepare a submission according to your wishes and send it to the Ministry of Revenue."

A general order from King Youyan demanding the complete annihilation of the Tianzun cult without leaving any further troubles was sent to Henan within three days.

The two generals Cui Nanweihu and Zheng Miaoyi's brothers had already planned to bring the captured civilian troops back to Youyan and had already moved their troops to the junction of the two roads, so they were the first to receive the general's order. So the four people discussed that Zheng Miao and Wei Hu would lead most of the soldiers to guard the surrendering army, while Yi Zhi and Cui Nan would lead a light army to Funiu Mountain to suppress the Tianzun Sect.

After walking for five or six days, the two of them arrived at the foot of Funiu Mountain, but there was no enemy around. After carefully asking the local officers and soldiers, they found out that after several days of siege in Soushan, the Tianzun believers had been compressed on the top of Yuhuang, the main peak of Funiu Mountain. However, the terrain at Yuhuangding was very dangerous. Brothers Zheng Xin and Zheng Sen tried all kinds of methods, either by force or clever tricks, but they could not even touch the mountain gate of Yuhuangding. They were worried about this.

Therefore, Cui Nanyizhi had just met Zheng Xin and Zheng Sen, and before they had even exchanged a few words, they were invited up the mountain to observe the war.

Surrounded by the troops, the four of them hovered in the mountain road for an hour, and then they saw Yuhuangding, which was hundreds of steps away.

Zheng Xin pointed to the distance and introduced: "This Yuhuangding has been a natural chasm since ancient times. It is surrounded by cliffs on all sides. There is only a small path that runs through two huge rocks like a knife or an ax. It can only accommodate one person, and the army cannot spread out. Last time, I caught a Tianzun Cultist who came down the mountain to inquire about the situation. After being tortured, I found out that Yuhuangding was actually the main altar of the cult. It had been operating for nearly a hundred years. It built a stone city fortress, stored a large amount of food and weapons, and had a mountain spring for drinking. There is no problem for one or two thousand people in the city to hold on for three to five years."

Yi Zhi followed the direction pointed by Zheng Xin and saw a lonely mountain peak standing in the clouds and mist in the distance. There were faint pavilions and pavilions on the top of the mountain. He thought that Wen Lingjiao, who escaped from him that day, might be among them, and felt excited. There were some ups and downs. After calming down for a while, I saw that the trees around the mountain peak were scorched black, which must be the ashes left after the fire attack. However, the mountain peak is shrouded in fog all year round, and the trees, flowers and grass are very moist. How can it cause a prairie fire

Zheng Sen took over the conversation and said: "Since I besieged the cult bandits, I have racked my brains, but I haven't even been able to touch the gate of the cottage. Alas, you see, I am so worried that I have lost a lot of my hair." He took off his clothes. Chisel the helmet, pull the hair gently, and there are indeed a few curled yellow hairs caught between the fingers.

Zheng Sen has always been known for his rudeness, but he is a rare warrior. In terms of offense, he is not inferior to veteran Cui Nan. Everyone saw how funny he was and knew that Yuhuang was extremely easy to defend and difficult to attack. No one dared to laugh, so they just remained silent.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zheng Xin asked Cui Nan: "General Cui led his troops to be invincible and powerful. My father has always praised him, but I don't know what his advice is?" Since Zheng Xin led his troops into Henan, he has been victorious and invincible. In front of his father, he showed himself to be both civil and military, but he wasted half a month under Yuhuang's head. This time King Youyan sent reinforcements to help in the battle. He seemed to be dissatisfied with himself and felt a little unhappy in his heart. However, he really couldn't win, so he had to humbly ask for advice.

Cui Nan was a man of few words. He repeatedly observed the terrain and thought hard. After a long time, he still shook his head and said: "This is a desperate situation. The general is incompetent and there is nothing we can do."

Qiu Yizhi asked from the side: "How about climbing up from the cliff next to it? If dozens of warriors can climb the city, take advantage of it and open the city gate, they can cooperate with the inside and the outside and defeat it in one fell swoop."

Zheng Xin always thought that his father doted on Qiu Yizhi, who came here as a locust, more than his three biological sons, so he always felt a little unhappy. However, his city was extremely deep and he never showed it. He just sighed and replied: "Of course Brother Yu has thought about it. He only raised less than ten hunters from nearby after promising a lot of money, saying that he can risk climbing. But when climbing, he can only Carrying daggers and daggers with you, let alone wearing heavy armor, Brother Yu thought that this would be the same as committing suicide, so he gave up the idea... "

Zheng Xin is right. If a few hunters can kill the mountain, then with the bravery of Youyan's elite soldiers, they have already conquered it. Why waste time here? Thinking of this, Yi Zhi couldn't help but sigh: "What the elder brother said is true, but the younger brother has not thought carefully. But other than that, is there any way to break it?"

Zheng Xin looked around and said: "I'll tell you the truth, my dear brother. Our army has been stationed here for a long time, and the army has become slack. Especially the Henan officers and soldiers, who spend all day playing around in the barracks and don't want to practice, stupid brother We have already changed the defense, and all those currently besieging Yuhuangding are troops from the Youyan Dao headquarters. Even so, I am afraid that the delay will last for a long time, and the nights will be long and full of dreams!"

After hearing this, Zheng Sen didn't care and said, "What are you afraid of? We will block him here for three to five years and starve the Tianzun cult bandits to death one by one. Why not?"

"Brother Xian, you don't know something now. Of my hundred thousand Youyan elite soldiers, 40,000 went deep into Henan. Seeing that the popular uprising was gradually dying out, we were reluctant to withdraw our troops because there were only a thousand remnants of bandits. There was no guarantee that everyone in the imperial court would be convinced. There are not many good people who say that my father is raising thieves to protect himself, and there will be endless troubles. What's more, my four brothers left home to go on an expedition and could not fulfill their filial piety in front of my father. It is also a violation of human ethics! .

After hearing this, Zheng Sen slapped his thigh and said, "Brother is really far-sighted. I only know how to fight on the battlefield. How can I expect so much? Now I'm thinking that it would be best if God opens his eyes and thunders to wipe out these bastards from the Tianzun Sect." It’s better to kill him!”

Everyone laughed after hearing this, and the awkward and helpless atmosphere dissipated slightly.

After the laughter subsided, Qiu Yizhi said quietly: "Brother just said that he caught a masterpiece of the Tianzun Sect. I want to see him..."

Qiu Yi was extremely resourceful, often unexpected, and was often praised by his father, so Zheng Xin was vaguely jealous. But at the moment, he really had no other good plans for the Tianzun Sect's plowing the caves, and he had no reason to refuse, so he sent a confidant to interrogate the captured Tianzun Sect's secretary.

Yi Zhi was led into the military camp. In an inconspicuous tent, he saw one of them, who was about thirty or forty years old. He was beaten until his skin was torn. Very heavy chains were tied to his wrists and ankles. He was lying on the ground helplessly, with his eyes open. Squeezing tight, breathing heavily. There were all kinds of torture instruments scattered around, which made people shudder.

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PS. The original shape of Yuhuangding was probably taken from the Diaoyu City outside Chongqing. Everyone knows about Diaoyu City. Facing the Mongol army that swept across Europe and Asia, it persisted for more than fifty years and even killed a Mongol Khan. In the end, it could not be broken. It is known as "The place where God broke the whip" . The author passed through Chongqing but had no chance to visit it. It was really hard to visit but I longed for it. (To be continued)