A Precious Pearl in the Imperial City

Chapter 45: Because the shark lantern was coming, Ming Jiuzhu let the whole Zhang


"Niangniang, His Royal Highness King Chen and the county magistrate of Ming have arrived."

"Let them in." Concubine Su sat up from the couch of the imperial concubine, as if she was not surprised that King Chen came with him.

"Niangniang, Your Majesty has just ordered you not to give anything to His Royal Highness King Chen." The maid of honor asked worriedly, "If His Majesty finds out, will he be angry with you?"

The whole palace knows that His Majesty may be in a bad mood recently. The five princes cut the jue, the board-player, and the two princesses were also reprimanded, and none of the concubines dared to ask your Majesty for mercy, which shows how serious this incident is.

"Your Majesty just doesn't allow Ben Gong to send things to my son, and he didn't say not to let him come here." Concubine Su Gui said confidently: "When did Ben Gong disobey the decree?"

The female official was silent, because she forgot how much the Empress was loved by His Majesty, so "His Royal Highness came on the initiative" does not mean "The Empress sent something", no problem.

"Your Majesty." When Jiuzhu entered the door and saw Su Guifei, her steps quickened: "I haven't seen you for a while, are you okay?"

"Everything is fine, I just miss you a little." Concubine Su took Jiuzhu and sat down: "Come, sit down and rest for a while. This time I come to the palace, I have to stay for a few days before leaving, otherwise I will be too sad these days. already."

"Niangniang, what's wrong?" Jiuzhu looked at Su Guifei worriedly.

"Alas." Concubine Su sighed softly: "Your Majesty has ordered me not to send Duqing anything to Zhangliu Palace. Since His Majesty punished all the princes, everyone in the palace is in danger, and the concubines and concubines do not move around. I am alone in this lonely palace, it is really deserted."

Xiangxian, who accompanied Jiuzhu and Chen Wang, was silent.

The concubines do not move around

Empress did not like to deal with them.

Don't let the goddess send things to Zhangliu Palace

In fact, among the five princes, only their princes received the smallest punishment. She even suspected that His Majesty gave His Highness a fine for half a year, but just didn't want His Highness to appear too special among other princes.

Empress did not send it, and Taiyang Palace secretly sent it in private.

"Niangniang, don't worry." Jiuzhu whispered, "I brought money to His Highness before I entered the palace."

Concubine Su Gui glanced at King Chen, who turned to look at the beam of the house.

"Du Qing, did he accept it?"

"Your Highness is only willing to accept half of it." Jiuzhu whispered in Su Guifei's ear: "But madam, don't worry, wait until New Year's Eve before giving it to Your Highness. I have money now."

Now, in addition to the moon silver given by her mother, she also has the county owner's salary. She is simply a happy little rich woman.

Did you really get it

Su Guifei looked at her son in disbelief, even the little girl was embarrassed to take the money. What about her face? What about conscience

"I have persuaded for a long time, but His Highness is only willing to accept half of it." Jiuzhu sighed: "Niangniang, why don't you help me persuade Your Highness?"

"He's a big man, how can he be short of money in the palace." Concubine Su said, "If you want me to tell him, you shouldn't give him half a penny."

"His Royal Highness has never been short of money since he was a child, how can he suffer such grievances." Jiuzhu did not agree with Su Guifei's statement, how uncomfortable it must be to suddenly lose something she was born with.

"Don't worry, with me here, I won't really make him feel wronged." The more Su Guifei looked, the more likable Mingjiu felt: "Besides, our daughter's family can't be short of money and money. You feel sorry for him, so give him He spends money. He loves you, so he is only willing to charge half of your money, which is just right."

King Chen touched the bulging purse around his waist and coughed dryly. He didn't feel bad for Ming Xiaozhu, but... he couldn't see her being aggrieved and unhappy.

Outside the Mingyue Palace, Hulongwei wandered around the gate and turned to ask Liu Zhongbao, "Eunuch Liu, Your Majesty really said it, and let the servants ask respectfully. If the concubine is willing to say it, just say it.

"Yes, Commander Wang." Liu Zhongbao smiled: "You don't have to worry, this old slave will accompany you to see the noble concubine."

"Okay." Commander Wang sighed helplessly, His Majesty was really kind to Concubine Su, and he was reluctant to embarrass Concubine Su when he was involved in such a big case.

Whoever said that Concubine Su was a demon concubine in the future would be the first to stand up against it.

If Concubine Su is really a demon concubine, given the degree of importance His Majesty places on concubines, it is possible that they have already changed their surnames to Su, and the other princes will not have the chance to grow up so big.

In history, there was an emperor who only favored a concubine. This concubine had no children for many years. The emperor did not even want children for her. In the end, the only child who survived was secretly raised by the eunuch maid.

If there is a ranking of the demon concubine, Su Guifei must be ranked last, not because she is not favored, but because she is too kind.

"Eunuch Liu and the Chief of Long Guard are asking to meet?" Concubine Su Gui was very surprised. What did the Chief of Long Guard want to do with her

"Let them in."

"The last commander has seen the concubine, the imperial concubine, His Royal Highness King Chen, and the county magistrate of Ming Dynasty." President Wang led the door and gave Su Guifei a big gift.

"President Wang invites you to take a seat, and Eunuch Liu also invites you." Concubine Su raised her hand to let the palace staff bring tea and snacks, and said straight to the point: "President Wang has come here, what is the matter?"

Leader Wang was still thinking about how to speak, but he didn't expect Concubine Su Gui to ask directly. He glanced at Jiuzhu who was sitting next to him, Jiuzhu was about to get up and find a reason to go out first.

"It's all my own." Concubine Su lazily leaned against the cushion: "If you have any questions, just ask Ben Gong."

Jiuzhu's little buttocks lifted slightly and sat back again.

King Chen stood up, walked over to Jiuzhu and sat down, reaching for the fruit in front of her, Jiuzhu gave him the whole plate of fruit with a smile.

King Chen picked and picked the largest fruit, peeled it and divided it into two pieces, and handed the half to Jiuzhu's mouth.

Liu Zhongbao watched this scene with a smile, and did not hide his closeness to King Chen.

"Then I will dare to speak." Leader Wang stood up and cupped his hands: "Excuse me, madam, in the fifth year of Longfeng, when you drove to Lingzhou with the Holy Spirit, did you plan to go to the restaurants in Lingzhou to taste delicious food?"

Hearing Commander Wang's words, Jiu Zhu was absent-minded and accidentally bit King Chen's finger.

King Chen's eyes widened, is she not a pig, but a puppy

She came back to her senses, looked down at King Chen's fingertips, quickly took out a handkerchief, smiled at King Chen, began to wipe his fingers, and whispered, "His Royal Highness, I'm sorry, this minister didn't do it on purpose."

"You are very worthy of your zodiac sign." King Chen picked up two fruits: "Now it's your turn to peel them for me."

"Yes." Concubine Su glanced at the two who were whispering, then turned to look at the commander-in-chief Wang: "What's wrong?"

"It will be found out at the end of the day that there was an assassination case against the Empress and Her Royal Highness. The assassination failed because the Empress and Her Highness turned back to the dragon boat halfway." Leader Wang looked at Concubine Su Gui and observed the expression on her face: "The Empress But remember, what made you change your plans halfway through?"

Jiuzhu, who lowered her head to peel the fruit, widened her eyes.

Someone wants to kill the empress and her highness? !

"What, someone actually wants to plot against Ben Gong and my son?" Obviously, Concubine Su's focus was on the first half of the content, and her expression changed lazily: "Have you found out, who is the assassin?"

Commander Wang: "..."

No, didn't he come to ask the empress

"Why, you don't want to say it?" Concubine Su stood up: "If you don't want to say it, I will ask Your Majesty. I want to see who is so daring."

"Please calm down your anger!" Seeing that the lady was really planning to rush to Taiyang Palace, the commander-in-chief Wang hurriedly said, "It's not that the commander is unwilling to tell the person behind the scenes, it's just that the matter has not been fully investigated, and the commander does not dare. Open your mouth."

"Then tell Ben Gong, who is the one who has found out now." Concubine Su sat back again, as if she was not the one who got angry just now: "Ben Gong believes that even if you ask your majesty today, your majesty will tell me the same. Are you right, Eunuch Liu?"

Eunuch Liu bowed: "Niang Niang, as long as you want to know, Your Majesty will tell you. Even if His Majesty doesn't know, he will find out the truth and tell you."

When Commander Wang heard the words, he immediately said, "Niangniang, the mastermind behind the investigation found now is Concubine Ning's family, the Zheng family."

"Zheng family?" King Chen sneered: "No wonder this king always dislikes them. It turns out that they made a mistake first."

Commander Wang: "..."

I can't say the same, there are not many things in the entire capital that can make you look good.

"Come on, summon Concubine Ning to see this palace." Concubine Su raised her hand and waved back the commander-in-chief Wang: "You go down first, and this palace is going to see your majesty now."

"Niangniang, don't you want to see Concubine Ning?" Xiangxian hinted with her eyes that Concubine Su, the girl from the Ming family was still here. Wouldn't it be too fierce to clean up Concubine Ning in the face of a real little girl

"Du Qing, take Jiuzhu to your Zhang Liugong yard for a walk." Concubine Su Gui smiled softly: "I have something to go to see Your Majesty."

When she wants to clean up, she never cares what others think of her.

But Jiuzhu is different, that is the person who wants to accompany his son through his life.

King Chen glanced and lowered his head to peel the fruit. After peeling for a long time, only one pearl came out: "Okay."

He took Jiuzhu out of the Mingyue Palace: "Don't worry, in the palace, my mother and concubine will not suffer."

"But… "

"When all the adult princes and princesses are locked in the palace, it is the safest time." King Chen patted her forehead: "Don't worry, don't be afraid, there is this king."

In the few days when they first moved into the palace, several brothers gathered together to eat hot pot, not only for the sake of Qi Yun Yanze, but also because of their distrust of each other.

No one can be sure which meal will be eaten together, and no one can decide which pot of tea will be drunk together, so no one dares to play tricks on the tea diet.

"Yeah." Jiuzhu nodded lightly, her eyes full of trust in King Chen: "I know, His Highness has always been the most powerful."

King Chen snorted softly, "Of course."

Sun Caiyao came out of the yard and found that the palace people of Zhangliu Palace swept the floor and wiped the pillars, and even the weeds on the rockery were plucked clean. Some people even broke a few branches of red plums that bloomed just right, and stuck them on the branches without leaves. superior.

"What are they doing?" Sun Caiyao asked the maid next to her.

"Back to the princess, the palace people are dressing up the outer courtyard and the courtyard of His Royal Highness King Chen." The palace maid saw that someone had brought a beautiful merch lantern and hung it on the branch, and couldn't help but take a second look.

"There are still eight days until New Year's Eve. Did you dress up the yard so early?"

"Princess Princess, it's not because of New Year's Eve." The palace maid whispered: "I heard that the main person from Ming County is here, and His Royal Highness King Chen specially arranged for someone to dress up."

Because Ming Jiuzhu is coming, let the entire outer courtyard of Zhangliu Palace be decorated with lights

How could these palace servants in the harem actually obey King Chen's orders

Is it because Yun Duqing is daring, or because everyone in the harem knows that His Majesty loves him the most

"Your Highness." Jiuzhu walked into the gate of Zhangliu Palace and saw the lights dancing in the wind: "What is that, so beautiful?"

"That's a shark yarn lamp." King Chen said: "When it is lit at night, it looks like a beautiful merman, so it gets its name. Some people say that the fabric for making this kind of lamp is woven by a merman, so it has this name. ."

"Is there really a merman in the world?" Jiu Zhu was curious.

"No." King Chen flicked her forehead: "Don't dream."