A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 94: 094 The plan has been decided


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What does this mean? Qiu Yizhi secretly suspected: Wen Lingjiao's closest relative is her brother, the leader of my Tianzun Sect; and my closest relative...

Thinking of this, Qiu Yizi seemed to understand what Wen Lingjiao was talking about. She widened her eyes and asked her, "Miss, are you saying... Could it be that the leader of your sect wants to do something bad to my Youyan Palace?"

"Alas!" Wen Lingjiao sighed deeply, as if she wanted to let out all the anger in her chest, "Now that I have told you this, I'm afraid my fate with you is over..." After saying this, she sighed deeply again.

Qiu Yizi was a very smart person. After hearing Wen Lingjiao's few words, he guessed what she meant and said almost word by word: "Miss, do you mean that my foster father, the prince, was imprisoned because of your brother?"

Wen Lingjiao sighed again and said, "Young Master is indeed smart. Since you have guessed it, I have nothing to hide anymore." After that, she slowly walked to the big locust tree in the courtyard, bent her knees and sat on the edge of the ancient well under the locust tree, and said quietly:

"I just learned about this today. It turns out that my brother, at some point, used some means to establish a relationship with the emperor's second son, Zheng Yao, who is now the emperor. Since the failure of the Holy Church's uprising in Henan Province, all the incidents that have occurred in the capital city of Luoyang have been related to him. Even my decision to stay in Luoyang was my brother's idea."

"In other words, instigating the ministers to impeach my adoptive father and arresting him in Luoyang City are all related to your brother?" Qiu Yizi interrupted hurriedly.

"It's not just these two things. The deaths of Wang Zhonghai and the late emperor were also planned by my brother." Wen Lingjiao's voice seemed to come from the bottom of the abyss, with a bit of chillness, and it was clearly transmitted to Qiu Yizi's ears.

Qiu Yizi's head buzzed after hearing this, and she finally suppressed her desire to scream. She tried her best to lower her voice and said, "What? Wang Zhonghai was killed by the people of Tianzun Sect? Could it be that the late emperor was also killed by the people of your sect? But that's not right - Mother Gu told me that she didn't poison Wang Zhonghai to death! The emperor was also waiting to leave the palace for a few days before the news of his death came out."

"Alas! Young Master is still too honest. People in my Holy Church are all working on the edge of a knife, so what's the big deal about telling two lies?" Wen Lingjiao said, "Let's assume that what Madam Gu said is true. She said she didn't poison Wang Zhonghai to death, but she didn't say she didn't use hidden weapons against Wang Zhonghai! She also didn't say she didn't poison the emperor to death! I'm afraid you have experienced Madam Gu's skill in poisoning, so it's not difficult to delay someone's death for a few days."

"Oh my!" Qiu Yizi screamed in shock, and regained her composure after a long while. She smiled bitterly and said, "I never thought that I would become your brother's accomplice. If I were caught by the enemy and the matter were exposed, my adoptive father would be unable to defend himself and would be convicted of regicide. I might as well... I might as well commit suicide by jumping into the well today..."

Wen Lingjiao was shocked when she heard this. She quickly stood up and stretched out her hand to hold Qiu Yizi, saying, "Young Master, why do you have to do this! Thanks to your erratic behavior, you went to Prime Minister Yang's residence a few days ago, but when you couldn't leave the city, you stayed in a small inn, and then you stayed in the Four Barbarians Pavilion with the Bohai delegation. You had already left the city but returned to Luoyang for some reason. After wandering around for a few days, you actually came to the Heluo Palace. You are really unfathomable! The Persuasion Department just found out your whereabouts, but came up empty-handed. Otherwise, how could you still be talking to me here?"

Qiu Yizhi smiled bitterly and said, "I really overestimate my own capabilities. My every move is under the control of the Persuasion Department... and your church, and I am still here thinking about how to rescue my adoptive father. This really proves the saying 'A clay Buddha crossing the river can hardly save himself'!"

"Sir, you are too modest. But your life is in danger right now. Just now, if I hadn't stopped you, Madam Gu might have poisoned you... You will be fine as long as you are with me, but once you step out of this door, I'm afraid it will be bad for you..." When she said this, two faint blushes appeared on Wen Lingjiao's cheeks.

Qiu Yizi was unaware of this in the dark night, and only said: "Do I have to stay in this small place for the rest of my life? No! Even if I die, I will save my foster father. Miss, please give me a hand!"

Wen Lingjiao shook her head and said, "This is my brother's idea. He is the leader of the Holy Church, and even I have to listen to him. Alas, there is really nothing I can do to help with this matter."

"Miss, you are wrong! If this succeeds, it will not only help me and the Youyan Palace, but also be beneficial to you and the Tianzun Sect. Maybe it can even save your sect from a disaster!" Seeing that Wen Lingjiao did not say anything, Qiu Yizi continued, "What I said in the secret passage just now, the world is in chaos, and your sect will definitely have an opportunity to take advantage of it. I believe you already know it. There is another meaning in it, which I just realized. I wonder if you are interested in listening to me?"

Although Wen Lingjiao did not agree, she raised her head and stared at him with her phoenix eyes.

Qiu Yizi's eyes met hers, and her heart was a little disturbed. She quickly looked away and paced in the courtyard, saying, "Although I have never met the second prince Zheng Yao, I know that he is vicious and has a sweet mouth but a sharp tongue. The late emperor wanted to help him become the emperor and would rather offend all the officials. Wang Zhonghai is also loyal and dedicated. In order to accomplish his great cause, he did not hesitate to leave a bad name for eternity. But what about him? Just to sit on the throne, he did not hesitate to kill people with borrowed knives, and killed the two people closest to him in a blink of an eye. And your sect is just a chess piece in his hand. It is still useful now, but once Zheng Yao sits firmly on the throne, how can he let others sleep beside his bed? The more actively your brother manages the Tianzun Sect, the closer it will be for Zheng Yao to eradicate the Tianzun Sect, and the more cruel his means will be."

This kind of story of the fox being cooked after the rabbit dies and the bow being hidden after the birds are all gone has been repeated countless times in history. Wen Lingjiao is well-read and has read a lot of poetry and books. Now, when she heard Qiu Yi's alarmist words, she couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine.

Qiu Yizi took a breath and continued, "However, my adoptive father, the Prince of Youyan, is famous for his loyalty and trustworthiness. If you can help me rescue my adoptive father from prison, or help him to make further progress, then there will be a general amnesty. I will take the opportunity to make suggestions and mediate, and then you will certainly have merits and no faults, and your brother's crime may not be unforgivable. I wonder if you can trust me?"

After spending the past few days together, Wen Lingjiao had already developed some feelings for Qiu Yizi. After listening to what he said, she lowered her head and thought for a while and said, "I trust your character, and what you just said is all sincere. However, although my brother is also in the capital, he may not want to meet you. Even if he meets you, he may not be convinced by you. But if my brother does not participate in this matter, I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed..."

"What! Your sect leader is also in Luoyang City?" Qiu Yizi screamed again. Seeing Wen Lingjiao nodded in agreement, he calmed down and continued, "I already have a plan in mind. If we have all the manpower, we will have at least a 60% chance of winning. However, since your brother is also here, please keep it a secret. If he finds out and discovers my plan, it will be a disaster for me and it will also be a mistake for him."

Wen Lingjiao listened very carefully, biting her lower lip with her jade teeth and nodded vigorously.

Qiu Yizhi saw it and continued, "There is one more thing. If my brother Yuchi Lianghong participates in this matter, the chance of success will be increased by at least 10%. I have just asked Gu Erniang to find a way to find my brother, but I wonder if she is willing to put in the effort?"

Wen Lingjiao replied, "If you are worried, I can send someone to look for him. My brother is not in the sect all year round, and I am responsible for all matters, so it should not be difficult to find someone."

"That would be great! Thank you in advance." After saying that, Qiu Yizi covered her mouth and yawned, and then said, "It's getting late. However, saving my adoptive father is urgent. I will make a list for you, and ask you to invite these people here early tomorrow morning, okay?"

After saying that, Qiu Yizi went into the house very familiarly, spread out paper and ground ink, wrote a note, and went out to hand it to Wen Lingjiao.

Wen Lingjiao took the note, read it several times, and asked in a low voice: "Can't any of the people on this paper be missing?"

Qiu Yizi nodded and replied, "That's right. This matter is extremely difficult and dangerous. With one more person, the chance of success will be greater. The people written on the note are all friends I can trust with my life, please rest assured. In addition, the man named Shi Dajian that you mentioned in the tunnel just now, can you ask him to meet with me? The success or failure of this matter depends entirely on him!"

Qiu Yizhi explained things to Wen Lingjiao again, and then saw He'er push the door open and come in with a bunch of luggage and valuables. So Qiu Yizhi said goodbye to the two of them and went back to the house to rest.

The next day, just after dawn, Qiu Yizi was no longer sleepy, and hurriedly washed up and pushed the door open. There was no one in the yard, only a few early-rising sparrows chirping and playing with each other in the canopy of the locust tree, flying up and down.

Qiu Yizi had no interest in watching this lively scene. He sat alone on the edge of the well, going over the plan in his mind over and over again.

Just as Qiu Yizhi was gradually entering into a state of meditation, the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open. Qiu Yizhi was startled and quickly stood up, but her right hand had subconsciously rested on the Western Region sword.

However, the person who pushed the door open was none other than Wen Lingjiao's maid He'er. Seeing Qiu Yi standing in the courtyard with a nervous look on her face, she pouted and said, "Young Master is really very generous. With just a casual word, the young lady asked me to do something overnight. Here, the person you are looking for is here."

After the conversation last night, Qiu Yizi didn't even know whether He'er was also an spy planted by the leader of the Tianzun Sect next to Wen Lingjiao, so she didn't talk to her and turned to look behind her.

But I saw a strange strong man following behind He'er. This man was short and stout, wearing only a small jacket and shorts casually, revealing the solid muscles on his hands and legs. His rough hands were sometimes inserted in his waist, sometimes hanging by his side, and sometimes scratching his ears and cheeks, looking very embarrassed. (To be continued)