A Random System Every Day

Chapter 227: This is the Empress of the Nine Heavens


Wang Yiyang slapped himself crazily in front of them.

He is very powerful, and the Wang family is also very powerful, but compared with the Empress of the Nine Heavens, what does it matter

He slapped himself until the corners of his mouth bled, and then he knelt there and said, "Your Majesty, it's my fault. I shouldn't ignore your majesty and attack Mr. Ye just for a little money. But you have thought of me for these years." For the hard work, and for the fact that our ancestors once fought on the battlefield with Her Majesty the Empress, please spare my life."

Wang Yiyang was crying there.

He was definitely not acting, he was really scared.

"I ask you, what crime should you be guilty of?"

"Jail time."

Ye Tianyi's eyes lit up.

"Actually, if Her Majesty the Empress insists on punishing him, and given the status of the head of the Wang family, she is indeed contemptuous of the emperor. The meaning of breaking the law is different from that of ordinary people, but it is definitely not just to execute him. There must be other reasons. Opening a casino is just for the Empress Your Majesty found an excuse! But no matter what, he must have committed an unforgivable crime!"

In the end what happened

Is Ye Tianyi dead


Wang Yiyang quickly got up and knelt there.

Everyone who was on the road or at home saw this scene and stopped what they were doing because they knew that this was the Empress of the Nine Heavens.

"The last and only time the Empress of the Nine Heavens appeared like this was because of a royal rebellion. Her shadow appeared and she urgently announced instructions. She only appeared for such a big thing. Why did she appear this time?"

Yes, Saint King Realm, how can one be restricted at this level? Sometimes in front of this level, the emperor's rules are useless, and the emperor turns a blind eye, because the emperor doesn't want to take care of it. It is the realm of the Saint King, and there is a large group behind it. This time, Chang Xi can be regarded as the first in history to use the emperor to determine the saint. Jun's death penalty has set a precedent. It is really Ye Tianyi's fault that accounts for a large part, otherwise she would not be able to convict him of death.


"Ignoring His Majesty's instructions and opening a casino is a crime of contempt for the emperor and should be... punished."

"The Wang family does not have the ability to rebel against the royal family, unless they have a stronger support behind them. If they are smart people, then they will give up Wang Yiyang's life in exchange for the safety of the Wang family. If they can't think of it, they may take action. After all, Wang Yiyang is the Wang family The head of the family is a strong man in the Saint King Realm. In all the years I have lived, I have never seen a strong man like the Saint King Realm, the pinnacle of the mainland, being tried to death by the emperor." Liu Tianhai said with great interest.

Chang Xi raised her hand and slapped him from the air, sending him flying away.

Chang Xi asked.

Hearing this, Wang Yiyang, who was kneeling there, was completely discouraged and his face was ashen.

Zi Ningcheng took a sip of tea and said in surprise as he watched the disappearing shadow of the empress.

"It seems that this time, Her Majesty the Empress is really angry, but Her Majesty the Empress is by no means such a reckless person. Now that the rebels are approaching, she has resorted to such a move. It is very likely that the Wang family will rebel, which is very inappropriate. Logic." Zi Ning said.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock!

"Wucao! Empress of the Nine Heavens! It's the Empress of the Nine Heavens! What's going on? Is something big happening?"

"What? Wang Yiyang, the head of the Wang family, was sentenced to death by Her Majesty the Empress? Just because he opened a casino? No, opening a casino is not a capital crime! Especially since he is the head of the Wang family!"

Maybe this is the sad thing about some big families. Power is so tempting. Sometimes, power is so tempting that family ties are no longer so important...

Liu Tianhai said: "To anger Her Majesty the Empress, it must not be a trivial matter. Naturally, it cannot be about this casino. Do you think the Wang family will rebel against the royal family?"

The next moment, Chang Xi's body flashed with light, and the empress's outfit, including the veil, appeared, and the real Empress of the Nine Heavens stood beside Ye Tianyi.

One hundred and ninety-two. One hundred and forty-two. Two hundred and twenty-six. One hundred and fifty-three.

Chang Xi asked again.

"It's so fierce! Her Majesty the Empress has not made any movement for a long time. This appearance is directly to kill the head of the Wang family, the top family. This is to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Now at least everyone in Jiuzhou Tiancheng will be honest in a short time."


And the entire Jiuzhou Tiancheng people couldn’t believe it.

Then a golden power rushed to the sky, lighting up the entire night void. Above the void, Chang Xi's huge shadow slowly appeared.

"In Jiuzhou Tiancheng, what crime should I be guilty of opening a casino in a grand manner right now?"

The next moment, the ethereal and ethereal voice of the Nine Heavens Empress spread throughout the Nine Provinces Heavenly City. "The head of the Wang family, Wang Yiyang, ignored the laws, openly opened a casino, and defied the emperor. He deserves to be punished. Tomorrow at noon, I will personally supervise the punishment of Wang Yiyang, the head of the Wang family!"

"This is really interesting. The head of the Wang family was sentenced to death by Her Majesty the Empress herself. What did this violate?"

Wang Yiyang was trembling all over.

Just because of the casino? Absolutely not! So what happened! ? He really doesn't know!

Is it because of killing

No, in this world, in many cases, killing people does not violate the emperor's rules at all, but there is a premise that the killing must be between warriors, then it does not violate the emperor's rules! But Ye Tianyi is also a warrior!

"His Majesty's benefactor has no real power, but taking action against him as if His Majesty is here in person is tantamount to the crime of contempt for the emperor, and the crime deserves... to be... punished."

what happened? Didn't his father kill the elder and Ye Tianyi? Why did he suddenly become a sinner and even be sentenced to death

"I'll ask you again, what crime do you deserve?"


Everyone in Jiuzhou Tiancheng was dumbfounded, and the strong men of the big families also looked at the phantom of the Empress of Jiutian in the void.

Ye Tianyi secretly admired, this is the Empress of the Nine Heavens, this majesty, this momentum, well... it shows through her tonight.

His father was sentenced to death, so the position of head of the Wang family fell on him, right

At this moment, Wang Tiancheng looked up at this scene with disbelief on his face and his eyes widened.

He was playing chess and drinking tea with Liu Tianhai in the Liu family yard. Next to him, Liu Qingyu was busy serving them tea and water, making some cakes and snacks for them.

Liu Tianhai: "Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, I'm just afraid that Her Majesty's killing of the chickens to scare the monkeys will actually become the trigger for rebellion among the major families."

(End of chapter)