A Real Man Isn’t Afraid of a Little Demon

Chapter 16


When Uncle Wu brought Yu Feng back to the castle, Yu Chu was tearing a red rose boredly. The ground was full of broken petals, and the flower branches around the red rose were also bare.

Yu Feng was carefully carried by everyone, his left calf showed an unnatural bend, obviously the bone was broken. From time to time, he let out two howls of pain, mixed with angry curses.

"What's going on here?" Yu Chu grabbed a thug and asked curiously.

The thug replied: "The eldest son was attacked on the way back to the castle, and his left leg was broken."

"Ah! Why is this happening? Who would attack my eldest brother on the island?" Yu Chu was shocked, and all the flowers in his hand fell to the ground.

The thug hurriedly comforted him: "Second Young Master, don't be afraid, we have already searched the whole island, no matter where he hides, we can find him."

"Oh..." Yu Chu nodded worriedly, her delicate eyebrows furrowed tightly.

In the middle of the night, several experts and doctors invited from Haiyun City Hospital, led by Uncle Wu, left the gate of Yujiabao and boarded the battery car heading to the pier. As the car left, Yu Shiqing put down his hand that raised the curtain and slowly turned around.

The room was full of people, and when Yu Shiqing's scrutinizing gaze passed over their faces, they were more or less terrified. Only Yu Chu and Uncle Wu were at the front. The former kept looking at his brother on the bed with a full face. Worried and anxious, the latter stared down at the carpet in front of him, looking at his nose, nose and heart, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Has everyone arrived yet?" Yu Shiqing asked, with no emotion in his voice.

Uncle Wu replied: "Everyone on duty has arrived tonight, and those who are not on duty are all in the dormitory and there is surveillance at the gate."

"Yeah." Yu Shiqing nodded noncommittally, then looked at Yu Feng who was screaming on the bed beside him, "Have you seen what the person who attacked you looked like?"

Yu Feng's left foot was wrapped in plaster and hung in the air. His slender face was deformed due to anger and pain. He gritted his teeth and replied, "I was dragged on the ground, and I was knocked unconscious before I could look up. The big scar Should have seen it."

The big Scar with gauze wrapped around his head stood beside the bed, and he said hastily, "I didn't see it either, the tree trunk was blocking the way, and when I went down to drag the tree trunk, someone hit me from behind with a stick, and nothing happened." I no longer know."

"Trash!" Yu Shi poured out two words.

His voice was very soft, but Da Scar knelt down as soon as his legs gave way, and began to slap himself one after another. He struck hard, and within a few slaps, the gauze wrapped around his head fell apart, and his cheeks swelled rapidly.

The room was full of people, but it was as quiet as a tomb, except for the crisp slaps. Yu Chu stood at the front of the crowd tremblingly, stirring his fingers uneasily, his face turning pale.

Yu Shiqing glanced at him, and asked in a cold voice, "Xiao Chu, what are you doing here?"

"I'm worried about my brother." Yu Chu replied timidly in a low voice.

Yu Shiqing softened his tone: "Go back to your room, and come to see your elder brother after the matter here is resolved."

"Yeah." Yu Chu lowered his head and turned around, making a gesture to walk towards the door, just as he took a step, he turned back and looked at Yu Feng as if worried.

Lying on the bed, Yu Feng whispered, and met Yu Chu's eyes. Yu Chu silently mouthed to him, and when he was in a daze, the corner of his mouth curled up into a mocking and provocative smile, and with that white, tender and harmless face, it looked extraordinarily weird.

It wasn't until Yu Chu walked out of the room and closed the door that Yu Feng recovered from the sound of the door, and also realized that Yu Chu's mouth just now was the word trash. His pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly yelled at Yu Shiqing: "Dad! It's him! It's Yu Chu, the bastard! He attacked me, and he broke my leg! Don't you believe me? Ask Da Scar, Da Scar!" Scar, tell me quickly, it's Yu Chu, that bastard who messed with us, that's him!"

Da Scar stopped slapping himself, and said vaguely in a panic: "Big, young master."

"You saw him, right? I remember seeing a black figure before I passed out, which was Yu Chu. Yes, although I couldn't see his face clearly, his stature was the same as Yu Chu's." Yu Feng's eyes were red, His eyes widened as if they were about to pop out of his sockets, and the wings of his nose kept flaring with anger and excitement, "Dad, it's this bastard—"

"Enough!" Yu Shiqing interrupted him with a yell, and his face became ashen, "What time is it, you are still thinking about dealing with your brother."

"It's really him. When he went out just now, he turned his head and smiled at me, and called me a waste!" Yu Feng looked at the group of thugs, "Did you all see it? Huh? His expression just now, he still scolded me!" I'm useless, have you all seen it?"

When Yu Chu turned his head to look at Yu Feng just now, his back was facing everyone in the room, so after Yu Feng asked this sentence, except for Da Scar who was nodding desperately, the other thugs, including Uncle Wu, didn't make a sound. He looked at Yu Shiqing in embarrassment.

"Dad, Yu Chu is an insidious monster. Last time, he pushed Da Scar's head into the water and nearly drowned. He even shot me, intending to kill me! He just pretended to be a little boy in front of you." The appearance of the lamb is actually a poisonous snake... "

The more Yu Feng talked, the more ugly Yu Shiqing's face became. He pressed his finger on his temple, turned to Uncle Wu and said, "After Yu Feng's leg is healed, he will be confined for three months. During this period, he is not allowed to see me, and no one else is allowed to intercede for him."

Yu Feng stopped talking suddenly, and looked at Yu Shiqing in disbelief, "Dad, he broke my leg, and you still want to punish me?"

Yu Shiqing ignored him, and just strode out of the room with a sullen face, and the thugs quickly followed him out. Uncle Wu was at the end, and when he closed the door, he said with a complicated expression: "Eldest son, you also know the character of the second son, so why bother with him..."

"Get out! Get out of here too!" Yu Feng roared angrily. Uncle Wu turned around helplessly, shook his head and closed the door.

Study room on the third floor.

Yu Shi turned away everyone, leaving only him and Uncle Wu in the room.

"So, people on the island really did this?" Yu Shi leaned back on the large leather sofa, staring at a unicorn ornament on the table with gloomy eyes.

Uncle Wu stood opposite him, and replied cautiously: "Sir, the employees have searched the whole island, and found no one hiding there. There are no boats at the pier, only one cargo ship to Haiyun City has not yet left." Returning, unless that person can turn into a bird and fly around, then he can leave this island."

"Where are the employees that night?" Yu Shiqing asked.

"The ones who are not on duty are in the dormitory. The monitoring at the gate shows that they have not entered or exited. The ones on duty were all in that room just now. You have also asked, and each of them can testify to each other. Sir, I will arrange people to do things , in order to supervise each other, basically they will not send out one person alone, even the matter of picking up the eldest son is also arranged by Zheng Bao and Chen Gang."

Yu Shiqing was silent for a moment, raised his eyelids to look at Uncle Wu, and asked calmly, "What do you think about what Yu Feng said was done by Yu Chu?"

"Then how is it possible?" Uncle Wu flatly vetoed it, "The Second Young Master's character is impossible to do such a thing as attacking the First Young Master."

"Really?" Yu Shiqing pulled out the silver chain around his neck, held the small silver ball and the small wooden cross in his palm, and asked softly.

Uncle Wu hesitated for a moment, his face became serious, and he tentatively said: "What does Mr. mean..."

"Wolf cubs have been fighting in the den since they were young, so they can grow sharp claws. This is also the reason why I have turned a blind eye to the affairs between the two brothers all these years." Yu Shiqing narrowed his eyes slightly. I looked up, but a cold light flashed in my eyes, "Although Yu Feng is an asshole, I understand my son. He dare not continue to lie when I am angry. But this second son, I seem to be getting more and more incomprehensible to him. "

Uncle Wu lowered his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "Zheng Bao sent the Second Young Master to the gate of Yujiabao tonight. If the Second Young Master is going to attack the Eldest Young Master, he doesn't have that chance."

Yu Shiqing tucked the silver chain back into the neckline, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, and said slowly, "That's right, he didn't do it. Not only does he have no chance, he also doesn't have the skill."

"That's right, Second Young Master is always timid." Uncle Wu said.

"Cowardly? Not necessarily." Yu Shiqing shook his head slowly, "Yu Feng and his mother have always disliked Xiao Chu. I used to think that if I hadn't protected her, Yu Chu would have been torn to pieces by their mother and son. But Old Wu, I am often away from home. If Yu Chu is really dull, after all these years, can he still be good? If he is really timid, he will still deny that he has that gun in his hand after I ask for it many times. key?"

Uncle Wu's eyes widened suddenly: "The key? Sir, what do you mean..."

Yu Shiqing waved his hand: "Although Yu Chu refuses to admit it, I always suspect that the key is in his hands. As long as he doesn't hand over the key, I can't relax my vigilance for a day. In this way, you arrange someone to talk to him 24 hours a day. Living together, now that the situation is getting tense, nothing can go wrong at this juncture."

"Yes, sir." Uncle Wu replied, and then asked hesitantly, "Then who should I arrange?"

The room became quiet, and Yu Shiqing thought for a moment before replying, "Zhou Mu."

"Zhou Mu? But he wasn't with the Second Young Master—" Uncle Wu took back the rest of his words in time.

Yu Shiqing said: "You don't have to take it seriously. I can tell that Zhou Mu has great ambitions. This kind of person is the least trustworthy, but he is also the best to use. As long as he can give him what he wants, he will do it." He will give up and betray without hesitation. Let him take care of Yu Chu, which is perfect."