A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 61


This meal can finally be enjoyed safely.

Gu Xiaoshan remembers that Master Gu criticized him, saying that Renzi has a "rich love history", which makes people feel unconfident. But in fact, Gu Xiaoshan's own buttocks are not clean, and he is also heavily in debt. When two people are together, "the negative becomes the positive".

In fact, Gu Xiaoshan said that he didn't care about the fact that Renzi had dated so many girlfriends, and it was false, but since he decided to date, he didn't think he needed to care too much. After all, life goes on.

Then he can think healthyly, he and Renzi are each other's "first love" to some extent! There is no such thing as an ex. The tough guy doesn't even remember how many exes he has, so it's fine if he doesn't remember either.

Renzi also seems to have let go of his entanglements. After eating porridge for a few days, he ate meat for the first time, and he was very happy.

Gu Xiaoshan had almost finished eating, but Renzi was still stuffing food into his mouth. Gu Xiaoshan had to remind him: "You also eat too much."

The tough man said dissatisfied: "I just started dating you, so you don't want to give me enough to eat?"

This big hat was buckled, Gu Xiaoshan had to admit his mistake: "No, no, I don't have one, how can I? I'm not afraid that you will spoil your stomach if you eat it?"

The tough man continued to eat meat on his own. Gu Xiaoshan stood up and went outside to smoke.

There is a gazebo built with water outside the restaurant. The evening breeze is blowing, and it is very comfortable to sit in the summer night. Gu Xiaoshan sat there smoking, and just after lighting a cigarette, he heard someone call him: "Mr. Gu?"

As soon as Gu Xiaoshan heard this sound, he knew who it was without looking back—it was Mr. Gu, the one who joked with He Jun that "Yu Yunren is Gu Xiaoshan's most beloved man". When Gu Xiaoshan thought of this incident, he cursed inwardly, "Fuck, I was really hit by this thief who hurt my friend."

Lao Gu smiled and said: "I just saw you and your favorite came in together, and I wanted to say hello to you two, but I saw you both turned into the box. I also happened to have a client by my side, so I didn't go looking for you. I didn't expect to see you here." After speaking, Lao Gu also took out a cigarette from his pocket, and lit it on his own.

Gu Xiaoshan smiled, it wasn't that bad before, but today I heard Lao Gu shamelessly calling Renzi "your favorite", and my heart beats wildly. He took a puff of cigarette, calmed down, and said, "That's all right, Mr. Gu is welcome to come here, spend more!"

"Hey, why don't we go to your box together and say hello to your favorite." Lao Gu said.

Gu Xiaoshan also smiled: "Then you have to finish smoking before going."

Lao Gu asked: "Yu Yunren really doesn't smoke?"

Gu Xiaoshan nodded: "No smoking."

"That's quite healthy." Lao Gu judged while smoking, "I heard that you have a blind date with Shu Jingyi."

"Where did it come from?" Gu Xiaoshan squinted his eyes and smiled in the smoke, "It's all a matter of nothing, do you believe it?"

"Okay, then it didn't work." Lao Gu laughed.

After the two finished smoking, they went to the box together.

At that time, Renzi had almost eaten, and the dishes were removed and replaced with a fruit plate. When Renzi saw Gu Xiaoshan coming in, he raised his smiling face and was about to say something, but when he saw Lao Gu following behind, he was a little embarrassed, and smiled and said, "Mr. Gu?"

Lao Gu chuckled, "Did you disturb your date?"

When Renzi heard this, he was very embarrassed and said to Gu Xiaoshan: "Ah? You told people that we are dating so soon?"

Gu Xiaoshan didn't know what to say, it was obviously Lao Gu's joke. But Gu Xiaoshan couldn't explain anything, so he followed Renzi's words and said, "Yes, Lao Gu is not an outsider."

After hearing this, Lao Gu still thought it was a joke, so he laughed and said, "Aha, congratulations, you have a precious son soon."

Lao Gu sat down and chatted with the two of them. Renzi listened and recalled, knowing that Lao Gu was just joking. This made Renzi very unwilling, so he said loudly again: "Don't hook up with Gu Xiaoshan forever, he is my boyfriend now."

Lao Gu didn't take it seriously at first, but when he heard Renzi's voice trembling because of nervousness, and his face was flushed like a boiled shrimp—Lao Gu let out a "shit" in his heart, and turned to look at Gu Xiaoshan. However, Gu Xiaoshan was sitting with his feet crossed like a normal person, but after receiving Lao Gu's questioning eyes, he put his hands on Renzi's shoulders implyingly, and rubbed them twice.

This really shocked Lao Gu.

But after half a minute, Lao Gu digested this reality without any burden, and only said: "You can do it! Did I say something? Am I right?"

"What did you say?" the tough man asked.

Lao Gu then said: "A while ago, when everyone said you were gay, I told them it was impossible!"

The tough man was quite uncomfortable when he heard it: "Then what you said is wrong!"

"Listen to me," Lao Gu was about to pick up a cigarette, but when he caught Gu Xiaoshan's blocking eyes, he put the cigarette in his hand and said, "I told you, either Yu Yunren is a fake GAY. Yu Yunren is really GAY, the first one should be with Gu Xiaoshan!"

The tough man was quite surprised: "This, how can you know this?"

Lao Gu smiled, and said, "You two are so boring... Hey, I won't say anything, anyway, I won the bet! Hurry up and make it public, I'm going to ask people for money."

Gu Xiaoshan smiled and said, "Are you still betting on this?"

"I run a casino," Lao Gu smiled, "Why can't I bet?"

Renzi was very convinced when he heard the words "you hurry up and make it public". From Xu Yunyun's usual behavior today to Lao Gu's disapproval, he always felt that the fact that he and Gu Xiaoshan were a couple didn't seem to attract everyone's attention at all!

Is it really going to be announced with drums and gongs

The tough man became a little shy again, and only said: "What's public or not? We're not going to have an affair, look, didn't we just come here for a date and dinner?"

"You two are eating, who would know it's a date?" Lao Gu squeezed the cigarette in his hand, "You two are going on honeymoon, if you don't tell, no one will doubt it!"

The toughness was dumbfounded, and after thinking about it, it was really such a rationale.

Lao Gu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said, "Let me be a witness while I'm here today. Take an intimate photo of the two of you and send it to SNS, and announce it to the world!"

Renzi was a little uncomfortable, but Lao Gu had already turned on the camera and fiddled with the phone. Although Gu Xiaoshan didn't say a word, he put his hand on Renzi's shoulder naturally, drawing the distance between the two very close. Renzi can even smell the cologne in Gu Xiaoshan's ears.

Lao Gu was dissatisfied: "You guys have a group photo of this level, if not a thousand, there are a hundred, right? This one is not as good as the photo of you hugging in the snow on Valentine's Day last year!"

Renzi has been very shy since he just "opened his relationship", and now he is even more shy to the extreme. When he is shy to the extreme, he shouts loudly and looks angry. Therefore, he also showed anger and said loudly : "Then what do you think? Shall I shoot it for you?"

Gu Xiaoshan burst out laughing, and was about to appease Renzi. But Lao Gu also gave in first, and said with a smile: "What are you talking about, how dare I, sister-in-law?"

When the "sister-in-law" said it, the tough man was defeated, and he blushed and faltered again.

Gu Xiaoshan said with a smile: "Don't be ashamed, you old guy, you are still called sister-in-law when you are the same age as the uncle! You call it 'brother and sister'!"

"Hey, brother and sister!" Lao Gu laughed, "Let's have a boo with Brother Gu!"

Renzi immediately froze, but there was a soft temperature on his face—it took him half a minute to realize that it was Gu Xiaoshan's kiss, but at that time, the kiss was over. Lao Gu said with satisfaction: "Although this scale is too small, it's okay. Brothers and sisters are dignified people, so they always have to be dignified, don't they?"

Gu Xiaoshan walked over to look at the screen of Lao Gu's mobile phone, and saw the newly taken group photo as he wished. Just as he showed a satisfied smile, he saw that Lao Gu was about to send it, so he stopped and said, "What are you doing? Send the photo to my mobile phone, and I will It’s okay to send SNS with Renzi. If you still post, who are you?”

"Okay, okay." Lao Gu sent the original picture to Gu Xiaoshan, and said, "You two are really serious about dating?"

"Can this still be false?" Gu Xiaoshan said, "Don't you have a client to accompany you?"

Lao Gu smiled: "Hey, you think I'm in the way."

After laughing and teasing, Lao Gu left.

Renzi looked at the screen of Gu Xiaoshan's mobile phone, and saw a group photo in portrait mode. The background was blurred intelligently, highlighting the main character in the center of the picture—Runzi's eyes were wide open, and he looked a little surprised. The shoulders are surrounded by Gu Xiaoshan's arms. But Gu Xiaoshan didn't face the camera like him, but turned his face sideways, his lips fell on Renzi's red cheeks.

It's not an overly intimate photo, but it has a unique vibe of being in love.

Gu Xiaoshan was quite satisfied. But Renzi shook his head and said, "In this way, I look dumb."

Gu Xiaoshan smiled: "No, I think it looks pretty."

Renzi was stunned, and found that this seemed to be the first time in his life that he heard Gu Xiaoshan praise him for his good looks. He used to say that he was naturally handsome, and Gu Xiaoshan teased him for his stupid look. Today it was the other way around, he said he was dumb, Gu Xiaoshan said he looked good.

Is this how your husband treats you

Renzi's mood relaxed again, he looked at it seriously, and said, "Well, that's right, it's not bad after watching it for a long time. It's impossible to make mistakes with my face anyway."

Gu Xiaoshan smiled "puchi", he was still worried that Renzi's mood would be damaged, and thinking about it now is unnecessary. Renzi is particularly narcissistic about his appearance, always saying that he is nothing but rich and handsome.