A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 67: 067 The Counselor is here


The official discussions have been completed, and the emperor's eldest son Zheng Changben is planning to keep Yang Yuanzhi and Qiu Yizhi to eat in the mansion. But none of the two guests, the old one and the young one, wanted to stay here any longer, so they found an excuse and left.

Zheng Chang was actually just being polite. He didn't really want to have dinner with a verbose old man or an arrogant young man. Although the old prime minister fainted just now because of his anger, his vitality was damaged after all, and he was swaying when he walked. So Zheng Chang and Qiu Yizhi supported him on the left and right and slowly walked out of the mansion.

From the study to the front door of the mansion, it was only a short walk of about a hundred steps, and Yang Yuanzhi continued to talk for a while, all of which asked him to learn more about government affairs, not to indulge in drinking and sex, etc. Zheng Chang was in a good mood, listened patiently, and spoke perfunctorily, finally sent the two of them outside the house, and then turned around and went back to the house.

The officials who were waiting outside the prince's residence to be summoned had already dispersed and left after hearing Zheng Chang say that he would not see any visitors today.

On the spacious street in front of the house, only two bearers brought by Yang Yuanzhi were leaning against a small sedan chair, smoking and chatting. The two sedan bearers saw that the old master was being helped out by the little guest who came to visit yesterday, and he didn't look very good. They quickly put him into the sedan chair, and using a method that was ten times gentler than usual, they lifted the sedan chair and went steadily. Go back.

At this point, Qiu Yizhi's affairs for coming to Luoyang have been smoothly handled. What to do next depends on the decision-making between his adoptive father and Master Zhongli. However, he thought that Prince Youyan would share the honor and disgrace with the eldest son Zheng Chang from now on, and also thought that the prince he had just met did not give him any sense of reliability, and he couldn't help but worry again.

The more Qiu Yizhi thought about it, the more uneasy she became. Finally, she couldn't help but approach the sedan chair and whispered to the old Prime Minister Yang Yuanzhi who was sitting in it: "Old Prime Minister, please forgive me for being outspoken. I see that the eldest son of the emperor is arrogant at first and respectful at the back. It's all in the words, and it doesn't look like a human king. I wonder what the old prime minister has to say?"

Yang Yuanzhi sighed deeply in the sedan chair and said: "Oh~ I have seen more or less the younger generation of the Zheng family of the Han Dynasty. Most of them are uneducated and unskilled dandies, and there are many who do evil. There are also some He is sweet-talking and sinister. Although his talents and virtues are somewhat less than those of his elder uncles, he is straightforward and able to listen to advice. If he helps carefully, he can still become a wise king. "He sighed again. It’s just that I am already in my final years, so the important task of assisting the Holy Lord will be left to you... "

Qiu Yizhi had no interest in being Zheng Chang's minister. He seemed to have not heard the old prime minister's words, which were half complaints and half entreaties, and he fell silent again.

Slowly, a slight snore came from the sedan. Qiu Yizhi knew that Yang Yuanzhi had taken a nap, so he said to the leading sedan bearer: I am going to enjoy the scenery of Luoyang. Please treat the old prime minister for lunch without waiting any longer. , come back and disturb me again during dinner. After saying that, he turned around and went into the streets and alleys.

Luoyang is worthy of being a place where officials gather. Even at the entrances of households in remote alleys, there are many palm-sized stone lions placed, and some stand with the words "Jinshi in so-and-so department" and "Yubi in so-and-so department". The wooden sign "hand-picked" shows the extraordinary achievements of the owner of the house in the examination room.

Qiu Yiyi felt it was new at first, and stopped to take a few glances, but later she became accustomed to it. He got up very early today because he had some business to do. He was already hungry. When he saw a stall on the roadside, he spent a few pennies and ordered a bowl of wontons and a bowl of beef soup. He was sweating profusely after eating.

After filling his stomach, Qiu Yizhi felt even more energetic. He did not look at the magnificent high-rise buildings, but instead looked at the narrow alleys in the business district, looking at the small shops open here and the street stalls over there, weighing them up. I brought five or six taels of silver with me today, thinking about buying some small items that are not common in Guangyang so that I can give them away when I go back.

Qiu Yizhi turned around and around a few alleys, and suddenly there was a fragrance that he had never smelled before in the air, which made him a little intoxicated for a moment. He quickly raised his eyes and looked around, and a blush suddenly appeared on his face. It turns out that the gatehouses on both sides of this alley were painted with red paint, countless red lanterns were hung under the eaves, and the shop names of "Nuanxiang Pavilion", "Yihong Pavilion" and "Pinxiang Pavilion" were mentioned on the lintels. Even though Qiu Yizhi had never seen it before, he knew that this was the place where Fireworks and Willow Lane was located.

Qiu Yizhi's face turned red, and just as he was about to turn around and leave, a woman rushed up to him from the street, took his arm, and whispered in his ear: "Sir, you are the first customer in the shop today. We’ll give you a 20% discount on all expenses according to the rules, so it’s a good day for the shop!”

Qiu Yizhi turned around and saw that the woman was so heavily made up that her true appearance was no longer visible. She was covered with several layers of gauze and her left and right breasts were exposed. She was rising and falling with her breathing - she was a prostitute. When Qiu Yizhi saw it, he remembered the teaching of "a gentleman should be cautious about being alone" and quickly excused himself. Unexpectedly, the prostitute pulled Qiu Yizhi closely and was about to drag her into the brothel.

At this moment of stalemate, I suddenly heard a rapid banging sound on the small street. With the sound of wooden sticks being knocked, thirty or forty people appeared out of nowhere and blocked both ends of the small street.

In the midst of surprise, a man walked out from the crowd on one side. He was wearing a captain's uniform, official boots, and an official sword across his waist. He walked up to Qiu Yizhi and said, "This young master is a friend from Youyan. Right? My father-in-law has invited me to come with you."

When Qiu Yi heard it, she knew where the news had leaked and exposed her identity. However, the secret work had been completed, so she felt calm in her heart: "I just came to the capital and don't know any adults or officers. Your Excellency invites you here." , please forgive me for not obeying my order!”

The captain laughed ferociously: "It's polite to say 'please'. Master, if you don't want to be toasted or fined with wine, just come with me and save yourself some physical pain."

Qiu Yizhi wanted to speak to him again, but the prostitute next to him jumped out and said: "Oh - it turns out he is a military master. This young master is the first guest of the slave family today. There is no reason in this world to steal a bitch's job. , please let Master Jun be open to you!"

The captain completely ignored the prostitute and cursed, "It's none of your business!" He stretched out his hand to arrest her.

When the prostitute saw this, she reached out and hit the captain on the back of his hand. Her fingernails seemed to be very sharp. The captain's left hand was flinched when she grabbed it, and then he said: "I think this is good for you. Let's all give in. Please wait at the door of the shop for a while, so that we can finish serving you." Let this young man come out again. Looking at the situation, this young man has committed a serious crime. He may be punished in the future. Being able to live a free and easy life before death can be regarded as a sign of your good deeds. "

The two red blood marks on the back of the Captain's hand ached secretly, and after listening to her nagging a lot of things, he became impatient for a long time, and pulled out his official sword with a bang: "You bitch, stop talking nonsense to me." , Do you believe that I copied your flower house?"

It didn't matter what he said, several brothels on both sides of the street opened their doors one after another, and fifty or sixty prostitutes walked out of the doors, pointing and cursing, with a few gossips mixed in.

"Isn't it great to have an official job? Ever since our ancestors were in charge of serving food, there has never been a rule about arresting people in brothels."

"That's right. If the rules are broken, who dares to come to our place to play? You can't drink the northwest wind when the store is closed?"

"When the time comes, let's go to Luoyang Mansion's Yamen to beat drums and cry out for injustice!"

"Sister, that's nonsense. The most lecherous people in the world besides monks are government servants. If we shut them down here, they can't stand it!"

Another prostitute pointed and said: "Sister, do you still remember the Qing sister who caused Hualiu to die of illness in our store last year? The Mr. Li who often took care of her was also an official!"

"Hey! Then doesn't Mr. Li also suffer from Hualiu Disease?"

"Of course. But coincidentally, Mr. Xu, who works with Mr. Li, is said to have won the prize this year."

"Oh~ It's a pity that Sister Qing is dead. I didn't expect Master Xu to be her benefactor. If I, sister, had so many distinguished guests to greet me, I would laugh out loud even in my sleep."

"My sister is confused. Sister Qing died last year, and Master Xu got the disease this year..."

"Hahaha, it turns out they are a pair of rabbits!"

Someone among the officers had already gotten angry after hearing this, drew out their sabers, and shouted: "You stinky bitches, what nonsense are you talking about? Believe it or not, I will arrest you all!"

"I'm not talking about you, why are you nervous? Isn't it possible that you also had an affair with that person named Xu?" Some prostitute said something, which made everyone laugh. Another prostitute who was standing on the second floor watching the scenery poured dirty water and threw dirt from upstairs, causing chaos downstairs.

At this moment, a man slowly walked out of the crowd. He looked about thirty or forty years old, with a fair face and no beard. He took out a bamboo sign from his sleeve, shook it up and down, left and right, and said with a pinched voice. : "Who dares to be presumptuous in admonishing good people?"

Although this sentence was not loud, it silenced a small street that was still bustling with people just now.

The man was very proud when he saw it. He raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Why don't you go back to the miscellaneous family? Why don't you wait and see the excitement?" Before he finished speaking, all the prostitutes hid in the brothel. Even the clever prostitute disappeared without knowing where she was.

The man then slowly put away the sign, walked to Qiu Yizhi, and said with a smile: "Although our charity department has a bad reputation, we also put integrity first. As long as the young master goes back with the Za family and says a few words, the young master will be guaranteed." Come back in one piece."

Qiu Yizhi had already heard about the reputation of the Guanshan Division and knew that they were the minions of the great eunuch Wang Zhonghai and the assistants of the second son of the emperor Zheng Yao. He said: "I am just a commoner, how dare I welcome the prince personally?"

The man who looked like a eunuch smiled and said: "Young master is really flattering me. The Zajia family is just a servant who serves tea and water under Wang Gong Gong. But since the master knows the prestige of Wang Gong Gong, he also knows the methods of persuading charity. This is Please come with me, Master!"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then please forgive me for being rude!" As he said that, the eunuch waved his right hand, and the officials blocking the alley slowly came closer, gradually forming a circle, surrounding Qiu Yizhi in Gaixin.

At this moment, Qiu Yizhi really regretted not bringing Zhao Chengxiao, who was secretly guarding the gatekeeper of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Otherwise, with his divine power, he might be able to break out of the siege and escape. Unfortunately, it was too late to regret at this moment. Qiu Yizhi could only draw out his sword and block it in front of him, hoping to fight the trapped beast.

At this moment of life and death, a long roar suddenly came from mid-air: "Wait a minute -" (To be continued)