A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 7


"Buzz" - the phone in Renzi's pocket suddenly vibrated, and Renzi jumped up with a guilty conscience - God, he was "approved" to enter the house, and for some reason he was extremely "guilty", really shouldn't. It seems that he is not suitable for doing bad things in his life.

With cold palms, Renzi took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and saw a message from He Jun. He just remembered that he promised to reply He Jun, but forgot about it. But He Jun didn't send a message to urge him, but just sent a prescription for hangover tea, saying that he hoped to help Renzi.

Renzi felt very embarrassed, and immediately replied: "Thank you. I just called Brother Xiaoshan, and he said that everything is fine, but he is very busy. Don't worry." He Jun replied: "Thank you so much I'm relieved. Speaking of which, does he know that I asked?" Renzi replied honestly: "I didn't tell him." He Jun replied: "That's good. I'm actually quite worried, too. He will think that I am too long-winded mother-in-law."

The toughness was stunned, what? Is that so? I thought Brother Xiaoshan would be moved by He Jun to care about him so much if he found out! If I knew it earlier, I would have told Brother Xiaoshan... Eh, no...

Thinking of this, Renzi was also frightened by his own thoughts: What's wrong with me? How can you expect others to be bad? Do I also have a heart of snakes and scorpions

Renzi ran away from Gu Xiaoshan's room as if fleeing, even forgetting that his sanha was still locked in the toilet. He was very depressed by himself, but he didn't want to drink, so he opened a few boxes of lemon tea, and while drinking the ice-cold lemon tea with a straw, he watched a lengthy literary film on the movie channel of the TV station—the handsome man in the camera spoke with a deep voice Said: "Anyone can become vicious, as long as you have tried what is jealousy..."

"Jealous"... Renzi was stabbed in the heart by these words, and looked at the melancholy Leslie Cheung in the light and shadow: Am I jealous too? Will I be vicious too? Then can I be as handsome as Leslie Cheung after I become vicious

This topic of "jealousy" and "viciousness" has firmly grasped the heart of Renzi, who is rare in literature and art. Renzi stared at the camera closely, watching the desert wind and sand and the beauties lonely in the picture, and then, as if realizing something, Renzi fell asleep.

This show is really boring.

Thinking life wasn't for him, he decided to go with the flow.

He felt that he would not become vicious, after all, he was so stupid. Like He Jun, who speaks nicely, who doesn't like it? What about himself? Gu Xiaoshan has even commented on him as "a fish without a brain, can't speak human words in his mouth, and only makes foolish speeches".

Once, Sanha stuffed his head into the washing tub and couldn't get out, Renzi took a photo and sent it to Gu Xiaoshan, Gu Xiaoshan replied, "Is that your selfie?" It can be seen that in Gu Xiaoshan's eyes, how unbearable the image of Renzi is! It's just a dog! It's still like Sanha's!

Renzi's mood was unprecedentedly low.

It was one of those rare moments in his life when he looked at himself—and found that his life couldn't hold up to that scrutiny. Wisdom is nonexistent, and wealth belongs to Dad. Strength doesn't exist—of course, the strength of "pit father" is leveraged.

The more he thought about it, the more desperate he became, and he sent a text message to his old friend: "Hei Zai, I'm desperate!" Hei Zai thought he was feeling sad about Yang Yihan's matter, so he replied: "It's okay, the girl is still alive! Come here tonight In the clubhouse, tender models are half price, and I turn around just for you!" Renzi frowned: "I'm not a woman." Hei Zai clicked his tongue: "Okay, I won't charge you! Then it's not prostitution. !" Renzi was quite speechless to this black boy.

Hei Zai said again: "What's the matter?" Ren Zi said: "I found that my life is hopeless." Hei Zai thought "Ren Zi is drunk again", but replied patiently: "Why do you think so? Hei Zai was planning to arouse the rare tenderness in his heart, act as a life mentor for an old friend, and light up the lamp of hope for him, but immediately saw the sentence sent by Renzi, "Because I just realized today that I, Yu Yunren, are not only handsome Apart from your handsome appearance and extraordinary net worth, you have nothing to offer." Hei Zai said, "No, you can still pretend to be 13."

Then Renzi confessed that he was very troubled, and Hei Zai realized that Renzi was really confused, not showing off. As a friend, Hei Zai scolded him head-on and face-to-face: "You are handsome and rich, what else do you want? Shabby! Do you want to make it for your emperor? I said you are all stupid, hey, hey, Hanhanju !" Renzi was so scolded that he was dizzy: "Ah... But look at my brother, and Brother Xiaoshan, they are also rich and handsome, but they have many other advantages. And when my dad was young... " Hei Zai became suspicious again: "Brother, are you really pretending to be 13?"

Renzi was chatting, and suddenly remembered that Sanha was still locked in the bathroom of Gu Xiaoshan's room. He hurried upstairs to rescue Sanha. Sanha, who was locked in the bathroom for several hours, thought he was being punished for something wrong, so he didn't dare to struggle, and let his toughness take him to the kennel.

The toughness found that something was wrong.

The bad thing is that the toughness has "real troubles".

Yu Yuntao once said that Renzi "It's okay to be stupid, but there is no trouble in being a human being." Renzi also retorted that he has a lot of troubles, especially in terms of relationships. Yu Yuntao did not ask him about his relationship troubles like a caring elder brother, but just summed up coldly: "Isn't it just that you spend money when you see a girl who looks good, and the trouble is that you can't catch up after spending money." Renzi found that he has spent so many years Yu Yuntao's emotional troubles were really summed up in one sentence...

Renzi also has a relatively rich "emotional life" since he became a CEO. Because when he was studying, he was strictly controlled by Mr. Yu. At that time on campus, the teacher reported that Ren Zi was not good at studying, and Mr. Yu understood that "he tried his best", but if he was complained about "ideology and morality", Ren Zi would be beaten up when he returned. Master Yu always said: "I never expect you to study well, but you must be a good person!"

Once, Renzi saw a female classmate's neck strap, but didn't know it was a bra strap, so he asked Gu Xiaoshan, "What do you think it is?" Gu Xiaoshan said, "You will know if you pull it?" Unable to control his cheap paw, he stretched out his hand to pull it. The female classmate was furious and sued the teacher that Renzi was playing hooligans. The tough boy was beaten up to fly against the wind when he went home, and he never dared to cross the thunder pool half a step. Later, when the female classmates talked to him, he would hold his head up and look at him. Some girls whispered: "What's the use of being good-looking, people are imbecile and impolite." When Renzi heard this, he tugged at Gu Xiaoshan's school uniform sleeve and said, "Did you hear that? Girls say I'm good-looking! "