A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 44: 044 Named Zhao Chengxiao


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The next day, Qiu Yizhi got up very early. After sorting things out for a while, he went to King Youyan's palace in Bozhou Prefecture with his thoughts in mind to pay his respects to his father, King Zheng Rong.

Zheng Rong has been out marching and fighting all year round, and has already developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. When Qiu Yi came to pay his respects, Zheng Rongye had already gotten up and was dancing his sword in the courtyard. King Youyan's literary talent and military strategy are very famous among the Han clan. He was taught by the masters of the imperial guards since he was a child, and his set of swordsmanship makes him flow smoothly and naturally.

It was already early summer, the sun was already high in the sky, and the heat was gradually rising. Zheng Rong had not exhausted all his sword skills and was already sweating slightly. When he saw Qiu Yi approaching, he sheathed his sword and asked, "Yi came very early today. Why do you want to see me?"

Qiu Yizhi felt a little uneasy after being scolded by Zheng Rong yesterday. Hearing his adoptive father speak as usual, he felt relieved and said with a smile: "Yizhi is here to greet his adoptive father!"

Zheng Rong knew that he had something on his mind, but he didn't dare to say it out for a while, so he changed the subject and said, "Look at this sword in my father's hand. Your elder brother collected it from the top of Yuhuang, the Tianzun Sect's main altar. It's really like cutting gold." Broken Jade! I didn’t expect there to be such a treasure in the Tianzun Sect.” After saying that, he handed the sword to Qiu Yizhi.

Yi Zhi held it in both hands and looked at it carefully: he saw that the sword was very thick, with a slender blood groove in the middle that almost ran through the entire sword body. The blades on both sides were polished extremely sharp, as if there was a cold air gathering on it. It was true. A superb sword. So he handed it back to Zheng Rong and said, "Eldest brother still recognized the treasure. However, although Yi Zhi was blind, he also found a good knife on top of Yuhuang. He liked it very much when he saw it, so he informed the eldest brother and the second brother. Collect it and ask your adoptive father to evaluate it." He took off the scimitar from his waist and handed it over with the scabbard.

Zheng Rong took out his scimitar and looked at it up and down, left and right, and saw that this sword was very different from other swords. The entire blade was covered with layers of black cloud patterns. It did not reflect a trace of light under the light. When he waved it, There was no sound at all, but there was an aura of solemnity and insolence when trying the blade. Zheng Rong played with it for a long time before sighing: "I have seen many swords and famous knives in the palace, but none of them can compare with this sword in my hand."

Qiu Yi hurriedly smiled and said: "This sword should have been brought from the Western Regions by a cult. Its shape is very different from the weapons of the Central Plains. Only then did the adoptive father feel that it was precious and rare, but in fact it was nothing. The so-called weapon is not as good as new and human. That’s probably why it’s so good!”

Zheng Rong heard that he was very sharp and thought that he was afraid that he would take away this precious sword. He laughed "Haha" and said, "You have so many senses, how can I still steal your heart?" After that, he connected the sword with him. The sheath was returned to Qiu Yizhi.

Yi Zhi took the knife, carefully tied it around his waist again, and said with a smile: "What Yi Zhi said originally had nothing to do with this knife. But there is an old friend who I want to introduce to my adoptive father."

"Oh? Who?" Zheng Rong asked.

"Zhao Heizi. I believe my adoptive father still remembers him!" Yi Zhi replied.

"Oh! Is this the Zhao Heizi who followed me to break into Zhao Fuyi's mansion in Nanyang County?" Zheng Rong said with a hint of surprise.

"Yes, yes, that's him. Speaking of which, I have to call him Brother Zhao Heizi!" Then he briefly recounted Zhao Heizi's experiences in the past few years, and finally said, "This Brother Zhao Heizi has been with me ever since. , I have said several times that I want to see my savior again. My adoptive father is in a good mood today. Can I reward him with this golden face? "

Zheng Rong did not hesitate and said: "Meet him, of course I have to meet him. I wanted to take him under his command a few years ago, and it is really fate that we can meet him again today!" With that, he asked Qiu Yizhi to go and see Zhao. Kuroko.

However, Yi Zhi did not obey the order and objected to Zheng Rong: "Brother Zhao Hei is right where Yi Zhi is staying. Can you please ask someone else to do this for you? Yi Zhi still has an important matter to report to his adoptive father."

Seeing that his face was serious, Zheng Rong knew that this matter was not trivial, so he ordered Zhang Long to inform Zhao Heizi, while he looked at Qiu Yizhi with his eyes and asked, "I don't know what Yizhi has to report?"

What Qiu Yi wants to say is nothing else but the matter of the Tianzun Sect's classics and books. So he revealed one by one how he obtained the secret of the Tianzun Sect's book collection from Yu Mei, and how he asked Zheng Miao to send the book to Youyan Road. Finally, he said: "Although the Tianzun Sect's teachings are absurd, its various records are still detailed, and the whereabouts of the leader of the sect can be found out from them. Yi Zhi also saw that he is quite good at digging holes in mountains. Although this is a rat trick, but A gentleman must not ignore it. Therefore, Yi Zhi thought that under the guidance of Mr. Zhongli, he might gain something by reviewing this collection of books."

At this point, Zheng Rong knew not only the origin and purpose of this collection of books, but also how Qiu Yi deceived Yu Mei into leading a surprise attack on Yuhuangding. He couldn't help but sigh that his adopted son who came here on a whim was indeed an extraordinary person. Intention. Then he said: "To be honest, I originally wanted to entrust you with the task of identifying the remnants of the Tianzun Sect among the chaotic people, but I still suspect that you may have some connection with the cult, and I am still hesitant about this matter. However, the current matter of reviewing the cult's collection of books is , It’s not a trivial matter. But how can it be easy to identify the backbone of the cult among these hundreds of thousands of people without the help of your mind?”

Qiu Yi said: "Third brother has already discussed this matter with me. We have already decided on this screening method and are planning to discuss it with Mr. Zhongli before asking my adoptive father for advice."

Zheng Rong said: "Whatever you can do, just say it."

"The three of me and I came up with this method together. Yizhi said it's okay, but I'm afraid my adoptive father will blame me for taking credit..." Qiu Yizhi said with a troubled expression.

After hearing this, Zheng Rong laughed "haha" and said: "I didn't expect that Yizhi would learn from it, so why would he imitate your brothers? That's what you said."

"Hmm... Is this..." Qiu Yizhi paused for a moment and said, "This method is not difficult. Just ask each rioter to identify three backbones of the cult that they think they are. Whoever is identified the most will be ordered to investigate. Careful interrogation. I believe that few people can escape this harsh punishment."

After hearing this, Zheng Rong thought for a moment and realized that this was indeed a clever plan, so he asked: "Is this plan your idea or the plan of your third brother?"

Qiu Yi's advice: "Don't dare to deceive your adoptive father. This strategy was devised by the third brother Zheng Miao. The third brother originally wanted each person to identify one of the cult's followers, but Yi Zhi was afraid that there would be some omissions, so he suggested identifying three people. Although It will take a little more work, but there won’t be any fish that slip through the net and get into Youyan.”

Zheng Rong thought for a while and said: "I think this plan is very good. You and Zheng Miao will ask Mr. Zhongli again to hear his opinions on checking and filling the gaps. Since this matter of resettling the troubled people is Zheng Miao's idea, Please, I will grant his wish and let him do it with all his heart. As for the matter of reviewing the cult's collection of books, I think there are so many books that you can't do it by yourself. I can let you, Master Zhongli, pick a few from him. Capable scribes work together to handle it.”

While he was talking, Zhang Long had already sent Zhao Heizi to the gate of the state capital to wait for orders. After Zheng Rong heard this, he asked Qiu Yizhi to go out and bring him to meet him.

Although Zhao Heizi is known as a thieves, he is still a farmer who has never seen the world. He has never even entered the county government office a few times. Under the guidance of Qiu Yizhi, he cautiously walked through the lobby of the state capital. He saw a man in the back hall who looked to be about forty years old. He was sitting on a stone pier reading a book, with his long beard fluttering in the wind. , even though he was just wearing a silk robe very casually, he still exuded an overbearing aura.

When Zhao Heizi saw him, before he could wait for Qiu Yi's announcement, his knees couldn't help but soften, he knelt down, kowtowed a few times, and muttered something incomprehensible.

Seeing his appearance, Zheng Rong said, "You are Zhao Heizi, right? This Yizhi hasn't been informed yet, how come you recognized me?"

Zhao Heizi lay on the ground and said: "I met the prince once in Nanyang. At that time, I felt that the prince was exactly the same as what was performed on the stage and what was said in the storytelling. After I parted ways with the prince, although I saw less of the play, I haven’t stopped listening to the storytelling, so I certainly recognize the prince.”

Zheng Rong was the most popular among the royal family members. At that time, relying on his status as a prince, his deeds of conducting private interviews and redressing people's grievances incognito were widely circulated in the capital. There were even more meddling people who added fuel to the fire and compiled narrative lyrics, and went around the streets doing lip service. Since taking charge of the army, the theme has become more diverse, and many grass-stage troupes have turned it into dramas and performed them all over the country. Therefore, it is not unusual to see Zhao Heizi often.

Zheng Rong also heard about this matter. At first, he was a little worried, slanderous, and sarcastic, but later he got used to it. Then a proud smile flashed across his lips and asked: "Tell me, what's going on in this play?" How did you play the role of this king?”

Zhao Heizi kowtowed and said: "The person in the play is just like the real prince. He uses a sword to kill traitors, corrupt officials, Tatars, and barbarians. He is powerful and makes decisions for the people..."

Zheng Rong was at the top of the imperial court, and he was surrounded by high-ranking officials and scholars. Although this rough and tumble man's crude flattery came from the bottom of his heart, it was not very helpful. So he changed the subject and said, "Zhao Heizi, let me ask you a question. , I wanted to bring you to Youyan to serve in our army, so that you could earn some fame and gain a good background. But you were unwilling at first, so why did you come to join us now? "

Zhao Heizi kowtowed and said: "At that time, there was still my mother to support at home, and Mr. Zhao was alone and had to take care of him... I wanted to come and join the prince, but these two old people are old, so let them die in a foreign land, I... I really I can't bear it..." As he spoke, Zhao Heizi was already choking.

After hearing this, Zheng Rong put down the book in his hand, stood up and clapped his hands and praised: "Okay! I will give you this filial piety! If you have this heart of loyalty and filial piety, as long as you follow me, you will leave Zhao Heizi in this world." "

Yi Zhi laughed at the side and said, "It's just that Zhao Heizi's name is a little vulgar."

Zheng Rong listened, nodded and said with a smile: "Although this black man's name is straightforward and clumsy, it cannot be used in the elegant Tang Dynasty. I will give you a name... and call it... Zhao Chengxiao. Since ancient times, a filial son has been a filial son. Since you have done your best, If you show your filial piety, I hope you will serve the country faithfully and achieve great achievements."

Qiu Yizhi saw that Zhao Heizi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said to him: "Your Majesty gave you your name. What a blessing it is. Why don't you thank him quickly?" When Qiu Yizhi saw Zhao Chengxiao kowtowing continuously to thank him, he added Then he said, "Then Yi Zhi has an unkind request. I hope my adoptive father will ask Brother Zhao to work by my side. Is that okay?"

Zheng Rong changed his mind and asked Zhao Cheng Xiaodao: "Are you willing to serve under Yi Zhi?"

Zhao Chengxiao thought that Qiu Yizhi was familiar with him after all, and it would be more convenient to work under him, so he nodded vigorously.

"Okay!" Zheng Rong said, "Although this Qiu Yizhi is my adopted son, I have always regarded him as my own son. He is extremely smart and full of tricks. You will definitely be able to make a career under his command. !”

While they were talking, Zheng Xin, Zheng Sen, and Zheng Miao also came to say hello. It was inconvenient for Zhao Chengxiao to sit aside and listen, so Qiu Yizhi introduced him to his brothers briefly and then sent him out to avoid the situation.

So Zheng Rong assigned the aftermath of Youyan's army to his four sons one by one: resettling the unruly people to reclaim the wasteland and identifying the cult minions among them were two things but one thing. The task was very heavy, so he asked Zheng Xin to do it. , Zheng Miao brothers are jointly responsible; Zheng Sen will work with Cui Nan and Wei Hu to reorganize the army, organize defense and rest, and provide compensation and treatment for the dead and wounded soldiers; Qiu Yizhi is responsible for reviewing the Tianzun Sect's collection of books and discovering clues. Report directly to Zheng Rong in a timely manner. (To be continued)