A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 47


"Ding"—the crisp, sharp sound of the elevator door opening, Gu Xiaoshan looked at the cold metal door in front of him, and then remembered that he was no longer the boy he was back then, but the tough boy who was a primary school student was still beside him like a primary school student. Gu Xiaoshan felt satisfied for no reason in his heart.

"Is that the time?" Gu Xiaoshan said, "The time you broke your knee?"

Renzi was stunned and said, "What knee?"

As the number of elevators increased, Gu Xiaoshan's thoughts became clearer. He misheard, the time he remembered was not in "Qiangwei Mountain", but in "Qiangwei Mountain". Gu Xiaoshan just remembered the summer camp, but Renzi didn't remember much about that time, not even the thing about breaking his knee.

The time at Qiangwei Mountain was when Renzi finished the AS test. Their college claims that the AS-level A rate is 91%, and the toughness is obviously that 9%. And Gu Xiaoshan, who is the number one in the academy, has already been on the "Roll of Honor" to encourage them "descendants". He made an overseas phone call to complain to Gu Xiaoshan, who was in an overseas university, and said, "My AS has been like this, what should I do with A2? Can you tell me from the experience of someone who has been here? Is A2 difficult?" Gu Xiaoshan said, "It's not difficult. .”

Xueba said "it's not difficult", he thought about it, it's better not to listen.

The toughness asked again: "Is A2 more difficult than AS?"

Gu Xiaoshan is already an adult at this time, and he is studying in university. He is not the second-year middle school kid who was in adolescence before, so he speaks a lot more gently: "It's hard to say. But I don't think you need to be pessimistic. There are not as many subjects in A2 as in AS. You can choose yourself The better you learn, the easier it may be.”

The tough man curled his lips and said, "But the problem is here... I, I don't have any subjects that I'm good at!"

Gu Xiaoshan said: "You can relax. In fact, it won't matter if you don't get an A in the exam. Your father actually doesn't have high academic requirements for you." In fact, Gu Xiaoshan doesn't quite understand Master Yu's educational route. The consequences of an F are not as serious as the toughness telling a lie. It's the complete opposite in the Gu family. Master Gu said, "My sons and daughters must be the best", but Master Yu said, "Well, this is all he has, and he will be fine if he doesn't learn to be bad."

The tough man said: "I know, but I still want to pass the exam."

What Renzi said "want to pass the exam" is different from what the general scum said "want to pass the exam". Most of the scumbags said they wanted to do well in the exam, but they still sang and danced. Before the exam, they memorized a few pages of vocabulary and complained of headaches, sighing, "It's really useless to work hard." Toughness really knows how to work hard, but still can't get an A in the exam.

This also made Gu Xiaoshan feel sorry for him, and persuaded him: "I don't think you like studying very much, it's more important to be happy."

The tough man said bitterly: "But... if I don't pass the exam, I can't be classmates with Brother Xiaoshan?"

Gu Xiaoshan was startled: "Huh?" After a pause, Gu Xiaoshan smiled: "Is this very important?"

"It's very important!" Renzi said loudly, as if to show his determination, "I will work harder!"

Gu Xiaoshan jokingly said, "Can the best subject have a B?"

Renzi said happily: "I got a B in theater! Everyone said it must be because I have a lot of acting scenes!"

Gu Xiaoshan also joked: "Then you should take the performance art exam."

After teasing for a while, Gu Xiaoshan felt a little sad in his heart. Probably because he knew in his heart that no matter how hard Renzi worked, he would not be able to get into his school. He suddenly wanted to hug the tough man. But thinking about it, the two of them rarely had such physical contact after high school, after all, they have grown up. But seeing him is always good, so Gu Xiaoshan asked Renzi to go on a trip, and said, "Congratulations, congratulations, you got a B in the exam." Renzi thought "You got a B in the exam", which sounds like a curse, I still have to work hard to get an A in the future.

An A on the test sounds a lot more polite.

Gu Xiaoshan originally had an internship, but he turned it down because of it.

Qiangwei Mountain was decided by Gu Xiaoshan. He said that he had never been there and wanted to see it, but Renzi said, "Then I will go and see it with Brother Xiaoshan." But of course it can't be just the two of them, it's too weird. Still need to find some travel companions.

But who else will go, Gu Xiaoshan doesn't remember, those people are as colorless and transparent as air in his memory, only the 16-year-old Renzi is sunny, bright and fresh.

But Renzi remembered that when he said he wanted to travel with Gu Xiaoshan, a bunch of people around him responded positively and said they wanted to go. Renzi is not good at refusing, and also likes to be lively, so he sent the list of people who want to go with him overseas to Gu Xiaoshan, Gu Xiaoshan took a look and said, "Are we going to form a tour group?"

But the tough man said, "Everyone says they want to come, so it's hard to refuse, right?"

Knowing this, Gu Xiaoshan could only nod his head.

It is true that a bunch of people arrived at Qiangwei Mountain, most of them were young girls who did not know that Gu Xiaoshan was gay. Renzi thought that Gu Xiaoshan's "organizing a tour group" was just talking, but he didn't expect that when he arrived in the local area, he really came to accompany him from the place Gu Xiaoshan had contacted earlier in the morning. This is quite worry-free, otherwise the group would not know how to arrange it—in fact, it is not too difficult to arrange it, but Gu Xiaoshan is too lazy to spend such energy.

According to the guidance of the local escort, the group stayed at the local homestay. After dinner, Gu Xiaoshan dragged Renzi into the car. Renzi found that Renzi's suitcase was also placed in the car, which was obviously "premeditated". The toughness was dumbfounded. Gu Xiaoshan said: "The local escort will take good care of them."

When Renzi came, I also heard that the moonlight of Qiangwei Mountain is very famous.

Renzi looked out of the window and said, "What a pity, isn't this the season of roses?"

Gu Xiaoshan said with a cigarette in his mouth, "It's really not. Although the season is wrong, the moon will never go wrong."

Renzi looked up, and sure enough, he saw a round and big moon hanging among the desolate branches.

"It's a little creepy." The tough guy sat in the car, a little scared.

Gu Xiaoshan said, "Don't worry, just don't go out."

"stay home?"

"Yeah, don't go out in disorder, be careful that wolves will take you away." Gu Xiaoshan threatened him with a smile.

The tough man shrank in the car, and complained again: "What kind of moon are we looking at? Where does the moon not look like this? Do you have to go to a place with wolves to see it?"

"The moon in this world is fading, and the moon in Qiangwei Mountain is still full." Gu Xiaoshan suddenly recited the poem, his tone was like the wind on the mountain, cool, soft, and slippery like silk.

It was the first time for Renzi to see Gu Xiaoshan, who was a literary youth, and he was stunned for a moment. The moonlight was too bright, and Gu Xiaoshan's side face was full of brilliance. Renzi seems to have a glass bottle in his heart, filled with half a bottle of moonlight and half a bottle of clear water, dangling - Yu Yunren thought, no wonder girls like Brother Xiaoshan.