A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 77: 077 Wang Zhonghai died


The author said: The data is growing steadily (although not by much), and it seems that the writing is getting better and better. Thank you for your continued support!

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Although Gu Erniang was just a woman, she had practiced martial arts since she was young, and was a top-notch martial arts expert. Therefore, the slap she casually gave was quite powerful, leaving a five-finger-shaped red mark on Wang Zhonghai's face.

After eating this, Wang Zhonghai slowly opened his eyes and looked at them blankly. He opened his mouth and didn't say a word, but saliva was dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Seeing his idiotic look, Qiu Yizi hurriedly whispered in his ear, "Eunuch Wang, Eunuch Wang!"

Wang Zhonghai looked at Qiu Yizi with a confused look on his face but refused, as if he had forgotten his last name was Wang and even his identity as the chief eunuch in the palace.

Seeing this, Qiu Yizi became a little anxious and called out his name in a stern voice: "Wang Zhonghai!"

The old eunuch still looked stupid and did not answer.

Qiu Yizi turned around and asked Gu Erniang, "What kind of magic medicine did Gu Mama give Eunuch Wang? Why did he become a fool?"

Gu Erniang smiled and said, "This is my secret weapon. Whoever takes this medicine will forget everything that happened before and after taking it. He will become an idiot for a few days and will not be able to recover until ten days or months later."

Qiu Yizi claimed that she was the best: "Mother Gu, this is a good medicine. People say that there is no regret medicine in the world. I think your forget-worry powder is not much different from the regret medicine. But I don't know how this medicine is made. If I did something wrong that day, I would take one pill and pretend that it never happened. At least I can feel at peace with myself."

"Young Master is indeed smart. This medicine is called Forget Worry Powder. The raw material is just very common ephedra, but it has to go through..." Gu Er Niang was delighted by his praise and said a few words casually, but she felt that she had said too much and quickly changed her words, "This refining method is very special. It was passed down to my master by my great master, and then to me. It is as precious to me as my life."

Qiu Yizhi listened and did not embarrass her: "I am indeed being nosy. But Mama Gu's special skills are indeed useful and easy to use. In my opinion, they are even better than my brother's skills!"

Hearing his praise, Gu Erniang smiled and said, "Who among the martial artists doesn't have a few tricks to save their lives? Yuchi the Great Swordsman certainly has them too. Who knows, they might be some earth-shattering tricks!"

Qiu Yizhi listened and saw that Wang Zhonghai was really like an idiot as Gu Erniang said, so she asked, "What should we do next? Please arrange it for me, Madam Gu."

Gu Erniang laughed and said, "Isn't this easy? We have taken Wang Zhonghai out of the palace. Who else in the palace dares to fart?"

Qiu Yizi clapped her hands and laughed, "Mother Gu really has a good plan! Let's leave the palace now!"

Gu Er Niang agreed, "I will follow your instructions, sir. Just don't mention this matter to anyone, I will be very grateful."

Qiu Yizi knew that these martial artists had many reasons to join the Tianzun Sect, and that they were often superficially united but actually estranged, and it was common for them to have some hidden tricks up their sleeves, so he agreed.

So Qiu Yizi and others took the dazed Wang Zhonghai and slowly walked along the original route towards the outside of the palace.

Along the way, some patrolling imperial guards noticed that the group of people were not dressed like those of the palace people, so they came forward to question them. But when they got a little closer and saw that it was the eunuch Wang Zhonghai who was leading the way, they immediately turned around and walked away without looking back, and no one dared to say a word.

When they reached the palace gate they had just entered, the guard surnamed Wang had already changed shifts and gone to rest, so there was no more entanglement. Qiu Yizi and the others pushed the door and left the palace, leaving Wang Zhonghai standing there like a clay sculpture or a wooden carving.

After leaving the palace, Qiu Yizhi's heart finally fell to the ground. Seeing Yuchi Lianghong, who was guarding her secretly, also fall from somewhere, she felt more relieved and smiled again. She said jokingly, "Today's trip to the palace is not in vain. However, we, the common people, are guilty of breaking into the palace. The four of us are now tied to the same rope. I hope everyone will just think of it as a dream. After waking up, forget it and don't take it to heart anymore."

Everyone understood this logic without Qiu Yizi saying it, and they all agreed.

When they returned to the yard where they were hiding, Wen Lingjiao was still waiting in the yard. When she saw everyone coming back, she asked a few questions and then took He'er to rest somewhere else.

Qiu Yizi's nerves, which had been tense throughout the whole day, finally calmed down. She lay on the kang, and sleepiness suddenly came over her like a wave. She fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

When Qiu Yizhi woke up, it was still early, and the sun was not even at 7:00 p.m. So he found a pen, ink, paper and inkstone in his room, and concealed the fact that he had entered the palace. He only said that he had inquired from many sources and finally found out that the impeachment of the King of Youyan was the result of Wang Zhonghai misunderstanding the emperor's will and acting on his own initiative. He also described in detail the consensus reached with Yang Yuanzhi when he met with Zheng Chang. He wrote a letter like this and asked Yuchi Lianghong to give it to Zhao Chengxiao, who was still in the prime minister's residence, and asked Zhao Chengxiao to send it to Guangyang immediately.

Yuchi Lianghong took the letter, nodded, tiptoed, and flew over the wall.

Before Qiu Yizhi had time to admire his good skills, he heard the sound of firecrackers going off. The sound of firecrackers was originally only heard from one or two places, but slowly spread to a large area, and in the end it seemed as if the entire capital city of Luoyang was submerged in smoke and explosions.

Qiu Yizi smelled the increasingly strong smell of sulfur in the air, and was just feeling strange when the gate of the courtyard was pushed open. Wen Lingjiao walked in, but she had lost her usual calm and elegant demeanor. She didn't even say a word of greeting and asked directly, "Sir, what did you and Mama Gu do to Wang Zhonghai yesterday?"

Seeing Wen Lingjiao coming over in a hurry to question him, Qiu Yizi thought that she had promised Gu Erniang not to reveal her methods of protecting the family and saving her life, so she did not respond and asked Wen Lingjiao, "What did Miss Wen say?"

"Hmph! What are you talking about? It's spread all over the capital. It is said that last night a few heroes went deep into the palace to eliminate harm for the people and killed Wang Zhonghai." Wen Lingjiao said angrily.

Qiu Yizhi looked puzzled and said, "I only spoke a few words to Wang Zhonghai, and did not kill him. Moreover, it was Madam Gu who used some tricks to get Wang Zhonghai to send us out of the palace. Miss He'er was also there at the time, and she can testify to that!"

Wen Lingjiao was let go by Qiu Yizhi twice, and she knew that he always kept his word, so she said, "But what I said is not groundless. If you don't believe me, please listen. The people in the capital are setting off fireworks and celebrating!"

Qiu Yizhi thought that Wang Zhonghai's perverse actions and the Persuasion Office had caused panic among the people of the capital, and it was not without reason that the people of the capital hated him so much. So he said:

"Miss, you know my character. Before I entered the palace the day before, I said I was just going to ask Wang Zhonghai a few questions and then leave. I did not kill him at that time. Wang Zhonghai has many enemies in the government and the country. Maybe it was just a coincidence that he was assassinated by other people..."

As he was talking, Qiu Yizhi fell into deep thought again. He had a deep conversation with Wang Zhonghai last night and knew that he had abused his power, stirred up disputes, and framed loyal people. However, he was not greedy and was loyal to the emperor. He was not without merit. There is a poem that says, "Relatives may mourn for me, but others are already singing." It's a pity that Wang Zhonghai was a lonely eunuch who worked hard all his life, but after his death, no one cried for him.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yizi couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. When he came to his senses, he remembered that Yuchi Lianghong had taken the letter to find Zhao Chengxiao. If Zhao Chengxiao took the letter and rushed to Guangyang as soon as possible, he would no longer have a channel to communicate with his adoptive father the prince in the capital. The extremely important information of Wang Zhonghai's death could not be reported to his adoptive father in a short time, and perhaps he would miss out on important things.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yizi picked up the Western Region sword without saying a word and ran out the door.

Wen Lingjiao thought Qiu Yizi also hated Wang Zhonghai deeply and wanted to go to the street to watch the fun, so she covered her mouth and smiled, "Sir, don't be anxious, be careful of the persuasion office!"

Qiu Yizi turned around and replied, "Wang Zhonghai is dead, why should we be afraid of the Persuasion Department?" Before he finished speaking, he remembered that he had come to this courtyard from a secret passage and did not know the way outside the door, so he smiled and said to He'er, "I don't know the way back to the old Prime Minister Yang Yuanzhi's residence, can you please lead the way?"

He'er had long seen that her young lady had some affection for Qiu Yizi, so she didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore. When she saw Wen Lingjiao nod, she took Qiu Yizi out.

There was indeed a jubilant scene outside the door. Every household hung big red lanterns in front of their doors and set off firecrackers. It was even more festive than the New Year's Eve.

When Qiu Yi first came to the capital Luoyang, she felt that it was very prosperous, but the air was filled with a depressing and weird atmosphere. Later, she learned that it was because the Persuasion Department had started a system of punishing people for speaking out, making everyone feel insecure and afraid to speak. At this moment, seeing the people of the capital celebrating, she truly realized the meaning of "guarding against the people's mouths is more important than guarding against the river."

Qiu Yizi and He'er walked for about a cup of tea and were about to turn from the alley to the main street when suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder from behind.

Qiu Yi was startled and turned around to see Yuchi Lianghong, who was sent by him to deliver the letter. Just as she was about to ask, she heard him say in her ear: "Mother Gu is indeed a master of poison. She timed the poisoning just right and waited until we left the palace before letting Wang Zhonghai die of the poison. Although it is not as satisfying as killing him in person, it can be regarded as getting rid of harm for the people."

Yuchi Lianghong said this, Qiu Yizhi listened to it in his heart, but did not respond. Instead, he asked, "I just asked you to pass a message to Zhao Chengxiao. I wonder how it went?"

Yuchi Lianghong replied, "Brother, are you still worried about me? I have already delivered the message and the letter to Brother Zhao. Brother Zhao is also a straightforward person. He does things swiftly and decisively without any delay. He has already ridden my horse and left the capital to deliver the letter!"

After hearing this, Qiu Yizi shouted "Oh no, oh no!"

Yuchi Lianghong was not a brave man with developed muscles and a simple mind, but he was a man of the world after all and did not know the connection. He thought Qiu Yizi was feeling sorry for Wang Zhonghai's death. So he laughed and said, "I heard everything my brother said to Wang Zhonghai last night from the rooftop. It sounds like Wang Zhonghai is not a completely bad person, but it is a bit sentimental for me to feel sorry for his death."

Qiu Yizhi did not answer again, but asked: "Brother, your Qinggong is unparalleled. Is there any way to catch up with Zhao Chengxiao?" (To be continued)