A powerful official of his generation

Chapter 98: 098 It all depends on you


Yuchi Lianghong said hurriedly, "It is my honor. Before I returned home, I had discussed with my father and uncles in the clan. Although it is not convenient for me to join the Youyan prince's school, I can still help the prince deal with some affairs in the martial arts world. If I can have the honor of meeting the military advisor of the prince, it would be the best."

After hearing this, Qiu Yizi nodded and said, "That's perfect. Brother, please follow me."

The group walked for some time and arrived at a small military camp.

He'er waited for the carriage to stop, then got out of the carriage shed, jumped off the carriage, and talked to a soldier guarding the camp gate. After hearing what He'er said, the soldier turned around and went back into the camp. Soon, a man who looked like a junior officer came out. He'er talked to the junior officer for a few more words, then took the officer to the carriage.

Qiu Yizhi waited for the officer to approach before she could tell from his clothes that he was a captain. However, the captain ignored everyone and bowed respectfully towards the carriage canopy, saying, "It turns out that the Saint Lady has come. I am sorry for not welcoming you!"

Wen Lingjiao sat in the car without showing her face, and only said: "Well, it's okay. I just want to ask you for help with something, I wonder if it's convenient?"

The officer looked flattered and said, "It is my honor. Whatever the Saint commands, I will do it even if it means my death. After I die, I will be able to give an explanation to the Heavenly Lord!" After saying that, his eyes were filled with tears.

Wen Lingjiao then said, "You don't need to be torn to pieces. Just listen to the orders of that young master."

Seeing this captain so pious, Qiu Yizhi felt a little embarrassed. He bowed slightly and said, "It is said that the 300 guards brought by Prince Youyan from Youyan Road are temporarily staying here. One of them is an old friend of mine. I would like to invite him to come out and say a few words. Can I give him some daily necessities?"

"Oh, I see." The captain said, "These people are all loyal and righteous. All of us admire them. Moreover, our leader was once a subordinate of the prince, so he did not make things difficult for these people from Youyan. Who do you want to see, young master?"

"Zhongli Kuang." Qiu Yizi replied.

When the Qianzong heard these three words, his expression was startled, and he stammered, "It's easy for you to see others, but this Zhongli Kuang, the one who has been instructed by the higher-ups to be carefully watched."

Wen Lingjiao, who was sitting in the carport, heard this and said calmly, "Why? Can't this be done?"

The officer seemed very frightened after hearing this and said hurriedly, "It can be done, it can be done. It's just... it's just..."

Qiu Yizi found his fearful look amusing, so she pulled him over and whispered something in his ear.

The officer's face immediately showed an expression of sudden enlightenment, and he praised: "Sir, this idea is practical, simple and easy to use. Please wait, I will do it right away!" After that, he ran back to the barracks.

Not long after, the officer led a man out of the barracks. The man was skinny and thin, but he was wearing a rather large Youyan Dao uniform, which made him look a little funny. The smart ones in the group guessed Qiu Yi's idea as soon as they saw him. It was just to let Zhongli Kuang pretend to be an ordinary soldier. As long as the guards were a little careless and relaxed, they could get out.

When the two men approached, Qiu Yi saw that this man was indeed his master Zhong Li Kuang, but the folding fan that he always carried with him was nowhere to be found. So he asked the captain, "It is really inconvenient here. Can I invite this old friend of mine to a restaurant for a meal? It will be considered that I have done my best?"

The captain nodded thoughtfully and said, "It's my turn today, so it shouldn't be a big deal. But you can't be gone for too long, or else it'll be bad if someone finds out."

Qiu Yizhi nodded, took out a gold bar from his sleeve and was about to give it to the commander. But the commander refused to accept it, saying, "It is my blessing to serve the Saint Lady. How dare I accept your reward?"

After hearing this, Qiu Yizi felt it inconvenient to force the food to come in, so he thanked them a few more times and led everyone to a quiet teahouse on the street. He found a clean eight-immortal table in the teahouse, ordered two pots of tea and some snacks, and asked everyone to sit down.

So Qiu Yizi, Wen Lingjiao and Yuchi Lianghong sat on each side. Zhongli Kuang, who was wearing very ill-fitting clothes, naturally sat at the head seat. Zhao Chengxiao and He'er stood behind their respective masters.

Zhongli Kuang saw that he didn't know anyone except Qiu Yi, and was about to ask. But Qiu Yi introduced first: "Let me introduce you first. This is the military advisor of Prince Youyan and my teacher, Mr. Zhongli."

After that, Qiu Yizhi pointed at Yuchi Lianghong and said, "This is the current leader of the martial arts world and my sworn brother, the hero Yuchi."

Zhongli Kuang knew something about Yuchi Lianghong's identity and his friendship with Qiu Yizi. After listening to Qiu Yizi's introduction, he nodded and exchanged a few words of greeting.

But then Qiu Yizhi pointed at Wen Lingjiao and said, "This is the Saintess of the Tianzun Sect, Miss Wen."

Hearing this, Zhong Li Kuang's expression tensed up, but then he regained his composure and said to Wen Lingjiao, "Your sect is indeed a centipede that will not die even if it is cut into pieces. Miss is hiding in the capital city, which is the key to the world... This is also a brilliant strategy to survive in the face of death!"

Qiu Yizhi heard this, fearing that the two would argue and ruin the matter, so he said to Zhong Likuang: "Although Miss Wen is the saint of Tianzun Sect, she also wants to rescue my foster father. And now I have made a plan, and I must rely on the power of Tianzun Sect. This time, I took a big risk to come to see Master, just to ask Master for advice on this plan."

Qiu Yizhi brought the topic to the right track with just a few words. Zhong Likuang also felt that the situation was urgent and he could not have any more grudges with Wen Lingjiao, so he took the opportunity to ask, "What's the plan? Tell me quickly."

So Qiu Yi subconsciously glanced around the teahouse, and seeing that her table was the only one with guests in the teahouse, she told him everything about the strategy she had already started to implement.

Zhongli Kuang listened while twirling his beard in deep thought. When it came to a critical point, he asked Qiu Yizhi to repeat it. He heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the end and said, "In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with this plan. It's just that there are too many people involved, so it's easy for the news to leak out."

Qiu Yizhi shook his head helplessly and said, "With my knowledge and experience, I can't think of any more ingenious strategies. If you have any ingenious strategies, please teach me, Master!"

Zhongli Kuang smiled and shook his head, saying, "I have racked my brains these past two days and have come up with several plans to rescue the prince, but none of them can compare to yours. It is true that the younger generation pushes the older generation out, and I am really old. But I will remind you that after the plan is implemented tomorrow, all relevant people must live in the yard where the tunnel is dug. They must eat, drink, defecate and urinate in the yard for a few days, and no one can leave, and no outsiders can enter. This is the only way to ensure the success of the plan, do you understand?"

Qiu Yizi nodded vigorously and said, "I've made a note of it. There's no need to wait until tomorrow. Today, I'll prepare all the tools I need for the next few days. I'll set out in the middle of the night and work hard for a few days. I'll make sure this thing is done perfectly."

Zhongli Kuang stood up from his seat, pulled at the awkward military uniform on his body and said, "You must remember that now the honor and comfort of the prince, the Youyan Palace and even the entire Han Dynasty all depend on you. You can only move forward and not back down. If you take a step back, there will be an abyss behind you!" He bowed to Yuchi Lianghong and Wen Lingjiao and said, "You two are good friends that my apprentice can trust. If there is any grudge, please put it aside for now and do your best to assist Yizhi in handling this important matter. Thank you here."

After receiving such a great gift from Zhongli Kuang, several people at the table could no longer sit still and stood up to return the greeting.

When Zhongli Kuang saw these three people, one was full of spiritual energy, one was extraordinary, and one was kind and elegant, each of them was a hero among men. He felt relieved and nodded, "Well, I can't stay here long, please go back to your work." After saying that, he walked out the door.

Qiu Yizi hurriedly held him back and said softly, "If I can successfully rescue the prince from the prison of the Ministry of Justice, then please gather the hundreds of brothers who came here with my adoptive father and find a way to break out of this military camp. When the time comes, we can fight our way out of Luoyang together, and the mission will be accomplished. As for the weapons to be used, I will make my own arrangements."

"When can this matter be settled?" Zhongli Kuang asked with a squint.

Qiu Yizi replied, "It is impossible to have a regular schedule when communicating with the enemy. This matter should be done sooner rather than later, but it will take at least three or two days to complete. Master, please make preparations early."

Zhongli Kuang nodded and said, "That makes sense! I know about this." After that, he walked out of the teahouse without looking back.

Qiu Yizhi watched him leave, and then told everyone, "Everyone has heard what my master said... So, brother, please go to the courtyard where we hid a few days ago and inform the people in the courtyard to pack up all the things they need and wait there. Don't go out without permission. We will set off now, buy some food, clothes and other daily necessities along the way, and then we will arrive soon."

Yuchi Lianghong agreed, turned around and left the teahouse, and disappeared into the crowd in an instant. Zhao Chengxiao, who was beside Qiu Yizi, couldn't help but admire: "This Yuchi hero is indeed a peerless martial artist. If I have the opportunity to learn a few moves from him, my life will be worth it!"

Qiu Yizi said, "It's not difficult. Let's take care of this important matter first, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!" After saying that, he suddenly remembered that the twenty or so bandits that Zhao Chengxiao had brought with him were still having fun in Nuanxiang Pavilion, so he told him, "Brother Zhao, you go ahead and go to Nuanxiang Pavilion right away. Tell your brothers to get ready and take action tonight. There must be no mistakes!"

Zhao Chengxiao agreed and walked away quickly.

So Qiu Yizi drove the carriage himself, buying whatever he saw along the way, not bothering to bargain. He spent most of the large handful of gold bars he carried with him, and gradually filled the carriage, and just arrived at the gate of the yard.

Qiu Yizi pushed the door open and entered the courtyard, only to see Princess Yiran, her followers Yelu and Yuchi Lianghong all standing in the courtyard.

Yelu was covered in dust and had a bruise on his face, as if he had just been in a fight. When he saw Qiu Yizi coming in, he hurried forward, smiling on his face that was mostly covered in hair, and said, "This must be His Highness Yi's elder brother, he is indeed worthy of being the leader of the martial arts world in the Central Plains. I claim to be a great wrestling hero on the grassland, but I can't even touch the corner of his clothes!" After saying that, he laughed heartily.

Yuchi Lianghong also said: "Brother, you are born with supernatural strength. If I were to be hugged by you, I would be thrown to the ground with broken bones and tendons. How could I dare to challenge you!" After saying that, he also laughed loudly towards the sky.

Qiu Yizi realized that the two men were acquainted after fighting, so he said, "You two are my good friends and brothers! I hope you can help me save my adoptive father this time!" He then asked Ye Lu, "Are all the things ready? Has Master Shi Dajian arrived?"

Ye Lu said: "Don't bother Yuchi the hero to pass on the message. I have already packed it up."

When Shi Dajian heard someone mention his name, he came out from behind the big locust tree with several large packages on his shoulders and hands, and said, "I just arrived too." (To be continued)