A Real Man Isn’t Afraid of a Little Demon

Chapter 32


Yu Chu was carried by the frogman's arms to the side of the motorboat, and the people on top pulled him onto the deck, and then hurriedly reached out to Zhou Mu behind: "Thank you, team, hurry up, come up quickly. "

Standing on the deck, Yu Chu watched Zhou Mu being pulled aboard as well, and those people surrounded him laughing and making noise.

"Captain Xie, I miss you so much, I've been dreaming of the day when I hit Xingyuan Island. Seeing you come out of the water, I'm so excited."

"Captain Xie, since you came out of the water, Cheng Zhi has been taking videos with his mobile phone, and he said it nicely." A baby-faced man in a dark black uniform said, holding a dry towel in his hand.

Zhou Mu took the towel and scolded with a smile: "Okay, okay, hurry up and find more towels."

The baby face responded, and turned to go to the cabin.

Yu Chu stood behind the crowd and watched, his legs trembling with exhaustion. The group of people wore uniform bulletproof vests, with two huge words printed on the back: Police.

Although he already roughly guessed Zhou Mu's identity, seeing it with his own eyes like this, he still feels a little indescribable in his heart.

Zhou Mu was surrounded by the crowd, but his eyes wandered around. Yu Chu was a little suspicious that he was looking for him. But when he turned his head and the eyes of the two met, Zhou Mu looked away again.

Yu Chu pulled the corner of his lips, turned his head and cast his eyes on the distant sea.

A tall and dashing policewoman came over, holding a chair in her hand. She put the chair behind Yu Chu firmly, and pressed his shoulders with both hands: "Brother, sit down."

Yu Chu turned around, thanked the policewoman, and sat down on the chair. The policewoman was leaning against the side of the ship, staring at him intently.

"How old is it?" the policewoman asked.

Yu Chu sized her up and said in a low voice, "Twenty."

His hair hangs docilely on his forehead, his long eyelashes are still dripping with water, and his big eyes reflect the lights on the boat, looking black and white.

The policewoman seemed to take a light breath, then turned her head and yelled in the direction of the group of people: "Li Siming, dry towel!"

"Here we come, don't worry." The baby-faced policeman just got out of the cabin and handed over a towel.

The policewoman covered Yu Chu's head with a dry towel and rubbed her head and face. Yu Chu is not used to being so close to people, so she pushed her hand away reflexively, took the towel and said, "Thank you, I'll do it myself."

He lowered his head and wiped the water from his hair with a towel, and heard Zhou Mu's voice from the side.

"Bureau Lin, I'm Xie Xingmu. Yes, tonight Yu Shiqing is trading with someone from Myanmar... He threw him into the sea and can be salvaged... I'm fine, don't worry... Take some of it to the bureau, and the rest Can we investigate in situ? Yes, among them are a few of Yu Shiqing's subordinates, Wu Chengfeng, Chen Lin, Kong Dagang, these three will be taken back to Haiyun City together...Okay, our team will come right away."

Xie Xingmu, Xie Xingmu.

Yu Chu silently read it twice in his heart.

After he finished wiping his hair, the policewoman turned her head and yelled, "Li Siming, do you have any dry clothes?"

"It's in the cabin. It's Captain Xie's clothes. It was brought to him from the bureau." Li Siming replied loudly from the stern of the boat.

"Go, bring me some dry clothes for a strong man."

Li Siming said: "Get it yourself, I can't leave here."

The policewoman beckoned a passing policeman to guard Yu Chu, and went into the cabin to get dry clothes by herself. Yu Chu's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the people on the boat had watched him.

He went to see Xie Xingmu, and saw him standing on the side of the boat with a towel around his neck, a walkie-talkie in his right hand, an iron rail in his left hand, and a lighted cigarette between his fingers.

As soon as he finished the call, he handed the walkie-talkie to a passerby, took a puff of cigarette, and turned his head to look at Yu Chu in a little smoke.

When Yu Chu noticed that he turned his head, he turned his eyes away and stared at the deck in front of him, but he noticed his every move from the corner of his eye.

He could feel that Xie Xingmu was looking at him all the time, without turning his head, and walked towards him a few seconds later.

The pair of short booted feet stopped in front of him, Xie Xingmu said, "Find a comb and comb his hair."

"Who would bring a comb?" The policewoman came over, pulled Yu Chu's hair with her fingers, and muttered, "The little milk dog is so pretty, it's so cute with such messy hair."

Yu Chu turned to the side calmly, and the policewoman didn't care, and brought him a white T-shirt in her hand: "Brother, change out of the wet clothes, don't wear them and catch a cold."

"Thank you." After Yu Chu took the clothes, she didn't change them, but just held them in her hand.

Xie Xingmu said: "Take him to the cabin to change."

The policewoman was startled for a moment, but then she understood, and said boldly: "Okay, go to the cabin to change, there is no one in there, let's go, my sister will accompany you."

Xie Xingmu made a stop gesture, and said to another male policeman, "You go with him."

When Yu Chu was changing clothes in the cabin, the policeman accompanying him stood at the door with his back turned to him. He took off his wet shirt and put on the half-new white T-shirt.

The white T-shirt is the most common basic item. It is washed very clean and exudes a faint fragrance of laundry detergent. Because these were Xie Xingmu's clothes, they were too big for Yu Chu, and hung empty on his too thin body, revealing a small piece of shoulder.

When he walked out of the cabin, he saw Xie Xingmu and several police officers with live ammunition getting off the boat and boarded a small motorboat next to them.

Xie Xingmu was assigning tasks to others, with a sharp look on his brows. He was still wearing that soaked black T-shirt, with only a bulletproof vest over it. Yu Chu felt that he hadn't changed, but there was something different about him.

"Hurry up, let's go." The small motorboat started, and someone raised his head and shouted at the deck of the big ship.

Xie Xingmu had just finished setting up the task and stood at the front of the boat. Hearing this, he also turned his head to look at the deck, and saw Yu Chu immediately.

Yu Chu was wearing his clothes and stood at the cabin door accompanied by a policeman. His expression looked quite calm. The night wind on the sea was very strong, blowing his oversized T-shirt into ripples.

Xie Xingmu looked away, and whispered to a team member beside him: "You don't have to go, take the witnesses back to the police station first."

"Yes." The team member jumped off the boat and returned to the big boat.

The small boat sailed towards the pier of Xingyuan Island, and soon disappeared into the darkness, while the big ship also began to turn around, sailing towards Haiyun City, which was opposite to Xingyuan Island. Yu Chu walked towards the stern, and the policeman followed him step by step. When he leaned against the railing, he stretched out his hand to block him, saying, "Don't get too close."

Yu Chu knew that he was afraid that he would jump into the sea and escape, after all, Xingyuan Island must be in chaos at this time. Yu Shiqing and his group will be arrested, and those guests who attended the banquet will probably also be investigated.

Thinking of all that, Yu Chu looked at the bright moon in the sky, and thought that Xingyuan Island was destined to be a sleepless night tonight.

Twenty minutes later, a faint band of light appeared on the horizon towards the bow of the ship, and Yu Chu knew that Haiyun City was approaching.

He didn't know how long it had been since the original body left Xingyuan Island, but this was the first time he went to other places since he crossed, and he was still a little excited.

The port of Haiyun City is quite large, with all kinds of fishing boats and cargo ships moored. Before Yu Chu's boat approached, he saw several police cars parked on the pier, with their lights constantly flashing.

The people on the shore had already received the news. As soon as Yu Chu got off the boat, he was taken into a police car and left the pier at lightning speed.

He sat with his back against the car window, feeling a little dizzy, but turned his head and looked out of the window for a moment, his eyes full of novelty. Although the cities in this world have been seen many times on TV, but when you are actually in them, you can still feel that they are so different from the original world.

It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, but there were still many pedestrians on the street. They were either walking along the street, or gathering in front of a certain small shop to drink.

Most of them dress very simply, similar to people in the deep sea. But they talked and laughed loudly, with relaxed and comfortable expressions, which was so different from the deep sea.

The two lovers hid under a tree and kissed. When the police car drove by, the two circled behind the tree to avoid the lights. An old lady yelled at the old man who was still sitting in front of the door drinking tea, telling him to go into the room and sleep.

The world is really peaceful...

Yu Chu thought that she would live here in the future, and suddenly felt that this was not too bad.

The policeman sitting opposite Yu Chu kept staring at him, and suddenly asked, "How long has it been since you have been to Haiyun City?"

Yu Chu looked out of the car window and replied casually: "It's been a long time, I can't remember."

The police said nothing more.

The police car passed through several long streets and entered a compound. Yu Chu saw a line of words on the wall next to the gate: Haiyun City Public Security Bureau.

Entering the second floor of the Public Security Bureau, there are still many people busy, and it is hard to tell that it is already late at night. The police took Yu Chu into a large office and knocked on the door.

The three people sitting in the room turned their heads to look at the door. One of the policewomen with short hair saw Yu Chu and asked, "Officer Chen, who is this?"

Officer Chen made a distressed expression, and said: "The person sent by Xingyuan Island cannot be said to be a witness or a suspect, and your Xie team didn't say how to deal with it, so let's hand it over to your criminal investigation team."

"Ah...Officer Chen, we only have three people left behind, what do you do with us?" The short-haired policewoman looked young, about the same age as Yu Chu, in her early twenties, and her eyes widened when she heard this. A pair of eyes: "You should take the person to the interrogation room for a record."

Another chubby middle-aged man with a friendly appearance stood up: "The interrogation room must be full tonight, even more crowded than the Wangji steamed stuffed bun shop at 8 o'clock earlier, since Team Xie sent it here, then stay here Well, let's watch it first and deal with it when he comes back."

Officer Chen seemed to have dropped a piece of hot potato, and quickly pushed Yu Chu: "You go in first." When Yu Chu walked in, he quickly closed the door and left.

Yu Chu looked at the closed door, then turned to look at the three people in the room, standing still, feeling dizzy and cold.

The chubby middle-aged man cleaned up his desk, stuffed some documents into a drawer, and then greeted him: "Come and sit opposite me."

Yu Chuyiyan walked to him and sat down, and he asked again: "Young man, what's your name?"

"Yu Chu."

"Which Yu? Which Chu?" The middle-aged man took a sip from the big yellowed tea mug and asked kindly.

Yu Chu didn't know how to describe his name, so he didn't say anything, wondering if he needed a pen to write for him.

And in the far corner, a young man with glasses who never said a word said quietly: "Uncle Fan, do you want to ask this too? Yu Shiqing's Yu, Yu Shiqing's youngest son, Yu Chu's Chu."

"Ah, oh, ah." Uncle Fan came to his senses, "So you are Yu Chu, Yu Shiqing's youngest son, oh... this is really... oh." He turned around and told the young policewoman: "Jiang Shasha, go Pour a cup of hot water for Yu Chu."

Yu Chu took the hot water, took two sips, and put it on the table. He just looked out of the window in a quiet trance. The other three people were not sure whether he was a suspect or a witness, so they stopped talking and were busy with each other.

Yu Chu knew that they seemed to be relaxed, but in fact they saw themselves as impeccable, even if he leaned down on the chair, a few intentional or unintentional gazes all looked over.

He looked at the office, and his eyes fell on a magnetic whiteboard next to him, and saw that it was filled with words like ghostly peach symbols.

On the top are two big and scrawled words: Don't make noise! ! ! Followed by three exclamation points, next to a different type of remark: silence! It is estimated that someone else added it later.

The following is: the dishes of Yuanyuan Restaurant taste like gutter oil, don't order again! Or sauerkraut old altar noodle yyds, or a string of phone numbers of a certain noodle restaurant. The handwriting varies in size and in different fonts, apparently a memo from everyone in the office.

After sitting for a while, he felt that the hot and cold feeling in his body was more intense, his temples were swollen and painful, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

In Yu Chu's memory, he was sick when he was a child, and he would recover naturally after a while. When I grew up, I rarely even had colds, so I was not sensitive to fever symptoms, so I didn't realize until then that I had a fever.

Jiang Shasha brought a stack of documents to Fan Tao's desk, poked him on the shoulder with her finger, and when Fan Tao looked up, she pouted in the direction of Yu Chu.

At this time, Yu Chu's face was already flushed abnormally, the wings of his nose were flaring rapidly, his lips were chapped and peeled, and he leaned back on the chair with his eyes closed.

Fan Tao glanced at Yu Chu, and mouthed to Jiang Shasha: "Maybe it's an act."

This kind of time tonight is too sensitive, and Yu Chu's identity is not clear, he may pretend to be sick to gain their sympathy, and when they look for a doctor, they will find a chance to escape.

"Let me tell you, I've seen this kind of situation a lot. If nothing else happens, he will pretend to be dizzy—"


Before the words were finished, there was a loud bang beside him, and Yu Chu and his chair fell to the ground together, lying on his side motionless.

Fan Tao stood up and turned his upper body over the desk to look at Yu Chu: "Oh, this, this is..."

Jiang Shasha ran over quickly, stretched out her hand to pull Yu Chu on the ground, accidentally touched his forehead, and let out an ah.

"What's wrong?" Fan Tao asked.

Jiang Shasha looked up at the two of them: "It's burning like a stove."

The author has something to say: Tomorrow is Thursday, a day off.