A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 33


In this suffocating silence, it was the text that saved the moment. The lawyer sent a message to Gu Xiaoshan, asking him to sign the document. Gu Xiaoshan drank up the noodle soup and said, "Thank you." After speaking, Gu Xiaoshan left.

The aroma of instant noodles is like this melancholy, very cheap and strong, and it can't go away after closing the door for a long time. As if wanting to relax, Renzi also chose to go out alone. But unlike ordinary walks, the toughness is not walking aimlessly and slowly. He had a place he wanted to go to, and it was the place in the news bulletin the old man sent him—a sea of glass in the setting sun.

It is picturesque and a resort. Perhaps because of this, Tang Guoguo, a self-proclaimed romantic, chose this place to commit suicide by threatening her husband with her son in her arms. It is also because of his love for this scenery that Tang Guoguo built his own mansion in this place near the sea and took it as his home. The toughness suddenly wanted to see what the sea was like. From the side door of Tang Guoguo's mansion, you can reach the ferry with the best view.

The golden light of the setting sun is the best moment to enjoy the scenery.

Before the toughness came, another viewer had arrived. After signing the relevant documents, the lawyer told Gu Xiaoshan that he could go back to the city at any time. Gu Xiaoshan also knew, so he asked Xu Yunyun to book a ticket back tomorrow. He didn't want to stay here for a long time, but when he parted, he couldn't help but visit the old place again. Wearing a white shirt, standing in the vast ocean, he looked a little thin. Fragile and small, it was almost impossible for the tough guy who came later to recognize that this was the indestructible brother in his impression.

The setting sun turned the wind into a bit hotter. Renzi's face was hot, and when he was about to call out Brother Xiaoshan's name, Gu Xiaoshan suddenly took off his jacket, shoes and socks, and jumped into the sea with layers of waves. The tough man turned pale with fright, and rushed over without thinking. He didn't even remember to take off his shoes and socks, so he jumped into the sea. He even forgot that Gu Xiaoshan was the champion of the 100-meter freestyle competition for teenagers in this city, and most importantly, he forgot the fact that he failed the swimming test...

Renzi not only failed in swimming back then, but now he lacks exercise for a long time. He sank like a winter melon as soon as he fell into the water, and it was too late to "Alas!" Instead, Gu Xiaoshan was wandering in the water, immersed in the feeling of saying goodbye to the memories, but suddenly found a person falling behind him. It was too late for him to appreciate his life experience, so he turned around and picked up the person who fell into the water. When he reached the shallows and finally saw the pale face of the other person, his own face also turned pale: "Yu Yunren!" He almost roared, gnashing his teeth , but his jaw was trembling again—it seemed to be very cold, but it shouldn't be, it was originally hot summer.

Renzi seemed to be woken up by the roar, and opened his eyes slightly. In his blurred vision, Gu Xiaoshan, who was covered with water vapor in the setting sun, looked like a fairy. Nobonitez..." "What?" Gu Xiaoshan didn't hear this sentence clearly, so he moved closer, trying to understand better, but Renzi passed out again. Gu Xiaoshan was anxious, angry and sad, staring at Renzi's face, the skin was so white that it seemed to be transparent, and the blood vessels in the neck were light blue and light green, which made Gu Xiaoshan's heart break into a hundred pieces.

When Renzi woke up, there was a drip on the back of his hand. Gu Xiaoshan was sitting next to Didi. Gu Xiaoshan was dressed in black and white, with a solemn face. Renzi almost thought that he was being "visited", so he patted his cheek twice and felt it hurt, so he said, "I'm still alive?" Gu Xiaoshan sneered : "You still know that this is going to kill people!" Renzi said confidently: "Don't you know? Why did you jump into the sea? I'm so worried!" Gu Xiaoshan heard the words "I'm so worried", really Extremely annoyed and helpless, he finally had to tuck the corner of the quilt for Renzi, and said: "Oh, I am a swimming champion." Renzi was unreasonable and strong: "That can't jump into the sea!" Gu Xiaoshan saw that Renzi was angry Completely, with one heart settled down, he had enough energy to sarcastically: "Oh? You swimming idiot can also dance, but I am a champion but I can't?" The tough man was speechless. After thinking for a long time, he gave up: " Then we won't dance anymore, shall we?"

Gu Xiaoshan agreed: "Okay, I also think this proposal is good." The tough man remembered something again, and his face was flustered: "Dad didn't know?" Gu Xiaoshan said: "I dare not tell him." The tough man just said Don't worry: "That's good, that's good, otherwise he will be more worried." Gu Xiaoshan was a little annoyed: "You are afraid of him worrying, but you are not afraid of me worrying?" Renzi turned his head: "Anyway, you don't think I am your friend! Gu Xiaoshan knew that this would cause trouble, so he coaxed him: "Of course, people can have many friends, but in my heart, you are the only one. There can be neither more nor less." Ren Hearing this, the son's ears became hot.

Seeing that the anger on Renzi's face was gone, Gu Xiaoshan was relieved, and was about to call the nurse to come, but Renzi suddenly held Gu Xiaoshan's hand and said, "You too." Gu Xiaoshan didn't notice for a while: "What is it?" ? "Renzi was a little coy: "Well, you are also the one... in my heart there is no more, no less." Gu Xiaoshan was stunned, not looking at Renzi's face, but staring at the transparent drip, drop by drop After a while, Gu Xiaoshan rang the service bell and summoned the nurse.

In fact, Gu Xiaoshan chose to dive before leaving, because he wanted to say goodbye to the past, and wanted to force himself out of the shadows. However, Renzi fell into the water rashly and almost drowned, which left a big shadow on Gu Xiaoshan.

Gu Xiaoshan thought about it, and thought that this place is really evil, so don't be unbelievers in the future, and stay away from this place honestly.

The next day, Gu Xiaoshan said to Renzi again: "I'm going back, you should rest here." Renzi couldn't believe it: "You want to throw me here?" Gu Xiaoshan replied: "The doctor said you are fine , I just need to stay for two more days to observe. As for me, I need to go back to work immediately, so I’m sorry I can’t accompany you Yu Ershao to relieve boredom.” Gu Xiaoshan’s words sounded like a stick to the ears of Ren Zi. It's all because Gu Xiaoshan has always been very patient with him, and rarely uttered such sarcastic remarks. Renzi was so frozen by the icy tone that he couldn't live without it, so he said pitifully: "You have never been like this before."

Gu Xiaoshan originally wanted to say, "You're talking like that annoying girlfriend again", but he realized that he couldn't make similar jokes to Renzi again. Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoshan felt a subtle sourness in his heart, like wanting to eat a mouthful of fruit juice in summer, but biting the lemon slice on the rim of the glass, unexpectedly soured his teeth. Gu Xiaoshan rubbed his nose and said: "Because I confessed to you, I didn't become your friend. In this case, why not confess to the end, I am not a caring and gentle person by nature. I attach great importance to wealth and status, so I have to go back Work, you can’t relax at any time.” But the toughness is even more sad: “But didn’t you say that I am not your friend, but a very special person?” Gu Xiaoshan regretted saying such a thing, which led to the toughness. To describe it stupidly.

If it was someone else, Gu Xiaoshan might still be teasing and ambiguous, but if the other party is tough, he would not be able to do such a thing of playing with people's hearts. He really didn't think that Renzi would become gay one day, and he didn't even think that Renzi would have that kind of thought about himself one day.

To be honest, Gu Xiaoshan was quite flustered.

As a result, Gu Xiaoshan couldn't grasp the usual discretion. He neither dared to joke with Renzi casually, nor did he dare to show unusual concern for Renzi, but he didn't want to say anything to make Renzi unhappy. words come. He can only tell himself that the toughness is just a whim, and if he airs the toughness, the toughness should be cold. Just like Renzi suddenly pursued Gu Xiaowu madly at the beginning, it faded away in three or four months. It's just a silly dog's interest in chasing butterflies all of a sudden. It looks intense, but it doesn't last for a while.