A real game in the World of Xianxia

Chapter 177: Protected by gods? Protected by the ancient gods!


After discovering a new method, Xiao Lin wanted to tease the gods again, so hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe one one) one comes out. Why do we have to make things so rigid? "

The angry voice of the God resounded in the Heavenly Temple again, saying: "Xiao Lin, you cultivator is just talking sweet words. Hum, we won't come out. If you have the ability, come and attack my Golden Temple. If you can really break through my Golden Temple, , I really admire you!" The implication is that if you can really break through the Golden Temple, I will admire you, and I will shake hands with you and make peace with you then!

Xiao Lin sneered twice in his heart and thought: Damn it, these gods have a good plan. I rely on the strong defense of the Golden Temple as a fortress to stop them. It's good if I can resist, and even better if I can fight back. If you can't resist and are defeated by them, just surrender! Grandma, fight if you can, fight as hard as you can, and surrender when you are at the end of your rope. How can there be such a good thing in the world

Xiao Lin sneered in his heart, but there was still a smile on his face. This seemed to have become his signature expression - he was still smiling, which meant that he was not really angry yet. If he really stopped smiling, then his enemy It's going to be dangerous! Well, that's when the world goes crazy!

"I advise you to think about it carefully. The consciousness of your three brothers and many members of the God Clan are still with me, so you are not afraid of me..." When Xiao Lin said this, he stretched out his hands, and a half figure appeared in his left hand. A meter-diameter soul body. On the right side is the Divine Sword of Destruction that ignores any defense. Xiao Lin took the Divine Sword of Destruction and compared it with the soul body. He believed that those guys in the Temple of Heaven would be able to defeat this divine sword. You can see the scene clearly!

Sure enough, seeing Xiao Lin's actions, the gods immediately became excited and said: "Xiao Lin, you must keep your promise. We have returned your woman to you intact, and you should keep your promise. , take good care of the consciousness of my brothers!"

Xiao Lin chuckled and said: "Did I say that? Well, I did say that I would take good care of your brothers' spiritual consciousness, but don't you think that I will destroy them or send them into reincarnation? Didn’t you take good care of them? Wouldn’t it be better to let them enjoy the happiness in the world again? Hehe... "

"Xiao Lin, you don't keep your promise, and you want us to come out to negotiate peace with you. How can you expect us to trust you?" the gods roared angrily.

Xiao Lin also yelled back and said: "Even if I keep my promise, won't you still not come out to negotiate with us? Then my novice promise is useless!"

"One code equals one code!" The gods said coldly: "Keeping a promise is one thing, but us negotiating peace with you is another! If you don't keep your promise, we won't even have the possibility to negotiate peace with you!"

"Okay, I keep my promise!" Xiao Lin chuckled and said: "But I'm sure that we still have no possibility of peace talks, because you won't come out! However, even if you won't come out, I still decide to keep my promise !" Actually, Xiao Lin felt that he was quite a trustworthy person. Since he couldn't threaten them, he might as well be a trustworthy person.

"Keeping promises is the most basic quality of a person. Don't let us thank you for your generosity and kindness!" the gods said coldly.

Xiao Lin smiled. Said: "Whatever you think! I will give you one last chance now. If you don't surrender, wait until the temple is breached. Don't expect me to show mercy. By then, I don't know what will become of you." I can guarantee it. But at least, we will be like your brothers. We will meet in my space ring!"

"Let's wait until you break through our Earth Temple. Don't you think what you are saying now is all nonsense?" The god laughed and said.

"Oh?" Xiao Lin shrugged. He said with an indifferent expression: "Okay. Since you treat my words as nonsense, then I don't need to talk nonsense to you!" Xiao Lin turned around as he spoke. He nodded to Sword God Dugu Qiubai and others. Then immediately launched an attack on the Temple of the God.

"Changing winds and clouds!" "Thunder and lightning!" "Shattered mountains and rivers!" "Roaring seas!" "Changing the sun and the moon!" "Stars are boundless!" Xiao Lin continued to use the Law of Destruction skills that he had upgraded to divine skills. come out. Today's skills. They are all large-scale spells. Very large area. A lot of magic. Super gorgeous halo. The Temple of the God of Heaven was immediately enveloped. Countless spells. Super strong energy continuously bombarded the Temple of God. It was as if the castle was being bombed to pieces.

But. The Temple of the Gods is worthy of being the Temple of the Gods. Even Xiao Lin's current skills have been upgraded to magical skills. There is also a super strong spiritual power as the source of energy. But it still couldn't have any impact on the Temple of the God. Xiao Lin's divine magic looked earth-shattering and terrifying. But it actually bombarded the Temple of the God. It was like the lightning from the Nine Heavens struck a lightning rod. Doesn't have any attack power.

However, Xiao Lin didn't want to destroy the God's Temple in one fell swoop. If that were the case, he wouldn't have to talk to them so much, and the God's Temple wouldn't become a safe haven for the gods! Xiao Lin's move was just to attract the gods with a powerful magical attack, and then asked the sword god Dugu Qiubai to quietly approach the temple of the gods, and try to find a way to destroy part of the temple of the gods, or enter it and destroy it. The remaining five


However, the gods were not rookies. They did not pay any attention to Xiao Lin's attack. Instead, they increased their surveillance of the surrounding environment. Through careful surveillance, they actually discovered the sneaking sword body Dugu Qiubai. , the five gods watched the Sword God Dugu Qiubei quietly approaching the Temple of the Gods, and did not panic. They only waited until the opponent was really close to within ten feet of the Temple of the Gods, and then they jointly activated the defense skill of the Gods Temple - God's Protection!

The guardian of the gods has been attached to the temple of the gods a long time ago. I don't know how long ago. It was probably hundreds of thousands of years ago, or maybe millions of years ago. In fact, God's Protection is not a skill added by the Gods, but a protection skill attached to them by a higher-level being than the Gods. This skill is a higher skill than the God's Skill and is enough to defend against attacks from almost all God's Skills.

After hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, this skill guarded by the gods has been continuously filled with energy by the gods, ensuring that it can not lose its chain at critical moments! God's guardianship is a skill that has never been used before. Even when the former sword god challenged the ten gods, the ten gods did not use this guardian skill, because the use of this skill represents the humiliation of the ten gods - all Being beaten at your doorstep, what else is it but humiliation

But this time, a few guys in the Temple of the Gods finally decided to activate this skill. Only in this way can the safety of the Temple of the Gods be ensured. Although the scope of the God's Guardian Skill is relatively small, it only protects those within ten feet around the Temple of the Gods. The earth realm, but its power is extremely powerful. As long as it is within the range of the guardian skills of the gods, almost no magical skills can destroy its defense, and it will also destroy enemies that enter the range protected by this skill. Sex blow! Even if you carry out a long-range attack from a distance, you will be counterattacked by the protection of the gods!

No one knows this, and no one knows this skill—except the ten gods!

At this time, Senior Sword God Dugu Qiubai had quietly arrived outside the Temple of the Gods. He hoped that Xiao Lin's large-scale magical skills could attract the attention of the gods, and then he could quietly enter the Temple of the Gods. However, when he approached the Temple of the God, he realized that he didn't believe in himself anymore - even the Sword God had moments of insecurity in front of the Temple of the God!

At this time, the Sword God had just entered the ten-foot range around the God's Temple, and he couldn't help but hesitate a little. It was this hesitation that allowed the Sword God Dugu Qiubai to escape completely from the absolute protection range of the "God's Guard" without suffering any harm!

At that time, Sword God Dugu Qiubai felt that he was only a few tenths of a centimeter away from the absolute protection range of the God's Guard. The gods were so nervous that they activated the God's Guard skill. The skill was activated very quickly, but at zero point before the skill was actually activated, In a few seconds, the sword god Dugu Qiubai felt an extremely strong energy fluctuation. This extremely strong energy fluctuation made a person like him who surpassed the ten gods feel palpitations and panic, almost subconsciously. The sword god stopped and stepped back.

The guardianship of the gods was activated instantly, and a dazzling golden light appeared in front of the Sword God Dugu Qiubai. Although it could not really hurt him, it made his eyes full of golden light, and he almost went blind! Sword God Dugu Qiubai quickly returned to the rear camp.

The next second after the God's Guardian was activated, Xiao Lin's divine attack was blocked by the golden light. Those powerful energy attacks were reflected everywhere, and some of them directly backfired in front of Xiao Lin. Fortunately, Xiao Lin There were many people around, and Xiao Lin was able to defend against these skills, so there was no panic.

Suddenly, a golden protective shield appeared outside the Temple of the God, and then gradually turned into colorful colors. The Temple of the God seemed to be wrapped by a rainbow. Such a scene made everyone very confused. The defense of the Temple of God was already super strong, and their defense line was motionless just now, but why did such a powerful energy protection layer suddenly appear

Xiao Lin looked at the Sword God and said, "Senior Dugu, this colorful protective shield is so weird!"

The Sword God nodded and said: "Indeed, its energy is so powerful that I can't face it!"

Xiao Lin smiled and said, "Did Senior Dugu feel the energy fluctuations of this energy protective layer and fly back just now?"

The Sword God shook his head and said: "I'm ashamed to say that I was scared back by the energy fluctuation when this energy protective layer was activated! The energy fluctuation when it activated was so powerful that it even scared me. ! Moreover, I see that the range of this energy protection layer is almost ten feet, and it will not actively attack, but will only counterattack divine magic. Could it be that it is really the energy protection layer of the Temple of God? I have never seen it before. ah!"

Xiao Lin thought for a while and asked Chen Feng next to him: "Xiao Feng, do you know what this colorful energy shield is used for?"

Chen Feng looked like he was thinking, and then three seconds later, he shook his long silver hair and replied simply: "I don't know!"

"Damn, I didn't know you could still look so handsome! I'm so sorry!" Xiao Lin glared at him depressedly, but didn't really blame him.

Chen Feng chuckled and said: "This thing seems to have never appeared before. I don't think only I don't know what it is, but even the great gods probably won't understand it."

For what? "

Xiao Lin nodded and said: "Since it is something that even you and the great gods don't know about or have never seen before, it must be something extremely secret!" Xiao Lin suddenly stared at the Temple of the Gods, as if he wanted to This colorful energy shield makes you see everything through!

At this glance, Xiao Lin really saw some information, and Xiao Lin couldn't help but admire his super detection ability.

"Guardian of the Gods: According to legend, Hongjun, one of the founder gods of the ancient gods, is an ancient divine skill that was attached to the Temple of the Gods in the ancient gods. Its status is unshakable! The guardian of the gods can reflect all energy smaller than it, and cause a certain degree of backlash to those who attack it. The range of ten feet around the target protected by the guardian of the gods is its absolute protection range. Within the range, anyone considered as an enemy by the user will be destroyed.

The ancient gods are not affected by the guardianship of the gods! The continuous effect of God's Protection is twelve hours, and the cooling time is twelve hours! After twelve hours of continuous use, you need to rest for sixty breaths before you can continue to use it! "

After seeing the effect of the God's Guardian skill, Xiao Lin finally knew that this thing turned out to be a skill attached to the God's Temple by the ancestor Hongjun of the Ancient God Realm. It was indeed extraordinary! Grandma, what else is this skill called God’s Protection? Can’t it just be called Divine Ancestor’s Protection

The Ancient God Realm, the God of Creation, the Ancestor Hongjun... Xiao Lin suddenly realized that this Ancient God Realm was not really the highest level. There was actually such an existence as the Ancient God Realm above the Ancient God Realm! Xiao Lin couldn't imagine that the Ancient God Realm was already such a vast universe, so what kind of sky would the Ancient God Realm be like

Xiao Lin shook his head. Don't think about such distant things. It's better to deal with the matters in front of you first. Since the information detected shows that this is the guardian skill of the ancient god, ordinary magical skills will definitely not be able to damage it! Special methods must be used to break it. However, no one here can reach the realm of the ancient gods, so how can it be broken

Suddenly, Xiao Lin remembered the last sentence of the "God's Protection" skill information - the lasting effect of God's Protection is twelve hours, and the cooling time is twelve hours! After twelve hours of continuous use, you need to rest for sixty breaths before you can continue to use it!

This sentence is very interesting. Doesn’t it mean that the time of guardianship of the gods is twelve hours, and the gods must drive away threats from the outside world within twelve hours! If the threat cannot be eliminated, it can only persist for twelve hours, but after twelve hours it will reach a cycle. In this case, the divine protection will need to be stopped for sixty breaths before it can be activated again! Isn't this what Ming told Xiao Lin: If you really can't break through the defense of God's protection, then stand outside for twelve hours, and when the cycle of God's protection is up, you can rush forward! If they dared to cancel the God's Guardian Skill before twelve hours, Xiao Lin and the others would still be able to rush forward. However, since the skill's cooling time is twelve hours, it would be impossible for the Gods to activate the God's Guardian Skill again in time!

In fact, these sixty breaths are not a long time. In the eyes of the gods, the disappearance of a cycle of guardianship by the gods will definitely make the enemies surprised and suspicious. If they doubt for a little longer, the gods will have a chance. Restart the guardianship of the gods again; even if they are all stunned, if they rush up when they see the effect of the guardianship of the gods disappear, the gods are confident that they can resist them for a while. When the short period of sixty breaths is over, the gods can activate the guardianship of the gods again and kill all those who besieged the temple of the gods within the scope of the absolute protection. Wouldn't this result be more perfect

However, the gods were wrong. They didn't know that one of their enemies, a perverted existence like Xiao Lin, could actually find out the information about the gods' guardian skills. They really thought that they could easily deceive the enemies. When they were surprised, he gained the power to take the initiative again - the gods were complacent, thinking that they would be safe forever with such ancient magical skills as the gods guarding them.

Xiao Lin saw clearly the skill of God's Guard, thought about it, and said to everyone: "I know what this skill is. It's called 'God's Guard'. It's extremely powerful. We can't break it at all. Now, we can only I can wait!”

"We can't break this skill, so what's the use?" Sword God asked.

"As far as I know, the maximum duration of this skill is twelve hours. After twelve hours, it will disappear automatically. If you want to activate it again, you need to wait for sixty breaths, and this short sixty The rest time is the time for us to win! Therefore, I have to wait for the short sixty breath time after twelve hours!" Xiao Lin smiled and said: "Now, we can go Chatting and drinking tea! Haha... "

"What if they cancel the God's Guardian Skill now?" someone asked again.

Xiao Lin laughed and shook his head, saying: "That would be better, because if they cancel the effect of God's protection now, then they will never think of activating God's protection again! Haha..." (To be continued, if you want to know more How about the funeral? Please log in to **m for more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!)
