A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 57: 057 The leader of the martial arts world


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Seeing Qiu Yizhi eating happily, Yuchi Lianghong also picked up a piece of exquisite dessert and said with a smile: "Although I have learned martial arts since I was young, I am impatient and impatient. Whether it is boxing, sword, grappling, etc., my skills are just three-legged cats, which are really not up to the standard. However, this light skill is a trick to save your life. I have worked hardest on it and I am quite conceited. Not to mention the precious sword in Mr. Qiu's room, even the pearl on the dragon crown of the current emperor may not be impossible to get!"

This was a very big statement. If it was said by someone else, Qiu Yizhi would just sneer at it. But the Eight Heluo Friends were all very skilled fighters, but they were defeated by Yuchi Lianghong. Qiu Yizhi could not help but believe it. He just listened to Yuchi Lianghong continue to say: "I wanted to borrow your horse temporarily, but the horse was afraid of strangers. It neighed before I even took it out of the stable. I had to give up."

Seeing that he admitted it so frankly and that he was also very skilled in martial arts, Qiu Yizi could not help but stand up, bowed, and said seriously: "I have an unwelcome request, I hope you will agree to it."

Seeing this, Yuchi Lianghong also stood up and returned the greeting, saying, "Sir, why do you have to do this? As long as it does not hurt human ethics or violate the laws of nature, I will do my best."

Qiu Yizi smiled and said, "Sir, what are you thinking about? I just met you by chance and was moved by your demeanor. I wonder if you would condescend to become my brother of the opposite sex?"

Yuchi Lianghong laughed and said, "Great! You speak your mind directly, you are neither as shy as scholars nor as rude as martial artists." He threw away the half piece of snack left in his hand and continued, "The fact that you returned the knife just now shows that you are generous and righteous. Although you are not a martial artist, your mind is far greater than those so-called heroes who say one thing and mean another. Great! I'm determined to make you my friend!"

After that, the two informed each other of their birth dates - Qiu Yizi was nineteen years old this year, and Yuchi Lianghong was thirty-two years old.

So Yuchi Lianghong said, "There are many people who swear brotherhood in the Jianghu. I see that the swearing-in ceremony is very grand, but many of them turn against each other and become enemies. In my opinion, you and I, brothers, don't need to swear blood oaths or swear to heaven. Let's drink a cup of tea instead of wine. The mighty Yellow River is our witness. From now on, we will be like brothers. What do you think, my dear brother?"

"Okay, brother is really straightforward." Qiu Yizi filled a tea bowl on the table, drank half a sip, and handed it to Yuchi Lianghong.

Yuchi Lianghong took the half bowl of tea from Qiu Yizhi's hand, drank it all, and threw the empty bowl towards the Yellow River.

Qiu Yizi saw that he was not tall and strong, and his arms were not as strong as those of Zhao Chengxiao or the Bronze-eyed Arhat, but he didn't know where he got the strength from. He threw the tea bowl so lightly that it flew out of sight with a sound of wind.

Yizhi smiled and said, "Brother Yuchi is really good at martial arts. I'm afraid this bowl has already fallen into the Yellow River! I just don't understand. From a distance, you look like a weak scholar. How can you have such strength?"

Yuchi Lianghong replied, "My dear brother, you don't know this. The so-called strength of ordinary people in the martial arts world is just the foolish strength of carrying rice and selling wine. How can they understand that every move must mobilize the strength of the whole body, even the internal organs, and must also understand the principles of using the opponent's strength to counter the opponent and taking advantage of the situation, in order to have real power. For someone like the bronze-eyed arhat, who doesn't think clearly about this, even if he practices hard for a lifetime, he will never be a match for me."

Qiu Yizhi was puzzled and asked, "Since the boxing and kicking skills of the Heluo Eight Friends are far inferior to yours, but you just said that your Qinggong is far better than your boxing and kicking skills, how could you be tracked all the way here by the Heluo Eight Friends?"

As the saying goes, "There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts", people in the martial arts world have the strongest desire to compete. Qiu Yi's words were said unintentionally, but the listeners took them seriously. If a narrow-minded person heard it, he would definitely think that he was mocking him in secret, and he might even turn hostile at that moment.

Yuchi Lianghong was very open-minded and didn't care at all. He smiled and said, "My brother's Qinggong is still quite impressive. Although he can't walk on the snow without leaving any trace, he won't be caught by the Eight Friends of Heluo. Think about it, my dear brother, where have you tried out the sharpness of this precious sword?"

"Oh!" Qiu Yizhi suddenly realized, "Brother Yuchi, are you talking about the dispute between me and two officials on the official road yesterday?"

"That's right. My dear brother, your precious BMW and precious sword are both rare treasures. Who in the martial arts world would not be jealous of them? I'm not afraid of you making fun of me. When I saw them yesterday, I couldn't help but feel a little moved. That's why I sneaked in in the middle of the night to borrow them." At this point, Yuchi Lianghong's face became serious and he said, "As the saying goes, a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure. I hope my dear brother will be more cautious in the future."

Qiu Yizhi had heard countless times from his foster father, master, and even his third brother Zheng Miao that he should be cautious and restrained. Although he was a person of a hard nature, he knew that these were all good advice, so he nodded heavily and said, "I'll take note of this!"

Yuchi Lianghong added: "I was just a child at the time and wanted to test my sword with the Eight Friends of Heluo. After I finished the task, I realized that these eight people might follow the instructions and come to trouble me. I regretted it at that time, so I sneaked back to Anhe Town. Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise I would have suffered physical pain. I would have been guilty of a great sin!"

"What are you talking about? If it weren't for these twists and turns, how could I have recognized such a great hero as my brother?" Qiu Yizi said with a smile.

After saying that, the two looked at each other and laughed.

After talking for a while and eating a few cakes, Yuchi Lianghong saw that the market downstairs was gradually opening up and the crowd was slowly gathering. He knew that it was getting late, so he stood up and said to Qiu Yizi, "Today, I am able to make friends with you, my good brother, and my trip to Anhe Town is worthwhile. If you are embarrassed by people in the martial arts world in the future, just say that I am Yuchi Lianghong's sworn brother, and I believe that the other party will give you three times the face. Well, I will not bother you anymore, and I will leave now!"

After hearing this, Qiu Yizhi also stood up and said, "I have some important matters to deal with right now, so I have to go to the capital Luoyang to deal with them. Otherwise, I will have to stay here for a few more days to listen to your teachings. How can I bear to leave you in such a hurry?"

Yuchi Lianghong smiled and said, "My foolish brother still has some mundane affairs to attend to in Qingzhou and Linzhou. After he finishes them, he will return home via Kinki. Then my two brothers will surely meet again." After that, he turned around and walked downstairs.

At this time, there were already guests sitting in groups of three or four in Qingguilou, drinking tea and wine. Qiu Yizhi escorted Yuchi Lianghong all the way to the door of the restaurant. Just as he was about to bow and say goodbye, a voice came from behind him, "Wait a minute!"

Qiu Yizhi was startled when he heard this. It was Zhou Cijing who was jogging from the store. He said to Yuchi Lianghong's back, "This warrior is good at martial arts. I am willing to hire him as my personal bodyguard. The price is negotiable. How about one hundred taels of silver a month?"

He Jiugong hurriedly stopped in front of Zhou Cijing and whispered, "Boss, please don't talk nonsense! Boss, please don't talk nonsense!"

As the master and the servant were talking, Qiu Yizi heard a melodious voice chanting in his ears: "The mountains are high and the rivers are long, you and I brother will meet again someday..." He hurriedly followed the sound, and saw a busy market in front of him. Yuchi Lianghong had already disappeared in the endless stream of people.

Zhou Cijing, who was standing by, finally got rid of He Jiugong's obstruction. Seeing that the knight he wanted to win over had disappeared, he couldn't help but get angry: "He Jiu, why are you stopping me? If I can hire this man, then my Zhou family will be transporting goods from north to south, so what will we have to fear from bandits?"

"Oh! I can't explain it to the boss right now." He Jiugong has served the Zhou family for generations, and they have a special bond. He was a little more casual when talking to the boss. "The Yuchi family has been the leader of the martial arts world for hundreds of years. The court promised them a fifth-rank military officer position, but they were not tempted. How could they work for businessmen like us? To be honest, even if he wants to join the rich businessmen to make some easy money, I'm afraid it's not our Zhou family's turn!"

Zhou Cijing was speechless after hearing this.

He Jiugong asked Qiu Yizhi again: "I heard clearly in the hall just now that the man in white is the head of the Yuchi family. I wonder what kind of relationship do you have with him? Can you ask him for help?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Qiu Yizhi said slowly, "His name is Yuchi Lianghong. I have never met him before. I only helped him out of righteous indignation. Just now, I have become brothers with him."

He Jiugong was amazed when he heard this, "How can they say that good fortune comes naturally to those who are lucky! Being related to the Yuchi family is a blessing that people in the martial arts world cannot achieve in several lifetimes. The young master actually became brothers with the head of the family in just a few words. This is a big event that has shocked the martial arts world!"

Qiu Yizi was still immersed in the adventure that had just happened in the past two or three hours, and only asked calmly: "What do you mean, Lord Jiu?"

"Sir, do you really not know the origin of the Yuchi family?" Before Qiu Yizhi could ask in detail, He Jiugong began to introduce himself, "To be honest, the Yuchi family is not ordinary. It is a wealthy and powerful family that has been famous for two hundred years. According to legend, his ancestors followed our Taizu to rise up in rebellion, and the Han Dynasty had a share of their contributions. Therefore, Taizu appointed Yuchi Taigong as the chief instructor of the imperial army, and he was feared by all of China. When Emperor Shengzu Wu came to power, he followed the emperor to personally lead the expedition to the north to attack the Tatars and established the Unparalleled military exploits. But for some reason, his family fell into trouble in the later years of Emperor Shengzu, and his descendants were scattered and the family fell into decline. It was not until Emperor Gaozong ascended the throne that the injustice was redressed. He searched for the descendants of the Yuchi family, but only found a Zhongxing Gong who had escaped by chance. The Yuchi family suffered such a disaster and was no longer willing to serve as an official. So they resigned and concentrated on practicing the martial arts secrets passed down by Taigong. In just a few decades, they had many children and disciples all over the world. "

He Jiugong paused and continued, "The Yuchi family is highly skilled in martial arts, has good morals, and is fair in their work, so who dares not to give them some face, whether in the black or white world? I have heard of the young master of the Yuchi family. It is said that he was proficient in all kinds of martial arts when he was a teenager, and traveled all over the world at the age of 20. By the age of 30, his father was no match for him. Now he has officially inherited the Yuchi family business, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the leader of the martial arts world. From now on, you will be known as the sworn brother of the head of the Yuchi family. You will be so powerful that you can roam the world! Even if you open a escort agency, your business will be booming and your wealth will be abundant!"

Qiu Yizhi listened to him quietly in deep thought, and said only one sentence: "It's too late today, could you please leave now, Lord Jiu?"

Along the way, Qiu Yizhi no longer rode a horse, nor did he ride in the same carriage with Zhou Cijing, but took the second carriage that was carrying fruits, saltpeter. He ordered people to prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote down the details of today's events in the bumpy carriage. He ordered Zhao Chengxiao to ride his own Ferghana horse all the way to Guangyang, and then return to meet him at the restaurant owned by Zhou Cijing in Tongguan. (To be continued)