A Real Man Isn’t Afraid of a Little Demon

Chapter 20


The windows were not closed, and the light gauze curtains were stirred by the night wind, letting in the bright white moonlight. Yu Chu couldn't sleep for a while, turned over and faced the outside, looking at the silhouette of the man on the ground.

Zhou Mu's sleeping posture is as upright as he is for a human being, lying flat, with his hands folded outside the quilt, his breathing is very steady, and the quilt slowly rises and falls.

Yu Chu didn't know if he was asleep, so he asked casually, "Are you asleep?"

Two seconds later, Zhou Mu's voice sounded: "Fall asleep."

"But I can't sleep, what should I do?"

Zhou Mu said: "I also don't know how to sing lullabies."

Yu Chu lay on her side and propped her head up: "Tell me about that key."

After a while, Zhou Mu said quietly, "I've told you everything I need to say, and I don't know the rest."

"You said you heard the conversation between Yu Shiqing and Uncle Wu, I don't believe it." Yu Chu patted her leg lightly, with a sly light in her bright eyes, "As a peripheral employee, don't There may be an opportunity to hear the two of them having a conversation on this."

"Look for opportunities, there are always opportunities." Zhou Mu said.

Yu Chu simply lifted the quilt and sat up, crossed his legs, and said, "If you don't say anything, I can ask Yu Shiqing directly, and then tell him that you are eavesdropping on his conversation with Uncle Wu."

"Then I can also tell him that you broke Yu Feng's leg." Zhou Mu said flatly.

"You have no proof."

"But you have no proof either."

The two looked at each other in the dark. Although they couldn't see each other's expressions clearly, there was gradually a sense of tension in the air.

With a snap of the switch, the lights in the room were brightly lit, and Zhou Mu who was lying on the ground squinted his eyes. Yu Chujin pulled on her slippers and entered the cloakroom. After a clatter of hangers, she came out with a large pile of clothes and threw them on the bed.

Zhou Mu watched as he picked up the clothes one by one and rummaged through his pockets. After checking everything, he threw them back into the cloakroom, and then went to the bedside table to search. The small desk lamp on the cabinet was knocked down. Get up and catch it from mid-air.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Mu asked.

Yu Chu said with a straight face, "Look for the key."

"Do you think it's possible to hide a key in this house?"

"Who knows? Maybe the former Yu Chu just put the key anywhere, but no one found it."

Zhou Mu stood up, stood in the middle of the room and watched him turn the room up and down, lifted up the mattress and looked at it, then squatted down to touch the bottom of the bed.

"Don't look for it, it will alarm other people."

Yu Chu's upper body was under the bed, looking up at the bed board above, and said, "So what if I'm shocked? I didn't pay much attention to this key. Without it, I can still try to get out of the island, but the more confused you are, Mysterious, the more I want to know what's going on."

After speaking, he got out from under the bed and went to the locker next to the bathroom to take out the toolbox. Seeing that he was about to dismantle the bed legs, it meant that the bed would be dismantled into eight pieces.

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell you everything." Yu Chu just aimed the screwdriver at the nail on the bed leg when he heard Zhou Mu say behind him.

Zhou Mu turned off the lights, and the room was dark for a moment, but under the bright moonlight, everything gradually became clear again. He walked to the window, clicked on the lighter, and lit the cigarette near his mouth. The jumping flames were fleeting, but it was enough for Yu Chu to see his eyes clearly. Those eyes are deep and sharp, reminding him of a frozen deep pool. You don't know what's hidden under the ice layer after knocking open the surface.

Zhou Mu took a puff of cigarette, turned around and asked, "I want to make sure, do you really not remember the past?"

"Really." Yu Chu replied without hesitation.

Zhou Mu stared at his face, and said in an unusually solemn tone, "You have to tell me the truth."

Yu Chu raised his right thumb, bent the other four fingers inward, and pressed them against his heart, "I swear."

This is his oath gesture in the original world. The raised thumb represents the Federation, and the four fingers represent the other four powers.

Zhou Mu had never seen this strange gesture before, but he didn't care.

"Don't everyone, including your mother, remember?" Zhou Mu asked.

"I don't remember." Yu Chu said calmly: "To me, Yu Shiqing is just a stranger I have known for a few days, and I can't keep up with you."

Zhou Mu took a deep look at him and said, "My family has a nanny who has taken care of me for many years. I call her Grandma Zhao. She is very nice and cooks delicious food. My sister and I were brought up by her." .”

Yu Chu suddenly heard such an opening statement, and felt a little confused, but he knew that the next words must be related to him, so he didn't make a sound, just listened carefully.

"When I was young, I often heard Grandma Zhao mention her daughter. Her daughter's name is Zheng Shan, and she is studying in a university in other places. Although I have never met her, I can tell from Grandma Zhao's description that she looks very beautiful. Beautiful and excellent."

There was a faint smell of tobacco in the air, and Zhou Mu's voice was deep and magnetic, and together with the smell of tobacco, it infiltrated Yu Chu's sense of smell and hearing. In this dark night, it carried a wonderful and soothing magic power, which made him fall silent. Listen quietly.

"For a while, probably when I was just in primary school, Grandma Zhao was obviously in a bad mood and was very depressed. Later, I heard her talking with my sister, and then I realized that her daughter had an affair with a powerful person. , and pregnant. The man has a family, and the wedding was on the local news, so Grandma Zhao went to her daughter and wanted her to leave that man. "

When Yu Chu heard this, he had already realized that Grandma Zhao's daughter, Zheng Shan, should be Yu Chuyuan's mother, and her expression suddenly became a little subtle.

"I haven't seen Grandma Zhao for many years, only my sister and her occasionally call. She said that she has found her daughter, and the mother and daughter are living together and living a good life." Zhou Muduan used a disposable An ashtray made of paper cups, dusted the ashtray in it, and continued: "Until I was in high school, my sister suddenly received a call from Grandma Zhao, asking her if she could help her to meet her daughter, saying that Zheng Shan was almost gone. No way, I'm lying in the hospital."

"When my sister went to see Grandma Zhao, she found that she was so old that she was disfigured. She lived in a rented shanty on the outskirts of the city. It was very difficult. Only then did she realize that she hadn't told the truth on the phone. She After they came to look for their daughter that year, the two mothers and daughters never lived together, and they seldom even saw each other face to face."

"The man imprisoned Zheng Shan, or put her under house arrest. There are people around her secretly watching, and she is not allowed to communicate with outsiders, including her own mother." Zhou Mu exhaled smoke, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down, "Grandma Zhao I didn't want to cause trouble to my family, so I didn't tell my sister about it."

"My sister still has some tricks, and finally managed to enter the hospital where Zheng Shan was treated, and met her. Zheng Shan was dying at the time, and she rejected my sister's proposal to save her, and only asked her to take good care of her mother. She still has a son, but she reassured my sister that the man would not do anything to her son, and she left something for the child to keep him safe."

Yu Chu held his breath, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Is that the key?"

"Yes." Zhou Mu said.

"What the hell is that key?"

"It's Zheng Shan who secretly collected the criminal evidence about the man's illegal activities over the years. She stored the criminal evidence in a safe in a foreign bank, which can only be opened with a key."

After a moment of silence, Yu Chu asked, "Why didn't she hand over those incriminating evidence? For example, some institutions that can restore her freedom and justice."

Zhou Mu seemed to be stopped by this question, and was stunned for a moment, until a piece of soot fell on his finger, then he shook his hand as if it was burning, and said: "She once handed it over, but in the end, she completely lost her freedom. From now on, I will never see my mother again, and that man will use it as a reason to threaten her."

"Are you referring to the fact that Yu Shiqing was arrested and released without incident?" Yu Chu remembered the post he saw on the forum, where someone mentioned it.

After a few seconds of silence, Zhou Mu replied in a low voice, "Yes. But at that time, Zheng Shan didn't have much evidence, so she couldn't completely convict that man."

Yu Chu sneered: "So even if she has solid evidence later, she won't trust those institutions or people easily, right? This poor woman can't rely on anyone. To protect her son and mother, she can only Hold the key in your hand."

"You have to believe that the past is different from the present. Those people have fallen off the horse one after another and paid the due price." Zhou Mu's voice was low, but with unquestionable affirmation.

Yu Chu sat cross-legged on the bed, gently rubbed the deformed little finger of her right hand, and asked softly, "Zhou Mu, who are you?"

"As you can see, I'm your bodyguard." Zhou Mu's voice became flat again, just like the moment of excitement just now was just Yu Chu's illusion.

"No, you're not." Yu Chu stretched out an index finger and shook, "If what you said just now is true, it will reveal a lot of information. For example, ordinary people can't afford a nanny. If so, it can be seen from the TV series "Battle of Mother-in-law and Me". But since you are not an ordinary person, why are you just a restaurant owner who fights with customers? You said your sister has a way to get close to Zheng Shan, what? How can a person of such status be able to get close to the person under Yu Shiqing's watchful eyes? According to the comparison with the heroine in the TV series "Golden Powder Beauty", your sister's status is definitely not low. Zhou Mu, you have a good family background, But he came to Yu Shiqin's men to be a thug, I don't think this makes sense, it's very contradictory."

Zhou Mu: ...

Yu Chu asked again: "Have you watched "Dawn Under the Gun"?"


"The eight TV series that are currently broadcasting are about two hostile forces. One of the subordinates of one of them went to the other to do undercover work." Yu Chu stared at Zhou Mu's face firmly, not letting him go A hint of expression.

Zhou Mu sighed helplessly, "That's the underground party going to the enemy's place as an undercover agent."

Yu Chu waved his hand, "It's not important, the important thing is, do you feel that this plot seems familiar?"

"You think too complicated." Zhou Mu said lightly.

The author has something to say:

Yu Chu: I see the world through TV dramas. (proudly akimbo)

We will be closed tomorrow, and we will update at 12 noon the day after tomorrow.