A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 54


Renzi spoke in a gong-like voice just now, not because he was righteous and arrogant, but on the contrary, he was guilty, short-tempered, shy and ashamed, so he deliberately spoke in a rough voice like that, it doesn't matter if his face is red and his ears are red. Now, he was full of energy, then declined, and exhausted three times. His courage was wiped out, and he was hit hard by Gu Xiaoshan's reaction.

He picked up the carefully crafted wine bottle and took a taxi home like the wind. When he got home, he felt dizzy and thought he was overly sad. He opened the wine in his hand again, blew on the bottle, full of sadness, and sent a text message to his brother with hazy eyes: "Brother Xiaoshan hates me! He disgusts me! I'm dead!"

Yu Yuntao was originally dating Zhixuan, but when he saw this message, he frowned. Zhixuan was also quite helpless: "Call first to see what's going on?" Yu Yuntao called, but no one answered. Yu Yuntao called again to ask about his father's situation.

Master Yu and Yu Yuntao naturally don't think Renzi's sentence "I'm not alive" is true, but breaking up in love should be true, so we should care about it. Master Yu asked the housekeeper, "Has the second young master returned?"

The butler said, "I'm back, but I seem to have been drinking."

Master Yu and the housekeeper went to Renzi's room and knocked on the door. As a result, the tough man didn't respond, and the room was still locked. The butler asked, "Shall I get the keys?"

Master Yu sneered: "The motherfucker is the one who takes the key!" After finishing speaking, Master Yu kicked the door open, but he was too old to recoil and almost fell down. Fortunately, the butler had a good eye and helped him quickly.

As soon as the two entered the room, they were shocked. There were broken wine bottles on the ground, and the smell of low-quality alcohol filled the room. Yu Yunren fell on the bed with a blue face and purple lips, as if he had been poisoned. . Master Yu turned pale with shock: "Call the white car!"

When Yu Yuntao received an emergency call from Master Yu, he was also taken aback: "Huh???!!! Ah???!!!"

Master Yu covered his face and burst into tears: "That foxy Gu Xiaoshan! Seduced our tough people! If you seduce us, you are irresponsible! We made our stupid son commit suicide by taking poison!"

"No way?" Yu Yuntao felt incredible, "Besides, where did Renzi get the poison?"

After a final investigation, it was confirmed that the production process of self-brewed wine was not standardized. Master Yu also gave the relevant personnel a hush money, telling everyone not to publicize it. They are from a family of wine brewers, and it turned out that a young master brewed wine and almost poisoned himself to death. How can they meet people when they talk about it

However, Master Yu didn't know that Gu Xiaoshan was also a victim. However, fortunately, Gu Xiaoshan only had a drink, and his reaction was relatively light. Renzi blew most of the bottle before being sent to the hospital for gastric lavage.

The toughness confirmed that he was fine, so he went home to rest. Master Yu came back to his senses, and began to blame Gu Xiaoshan in front of Yu Yuntao again: "You said, the bottle of wine didn't even drink to the place where the handwriting was exposed, and Renzi was shot, and he went home to drink sadly. I think this is all Gu Xiaoshan's fault!"

Yu Yuntao still didn't understand the logic: "Huh? Ah?"

Master Yu explained to his son: "Look, if it weren't for Gu Xiaoshan, how could Renzi suddenly brew some Laoshizi's wine? If it weren't for Gu Xiaoshan, how could Renzi be so sad? If it weren't for Gu Xiaoshan, how could Renzi use alcohol to get rid of it? sad?...」

"I understand," Yu Yuntao suddenly realized, "If it weren't for Gu Xiaoshan, Renzi wouldn't have been admitted to the hospital!"

"That's right!" Master Yu patted the table angrily, "That's right! That's it!"

Yu Yuntao also patted the table, filled with righteous indignation: "Crutch! Baseball bat!"

The two agreed that Gu Xiaoshan had an inescapable responsibility for Renzi to be hospitalized this time. In fact, Gu Xiaoshan also got the "punishment" he deserved, and he also lay at home for two days, and thanks to the bottle of wine full of toughness and love, Gu Xiaoshan vomited and diarrhea that night and was almost dehydrated.

At first, Gu Xiaoshan thought it was the psychological shadow left by his mother, but he didn't expect it to be so severe, but when he started vomiting and diarrhea, he realized something was wrong. He went to the hospital for an examination and found out that he had acute gastroenteritis. However, he didn't suspect that the bottle of red wine was beautifully packaged. Instead, he checked himself whether there was a problem with the takeaway of the afternoon tea, or his gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by working overtime recently.

After thinking about it, he also suspected the bottle of wine, but unfortunately the "evidence" and the "suspect" were not at the "crime scene", so it was difficult to "convict".

Considering that Renzi drank more than him, he sent a tentative message to Renzi: "Are you okay? I'm not feeling well. I'm sorry, I was rude." However, no reply was received from Renzi .

He also didn't think Renzi refused to reply to the message because of gastroenteritis. In his opinion, it was more likely that his rude reaction just now caused unspeakable embarrassment. The toughness chooses to avoid it.

It is indeed embarrassing for this kind of thing to happen—for both parties.

Gu Xiaoshan also felt that it would be a good idea to leave each other for three or two days, not only to digest the residual heat of embarrassment, but also to give everyone room to think calmly. When Gu Xiaoshan was recuperating, he still received work emails, but he still wanted to be more resilient.

Renzi confessed directly to him face-to-face, which shocked him no less than seeing fireworks bursting at sea for the first time in his life. The turbulent sea, the bursting light, and the impact like an explosion will bring a unique aesthetic feeling - this is thrilling and deafening, making the murmur of the mother by the sea become inaudible.

"Oh, Renzi..." Gu Xiaoshan suddenly sighed again, couldn't help picking up the phone again, and found that Renzi, who sent "Are you there" regularly every day, stopped this behavior.

Sure enough, this incident hurt his self-esteem

Yu Yunren's self-esteem was hurt, but what prevented him from sending text messages was more of his physical injuries. He was always groggy, and he only woke up a little at noon the next day, and then he was scolded by his old father.

He suspected that if he hadn't been hospitalized, the leading crutch would have to come out of the arena again.

Yu Yuntao persuaded his father from the hospital bed, telling him not to worry about it. It was not the first time Renzi was stupid, at least this time it wasn't "suicide for love", and it wasn't too stupid.

"Suicide for love? Why commit suicide for love?" Renzi was stunned.

Yu Yuntao then explained: "Isn't Gu Xiaoshan rejecting you, are you sad?"

When the tough man heard it, he seemed to remember such a thing, and he roared out: "Yes! I remembered! Ahh-I'm not alive-"