A Precious Pearl in the Imperial City

Chapter 60: Chahua wanted to lean down and kiss her forehead


"Sir He?" The officials of the Ministry of Housing were sitting together to discuss how to get His Majesty to restore the title of Prince Qi of the Duke of Qi. When He Tingyu, the servant of the Ministry of Housing, came in, he greeted him and sat down together.

"Why are you here so late? In two hours, we will enter the palace to attend the palace banquet. Do you have any idea?"

He Tingyu glanced at the person who was talking, it was another servant in the household, he shook his head and didn't say anything.

Seeing that he didn't speak, several high-ranking adults didn't care, and continued to discuss how to use the opportunity of tonight's palace banquet to help King Qi to intercede.

"His Royal Highness has been eager to learn since Xiaomin, benevolent, filial, and filial. Whether it is for the ninety-year-old or the three-year-old child, he is treated with courtesy. Why can't your majesty see these advantages, but instead favors the arrogant and domineering generation of King Chen? "

"King Chen is domineering, domineering and bullying, even children of a few years old are not spared. If such a person occupies a high position for a long time, we will be in danger."

When He Tingyu heard this, he couldn't help but said, "You can't say it like that. I don't think King Chen is as bad as you said."

"Lord He?" Several adults looked at him in surprise, as if they were looking at a broken radish: "Are you trying to back off?"

He Tingyu: "..."

"I know that at the palace banquet, interceding for His Royal Highness Qi Junwang is very likely to anger His Majesty. But as courtiers, I should be dedicated to the people and disregard our own honor and disgrace." Back then, when the three brothers of the Ming family were able to distribute frontiers for His Majesty, they were still unwilling to join forces, so why can't we speak up for the King of Qi County today?"

He Tingyu thought of the little girl who was comforting the woman on the street, and said again: "Well, since you worship the three adults of the Ming family so much, why did you forget that Ming Jingzhou's daughter is the future Princess Chen?"

"How can a girl who is fostered elsewhere understand the arrogance and arrogance of the Ming family." The minister of the household department sighed: "The three brothers of the Ming family are both talented and virtuous, and the sons who have been brought up are also outstanding in their talents and learning. It's a pity that this daughter is actually for the sake of glory and wealth. A superficial person who bows to the demon concubine."

Glancing at his colleague's fat belly, He Tingyu thought angrily, you are quite thick.

He stood up and said, "The matter of His Royal Highness Prince Qi can be brought up at any time, why do you have to take it out tonight to spoil the fun? Your colleagues have been officials in the DPRK for many years, and they are all great figures who have read thousands of sails. Why are you so impulsive today? ?"

"In order to pave the way for King Chen, Your Majesty first suppressed the prince's family, and then reduced the title of the prince. A few days ago, even the birth mother of the prince was put into the cold palace. The prince is so noble, how can he be humiliated?" The minister said emotionally: "Are we going to watch a virtuous prince, being tortured by these injustices, and finally ending sadly?"

"Yang Shilang." He Tingyu's complexion changed greatly: "I think you are crazy to say such absurd words in the Ministry of Household."

"Why don't I dare?!" Yang Shilang strangled his neck: "If He Shilang is greedy for life and afraid of death, he will leave this room now."

"Aren't you greedy for life and fear of death?" He Tingyu was so angry that he was run on by his colleagues: "If you were not greedy for life and fear of death, why didn't you stand up and speak when the kings seized the throne?"

"You dare to say this now, but it is only because of His Majesty's kindness that you don't care about it." He sneered: "While the late emperor was here, who would dare?"

"Yang Shilang is too embarrassed to talk about the three brothers of the Ming family?" He Tingyu's voice slowly lowered: "In those days, He was greedy for life and feared death, and he knew that he had no face and was compared with the three adults of the Ming family. But forgive He Mou for fearing death again, He Mou is unwilling to participate in tonight's plan, farewell!"

Seeing He Tingyu fluff his sleeves away, the minister of households sighed, and rubbed his forehead: "We will discuss this matter later, and what He Shilang said makes sense. It's really not suitable for unhappy things to happen at the New Year's Banquet in the palace."

Several adults, who did not want to make a big deal of the matter tonight, heard Shang Shu say so, and they all went down the hill and quickly responded.

Only Yang Shilang, who had quarreled with He Tingyu a few times, looked angry and fluctuated.

"Wow, the palace has been replaced with new red lanterns." Jiuzhu walked on the palace road and looked at the beautiful red lanterns everywhere: "It's so beautiful."

"The maids and eunuchs in the palace are not allowed to go home for the Chinese New Year. Hanging these lanterns can be regarded as a little bit of the New Year." The red lantern above her head was fluttering in the wind, and King Chen asked her, "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold." Jiuzhu shook her head.

"I don't believe it, the wind is so strong, it must be cold." King Chen coughed and grabbed Jiuzhu's hand with lightning speed: "This king's hand is warm, please warm your hand."

The palace maids and eunuchs who followed behind the two buried their heads even lower, not daring to raise their heads.

Jiu Zhu twitched her fingers, His Highness's palm was too big, and her entire hand was wrapped into his palm.

"Don't move." The tips of King Chen's ears were a little red, he adjusted his posture, and his fingers lightly wrapped around her tender fingers.

The fingers of the two were slowly intertwined.

King Chen looked up at the lantern, his ears were all red, as if someone had smeared a layer of rouge on his ears: "Today there will be many people in the palace, relatives of the royal family, nobles and ministers of the third rank or above, all will enter the palace. Participate in the banquet. You follow me well, so that people who don't have long eyes will make you unhappy."

"Oh." Jiuzhu lowered her head and peeked at the hands they held together, her index finger curled up, accidentally touching the back of His Highness's hand, and trembling back again.

"Oh what, you are my fiancée who hasn't been there yet. I, I will lead you, it is only right and righteous, no one dares to say more." As soon as these words came out, King Chen even had a layer of rouge on his face.

Jiuzhu felt that her cheeks were slightly hot, and her stiff fingers finally wrapped around the gap between His Highness's fingertips and placed them on the back of his hand.

His Royal Highness's hand is really warm.

It was so warm that her face started to heat up.

"Fragrant silk." Concubine Su had already done her makeup according to the product. When she saw two young people holding hands outside the yard, you blushed, his ears were red, and he didn't enter the door after dawdling. : "What are they doing?"

"Niangniang." Xiangxian leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Your Highness is shy, look at their hands."

Concubine Su retracted her gaze and teased: "I usually show my teeth and claws, and show off my power, but now I hold my fiancee's little hand, and my face will turn as red as that, and I will be more prosperous."

"Youth love is poetry." Xiang Yan smiled: "His Royal Highness would be like this, probably because she cares about Miss Ming."

People can't help being shy in front of the people they like, and want to appear in front of the people they like with the most perfect image.

When the two finally entered the door, the hand they held together had already loosened. Su Guifei pretended not to know that her son was deliberately dawdling outside the door just now, and beckoned Jiuzhu to sit down in front of the dressing table: "Jiuzhu's clothes are so beautiful today, I'll have someone put on a beautiful flying bun for you."

Seeing that her son wanted to come over, Su Guifei pushed him aside in disgust: "When a woman is dressing, a man just needs to wait obediently, and don't talk."

King Chen: "..."

He reluctantly sat down on the chair and watched the palace maid comb Jiuzhu's soft and thick hair into a flying bun, and then painted her eyebrows and makeup, and couldn't help but say, "Mother concubine..."

"Shut up." Concubine Su ruthlessly interrupted him: "This is not a place where you men can talk more. Say a few more words and you go out."

King Chen obediently shut his mouth.

"County Lord, what kind of flower tin do you like?"

Jiu Zhu touched his forehead and subconsciously turned to look at King Chen.

"Jiuzhu is on the skirt today, embroidered with Lianzhizhi, and the flower tin is painted with lotus flowers." Su Guifei glanced at the dark pattern on her son's clothes, and almost couldn't hold back her smile: "Lianzhizhi and Biandilian have good meanings."

"Du Qing, your drawing skills have been good since you were a child." Concubine Su walked to Jiuzhu's side: "The flower tin between Jiuzhu's eyebrows, you come and help draw."

As soon as she finished speaking, King Chen walked behind her: "What do you use to draw? Cinnabar or red paint?"

"Of course I use the reddest rouge, and then I use gold powder for the border." Concubine Su patted him on the back angrily, and slapped his back: "What cinnabar, that thing is poisonous, can it go on your face?"

"Niangniang." Jiuzhu grabbed Concubine Su's sleeve and shook it gently: "Your Highness just doesn't understand this, you... don't hit him."

Concubine Su looked at her son who had already reached out for the paint brush, and reached out her finger to lightly tap Jiuzhu's forehead: "Silly girl, you have to remember that men can't get used to it."

Jiu Zhu squinted her eyes and smiled, grabbing her sleeve but not letting go.

"I'll sit next to me and wait." Concubine Su smiled and shook her head: "You ask him to paint you a good picture."

Only then did Jiu Zhu loosen her sleeves and raised her head with her eyes closed to make it easier for His Highness to draw.

The tip of the pen swept across her forehead, a little itchy, Jiu Zhu opened her eyes, looked at His Highness who was close to her, and blinked.

King Chen painted very seriously, as if he was not painting the flower tin between the eyebrows of a woman, but the most beautiful painting in the world.

It is the best hope of the world for the ending of love.

He stopped writing, and met the girl's four eyes, which were like the spring sun and bright like the bright moon.

At this moment, he wanted to lean down, kiss her forehead, and hold her in his arms.

But he knew he couldn't, at least not now, and he couldn't be here.

He just stared at her for a moment, then dipped the pen tip with gold powder and lightly sprinkled a golden light on the flower tin, making the flower tin more beautiful.

"Does it look good?" He put down his pen, brought a bronze mirror, and shone it in front of Jiu Zhu's eyes. The mirror clearly reflected Hua Dian's appearance.

"It's beautiful." Jiuzhu nodded. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled: "The flower tin painted by Your Highness is so beautiful."

"We'll..." King Chen chuckled, "I'll draw you again later."

Flowers, birds, insects, fish, flowers, plants and trees can all appear on her forehead by his hand.

"His Royal Highness's painting skills are so good, he should be like me, like to draw." Jiuzhu put down the bronze mirror, as if she was happy that she had found another hobby similar to his: "Why didn't Your Highness say it earlier, so that we can We can paint together.”

King Chen: "..."

I'm afraid your self-confidence will suffer.

"His Royal Highness?" Jiuzhu puffed her cheeks: "Aren't you willing?"

"Who said that this king is not happy?" King Chen stretched out his hand and poked her bulging cheek: "After the spring, when the flowers are in full bloom, I will take you to make a picture of the flowers together."

Don't you just want to paint with him, what kind of coquettish

He didn't say he disagreed.