A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 25


According to the inference of ordinary people, it is indeed difficult not to draw this conclusion. Because even Zhixuan felt that Renzi wanted to pick on Mr. He. Every time Renzi "takes the lead" as a project manager, this project will be accompanied by Zhixuan as an assistant. This campaign will require a one-month business trip. When saying goodbye at the airport, Yu Yuntao had a look of reluctance on his face. Renzi was about to open his arms, but Yu Yuntao jumped over Renzi and hugged Zhixuan, telling Zhixuan to be careful on the road and speak softly. He is not the big brother he usually recognizes.

Renzi said with some taste: "Why? Don't I need to be careful on the road?" Yu Yuntao said to Renzi, "You should also be careful on the road so as not to cause trouble for Ah Xuan."

rough. —The toughness can't wait to swear. Is there any family affection left

Zhixuan and Renzi sit in first class together. Renzi also joked, "There are so many of us, why don't we charter a flight?" Zhixuan has been working overtime for this project for many days, listening to Renzi saying that he wants to charter a flight, book a hotel, or hold a swimsuit party. I can't wait to work overtime for a long time to get cost control on the head of the toughness, shouting "you wake up". But he didn't, he still said in a mechanical tone: "This has to be applied." Renzi didn't feel that there was an angry villain living in Zhixuan at all, so he said, "Is He Jun also flying with us? What are you taking?" cabin?” Zhixuan said, “I don’t know, some models went there by themselves. But if they really flew with us, they would probably fly economy class.” Renzi said in surprise, “Why? Isn’t this torture? Are we so short of money?" Zhixuan sighed helplessly: "It's really short of money. I was originally flying economy class, but I used the miles in my card to upgrade." Renzi thought for a while and said : "Then I also have miles in my card, right? Or give He Jun an upgrade too!" Zhixuan said: "This has to be done before check-in." Renzi thought about the fact that He Jun sent a message two days ago saying that he had a headache What, he was also quite worried. Seeing that there were still vacancies in the first class cabin, he greeted the flight attendant and asked if he could upgrade his friend. The stewardess also helped him, and He Jun came to sit down soon, still smiling softly and thanking him, already feeling in his heart that Renzi must love him very much.

Zhixuan looked at it coldly and thought: he has changed his sexuality but not his sexuality, he still likes this kind of beautiful model with his face written on his mind.

By the way, Renzi asked Zhixuan again: "Could Mr. He live in a standard room?" Zhixuan "understood" and said, "Okay, I will upgrade the room for him when I arrive at the hotel later." As a sensible person, Zhixuan also He planned to "assist" and said, "Speaking of which, Mr. Ren, the luxury suite you live in actually has an extra small bed." Renzi was also stupid, and said, "That's okay too! I don't know Mr. He Do you mind?" He Jun quickly said: "I don't mind! I can live in a luxury suite, I'm too happy." This "unseeable" Zhixuan is ready to cover his dog's eyes tomorrow, and the "excited" He Jun is also ready to wash his ass tonight, only the "heartless" tough man puts on a blindfold and sleeps peacefully, with nothing outside his mind.

In the evening, He Jun didn't go to the standard room that had been arranged, but went to Renzi's suite. Renzi opened the door to He Jun in a bathrobe, and He Jun thought, "Sure enough." Renzi said, "I knew you were coming, so I took a bath first." What he meant was that He Jun can take a bath whenever he wants. But hearing the same words had a different meaning in He Jun's ears. He Jun said shyly and timidly: "Then I will take a bath too." The tough man said: "Go, go, I just finished washing, and it is hot inside."

Renzi had already ordered a spicy crayfish before taking a bath, thinking about calling Zhixuan again, eating crayfish and drinking beer to watch the World Cup together, how cool it is. The spicy crayfish and beer also arrived soon, but He Jun didn't expect to finish washing them for a long time. Renzi thought: "This exquisite gay guy has taken a bath for a long time. It seems that I am not gay enough." He Jun came out of the bathroom when the crayfish was cold and the beer was warm. Clothes with very little fabric. Renzi was so frightened that his hands were shaking: "Do you... usually wear this to sleep?" He Jun smiled: "Yes. I love to wear this!"

"This exquisite gay guy is really different! It seems that I am not gay enough!" Renzi reflected on himself, and felt that it was not appropriate to ask him to eat crayfish if he was dressed so exquisitely.

Zhixuan, who also claims to be a "delicate gay guy", was wearing a loose bathrobe and slumped on the sofa. After a few video chats with Yu Yuntao, he was about to go to bed. After all, he is different from Renzi, he is really busy and tired, and he has no intention of eating spicy crayfish. Moreover, he estimated that Renzi would have something to do with He Jun tonight. If he also went, what would the outside world say about him!

Zhixuan was about to go to sleep, but a colleague from the public relations department called him and asked him, "I seem to have seen He Jun enter Mr. Ren's room." Zhixuan frowned, wondering what this has to do with you, but he still pretended to be confused and said, "Really, what's the matter?" The publicist said, "Jun He seems to belong to Mr. Gu." Zhixuan was so frightened that he woke up: "Really?" the publicist said, "It can't be fake. I have seen Mr. Gu take He Jun to the wine bureau several times before." Zhixuan said, "Then you don't know about this matter, I will deal with it now .” Now that Zhixuan has taken over, the public relations are naturally happy, so they say good night. In fact, Zhixuan is not a troublemaker, he is just afraid that others will know that he opened a room for others, then he will not be a sinner forever.

"Hey! My brother's men are also touching! Mr. Ren has no friends!" Zhixuan complained and made an internal call to Renzi's room, but no one answered. Zhixuan was sweating profusely: "Hey, yo." Zhixuan didn't care that he was wearing a bathrobe inappropriately, and slapping on his slippers, rushed to the door of the suite and rang the doorbell.

It just so happened that Renzi opened the door in a panic, and seeing Zhixuan at the door, he was very moved: "Every time you show up when I need it! Save me! Axuan!" Zhixuan was stunned: "Why? Already?" Renzi said in a panic: "He Jun...he was stunned by me." Probably Renzi and Zhixuan have different understandings of the word "尧", and Renzi thought "尧" means "knocking hard". However, Zhixuan, a scholar, naturally understands it according to the dictionary definition: 嫲, pronounced kāo, refers to the act of having sex [penetrate], which has the same meaning as "fuck".

Probably after this wave, Zhixuan calmed down instead. When Zhixuan entered the room and looked at the outfit on He Jun, he was no longer so surprised, and thought calmly, "So this underwear looks like this, luckily I didn't buy it." Renzi's clothes are disheveled, he wants to cry but has no tears, helplessly and pitifully said: "I, I don't want to either." Zhixuan patted Renzi on the shoulder and said, "This is the first time, it's like this." Renzi was surprised : "What's the first time?" Zhixuan's tone of voice was mechanical: "You man."

Renzi thought for a while: "It's the first time, it's really the first time! I'm so panicked! I didn't mean it!" Then, Renzi picked up a blood-stained brass flying swallow ornament: "I used this to fuck him!" Zhixuan, who thought he would "be calm", still couldn't help showing an expression of "I didn't expect you to be such a person".