A Real Man Isn’t Afraid of a Little Demon

Chapter 28


"Damn it, get rid of the man behind the rock first." One of Abang's bald men quickly crawled forward, "You guys cover me."

Abang fired in the direction of the forest, and pointed the gun at the rock where Yu Chu was hiding: "Go, be careful."

The gunshots in the woods began to slow down, and the intervals became longer and longer. They always fired a series of bullets here. Abang thought slightly, and said to the human lying behind him: "That person should have no bullets." gone."

Hearing this, a thug of the Yu family was about to stand up, just as he arched his back, when he heard the muffled sound of a bullet piercing into the gun, and a blood hole exploded in his shoulder instantly. With a scream, he clutched his shoulders and fell down again.

"He pretended to have no bullets, and deliberately lured us into the bait." A thug said bitterly.

The gunshots in the woods stopped, but no one dared to stand up straight, only the bald man was slowly approaching the stone where Yu Chu was hiding.

Yu Chu leaned against the boulder, and the ground on his body had already been shot with countless holes. He couldn't probe to aim, so he could only stick out the barrel of the gun from the side of the rock, and shoot at the back by listening to the sound.

When he heard the gunshots in the woods becoming more and more sparse, his heart began to sink, and he began to quickly calculate the way out in his mind.

If it was a last resort, he could only make a noise to let Yu Shiqing recognize him. Although he would definitely face unimaginable punishment and stricter supervision, he would not lose his life, and he would find a chance to escape from the island later.

As for the makeshift ally hiding in the woods, sorry, but wish you luck.

Abang fired a row of bullets into the woods, ready to replace the empty magazine. The moment he lowered his head to eject the magazine, he suddenly noticed a slight flow of air on the left. The keenness born in the rain of bullets for many years made him suddenly roll over and roll half a circle to the side. At the same time, a foot wearing a short leather boot stepped on the position where he was lying on his stomach just now.

This kick was so powerful that the ground seemed to tremble with the muffled sound of the impact.

After the man landed on the ground, he kicked out again. Abang knew that if he got hit by this kick, his sternum would be broken, so he didn't dare to resist, so he rolled twice on the spot to avoid it. However, a thug from the Yu family who was next to him failed to dodge, was hit in the chest by that kick, blood spurted out of his mouth and passed out.

The remaining Burmese thug raised his gun quickly, but the person who came was faster than him. Before he could see what was going on, he felt a pain in his wrist. The gun was in the opponent's hand. Squeezed the trigger cleanly behind him.

Uncle Wu flashed out from the boulder, and was shot just as he raised his gun to aim. He fell to the ground after screaming, and hid behind the stone again, clutching his bleeding wrist.

"How is it? Did you see who it was?" Yu Shiqing asked with a backpack in his arms.

Enduring the pain, Uncle Wu gritted his teeth and said, "Zhou Mu."

The clouds parted, and the sea water reflected the light of the full moon, illuminating the entire Broken Heart Cliff as clearly as daylight, and also illuminating the three people standing on the cliff facing each other.

Abang threw away the empty gun, and pulled out the dagger from beside his boots, the sharp blade reflected a cold light. He stabbed fiercely at the back of Zhou Mu's neck, but Zhou Mu turned his head to the left, and the blade narrowly missed his ear, but the Burmese thug also jumped up and kicked him in the hand gun.

Ah Bang stabbed him again, Zhou Mu had no choice but to lean back, the gun in his hand was kicked out by the thug, and fell off the cliff after drawing an arc in the air.

In this short moment, the cold blade was in front of his eyes, and the murderous aura penetrated into the skin. At the critical moment of life and death, Zhou Mu simply fell backwards, and when his back touched the ground, he kicked his opponent's shin with both feet.

With a crisp sound of bone cracking, Abang was kicked by his kick, and almost fell to his knees under the severe pain. Zhou Mu took the opportunity to turn over and smashed the dagger in his hand with one palm.

Abang took two steps back to stabilize his figure, and rushed forward with the Burmese thug, with the sound of fists and kicks, the three of them fought together instantly.

When Yu Chu heard that there was no gunfire behind him, he poked his head out carefully and looked back. When he saw the familiar tall figure in the melee, he was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

Zhou Mu? It really was Zhou Mu!

Zhou Mu and those two were both tall and strong, and when their fists collided with flesh, they kept making chilling muffled noises. Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, not noticing that the bald thug had already quietly approached.

Yu Chu regained his senses and raised his gun towards the opposite side, but the three of them were fighting together, constantly changing positions. He squinted his eyes to look at the crosshairs, and the muzzle of the gun moved left and right, but he couldn't aim for a long time.

The unconscious Yu family thug on the ground was awakened by the cold wind, turned his eyes to look around, and touched the dagger that Abang dropped beside him.

He sneaked up and was about to stab Zhou Mu, who was facing away from him with the dagger in his hand. Yu Chu could see clearly from this side, so he immediately turned the gun and pulled the trigger neatly.

It's not easy to shoot those three people sticking together, this is a ready-made target.

As soon as the thug stood up, he was shot and fell down. Yu Chu continued to turn his head and aimed at the three of them. But at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a black shadow on the ground, standing next to the stone, and slowly raised the muzzle of the gun at him.

Yu Chu jumped forward without hesitation, and at the same time, the metal firing pin clicked very lightly, followed by a bang, and the bullet burst out of the gun chamber, punching a row of bullet holes where he was hiding just now.

He rolled over twice on the ground, and before he had time to adjust the focus of his eyes, he kept lying on his back and fired shots at the rear one after another.

bang bang bang.

"Yu Chu!" The gunshot and Yu Shiqing's shocked voice sounded at the same time.

Yu Chu fired three shots in the face, and the bullets whizzed out of the chamber, smashing the rock into pieces and flying smoke and dust, and then stopped panting heavily.

He was lying on the edge of the cliff right now, half of his body was suspended in the air, with white waves surging under his head, and the cold wind poured in from the collar of his shirt from bottom to top.

He was about to turn over and get up, but suddenly froze, and saw a black muzzle pointing at him in the gradually dissipating smoke.

The bald thug was not dead, but there was a bullet hole in his shoulder, and blood was dripping out. He uttered a few words to Yu Chu with a grim face: "Go to hell."

"Stop! He's my son!" Yu Shiqing yelled, stopping the bald thug from moving, "He's my second son, stop."

"Yes, yes, he is the second son of our Yujiabao." Uncle Wu covered his right wrist and shouted while standing beside Yu Shiqing.

Hearing this, the bald thug was startled for a moment, and then seemed to realize something, with an angry expression on his face. He yelled something to Abang who was still fighting with Zhou Mu on the other side, in Burmese, Yu Chu couldn't understand, but he could see that he was very emotional at this time, and the back of his hand holding the gun was bulging A few blue veins.

Abang had just received a punch from Zhou Mu, so he didn't dare to distract himself, so he only replied a few words briefly. The bald thug immediately turned his gun on Yu Shiqing, and roared angrily, "It's you, you sent the two of them here, and they want to grab goods and kill people."

Yu Shiqing raised his hand and quickly explained: "It's not me. If I wanted to steal goods and kill people, how could it be possible to only let the two of them come? Besides, we have cooperated for many years. Could it be that we will cut off our future path because of such a small order? Abang, please explain to him quickly, Abang."

After listening to the explanation, the bald man was a little dubious, but when he glanced at the corpse of the Burmese thug, his expression suddenly became fierce, and he pointed his gun at Yu Chu again.

Yu Chu wanted to take advantage of their conversation to get up, but now he didn't dare to move again.

The bald man stared at him with eyes full of hatred, but said to Yu Shi: "Because of your son, Ah Hui is dead, I don't believe you, I want his life to avenge Ah Hui."

Yu Shiqing glanced at Yu Chu lying under the muzzle of the gun, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't kill him, I only want half of the goods this time, and you take all the money, how about it?"

The bald man's eyes were bloodshot, and he said viciously: "So what if you have money? Ah Hui won't wake up either. Your son killed him, and you should pay for it. If you pay for money, you also have to pay for your life."

At this time, across a cliff with a deep stream, Zhou Mu was facing the attack of Abang and another Burmese thug.

The thug punched him, and he retreated two steps quickly. The fist slid past his ears with the sound of the wind. Ah Bang's tibia was broken, but it didn't affect his fierceness at all. Seeing that Zhou Mu was forced to retreat, he looked from the side With a punch, it hit Zhou Mu's throat!

Zhou Mu backed away to the left again, and the knuckles on Abang's fingers barely grazed his throat, the distance was less than an inch.

He quickly squatted down and swept a leg to the side. Abang knew the power of his whip leg. If he was kicked, the other leg would be broken, so he had to give up and keep pressing, and stepped back. step.

Zhou Mu seized this opportunity, elbowed his backhand, and hit the chest of the thug behind him hard.

— click.

The thug's breastbone made a frightening slight crack.

Without hesitation, Zhou Mu turned his hand and punched him hard on the mandible. The thug's blood was instantly sprayed by this punch, several front teeth flew out, his Adam's apple was retracted an inch, and his entire face was distorted, looking hideous and terrifying.

Zhou Mu followed, grabbed his neck and twisted it, and he fell down, lying on the ground and twitching.

At this time, Ah Bang's fist also hit Zhou Mu's back, he only felt a bang in his ears first, and the pain of his ribs being hit hard in his chest. He swallowed the fishy sweetness welling up in his throat, staggered two steps forward, and dodged Abang's subsequent punch.

"Bastard." Abang glanced at the thug who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and squeezed out three words in anger from between his teeth.

Zhou Mu was about to step forward when he suddenly saw Yu Chu on the cliff next to him. I saw him lying on his back on the ground, half of his body almost fell off the cliff, and the bald thug was raising his gun and pointing at him.

"Ah—" Abang let out a roar, and rushed towards Zhou Mu. Zhou Mu kicked back sideways, and after Ah Bang avoided it, he didn't take advantage of the situation to attack, but turned around and rushed to the side.

His speed is very fast, like a cheetah, in just a few seconds, he has increased his physical strength and speed to the extreme. He didn't stop when he rushed to the edge of the cliff at high speed, he jumped into the air suddenly, leaped across the deep stream between the two cliffs, and rushed towards the opposite side.

The bald man put his finger on the trigger and smiled cruelly at Yu Chu: "Goodbye—"

"Don't—" Yu Shiqing stretched out his right hand and exclaimed in surprise.

Yu Chu's eyes were fixed on the bald man, and his fingers were groping the ground beside him. He didn't want to give up the chance of survival, he just wanted to catch something, even if it was a handful of sand and threw it out.

The bald man was about to shoot when a figure suddenly appeared in his sight. The figure rapidly enlarged in his eyes, and it flew towards him in an instant.

Zhou Mu rushed towards his face like a cannonball, knocking him flying in an instant, both of them rolled several meters on the ground, got up at the same time, and rushed towards the gun that fell to the ground.