A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 12


Renzi wakes up naturally in the morning, but it may also be awakened by the sunlight penetrating through the window. He couldn't tell, the only thing that was clear was that he slept on the big bed in the guest room. The wall is still lavender purple, and the porcelain vases of lotus root color and lilac-colored eternal flowers are placed against the wall, and the colors complement each other. He returned to the dream of cohabiting with Gu Xiaoshan in a trance, and he didn't want to wake up.

Well, he's sure, he's bent, he's done.

He touched his butt, full of apology: I'm sorry, brother, you will suffer in the future.

Renzi understands that he is not suitable for thinking about life, and it should be enough to do proof questions, but it is always okay to do judgment questions, right? Zhixuan told him "You dreamed of having sex with him, which means that you also want to have sex with him in reality", and the toughness decided to give this question "√", hoping that there would be no mistakes.

Renzi's complexion is cold and white, but his cheeks are flushed because he just woke up, like a carrot in the snow. With a smile on his face, he looked like a naughty boy at the moment. Smiling, he grabbed the phone on the bedside table and sent a message to Zhixuan: "I think what you said yesterday makes sense, thank you!" However, Zhixuan was completely confused.

Renzi washes up in the bathroom of the guest room, combs his hair, puts on his clothes, and then goes down. After all, Brother Xiaoshan is no longer a buddy who doesn’t care about meeting in underpants. He has joined his luxurious courtship range The lineup is up.

Gu Xiaoshan, who really didn't know that he had "won this honor", enjoyed breakfast at the dining table as usual. Renzi ran to the dining table in three steps at a time, and said flatteringly, "Brother Xiaoshan, morning!" Gu Xiaoshan said, "You know how to get up so early?" Renzi didn't know what to say, so he thought Go to the refrigerator to get food. Gu Xiaoshan didn't hire a nanny in the apartment, so breakfast was very simple, just cold milk and oatmeal.

Renzi also went to the countryside to do as the Romans did, eating cereal breakfast, and asked: "Did Sanha have breakfast?" Gu Xiaoshan smiled: "You came to live with me, and you want me to feed you the dog?" Renzi stared blankly Looking at Gu Xiaoshan intently. Gu Xiaoshan said, "Hey."

Renzi also felt relieved, and while eating cereal with a spoon, he asked: "Where is that Jinpoluo?" Gu Xiaoshan smiled again: "It's rare that you still think about it, put it in your bedside table." Renzi chewed the cereal, His mouth was dry, thinking of something, and asked again: "Then... Then what souvenir did you bring to He Jun?" Gu Xiaoshan was quite surprised when he heard the words: "Who are you talking about?" Yuan said: "He Jun! Your boyfriend!" After saying this, the tough man was suddenly shocked. Since He Jun is Brother Xiaoshan's lover, don't I want to be a mistress? This is absolutely impossible.

The tough guy who had just mustered up the courage to chase after Brother Xiaoshan flinched because of moral issues.

Gu Xiaoshan said lightly: "He is not my boyfriend."

"Oh." Renzi couldn't close his mouth, and he was elated again: Great, then I don't have to be a mistress.

So Renzi, who had just retreated due to moral issues, regained his strength.

Then, Gu Xiaoshan stared at Renzi with doubts on his face: "You can remember Mr. He?" This is really on point. Renzi said in embarrassment: "I forgot, but I just met two days ago... I was reminded by him, so I remembered." Gu Xiaoshan nodded, thinking that this explanation was more reasonable, so he accepted it. Renzi was still stirring the oatmeal restlessly: "Then... what souvenir did you give him?" Gu Xiaoshan replied: "Not yet." Renzi asked: "Then what are you going to give?" Gu Xiaoshan wrinkled Eyebrow: "Well, why are you asking this?" Renzi was too embarrassed to continue asking, so he had to eat cereal in silence.

Gu Xiaoshan saw that Renzi seemed to want to know, so he picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the female secretary: "What did you give He Jun?" The female secretary quickly replied to the boss: "The Burberry scarf bought at the airport duty-free shop, Ivory plaid. Discounted, about 2,500 RMB.”

Gu Xiaoshan put away his mobile phone and said to Renzi, "I sent a Burberry scarf." Renzi was shocked: "This is June in a subtropical city! Send me a scarf! You are going to be so hot!" Gu Xiaoshan replied: "You are the coolest , wine pond meat forest." Renzi shut up and did not speak.

After breakfast, Gu Xiaoshan left for work. Renzi felt a little sorry for Gu Xiaoshan. He just flew back from a long-distance flight last night, and it was too late for jet lag, so he got up early the next morning to go to work. It seems that the president is really a physical job. Fortunately, Renzi is now "abdicating his position to the virtuous".

Now, Gu Xiaoshan has to worry about Renzi, and before going out, he even told him to be a good man and take care of Gouzi. Renzi nodded in agreement, vowing that he would be extremely well-behaved. Gu Xiaoshan was full of disbelief, but he went to work anyway. Renzi sat at home for a long time, but he really couldn't sit still, let alone a part-time job in the afternoon. The part-time worker cleaned up for a while, but Renzi squatted there feeling uncomfortable, so he took Sanha out with the excuse that "the dog is at home, and it is inconvenient for auntie to clean up".

Walking on the road, Renzi always has a little worry in his heart. This was a novel experience for him. Although he is not completely "carefree", on the contrary, he also has sad times, but this kind of sadness is like a tornado, coming very violently, making him run all over the room and screaming, and it will go very violently , he will soon forget those little annoyances. But now, his troubles are like spring rain, not violent, but lingering;

Although the heart is full of spring rain, but in the hot summer, after walking for more than ten minutes, Renzi is sweating profusely, and Gouzi keeps sticking out his tongue and breathing. Renzi planned to take Sanha to an air-conditioned place, but remembered that he had no money in his pocket, and also remembered Mr. Gu's advice that if he had no money, he could go to Gu's for consumption. Renzi then dragged Sanha into the restaurant at the corner of the street.

This is the only pet-friendly restaurant nearby, so there are many diners with pets. Renzi is a frequent visitor, and the lobby manager recognized him and invited him to a seat. Renzi hugged Sanha and said, "I'm sorry, this time I have to pay on credit first." The lobby manager smiled and said it was okay, and helped drag Sanha to the pet area. Renzi didn't have the nerve to eat more, so he ordered a cup of coffee for himself, and then helped Sanha order his favorite low-sugar handmade ice cream specially designed for pet dogs. While drinking ordinary Americano coffee, Renzi looked at the dog licking ice cream crazily, thinking: Sanha eats more expensive than me.

Renzi drank a few sips of coffee, and suddenly heard someone calling him: "Second Young Master Yu?"

This voice... sounds familiar. Renzi turned his head suspiciously, and saw a tall and thin man looking at him quietly. Renzi opened his mouth and tentatively said, "You are... He Jun?" He Jun was also a little surprised that Renzi recognized himself at once, showing a slightly joyful look: "It's me, it's rare for you to remember." Renzi He was somewhat hostile towards He Jun, but out of upbringing, he still stood up with a smile: "Hey, I forgot you last time, I'm sorry. Actually, I remember it, but I just didn't remember it for a while."

When chatting on the phone before, Renzi complained that Mr. He must be gay, but now that he meets a real person, he is indeed a bit gay, so he is not wronged. He Jun has the feeling of being an art student. He wears thin linen clothes. He is obviously a boy but has long hair, which is tied up with an unsharpened pencil, showing his slender and fair neck. Upon closer inspection, his face is too thin, and he has a sunken feeling, his figure is slim, and his mannerisms are elegant.

Renzi usually doesn't look at a man so hard and carefully, but today is an exception. He seems to be examining He Jun's appearance with a magnifying glass. He Jun felt that it was unusual, and asked with a smile, "Why do you keep staring at me?" The tough man choked, "No, nothing... It's just that you rarely see boys with long hair." He Jun laughed, showing his eyes Thin and long: "Well, then you can take a closer look." The tough man was a little embarrassed.