A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 50


Gu Xiaoshan was a little uneasy after all, but he didn't want to show it too obviously, lest he lose his sense of proportion. He thought again, it would be better to simply live in the same room with Renzi, but he saw that Renzi had gone back to his guest room anxiously and closed the door. Gu Xiaoshan couldn't say anything more, so he stayed next door to Renzi.

When Renzi came out of the shower, he picked up his phone and saw a text message from Mr. Uncle: "Get me out of the blacklist first, okay?"

It was only then that the tough man remembered that Gu Xiaoshan blocked Mr. Uncle with his mobile phone. Renzi opened SNS, released Mr. Uncle, and sent a sentence: "Sorry. Misunderstood."

"It's okay." Shu Jingyi smiled, "I have something to tell you."


"But you can't tell Gu Xiaoshan."


Shu Jingyi sent a message: "It's a 'surprise' for him, how about it?"

Do you want to surprise Brother Xiaoshan? That sounds pretty good.

—The toughness asked: "What surprise?"

Shu Jingyi said: "Didn't you agree to make wine for me? How about we make a bottle for Gu Xiaoshan too?"

Renzi quite likes this idea. He likes wine, and he also likes Gu Xiaoshan. It seems like a good idea to give Gu Xiaoshan wine.

Since it was a "surprise", of course Gu Xiaoshan couldn't be informed in advance.

Renzi suddenly came up with a brilliant idea. He felt that he was a genius—but he was holding back his energy and had nowhere to vent. He couldn't tell Gu Xiaoshan, so he sent a message to my brother: "What do you think of using self-brewed wine to confess this idea? It’s just that the wine bottle is specially made, and when the crimson wine is drank less and less, you can see the words of confession engraved on the glass bottle…”

"Oh, are you talking about the tricks my father used to show his love to my mother?" Yu Yuntao replied.

The tough man was taken aback: "I thought it was my original creation... why didn't my father tell me!"

Yu Yuntao said: "Because I failed, I can't tell you. It was only a few days ago that my father got drunk and leaked his words. I only found out."

"How could it fail?" Renzi was shocked, "This idea is great!"

Yu Yuntao replied: "That's not bad. But that day when my dad was going out with his mom with a wine bottle, and when he was going to confess, he met gangsters on the street who came to harass my mom. When my dad got angry, he smashed the bottle and blew his head off." gone."

"Well... This is my dad's style..." Renzi also looked helpless, "But I shouldn't meet gangsters harassing Brother Xiaoshan on the street, right?"

Yu Yuntao said: "Well, that's true. But I think you should not rush to confess. If you don't succeed, won't it be embarrassing? At that time, you won't have any friends to do, what should you do?"

Renzi suffocated: "Then what should I do? I always think about this, and I won't have to confess my life in that life!"

"It's not like that," Yu Yuntao replied, "You have to think of ways to deal with this kind of old fritters, so that you can attack and defend. For example, if you confess on April Fool's Day, he won't agree. Just call it a joke."

Renzi was greatly inspired: "Oh, then I understand. Mr. Uncle and I made this wine together. If Brother Xiaoshan refuses, I will say that Mr. Uncle wants to confess to him!"

Yu Yuntao was taken aback: "Huh???!!! Ah???!!!"

After a while, Yu Yuntao said: "If Gu Xiaoshan agrees to Shu Jingyi, then you are not dumbfounded."

But the tough man said: "Don't you all say that they didn't succeed? Brother Xiaoshan said it himself, and he didn't mean that to Mr. Uncle. So brother Xiaoshan won't agree."

Yu Yuntao didn't expect Renzi to think of this trick, but he still felt embarrassed: "I still think there's something wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Exactly, why do you know Uncle Jingyi so well?"

"It's just a new friend." Renzi's mentality is bright enough, "Otherwise?"

Yu Yuntao said: "That's okay, don't make it like He Jun."

"How can it be?" said the tough man, "Mr. Uncle is not that kind of person."

Yu Yuntao couldn't tell. After all, he didn't know the situation very well, but he said, "You may not like to hear what I say. But I think it's better for you not to let Mr. Shu get involved. After all, this is you and Gu Xiaoshan. It's about two people."

Renzi thought about it, and felt that Yu Yuntao was right.

"I made such a strong assist and brought these two together, isn't it dumb?" The tough figured it out, "Ha, I'm not stupid either!"

Yu Yunren, who considers himself "not stupid", feels that he should do the confession to Gu Xiaoshan by himself, but he still has to go to pick grapes as agreed with Mr. Shu. After all, this is also part of his confession, not to mention that he also promised others first.

He set the alarm clock and went to bed. Early in the morning, before dawn, I got up at the time set with my uncle Jingyi.

Shu Jingyi said that the grapes should be picked before sunrise. Yu Yunren, who is not involved in production, but as the vice president of Yu's Wine Industry, he still knows that there are indeed certain types of wine that have this requirement. Grape picking should be done before dawn, because the sun will destroy the flavor of the finished product to some extent.

Yu Yunren appeared at the back door of the manor at four o'clock in the morning. The butler greeted him with a lamp, and said with a smile, "Mr. Uncle has been waiting." Suddenly Renzi had the illusion of having an affair with someone else in the middle of the night.

There is a small vineyard behind the manor, which is used for winemaking by Shu Jingyi. Renzi wears a hat with a flashlight on his head, gloves on his hands, and a bamboo basket on his waist, picking grapes with Shu Jingyi. Regarding the clumsiness of the novice Renzi, Shu Jingyi patiently guided him, but told him: "The other things are not important. Just throw away the rotten grapes. Don't feel sorry for me and save money."

The toughness followed the instructions and slowly cut off the grapes one by one. If there is something bad, no matter it is rotten or crushed by him accidentally, he will ignore it and give full play to the spirit of "red wine from Yu's family is a luxury".

Picking and picking, Renzi also felt bored, so he talked to Uncle Jingyi beside him: "Speaking of which, you haven't told me how old you are yet?"

"Are you just asking so bluntly?" Shu Jingyi laughed, "If I were a lady, would you ask so bluntly?"

"Tsk, how can this be the same? A lady is a lady, and a man is a man." The tough man didn't take it seriously, "If you were a woman, why would I sleep in the same car as you and meet alone in the middle of the night?"

"Yes," Shu Jingyi lifted Fu Renzi's hat, "Perhaps you should really think about this issue."

"What, what's the problem?" Renzi's mind was muddled.

Shu Jingyi said: "I am a bachelor."

"Well," the tough nod, "yes."

"You are also a bachelor." Shu Jingyi paused, then asked again, "What do you think two bachelors are suitable for together?"

"This..." Renzi recalled what he often did with Hei Zai and other bad friends, and replied, "Gambling, drinking, hey, of course, I don't go whoring. If you want to find a whoring friend..."

Shu Jingyi couldn't help laughing, and said helplessly, "That's not what I meant..."

"That's okay." The tough man was also relieved, and said, "I thought you wanted to drag me into whoring."

"I don't think so." Shu Jingyi replied decisively.

"Oh, that's pretty good." The tough man smiled, "I also know that you are not such a person."

Shu Jingyi smiled and asked, "Do you know what kind of person I am?"

The tough man replied: "I think you are a well-educated gentleman."

"Then you are totally wrong." Shu Jingyi shook his head.

The tough man was also quite surprised: "It's hard for me to understand what you said! Do you still want to say that you are uneducated?"

"Yes, what can't be admitted?" Shu Jingyi replied, "Anyone who knows me well knows that my family education is very lacking. My father is a target shooter, and my mother is a cousin."

This sudden confession frightened Renzi so much that the grapes in his hand were about to drop: "Ah... ah, this... can this be said casually?"

Shu Jingyi laughed, eyebrows curved: "I can say it myself."

The implication is that what other people say will kill him.

The tough guy didn't understand what Uncle Jingyi said, but fortunately, the tough guy couldn't say something like "your mother is a bitch", so he was saved from disaster.

Uncle Jingyi saw that the toughness was not feeling well, so he gently brought the topic back: "I think we have almost finished picking, and we can proceed to the next step."