A President’s Out-of-Body Experience

Chapter 91


But the tough said: "That's because I was thinking about Sanha, can't it work? You are so busy working all day, I am so boring by myself."

Gu Xiaoshan felt a little guilty when he heard the words, but he smiled and said: "You are not a housewife, why are you at home alone all day? Can't you go out for a walk? No matter how bad it is, you can still go to work, Mr. Ren!"

"Don't talk about going to work, my head hurts when I talk about going to work." Renzi shook his head, "I am not suitable for going to work!"

Gu Xiaoshan smiled: "Then you are suitable for karaoke and dancing? Wine party?"

The tough said: "I don't go to these places, but you don't let me be alone with others, then I really don't know what to do."

Gu Xiaoshan said, "It's because you don't know how to make good friends."

"Only you can say me?" Renzi snorted, and said again, "I'm good friends with Tongzi now, I go out with him, is it feasible?"

Gu Xiaoshan laughed again: "I clearly remember that you were jealous of him before, but now you are good friends with him?"

But the tough said: "You only love me, where can I find jealousy?"

These words are straightforward, but they also make Gu Xiaoshan very sweet. Gu Xiaoshan hugged Renzi and said: "Yes, I only love you. You don't have to be jealous of anyone." Then, Gu Xiaoshan paused again, and said to Renzi: "But you don't care about me and him trying About the marriage?"

The tough listened, thought for a while, and said, "You still feel a little uncomfortable when you say that. But he said, it's a misunderstanding."

Gu Xiaoshan smiled: "You just listen to him? Don't you listen to me? If I don't tell you, you won't ask?"

The tough thought about it and said, "I didn't think about it for a while."

Gu Xiaoshan was also convinced, took away the dog toy in Renzi's hand, pulled Renzi to sit down on the sofa, and said: "Before a couple, you should be honest. Even if you don't ask, I should tell you. lest So a rift arose, and a small matter turned into a big one.”

Renzi sat down blankly, and asked again: "Then are you engaged to him?"

"I was just having fun with him at the time - it seems inappropriate to say that, but since you have seen how I came all the way, you know that this word is not too much for my relationship with others." Gu Xiaoshan did not play sloppy Now, seriously and honestly, "I will come out with my father, not because of him, but because I want to come out. Even if I change someone, I will still come out, and I will also quarrel with my family. Even... taking a step back, even if I'm not gay, I'll find something else to make trouble with my family."

The tough man was very surprised: "Why? Your family has always been... always strong..." The tough man didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, he finally choked out the second half of the sentence: "Is it very well-behaved?"

"Rules?" Gu Xiaoshan sneered, "I just had enough, so I wanted to break his rules. I rebelled against him and moved out of the house to tell him that I am no longer bound by his rules."

The tough man vaguely understood, pondered for a while, and said, "I understand, is this your belated "rebellious period"?"

Hearing this analogy, Gu Xiaoshan also laughed, but had to nod his head: "Maybe so, maybe not. The rebellious period is a hormonal impulse, but my "rebellion" this time is a plan for many years."


"Maybe it's inappropriate to say that, but I've always thought that there will be such a day, that I will rebel." Gu Xiaoshan said, feeling a little sad in his heart, "When that day comes, I will naturally fight. My father didn't believe me at the time. It was GAY—or he refused to believe that I was determined to resist him. In order to prove my "seriousness", I proposed to my father to marry Mu Chutong. At that time, my father was really facing the enemy, and my resistance Take it seriously—you know what happened later, he gave money to let Mu Chutong leave. Mu Chutong obviously didn’t really love me, he just cooperated with me in performing "Blessings of Love", he took the money and left Yes. I also used this excuse to move out and do my own thing. In this way, I would also like to thank Mu Chutong for allowing me to live in peace with my father, a loving father and a filial son until... until he found him you."

Renzi was stunned when he heard this, and after digesting it for a long time, he said: "So...you and Mu Chutong are just acting, there is no love at all. Are you just rebellious?"

Gu Xiaoshan couldn't laugh or cry about Renzi's interpretation, so he held Renzi's hand and said, "Anyway, you understand, I only have you in my heart from beginning to end. My father can't understand it, so I have to do something. .”

Renzi thought for a long time, but shook his head and said, "Since Gu Shibo has accepted your sexuality and even accepted your rebellion, he has supported you in everything you have done all these years, but now he refuses. Then he must not believe me Only if I can give you happiness, I will oppose you and me! Then, as long as I prove myself to him, then he will not object! This will not damage the relationship between you and your son!"

"Father-son relationship?" Gu Xiaoshan sneered, "He just wants to be a patriarch who controls everything. You can't prove yourself to him! Over the years, he has not opposed me because I have always followed his preset trajectory To act—to be a businessman whose interests are paramount. But when I strayed from his pre-set track, he would be angry and gain authority. He said it himself, and wanted to find someone who could help me maximize my interests. How do you prove to him that you are such a target?"

Renzi heard a lot of resentment in Gu Xiaoshan's words. This makes the toughness surprised and strange. For so many years, he has been in close contact with the Gu family. The father and son, father and daughter, brothers and sisters of the Gu family looked harmonious and harmonious before—although the toughness always felt a little weird—something that could not be explained, some dangers were calmed down. covered by the sea. Now, Gu Xiaoshan confides his heart to him, exposing the ugly and ugly rocks, which makes Renzi feel at a loss for a while.

Gu Xiaoshan looked at Renzi's face and showed shame: "I know, these words will make you uneasy. So I have been reluctant to tell you...but..."

"No, it's not." Renzi shook his head, but instead comforted Gu Xiaoshan, "I'm just a little surprised. I'm glad you can tell me what's on your mind."

Gu Xiaoshan also showed a tender smile when he heard the words: "I know, you are the best. I am not good, and my family is not good."

"No, no," Renzi continued to shake his head like a rattle drum, "I always feel that your father is not like this. Maybe he still cares about your happiness. Everyone says my dad is stubborn and your dad is flexible, but I think your father may be stubborn to the point of paranoia in some places, but others don't know it. Both your father and my father hope us to be happy, but they have different understandings of happiness. "

Gu Xiaoshan smiled: "No matter what kind of understanding they have, they shouldn't impose it on us."

The toughness is speechless.

"You don't need to prove to him that you can give me happiness." Gu Xiaoshan held Renzi's hand, "You are just mine, and it is enough for me to feel happy."

Renzi was so touched, he squatted down, untied Gu Xiaoshan's pants, and performed a dedication of love.

Gu Xiaoshan lamented that although the toughness is not particularly smart, it is hard work after all. Diligence can make up for weakness, and the skills are getting better and better. happiness. Ah, happiness. Ah, happiness, happiness, happiness... ah, happiness exploded.

Renzi wiped his mouth: Well, it's so thick.

Besides, Renzi not only moved into Gu Xiaoshan's apartment, but also took Sanha away. Master Yu was quite reluctant, and said, "This dog went to a new place, will he be unhappy?"

The housekeeper laughed and said, "Master, forgot? Sanha used to go to Young Master Gu's place often. Every time Master Gu comes to our house, Sanha is also very happy."

"Huh! Hu Meizi!" Old Master Yu said displeasedly, "He will hook up! Even dogs will not be spared!"

The butler could only accompany Mr. Yu and say, "Yes, Young Master Gu is a fox."

Master Yu thought for a while, and said, "But has he settled his father's matter? I can't let my son follow him and be angry with that old man!"