A real game in the World of Xianxia

Chapter 183: The evolution of Xiao Lin


Stop, don't get close to Xiao Lin! "Sword God Dugu Qiubai saw everyone running towards Xiao T and shouted to stop him, and said: "He is evolving now, don't get close, it will be detrimental to him and it will do more harm to you! This layer of chaotic energy that protects his evolution is extremely powerful, unbreakable, and extremely capable of counterattack. Please don't get close! "

Hearing what the Sword God said, everyone stopped. Seeing everyone stop, the Sword God quickly put away the seven consciousnesses of the seven gods, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, please sit down and rest! "

Lin Qiyao couldn't help but ask the Sword God: "Senior Sword God, how is Xiao Lin doing? Is he okay?"

Sword God Dugu Qiubai chuckled and said, "Is something going to happen? Of course there is, and it's a big deal!" Seeing the sadness on everyone's faces, and the four girls on the verge of crying, the Sword God then added: "It's just... What a happy event, hehe, what a great happy event!" When the Sword God saw Xiao Lin absorbing the energy of the god, he knew in his heart that he must be digesting the energy he had just absorbed. Originally, he had just absorbed the spiritual power of a god, so Xiao Lin could do it without having to do this. Digestion, but now it has suddenly absorbed the spiritual power of the six gods, so the body cannot digest it for a while, so it can only enter the current state.

After digesting the spiritual power of the six gods in this state, Xiao Lin's cultivation level will definitely be greatly enhanced, but after the digestion is completed, how strong he will be is unknown even to the Sword God!

Everyone's faces suddenly turned very ugly when they heard the first half of Sword God Dugu Qiubei's words. When Sword God Dugu Qiubei understood what he said, everyone let out a sigh and became relaxed one after another. The four girls even more Extremely nervous, Shangguan Ruoshui asked: "Senior Sword God, how long will it take for our husband to evolve? How long will it take for him to be fine?"

Sword God Dugu Qiubai shook his head and said: "This... I don't know! Maybe in a moment, or in ten or eight years, or even in thousands of years! Evolution cannot be explained clearly. , and some people may also fail to evolve, causing the evolver to die suddenly.


"Then what should we do?" Lin Qiyao and Shangguan Ruoshui were both a little anxious, and said, "Our sage guild will be fine, it will be fine! Right? Senior Sword God!"

The Sword God smiled slightly and said: "You two can rest assured. Your husband-in-law is born extraordinary. In just a few years, he has cultivated from a mortal to a level that surpasses that of a god. This little thing of evolution shouldn't be a big deal!" In just a few years, he has cultivated from an ordinary cultivator to a being that transcends gods. If you tell any cultivator, immortal, or god, they will definitely not believe it. Even the sword god will not believe such a thing. If In the past, if someone said such words to the Sword God, the Sword God would definitely give him a beating, because the person who said such words to him was undoubtedly insulting his wisdom!

But now, he has witnessed Xiao Lin's growth process with his own eyes. He has helped Xiao Lin practice since he was an incomplete sword soul a few years ago, and he also knows Xiao Lin's special method of practice! But a few years later, when he met Xiao Lin again, Xiao Lin had already reached the level of Daluo Jinxian. In recent times, Xiao Lin had leapt directly from Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor to Minor God, Great God, God, and the realm beyond God, can simply be described as changing with each passing day, and today, Xiao Lin's cultivation level is leaping forward every few hours, and another leap every few quarters of an hour. Such a speed of improvement is really incredible. The sword god was surprised

Ever since I saw the gods a few hours ago, I had just run to kill seven gods in one go. Even the sword god himself would never be able to reach this level of cultivation! If Xiao Lin evolved by absorbing the spiritual power of their seven gods, what kind of terrifying state should he evolve to? It shouldn't be difficult for him to kill the seven gods in one go and then digest the spiritual power of the six gods!

So Xiao Lin should evolve very quickly—his speed is always very fast!

The Sword God smiled and said to everyone: "Everyone, please have a good rest. Now there is nothing in the Golden Temple that can actively harm everyone. However, the Golden Temple itself is still a bit weird, so it is best for everyone to rest in this hall." We will discuss the following matters after Xiao Lin’s evolution is completed! I believe Xiao Lin’s evolution should be completed soon!”

After hearing this, the members of the Demonic Dragon Clan and Chen Feng calmed down and sat down near the throne directly above the main hall to rest. The four girls Xia Jingzhu, Lin Qiyao, Shangguan Ruoshui and Xiaofen had been guarding Xiao Lin. The three people around, Xia Jingzhu, Lin Qiyao and Shangguan Ruoshui, were Xiao Lin's women. They wanted to stay by Xiao Lin's side and wait quietly. This was understandable, so everyone didn't try to persuade them. Where should they sit? Isn't it the same? Xiaofen, on the other hand, also stayed by Xiao Lin's side for the reason of protecting her master and his woman, and no one had anything to say.

The men were all chatting. Xia Jingzhu and the other four girls sat blankly in front of Xiao Lin. They looked at the chaotic atmosphere in front of them and said nothing. At this time, they had nothing to say. They were completely occupied by Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin was so nervous that he had no intention of chatting!

The four girls stared intently at the energy of chaos in front of them. Suddenly Xiaofen shouted: "It has changed! The energy of chaos has weakened!"

As soon as Xiaofen said this, the other three women quickly concentrated on looking at the aura of chaos. They found that the aura surrounding Xiao Lin had indeed weakened and became slightly dimmer. However, they kept looking at this mass of chaos unless they looked carefully. If they were angry, they would not notice this subtle change at all. The faces of the three women were a little embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Xiaofen was the one who watched it most intently!

The four girls stared at the chaos energy in front of them, not daring to blink. It seemed that after what Xiaofen said, the chaos energy changed rapidly. In less than a few minutes, the originally strong chaos energy changed. The Qi has become very thin, and you can almost see the outline of Xiao Lin wrapped in the chaotic Qi - a human figure sitting cross-legged. This person is of course Xiao Lin.

The Sword God and others also noticed the situation here and quickly gathered around. Chen Feng laughed and said: "The boss is indeed extraordinary. It has only been six hours, and he has already completed his evolution!"

The Sword God nodded and said: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it at all! Hey...

It’s so big and full of surprises! "

Gradually, the chaotic energy surrounding Xiao Lin finally disappeared. Everyone onlookers looked surprised and opened their mouths. However, the four girls in the center of the crowd made a big blush because Xiao Lin was so angry. Shi's whole body was wet, and the original undefeated suit had long been turned into powder by the energy, and fell around the body, forming a circle of dust. The girls wanted to turn around immediately, but they were very concerned about Xiao Lin's physical condition, so they all Staring at his face without squinting

Xiao Lin's eyes trembled slightly. After a few seconds, he slowly opened his eyes. The first time he opened his eyes, he saw the rosy smiling faces of the four goddesses, their eyes staring at him with watery eyes. Xiao Lin was slightly surprised. He smiled and said, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" At this time, he didn't know that he was naked, and he was completely attracted by the watery eyes and the flying red clouds of this incomparably beautiful woman. His face was so attracted that he refused to move even an inch.

Lin Qiyao said quickly: "Ms. sir, how are you feeling? Is there anything wrong with your body?"

Xiao Lin chuckled and said, "It's okay. My husband is in good health. Even if I fight four thousand rounds with the four of you at night, it won't be a problem!" As he said this, Xiao Lin slapped his chest hard. ring!

The sound of "papa" sounded, and Xiao Lin couldn't help being stunned for a moment. When he looked down, he realized that there was no hair on his body. His little brother was also full of energy, maybe because he was very energetic. With his head held high and his chest held high, he glared at the four beauties.

When the four beauties saw Xiao Lin looking down, they couldn't help but follow his gaze. They immediately saw the appearance of little Xiao Lin, and their cheeks turned redder. But what the three beauties thought was that they were already his. These things will happen sooner or later, so there is no need to worry about it. What Xiaofen thinks is that he is his master anyway, everything he owns is his, and there is nothing to avoid, so he does not avoid it. Four girls He actually stared at Xiao Lin's little brother like this for several breaths. It wasn't until the four girls' breathing became heavier that Xiao Lin quickly took out a set of clothes from the space ring to cover his body. —Our buddy is still a virgin, and his body is as pure as ice. How can we let others see it casually? Of course, these people are not talking about these four beauties, but a group of men next to them!

Damn it, Xiao Lin felt really uncomfortable being watched and fucked by a group of men!

Xiao Lin stood up quickly and put on his clothes. There was a circle of dust left by the broken clothes around his body. Then he smiled and said to everyone: "Hello, brothers, thank you for your hard work, brothers!"

All the men laughed and said: "It's not hard, it's not hard, it should be! Brother Xiao Lin is the hardest!"

Xiao Lin chuckled and said: "Xiao Lin made everyone worry. I'm really sorry, but it's fine now. The ten gods have been destroyed, and the ancient god world belongs to us! Haha..."

Everyone cheered, and the Sword God walked up to Xiao Lin and said: "Three of the ten gods' consciousnesses are with you, and seven are with me. How should we deal with it? As far as I know, behind these gods, There are even more mysterious forces supporting us, what should we do?”

Xiao Lin glanced at the Sword God Dugu Qiubai and remembered what he had just mentioned in his mind. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Senior Sword God, don't worry, I will handle this matter!"

**(Text 3+, the following words are not counted)

P: Today’s 9,000 words have been completed. Xiaolan has something to say. First of all, I would like to thank the brothers who have been subscribing to this book (of course, only those who have subscribed to this chapter can see such thanks^-^), At this point in the book, the plot is coming to an end. One month has passed. Because the subscription is very low, Xiaolan wants to code more words and earn perfect attendance, so Xiaolan does this, 9,000 per day, and has perfect attendance. But Xiaolan discovers, You lose more than you gain! Not only does she spend more than 5 hours a day coding (10 hours online, of which 5 hours are purely coding, nothing else), but she also writes the story in such a watery way. This is Xiaolan’s problem, Xiaolan I understand in my heart!

The most interesting part of this book is the first 20,000 to 300,000 words. At that time, Xiaolan was quite interesting to write, and she was very energetic in what she wrote. However, since the push started, Xiaolan promised to update it three times a day. As a result, things at home became more complicated. As a result, there was not enough time, but I didn’t want to break my promise, so the content began to be mixed with water. This resulted in Xiaolan’s strong recommendation results not being as high as those recommended by Sanjiang, or even much worse! Xiaolan knows what's going on!

However, Xiaolan's old laptop would have a blue screen or freeze every half an hour, which tormented Xiaolan, making Xiaolan very depressed. After shutting down and restarting, it often failed to turn on! This tortured Xiaolan all the time. Soon after it was put on the shelves, Xiaolan couldn't bear it anymore, so she begged her mother to buy a new one for Xiaolan. Of course, it was all for the purpose of coding! Soon after, school was about to start, and Xiaolan had to buy a bus ticket and prepare things to go to school. After going to school, she suffered from an upper respiratory tract infection for half a month. She took medicine for ten days and saw a doctor four times, but nothing worked. After cutting off the root, I was coughing and my hands were shaking even as I was typing. In the end, I had no choice but to inject fluids. For three days in a row, I would go at 1:00 noon and return at 5:00 pm. Then I would start typing when I came back until I finished typing and uploading it before 23:00! In the end, I was almost healed. The doctor also asked me to have another day of infusion, but I refused. I just continued to take the medicine he prescribed, and I was fine after two days! However, the subscription results of the book are still so bleak, which is why I set the plot so quickly!

I originally planned to end it today, but after I recovered, I wrote the chapter about the world of gods. I felt that I still couldn’t make the ending too hasty, so I wrote the events with the ten gods in more detail. In this way, Naturally, I will have to write for a while longer, which will probably end in early October! Starting from October, 3000+ chapters per day! Okay, that's all. In fact, there is still a lot to say, but by now, the lights in the dormitory are about to go out, and I can't say anything anymore! I’ll wait until I finish the book to tell you all about it!

Finally, I wish my brothers a happy National Day + Mid-Autumn Festival, good health, and smooth work and study! I wish the motherland prosperity! ! ! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in to nm, there are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!)