A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 35


Master Yu had also grasped the information about Gu Xiaoshan's blind date early in the morning. It's not difficult, a few days ago, when Gu Xiaoshan agreed to a blind date, Master Gu happily started discussing with Master Yu. Master Yu remained calm, and said: "He finally decided? This is also a good thing!" Master Gu shook his head: "That may not be the case, he also told me not to have any hopes, he may not be settled, just I'm just acquainted with friends." Hearing these words, Master Yu thought about Renzi's state, so he guessed almost. He also blamed this son in his heart, why didn't he listen to the old man? I told him not to rush, but he refused to listen!

Gu Xiaoshan's blind date is called Shu Jingyi, and Gu Xiaoshan is a good match to a certain extent. They are both "older gays" and "hereditary" presidents. They have been playing around with flowers, but never delay work. Speaking of which, Shu Jingyi is several years older than Gu Xiaoshan. What's more, Gu Xiaoshan originally looked young, wearing a T-shirt like a student brother, but Uncle Jingyi has a little gray hair, and there are faint smile lines around the corners of his eyes, and the age difference between the two seems to be even greater. However, these fine silver hair and light smile lines did not make Shu Jingyi look old and haggard, but added some charm to him that others do not have.

Gu Xiaoshan originally just wanted to go through the motions, but now he feels that he enjoys interacting with Shu Jingyi very much—not the kind of relationship between a man and a man. The two of them had a few private conversations in the standard blind date process at first, but then they started talking about the company's operations and the market situation somehow, and then they couldn't stop. Feeling late.

Shu Jingyi is no older than Gu Xiaoshan these days, what he said hits the nail on the head and is logical, even a rebellious person like Gu Xiaoshan admires him very much. The two can be regarded as "friends with wine", and they ate very slowly, and finally the waiter came and served dessert.

Before the dessert was served, Renzi came up.

The moment Renzi pushed open the box door and came in, Gu Xiaoshan was very surprised. Renzi also felt super embarrassed, but he remembered his elder brother's lesson "chasing men is based on shamelessness". So Renzi pushed the door open and entered, and recited the manuscript Yu Yuntao gave him: "Ah, I just came to eat, and I heard someone told me that you are here, brother Xiaoshan, so I came to say hello, didn't I bother you?"

Before Gu Xiaoshan had time to answer, Renzi adhered to Yu Yuntao's teaching of "don't give him a chance to talk", walked in very quickly, sat down on the seat next to Gu Xiaoshan, and shamelessly called the waiter to pour him tea. At this time, Gu Xiaoshan couldn't say anything, and let the waiter add tableware and pour tea for Renzi.

This operation was also smooth and smooth, and Gu Xiaoshan was helpless, so he introduced with a smile: "This is the second son of the Yu family, Yu Yunren, and this is the uncle president of Shentan Group, Uncle Jingyi." Renzi stood up again Get up and shake hands with Uncle Jingyi. Shu Jingyi shook hands with Renzi, and said, "The son of Yu's family is really a good-looking talent. When I was in college, I heard Mr. Da Yu's speech, and I was deeply inspired." Renzi laughed: "Really? I listen to my dad's speeches at home every day, but I don't get any inspiration. It can be seen that I can't become a talent." Shu Jingyi said: "You are still very young now, and you must be limitless in the future."

Renzi said again: "Are you two talking about business here? Did I disturb you?" Mr. Uncle said: "We didn't talk about business, we just had a normal meal." Gu Xiaoshan remembered that he was going to be "cruel-hearted", so he said directly: " Didn't your father tell you that I'm on a blind date?" Renzi was stunned, but he was also mentally prepared, so he didn't lose his manners, so he recited what Yu Yuntao taught him: "I don't know! What blind date? Your man Friends are turning like wheels, so there is still a need for a blind date?" Gu Xiaoshan's face turned green when he heard this. Uncle Jingyi was very calm, and said with a smile: "That's a coincidence, I am also like this. So we just happened to have a chat together, when to stop this wheel, so as not to accumulate and wear out the body."

Shu Jingyi's reaction was not in Yu Yuntao's expectation, let alone Renzi's expectation. Renzi was stunned for a moment, and said for a while: "Then, then you, you are awesome."

Shu Jingyi said: "When people are young, they will want to try more. This is not a bad thing, as long as you don't get dazzled and lost in the attempts. Trying is to clarify what you really want. This is the most important thing. It's important." Renzi was stunned for a while, and nodded. Uncle Jingyi laughed heartily, with smile lines appearing in the corners of his eyes: "Well, as I get older, I like to preach!"

During the words, the desserts also came up. Renzi stared and said, "Have you eaten dessert yet?" He wondered if it was too late for him to come to disrupt the situation after they had almost finished their meal and chatted a lot. And from the current point of view, he has not been very successful in disrupting the situation. Gu Xiaoshan and Mr. Uncle still had a good chat. Chatting and chatting, he even joined the chatting himself, talking and laughing together, and he even offered to renew the chat when the chat was high.

So the three of them went to a nearby KTV together, and Renzi also said: "It's too boring for the three of us to sing K. But I know you well here. I'll order some princesses and young masters for you. They are very happy, and they can sing and sing." Playing and drinking, the place is not hot and I will stand on my head!" After finishing speaking, Renzi also greeted the service staff who accompanied the singing, and everyone played happily together.

Yu Yuntao was also worried that Renzi would not be able to hide things, so he made it clear that he wanted to prevent people from dating. However, this worry turned out to be unnecessary. Because the tough guy forgot that he was here to disrupt the situation, blowing beer and singing happy songs, having a good time. Gu Xiaoshan even doubted whether he was being passionate.