A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 75: 075 What a great success


The author said: The two great masters have opened a book. Will the historical district usher in a climax


Eunuch Jin walked struttingly for a while, and when he turned to a secluded corner, he suddenly stopped, turned around and bowed his head: "Mother Gu sent someone to talk to you early in the morning, and she came to the palace in the evening. The matter is so urgent, could it be the saint? Is there any urgent matter that I want to entrust to the Za family?"

Gu Erniang replied: "You are quite smart. The Saint has an order for you to arrange for these two nobles from the slave family to meet your boss Wang Zhonghai."

Qiu Yizhi didn't expect that this golden eunuch who could boss the palace guards was actually a nail planted by the Tianzun Sect in the palace. He was very surprised when he saw the golden eunuch kneeling on the ground silently and with a troubled expression on his face.

"What? Can't it be done?" Gu Erniang asked again.

"No, no, no." Eunuch Jin quickly replied, "Although this matter is not difficult, if the Zajia leads a few people over, their identity will inevitably be exposed. If the Zajia is required to lurk in the palace to do things, that is the order of the leader. If something goes wrong, The villain can't afford to suffer the consequences of his old man's affairs."

Gu Erniang's face had long since lost the flattering expression she had shown to the guard named Wang. She put her hands on her waist and said, "Who wants you to reveal your identity? I just asked you to give directions from a distance. We met. Isn’t that okay with Wang Zhonghai’s face?”

"Okay, okay, okay." Eunuch Jin kept saying, "Mama Gu is a famous person who can speak to the leader. She really knows the difficulties of our subordinates. The palace is tightly guarded. Without further delay, the Za family will take the lead. Let's go to the prince's dormitory!" After saying that, he led a few people and continued walking forward.

Eunuch Jin led everyone through countless twists and turns in the huge and unfamiliar palace city, and finally stopped in front of a very deep alley. He pointed at a small light as big as a bean at the bottom of the alley. He said: "Eunuch Wang is in that house." But he never moved forward.

When Qiu Yi saw that the alley was dark and long, she hesitated a little. She stood there and kept thinking about the dangers in it. Gu Erniang, who was on the side, was a master of observing words and emotions. Seeing the worry in Qiu Yizhi's heart, she whispered in his ear: "It doesn't matter. The slave family can guarantee the safety of the young master with his life. What's more, the hero Yuchi is still here. I'm watching from the wall. If you can't trust the slave family, how can you still trust your brother?"

Qiu Yizhi then plucked up the courage and walked slowly forward along the walls on both sides of the alley.

After walking for some distance, Qiu Yizhi realized that this so-called alley was just a gap between two palace walls. There were no traps or ambushes, and not even a single window was opened. Then he felt relieved. .

However, he was a man with an extremely active mind. His worries had just relaxed, but his curiosity was rising again, and he asked: "Mother Gu, the eunuch named Jin just now is also the eyes and ears installed by your sect in the palace. Seeing that the imperial guards were a little scared when they saw him, he must be a very important figure in the palace, so why would he condescend to join your sect? "

"Young Master made a mistake!" Gu Erniang said with a smile, "It's not that Jin's status is higher than that of our Holy Religion that attracted him, it's that he joined our Holy Religion and that's why he has the status he has today."

Qiu Yizhi was a little dizzy from her convoluted words, and asked quickly: "What can Mother Gu say?"

Gu Erniang's face was filled with a trademark smile: "Since the young master is the person chosen by the saint, it doesn't matter if I talk to the young master. I think back then, my former leader of the holy sect, Ying Rui, made a decisive decision and bought hundreds of them from the private sector. Children from poor families were all sent to the palace to serve as eunuchs. Some of these children did not survive the purification period, some made mistakes and were beaten to death by the palace people, and some could only serve as tea servers throughout their lives. A stupid eunuch. Only this guy named Jin is smart and can do things. Our holy religion gave him countless gold and silver and asked him to bribe the superiors, so he got into the position of being in charge of the Imperial City Guard. Asked, does this person named Jin have the status he has today because of the blessings of the Holy Religion?"

After hearing this, Qiu Yizhi didn't answer, and said: "This Eunuch Jin is considered a capable person. I thought that entering the palace was as difficult as climbing to the sky. I didn't expect that he said a word and we could easily get away with it." Come in."

"Our Nuanxiangge family is not the only one doing this kind of business. How many brothels in the neighborhood have made a fortune from this? What happened to this Jin? There are many who can talk." Gu Erniang was very disdainful. He said quietly, "Young master, don't look at the fact that he claims to be in charge of the palace guards. I heard that the emperor doesn't take care of things anymore, so it's his turn to pretend to be a big-tailed hawk? It's useless!"

Qiu Yizhi had long heard that the current emperor ignored political affairs, but he didn't expect that even the palace would be in such a mess, so he asked again: "Then I don't know something again? Doesn't it mean that the eunuch is clean?" Do you need to hire a prostitute after you die?"

After hearing this, Gu Erniang immediately stopped where she was, holding her belly and holding back her laughter with great difficulty: "It's not the master's fault. Of course those who don't know the inside story think so. But from the slave's point of view, the more valuable things in the world are, the more valuable they are. If you don't, you will think about it day and night. As for the eunuchs, it seems that the Yinu family is more anxious than ordinary men!"

He'er, who had changed into a sexy outfit and was walking silently with her head lowered behind the two of them, finally couldn't help it and cursed softly: "Mother Gu, please stop saying a few words, you're not ashamed!"

Gu Erniang was about to say something to refute, but she saw Qiu Yizhi put her finger on her lips and made a "silence" gesture. Gu Erniang finally stopped talking when she saw this.

It turned out that these people were talking as they walked, and the lighted house was only a hundred steps away, and the person in the house was the eunuch Wang Zhonghai whom they had taken a huge risk to see.

This Wang Zhonghai may be notorious or thunderous, but it is an indisputable fact that he has power over the government and the public, and he can influence the government affairs with just a few clicks. When Qiu Yizhi thought of this, he felt huge pressure from that small room. This feeling was something he had never felt when facing Youyan King Zheng Rong, Zhongshun King Dali Khan, old Prime Minister Yang Yuanzhi, and the emperor's eldest son Zheng Chang. He had never felt anything before, and it was a mixture of excitement, nervousness, curiosity, fear and other complex emotions that made him feel a little breathless.

But after all, Qiu Yizhi had followed his adoptive father north and south since he was a child. He was used to seeing the big world. He closed his eyes secretly to calm down, and tiptoed to the door. Seeing that the door was ajar, he didn't dare to push it directly and go in. He raised his hand and knocked a few times very carefully.

The person inside the door reacted very quickly. When he heard the knock on the door, he immediately asked: "Who is it? What time is it? Are you still looking for Zajia?"

Qiu Yizhi listened carefully, and heard that the voice was extremely old, and the tone was full of fatigue. It was not consistent with the sharp voices like jackals and eagles made by the traitorous eunuchs he had read in history books and thought about. at.

Qiu Yizhi finally didn't answer, but tried to muster up the courage to slowly push the door open.

But I saw that the great eunuch Wang Zhonghai was in an extremely plain room - only one foot square in area. There was a brick kang built on the wall, and there was a mattress on the kang, and a thin thin layer folded neatly. A thin quilt and an inconspicuous pillow were placed on the mattress. In front of the Kang was an old desk. Two half-burned candles were lit on the table. Memorials about a foot high were piled beside the candles. The person reading these memorials was Wang Zhonghai, who was frightened by people in Luoyang, the capital. .

When Wang Zhonghai saw that the visitor did not answer and dared to open the door and come in without his permission, he put down the memorial in his hand, rubbed his eyes with his withered hands, and carefully discerned which audacious little thief dared to disturb him from handling national affairs.

A man and two women came into the room, both wearing strange clothes that were not eunuchs and maids. Wang Zhonghai immediately became angry when he saw this: "What kind of monsters are you doing in the middle of the night? What kind of clothes are you wearing?" Which eunuch is he working for? If you don't recruit him from the ground, he will go back and skin you!"

The look on Qiu Yizhi's face when listening to him was no different from that of a conservative old man in an ordinary village. Her worried heart slowly relaxed and she said calmly: "The prince made a mistake, we are not eunuchs or maids." , but..."

"Hmph! She must be a child molester and a prostitute!" Wang Zhonghai hurriedly interrupted Qiu Yizhi's words, and then cursed casually, "Those dirty coffins, the Za family has been busy with official duties these days and has no time to take care of them, so they actually regard being polite as a blessing. . Let’s see how the Zajia deal with them when they come back!”

Seeing Wang Zhonghai's scorched yellow face, Qiu Yizhi was so angry that he was filled with blood and said with a smile: "My lord, please don't be angry. If you get angry, it won't be worth it!"

When Wang Zhonghai heard what Qiu Yizhi said, he looked him up and down carefully several times, but only asked: "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know. In this palace, the one who can deal with the husbands of eunuchs, apart from the current Holy Emperor, is you, the great eunuch Wang Zhonghai!" Qiu Yizhi said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Wang Zhonghai was very pleased with what he heard and said: "Hey, I didn't expect that this guy of yours is not only right to say this, but also very courageous! The Zajia seems to like it a little bit. Let's do this. The Zajia will give the order now How about you clean up your body in the Jingshifang, don’t go to any master, just follow the Zajia, I guarantee you will be successful within three years!”

Qiu Yizhi was dumbfounded when she heard that he originally wanted to win over her as an eunuch.

He'er, who was beside her, was laughing so hard that she said, "How come you, old man, can't understand people's words? This Mr. Qiu is neither a eunuch nor..." Halfway through her words, she knew that she had inadvertently revealed the secret, and she hurriedly He covered his mouth with force and swallowed the rest of the sentence.

But Wang Zhonghai had already heard the secret. He laughed a few times and said, "Hey, hey, hey." Come see me inside...but he is also a troublemaker and a bold master!"

When Qiu Yizhi saw that her identity was revealed, she glared at He'er with a lot of anger on her face, making her look three inches shorter. But he changed his expression to a relaxed expression and said to Wang Zhonghai: "I have admired the name of the prince for a long time, and I have long wanted to see his true face. However, I have a strange problem: if someone comes to invite me politely, I will never refuse; But if you use force, you won’t be able to get what you want!”

Wang Zhonghai's mouth sank when he heard this, and then he smiled and said: "Young Master Qiu is a young hero, and naturally he is full of energy. What happened yesterday was indeed the fault of the Za family's inconsideration. Please forgive me!" After saying that, he stood up and said to him. Qiu Yizhi bowed.

Only then did Qiu Yizhi see clearly that Wang Zhonghai was not short, he was half a head taller than himself, but his back was stooped, and the skin all over his body was tightly attached to a skinny and skinny body, making him look insignificant. Angry seems to have only one more breath than a dead person.

When Qiu Yizhi saw it, she felt some pity in her heart. She held his hands and said, "My lord, why are you like this? It's offensive for us to come uninvited!"

Wang Zhonghai also held Qiu Yizhi's hands, as if he wanted to feel the temperature of the young body carefully. He let go after a long time, and finally sighed and said: "I have heard for a long time that Mr. Qiu is the adopted son of Prince Youyan. As expected, he is very similar to the way the prince acted when he was young. He is also the same resolute and stubborn, the same unexpected, the same courteous and virtuous corporal... "

When Qiu Yizhi heard that Wang Zhonghai compared herself with her adoptive father, she quickly said in a frightened tone: "My father-in-law said this, how can I bear it?" After a pause, he added, "I am just an ignorant person. Son, there are a few things I want to ask my father-in-law about tonight!”

"Hehehehehe. Zajia is just an old servant who waits for others. He can't read a basket of Chinese characters. How can he dare to give advice?" Wang Zhonghai saw Qiu Yizhi and the other two women still standing, so he smiled and asked them to sit down. On the Kang, he said again, "The young master suddenly arrived, leaving the Za family completely unprepared. Let alone tea, there was no place to find even a cup of hot water!" (To be continued)