A real game in the World of Xianxia

Chapter 187: You will definitely be happy (end of book)


Lin looked at these hazy oval groups, and there were actually shining stars inside. They were countless large and small stars. The large stars were like a pebble, the small planets were like a grain of sand, and the countless Small stars and small celestial bodies are just countless dust, not even dust. Moreover, these countless stars are wrapped in the energy around them, just like eggs.

Xiao Lin looked at such a scene and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Could this be the universe?"

Hongjun smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes, these are the universe!"

"Could it be that there are four in the universe?" Xiao Lin continued to ask. Facing such a scene, Xiao Lin was just an ignorant kindergarten kid and needed to ask more questions with an open mind.

Hongjun nodded again and said: "There are only four that we can control. As for whether there are other universes, we have no way of knowing! I can't say for sure that there are no other universes, but we have lived in hundreds of them again. For thousands of years, we have not sensed the new cosmic space. The cosmic space that we can control is displayed on this divine screen or something like that!"

Xiao Lin nodded and said: "Then this... so-called Divine Screen, does it have the function of displaying the four major universes?" Xiao Lin looked at the Divine Screen, it was like a large LCD screen, except that the screen inside Things are just a little hazy - after all, in such a large scope of the universe, no matter how clear it is, it's not that clear.

Hongjun smiled and nodded: "That's right, the function of the divine curtain can not only display the universe, but also display the scene of any place in the universe, just like standing in front of it in person." Hongjun said, He stretched out his hand and clicked on one of the universes. This universe suddenly occupied the entire area of the Divine Screen, and the celestial bodies above became clearer.

This elliptical universe is filled with many collections of stars and galaxies - that is, galaxies. The galaxies are densely dotted in the sky of the universe, and the universe is beautifully decorated. Hongjun smiled. , his hands kept expanding and expanding the universe, just like a three-dimensional electronic map that could be pulled and enlarged at will. Slowly, Hongjun pulled an elliptical galaxy onto the entire divine curtain. He smiled and said: "This galaxy is the galaxy that belongs to the Heavenly Palace in the Immortal World. Her name is the Milky Way!"

"The Milky Way?" Xiao Lin suddenly realized. When he saw this elliptical galaxy, he hadn't noticed it yet. He thought Hongjun had something to do with this galaxy. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that he was looking down at it in a way. The angle of looking at the Milky Way - in Xiao Lin's impression, the Milky Way should be a galaxy in the shape of a silver belt like a silver river. Because when Xiao Lin looked at the Milky Way at that time, he looked at it from inside the Milky Way, so it was It will happen! It’s true that “I don’t know the true face of the Milky Way, I just live in the Milky Way”!

"Yes, this is the Milky Way," Hongjun said with a smile, and then expanded the entire divine curtain outward, expanded, and expanded again... There must be countless stars in a galaxy, and there are countless stars in the Milky Way, not just thousands. Hongjun said with a smile: "The Milky Way is a galaxy with noble life. All the ten gods are from this galaxy, and several of them are from your home planet. They are from the same hometown as you." At this point , a blue planet has appeared on the divine curtain in front of Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin chuckled and said: "Of course, my hometown is full of outstanding people, and of course there is a constant stream of talents! Hehe... Take me for example!"

Hongjun nodded and said: "You are right, but you are not a talent. You are a genius, and the most surprising genius in history. Even if we exhaust all the experience of these old antiques, we still can't explain your talent!"

Xiao Lin chuckled and said, "Are you trying to flatter me?"

"If you want to think so, I have nothing to say!" Hongjun always said with a smile.

Xiao Lin nodded and said: "Okay, I will reluctantly think so!" As soon as Xiao Lin said this, the expressions of the other three ancient gods changed obviously - they have never seen such a sluggish ancient god.

After a pause, Xiao Lin chuckled and said, "Looking at this blue planet, I immediately want to go back there and live happily there... If nothing happens, can I leave now?"

Hongjun chuckled and said: "Have you forgotten that you are an ancient god now? Where else would you go if you don't stay in the ancient god world?"

"What kind of job do I have in the Ancient God Realm?" Xiao Lin said with a smile: "Actually, I am just a variable, a variable that suddenly appeared. It is enough for you four Ancient Gods in the Ancient God Realm. Four Isn’t it just good for one person to control the universe? I am superfluous here! What do you think? Besides, I don’t know how to control the universe!"

Hongjun said: "You don't know how to control the universe, we can teach you, so you can do it?"

Xiao Lin chuckled and said, "Isn't it right? So cruel? Do you insist that I stay in the Ancient God Realm?"

Hongjun chuckled and said: "It's not that you have to stay. Everyone has his own ambitions, so naturally we won't force it. It's just that you have unique skills and powerful abilities, but you don't think about or do things for all living beings. It's really a pity! You can leave if you want. After all, you only lived for a few dozen years and many of your ideas are different from ours. We will allow you to temporarily escape from the lower world, but you must first learn the art of controlling the universe. In this way, when we wait When you die, you will take our place!"

Xiao Lin chuckled and thought to himself, is such a good thing really possible? Not only did he pick up a powerful skill for nothing, but he also let himself go down to the lower realms to enjoy himself as he pleased. Who wouldn't want to take advantage of this? Even if they really die, if they want to control the operation of the major universes, it will probably take tens of thousands of years.

Why think so much about something so long ago? Let’s learn the skills in front of us first—even if Xiao Lin doesn’t want to learn them, he still has to learn them!

So Xiao Lin nodded and said, "Okay, I'll learn the art of cosmic control from you!"

Hongjun nodded and dictated the formula for controlling the universe to Xiao Lin. When Hongjun finished reciting the entire formula, a prompting voice immediately appeared in Xiao Lin's mind: "Hongjun teaches you the technique of controlling the universe." Do you want to learn the method?"

"Study!" Xiao Lin agreed to study without thinking. If he didn't want to study, he wouldn't have agreed to it just now.

"Congratulations on your success in learning the "Cosmic Control Technique" skill. You have the ability to control the universe! The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. The world needs you, the universe needs you, everyone needs you, so you must arrive at least once a year. Once in the ancient divine world, control the operating conditions of the universe, otherwise, you will be punished unimaginably!"

After Xiao Lin heard the voice behind him, his face couldn't help but change slightly - isn't it, so cruel? The punishment is still beyond my imagination, what kind of punishment will it be? It's his grandma's. No wonder the old man Hongjun is so eager to teach him the "Cosmic Control Technique". It turns out that the Universe Control Technique can not only control the universe, but also has such effects!

Xiao Lin looked at Hongjun depressedly and said: "Senior, are you kidding me? You agreed that I don't have to come! It's enough for you four seniors to sit here. You want me to come?" Isn’t it useless?”

Hongjun chuckled and said: "You are only allowed to come to the Ancient God Realm once a year, and you still have so many complaints? We have been here again for hundreds of thousands to millions of years, so what complaints do we have? You kid Ah, not satisfied yet?”

Xiao Lin thought for a while and laughed and said: "Hey, I'm just talking! Can't I come?" Xiao Lin thought to himself, he only came here once a year, and he wanted to go to the Ancient God Realm. A matter of minutes? Just think of it as chatting with a few old guys! —Isn’t it easy for these old guys to go to any of the four universes? It only took a few minutes, but they actually said that they had served the Ancient God for millions of years. I really don’t know how many times they visited various human worlds during this period!

"That's pretty much it!" Hongjun said with a smile, and wanted to talk again, but heard Xiao Lin smile and say: "Okay, I'll just come here more often in the future, but I have to go back now, there shouldn't be anything here What happened to me?" After Xiao Lin finished speaking, without giving the four people a chance to speak, he said: "Goodbye, four seniors!" and disappeared from the place!

The four of them glanced at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Kaitian smiled bitterly and said, "There's really nothing we can do about such a ruthless guy! How can such an ancient god control all living beings in the universe with peace of mind?"

Hongjun said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. When he has enough fun, he will naturally turn his mind to the universe! Give her tens of thousands of years, are you afraid that he won't have enough fun?"

"Haha, that's right!" the gods said with a smile.


When Xiao Lin returned to the Golden Temple, the four women immediately came over and surrounded Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin chuckled and said, "Why, have you been kept waiting for so long?"

Xiaofen said with a smile: "As soon as the three sisters leave you, they feel like their days are like years. This moment also feels like several days! They are always thinking about you! Hehe..."

Lin Qiyao glanced at Xiaofen and said with a smile: "Xiaofen, it seems that you are the one who talks about our husband-in-law the most! Tell me, do you have any intentions towards our husband-in-law?!"

Xiaofen's face was slightly red, but she said calmly: "No way, the master is my master, I am the master's servant, everything about me belongs to the master, how dare I have any intentions against the master?" The implication is that That is: I am already the master’s, and the master can do whatever he wants to me!

Lin Qiyao wanted to say something else, but she heard Xiao Lin smile and say: "Okay, okay, let's not talk so much. My dear ladies, don't you miss home?"

As soon as the girls heard "home", their expressions immediately calmed down, they nodded and said, "Yes! Mr. Master, take us home!"

"Well, I'll take you home right now!" Xiao Lin said with a smile, and then said a few words to the ten gods about serving the people, and then led everyone to the lower world!


In the Wuji Immortal Sect, Lin Tianxiang has not rested for many days. His daughter suddenly disappeared. How can he rest? They have searched for hundreds of miles around, but there is no trace of it. This makes Lin Tianxiang very strange and frightened. Who can take his daughter away so silently

Liu Qingsi also had a bad rest. Her favorite disciple also disappeared. Within one day, the two most beautiful disciples of the Wuji Sect were kidnapped. Could it be that the one who kidnapped them was... Liu Qingsi didn't What she dared to imagine, and what she dared not imagine even more, was that the person who abducted them did not leave any traces, and the people from the Wuji Sect did not discover him at all! This is the most shocking thing

Above the Wuji Palace, Lin Tianxiang and Liu Qingsi were distressed. When something like this happened, the head of the Wuji Sect and all the elders were shocked. When everyone was discussing how to strengthen the defense of the Wuji Sect, they saw Lin Qiyao and Xia Jingzhu. People are back holding hands! Moreover, what shocked them even more was that behind them, there was an acquaintance—an acquaintance who made everyone in the Wuji Sect very complicated, Xiao Lin!

"What else are you doing here?" the new Tianshu Palace elder asked angrily, pointing at Xiao Lin

Xiao Lin chuckled and said: "There is no place in the world that I, Xiao Lin, cannot go to!"

"Huh huh, our Wuji Sect is not one where a rebellious disciple like you can come and leave whenever you want!" the new elder of Tianshu Palace said angrily, holding the fairy sword and

When he stabbed, he saw that Xiao Lin did not dodge at all, but he felt a little unbearable in his heart. However, it still stabbed Xiao Lin's body, and the holy sword immediately turned into a pile of scrap metal!

Everyone was stunned. Xiao Lin chuckled, grabbed the new elder of Tianshu Palace, and disappeared directly. Everyone was shocked, but there was nothing they could do. Just as they were about to go out to take a look, they saw Xiao Lin bringing the new elder with him again. The new elder appeared. The new elder immediately returned to his position and stopped talking nonsense. This surprised everyone!

Lin Qiyao couldn't help but ask Xiao Lin, "What have you done to him?"

Xiao Lin said with a smile: "I just told him: without me, you would not be the elder you are now!"

Lin Qiyao said "Oh", but heard Lin Tianxiang say: "Qiyao, tell daddy, where did you go?"

Lin Qiyao smiled and said: "I didn't know either. I was kidnapped. It was Xiao Lin who saved me!"

"Yes, I can testify!" Xia Jingzhu said: "Because I was captured by them together with my eldest sister!"

"Eldest sister? Who is the eldest sister? Who are they?" Liu Qingsi next to Xia Jingzhu asked doubtfully

Xia Jingzhu knew that she had spilled the beans, but what she believed must be done, she immediately told how she was captured by the ten gods, how she was rescued by Xiao Lin, how brave Xiao Lin was, how she and Lin The senior sisters want to marry him, not only the two of them, but also two, three or more women want to marry him!

Such words came from the mouth of the always calm Xia Jingzhu, which shocked everyone. However, everyone also had doubts. If Xiao Lin was really as powerful as what Xia Jingzhu said, wouldn't he be invincible? ? Taoist Wuji didn't believe that a once small disciple of Wuji Sect could have such a cultivation level now, so he snorted coldly: "Okay, then I'll try your true cultivation level!"

Xiao Lin smiled and said, "How do you want to try?"

"Tai Chi Bagua Mountain Protection Formation!" Taoist Wuji said coldly: "This is the most testable one!"

"No problem! I'll wait for you in the square!" After saying that, Xiao Lin disappeared on the spot!

Wuji Taoist Master looked at the pile of iron slag on the ground, and felt a little unsure, but he still wanted to give it a try, so he walked towards the square with the Wuji giant sword, followed by a group of Wuji disciples.

However, Wuji Taoist Master was disappointed. Xiao Lin felt nothing at all when the Wuji Gate Mountain Guarding Formation hit him with surging energy. Xiao Lin sat in the center of the mountain guarding formation's attack, drinking and eating fruit at the same time. It was so comfortable!

Taoist Wuji sadly dismantled the mountain-protecting formation and looked at the sky blankly. He didn't understand what was going on!

Xiao Lin walked over with a smile. Although Taoist Wuji wanted to kill him, he was just like a little ant in front of an elephant. How could Xiao Lin be on the same level as him? At that moment, he only said one thing: "Cultivators must have a peaceful mind!" Then he went to beg Lin Tianxiang and Liu Qingsi - begging them to marry their dearest daughter and apprentice to him!

Lin Tianxiang was already very fond of Xiao Lin. Although he had some objections to him marrying two or more women at once, in this era, it was not uncommon to have three wives and four concubines, so he just talked for a while and agreed, as long as If her daughter likes her and Xiao Lin can treat her well, what else can Lin Tianxiang say

As for Liu Qingsi, she felt that if she didn't agree, with Xiao Lin's temper, she would definitely force it. With his cultivation, who else in the world could resist him? In addition, seeing Xia Jingxiu's pleading look and her desperate look, she agreed!

On that day, Xiao Lin arranged the Wuji Sect as a wedding venue, and even married off the two most beautiful female disciples of the Wuji Sect, which made all the Wuji Sect disciples very angry - but they dare not speak out if they dare to be angry!

After sending the two girls to their bridal chambers, Xiao Lin naturally wanted to drink a few drinks with everyone. After drinking down his father-in-law Lin Tianxiang and several elders, Xiao Lin left everyone to continue drinking, but he suddenly Moved to the mysterious little valley of Tianshan Demon Sect!

Shangguan Ruoshui must have told his father about her experience and Xiao Lin's changes. Although Shangguan Tianxing, the leader of the Demon Sect, did not believe it, with the little fan around, he used a few tricks and left Shangguan Tianxing speechless. Since Xiao Lin's maid is so powerful and he can't get in front of her at all, then maybe Xiao Lin's cultivation is as powerful as his daughter said!

But what's the use of testing these? Even if Xiao Lin was still the same kid as before, he would still agree! —As long as my daughter likes it, that’s fine!

So when Xiao Lin arrived at the mysterious little valley of the Demon Sect, the place was already decorated in a festive and fiery red! Don’t worship heaven and earth—I’m already bigger than the sky, so why do I still worship heaven? —After only paying homage to his father-in-law, Xiao Lin sent Shangguan Ruoshui into the bridal chamber, and then started drinking with Guan Tianxing!

Seeing that it was getting late, Xiao Lin quickly got Shangguan Tianxing drunk, leaving Xiaofen to take care of Shangguan Ruoshui. Xiao Lin immediately teleported to Xia Jingzhu's bridal chamber of Wuji Sect. Xiao Lin originally wanted to put the three girls together for a foursome. But considering that this is the first time for all three girls, in order to leave good memories for them, it is better to come one by one. This is not a difficult task for Xiao Lin at all!

When they came to Xia Jingzhu's bridal chamber, it was a festive red. Xia Jingzhu sat quietly by the bed, waiting for Xiao Lin to lift her red hijab. Seeing such a scene, Xiao Lin couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He immediately walked to Xia Jingzhu and held up his hands. Gently lifted her hijab!

She still had that cold and arrogant beautiful face, but she smiled at Xiao Lin, so happy and sweet that Xiao Lin was slightly absent-minded!

Seeing Xiao Lin's dazed look, Xia Jingzhu laughed, which made Xiao Lin even more surprised. However, he no longer looked dazed. Instead, he brought the wedding wine and said: "Madam, let's

A glass of wine! A glass of wine, a lifetime! "

"Then let's all have a drink. That way we can be together forever!" Xia Jingzhu said seriously

This sentence was a bit childish, but Xiao Lin did not laugh, but said seriously: "Well, we will be together forever!" Then the two of them actually drank a whole bottle of wine each, but they were very high in cultivation. This little bit of wine has no effect at all.

After putting down the wine bottle, Xiao Lin chuckled and said, "Madam, it's getting late. It's time for us to rest, right?"

"Yes!" Xia Jingzhu nodded slightly, walked up to Xiao Lin with a slightly shy look, and said, "Husband, let me serve you!"

Xiao Lin's heart moved and he said with a smile: "No, madam, it's better that my husband comes to serve you!" As he said that, under Xia Jingzhu's shy eyes, he peeled off her clothes one by one. After a while, a white and tender girl appeared. The tender little lamb appeared in front of Xiao Lin, the big bad wolf.

Looking at the white and tender lamb in front of him, Xiao Lin couldn't help but think of the first time he met Xia Jingzhu! Xia Jingxiu couldn't help but smile. Xia Jingxiu's skin was white, tender and smooth, and exuded a faint body fragrance from time to time. She couldn't help herself at this time, so the fragrance all over her body became even stronger and more charming, just like giving Xiao Lin The natural gunpowder used immediately aroused Xiao Lin's desire to conquer, and the little brother immediately became high-spirited

At this time, Xiao Lin does not need to be patient. This is the time when Xiao Lin needs to be impulsive, and the more impulsive the better! Xiao Lin instantly took off his clothes, hugged Xia Jingzhu's delicate body, and threw him on the bed!

"Ms. sir, please have mercy on me..." Xia Jingzhu said nervously. She was still a virgin and had no experience in doing anything with the person she loved. She was completely blank. She had only heard of the first time. Women, it’s quite painful, that’s why I say this

Xiao Lin's heart softened and he said with a smile: "Believe me, my husband, I will make you happy!" After saying that, Xiao Lin immediately kissed Xia Jingzhu's lips, kissing her until her mind went blank first...

Xiao Lin's hands seemed to have magic power, driving all the cells in Xia Jingzhu's body to beat continuously. After Xiao Lin felt that Xia Jingzhu's lower body was muddy, he raised his spear and slowly penetrated into the warm wet valley. When he felt Xiao Lin stopped when there was a thin layer of film blocking him.

"Uh..." An unprecedented feeling of fullness made Xia Jingzhu very uncomfortable and a little painful. However, Xia Jingzhu still held it back, and under Xiao Lin's slow penetration, she actually felt a desire to be penetrated by him. The feeling—Xia Jingzhu felt that she was very dirty! But as soon as he thought of this, Xiao Lin seemed to know what she was thinking. He straightened up his lower body and immediately shattered the film.

"Ah -" A burst of tearing pain swept through the nerves in Xia Jingzhu's body. Xia Jingzhu could not help but hug Xiao Lin tightly. Xiao Lin stopped shaking and hugged Xia Jingzhu quietly. After she almost adapted, After the warm wet valley became even more moist, he slowly began to ejaculate, and with Xia Jingzhu's satisfied moans, he continued to increase the speed, frequency and depth (I will omit the process of tens of thousands of words later and cannot write it anymore! Haha (_)~) …

Suddenly, the hibiscus tent is warm and the whole house is filled with spring!

An hour later, after "serving" Xia Jingzhu and falling asleep with satisfaction, Xiao Lin quickly teleported to Lin Qiyao's bridal chamber. After an hour, "serving" Lin Qiyao also fell asleep, and then teleported to Shangguan Ruoshui's room. At this time, the night was already very deep, but Shangguan Ruoshui was still sitting there quietly, with Xiaofen standing next to him.

Xiao Lin felt warm in his heart, walked over and lifted Shangguan Ruoshui's hijab, and said with a smile: "Dear bride, your husband is here!" After drinking a glass of wine, Xiao Lin fought again, as if he wanted to compensate Shangguan deliberately. Like Ruoshui, Xiao Lin "served" Shangguan Ruoshui for an extra long time. It was not until dawn that Shangguan Ruoshui's room slowly became quiet, leaving only three satisfied voices! Three satisfied voices, three...


The next morning, Xiao Lin got up. He had slept in Shangguan Ruoshui's house last night. At this time, he saw two white and tender bodies next to him, one was Ruoshui, and the other was pink... uh , could it be that I was so excited yesterday that I dragged Xiaofen into bed

Everyone is a god or immortal being, so naturally they are not afraid of being exhausted. Although they have just rested for a while, Xiaofen and Shangguan Ruoshui have also woken up. Xiao Lin said with some embarrassment: "Xiaofen, don't worry, I will be responsible for you. of!"

Shangguan Ruoshui pointed at Xiaofen, with an expression like "I knew you two were having an affair" and said with a smile: "Sister Xiaofen, oh no, I should change my name to Fourth Sister now. Congratulations, Fourth Sister!" Shangguan Ruoshui pointed at Xiaofen. Ruoshui smiled and said

Xiaofen smiled and said: "Congratulations to you too, Second Sister! I will call you Second Sister from now on, okay?"

"That's for sure!" Shangguan Ruoshui said with a smile. She liked Xiaofen from the bottom of her heart. What a good girl!

Xiao Lin chuckled and said: "Okay, very good! Ruoshui, Xiaofen, let's go see your boss and the third boss right now!" After saying that, the three of them put on their clothes and teleported to Wuji Gate.

After promising Lin Tianxiang and Liu Qingsi that they would often bring Lin Qiyao and Xia Jingzhu back to visit their parents' homes, Xiao Lin took the four girls away. The world is so big, there are still many places for Xiao Lin and his four brides to go. play!

As for that boy Chen Feng, he actually settled in the Tiangong directly and chased after a certain fairy named E in the Tiangong. With his handsome appearance, he should work hard for a few more years and there will be no problem!

Looking at the four women around him, Xiao Lin couldn't help but sigh, life is really wonderful, and the future life will probably be even better! Well, everyone will be happy! ! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in to **m, there are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!)

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