A Real Man Isn’t Afraid of a Little Demon

Chapter 49


After Chi Duoduo fell asleep, Yu Chu went to take a shower and went back to bed. Lying on that soft bed, I clicked on Xie Xingmu's WeChat profile picture, wanting to say something to him, but I didn't know what to say.

Just as he was about to turn off the phone, he suddenly saw that the other party was typing on the top. He was shocked and sat up from the bed.

Xie Xingmu: Are you asleep

Yu Chu: Yes.

Xie Xingmu's second message followed immediately.

Xie Xingmu: Go to bed early, going to bed late is bad for your health.

Yu Chu: I can't sleep.

Xie Xingmu: Why can't I fall asleep? Insomnia? If you have insomnia, drink some milk, there is in the refrigerator.

Xie Xingmu: Don't drink iced milk, heat it in a milk pot, and add some sugar.

Xie Xingmu: Bear with the fishy smell, or add some juice to it.

Xie Xingmu: Remember to brush your teeth after drinking.

Yu Chu looked at his continuous messages, bit her lip, and suddenly typed a message quickly and sent it.

Yu Chu: I miss you.

Xie Xingmu was standing on the balcony smoking a cigarette, when this message jumped into his eyes, he stared at his phone and remained silent. The light from the screen illuminated his deep eyebrows and eyes, and the emotions in those eyes flickered, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"Thank you, team. I'll analyze the case right away. I'm waiting for you." Someone shouted behind him.

Xie Xingmu stubbed out the cigarette butt, threw it into the trash can next to him, turned off the phone and put it away, and replied: "Here we come."

He strode into the house, stopped after a few steps, took out his phone and turned on the screen again.

The page was still stuck on the conversation with Yu Chu, and he sent a voice message: I will talk about it when I go back, the meeting will be held immediately, no mobile phone is allowed, I will turn it off first, you go drink milk and sleep now.

After Yu Chu sent that message, she waited for Xie Xingmu's reply, but there was no new message until the light on the screen disappeared.

He still kept staring at the phone, and gradually began to feel disappointed, but just as he was about to put down the phone, the screen turned on again, and with a ding, new news from Xie Xingmu came.

He listened to the voice several times before turning off the phone and turning off the lights, and slipped into bed with a smile on his lips.

A moment later, the lights snapped on again.

He put on his slippers and left the bedroom, went to the kitchen refrigerator to get a bottle of milk, poured it into a milk pot and heated it on a natural gas stove, then found a sugar bowl, and added a spoonful of sugar to it.

Two minutes later, he took a sip of the hot sweet milk, thinking that the milk was quite delicious.

The next day was another busy morning, because there was no breakfast reserved by Xie Xingmu, Yu Chu got up early and cooked eggs by himself.

Chi Duoduo sat at the dining table with disheveled hair, looked at the two dark objects on the plate, and asked curiously, "Xiao Chu, what are these?"

Unable to say the word fried egg no matter what, Yu Chu picked up the plate, dumped the contents into the trash can, and said, "Let's go, let's go out and have breakfast."

There was a steamed stuffed bun shop not far from the gate of the community. Yu Chu went to line up, and Chi Duoduo stood next to him.

"Four milk yolk bags with soy milk, twelve yuan." The shopkeeper handed the food bag to Yu Chu who was waiting in line.

Yu Chu bowed his head and scanned the QR code to pay the bill, then led Chi Duoduo to take a taxi. He opened the door of the taxi and carried Chi Duoduo in, but he didn't get in the car himself, holding the door and looking behind him.

At that moment just now, he felt that somewhere, someone seemed to be watching him.

"It's not easy to stay here for too long, do you want to leave?" the taxi driver asked impatiently.

Yu Chu had no choice but to look away and got into the car, feeling a little restless after sitting down. Chi Duoduo, however, was shaking his legs, eating a mouthful of custard bread and a mouthful of soy milk.

"Xiao Chu, eat quickly." He also urged Yu Chu.


Forget it, don't think about it, no matter whether someone is spying on you, just think about it.

After Yu Chu sent Chi Duoduo to the kindergarten classroom, he stopped a taxi to go home, but before giving the place name, remembering what happened just now, he changed the address to Haiyun City Public Security Bureau.

There was a coffee shop opposite the Public Security Bureau. He stayed there for a day, and he didn't believe that anyone would dare to play tricks.

He was sitting in a booth by the window, with his mobile phone on the table, watching TV with headphones on, diagonally across from the gate of the Public Security Bureau, and he could see every car coming in and out.

As long as the retractable door was slowly retracted, he raised his head and stared. After seeing the people in the car window clearly, he continued to look at the phone screen.

Sitting in the coffee shop until noon, he ate a bowl of noodles in the noodle shop next to him, went back and ordered a cup of coffee, and continued to sit.

In the afternoon, a police car came back from the street and pulled up in front of the gate. Yu Chu looked over habitually, and through the opened passenger window, he saw that the person sitting inside was Xie Xingmu.

Xie Xingmu rested his elbows on the car window, and because of the sunlight, he half-closed his eyes, talking to the staff on duty. He didn't go home last night, and there was a light blue layer on his chin, which was the beard that just came out.

However, this stubble does not make him haggard, but adds a bit of mature charm.

Yu Chu stared at him for a moment, but moved her fingers on the phone, sending a Tuzki twisting her ass.

The retractable door slowly opened, and the moment the police car started to enter, he saw Xie Xingmu looking down at his phone, with a faint but joyful smile on his side face.

Yu Chu also pursed his lips and smiled.

Then, his mobile phone beeped, and he received a message from Xie Xingmu.

It was a moving picture. In the picture, the cat was stroked on the head, showing a very happy expression. There were three words on the picture: obedient.

In the police car, Li Siming, who was driving, asked curiously: "Captain Xie, what are you laughing at with your phone?"

Xie Xingmu suppressed his smile: "Am I smiling? Drive your car well."

"… yes."

"Also, send me a few more pictures of cats. The ones that move are fine, but the ones that don't move are fine. Good-looking cats are preferred, not ugly ones."

Li Siming responded decisively: "No problem, I will find a bunch of pictures of beautiful cats for you. But Captain Xie, why are you suddenly interested in cats? Are you going to buy cats for Duoduo?"

Xie Xingmu put away his mobile phone, and tapped on the car door with his finger on the car window: "There are already cats at home, but not too many, it's mine."

"Wow, what breed of cat?"

Xie Xingmu glanced at him, and said calmly: "I don't know what kind, but it's the most beautiful one."

Seeing that it was almost time, Yu Chu got up and went to pick up Duoduo from the kindergarten. After he walked out of the coffee shop, he looked around and made sure there was nothing wrong before he stopped a taxi and went to the kindergarten.

Received Chi Duoduo, when he walked out of the kindergarten gate, Chi Duoduo stared at the ice cream shop across the street, unable to move his feet, hugged Yu Chu's thigh and begged: "Xiao Chu..."

Yu Chu didn't realize that these days he had actually become a doting parent. He never refused any of Chi Duoduo's requests, let alone an ice cream, so he walked across the street with Chi Duoduo.

There was already a long queue at the entrance of the ice cream shop, all of them were adults picking up and dropping off children. When Yu Chu was standing inside, Chi Duoduo was talking to a little girl behind.

After queuing for a while, Chi Duoduo let go of Yu Chu's hand and chatted with the little girl. The little girl also let go of her mother, and the two squatted under a tree by the street to watch the ants.

Yu Chu was a little worried, and kept looking at him, only turning to choose the ice cream when he was in front of the window.

That's when it happened.

In just a few seconds, there was not even an exclamation, and there was no movement. When Yu Chu turned around, only the little girl was left under the big tree.

"Duo Duo, Chi Duoduo, Duo Duo..." Yu Chu couldn't find Chi Duoduo everywhere, and asked the little girl, "Where's the kid who played with you?"

"He, he got in the car." The little girl said.

"What car do you get in?"

The little girl stuttered and couldn't explain clearly, and Yu Chu's face was so ugly that she couldn't explain clearly. Instead, an old man next to him said, "A car stopped suddenly just now. He took the boy into the car and drove away."

"What kind of car?" Yu Chu asked urgently.

"It's just a black car."

Yu Chu's heart sank to the bottom in an instant. He took out the phone and wanted to call Xie Xingmu, but the phone rang just as he took out the phone. The caller was from an unfamiliar number.

He pressed answer without hesitation: "Hello."

Inside was a disguised hoarse male voice: "Yu Chu, if you want the child to live, you are not allowed to call the police."

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" Yu Chu asked sharply when she heard the car horn in the background of the phone.

"Don't worry about who I am. I will give you the address in twenty minutes. You come here alone according to the address. If you don't come or bring someone else, the child will die. Also, if you dare to call the police, you can Waiting for his body to be collected."

Yu Chu was afraid that the other party would hang up the phone, so she hurriedly said, "How can I believe that the child is in your hands?"

As soon as he asked, he heard Chi Duoduo's frightened voice from the other party: "Xiao Chu—"

Before Yu Chu could answer, the phone was hung up.

Some parents around are discussing, asking Yu Chu if the child has been robbed, and if so, they should call the police immediately. Yu Chu shook his head with an ugly expression, and said, "I was picked up by my family." After speaking, he ignored their surprised eyes and walked forward along the street.

The setting sun shone warmly on his body, but he couldn't feel any warmth, and his heart was already frozen into ice. He was walking forward in a daze, still holding a bag of ice cream in his hand, when he was knocked head-on, and the bag fell to the ground, he didn't even look at it, he still walked forward.

It's his fault, it's all his fault, he didn't take a fancy to Chi Duoduo, and Chi Duoduo was snatched away because of him.

The period of living in Xie Xingmu's house was the safest period in his life experience. Xie Xingmu's aura was all around him, and his sense of security enveloped him, which made him lazy, paralyzed him, let him relax his vigilance, and retracted his keen tentacles.

And now, how is he going to explain all this to Xie Xingmu

Thinking that Xie Xingmu would look at him coldly, blame him, and drive him away from that warm home, Yu Chu trembled uncontrollably.

Knowing the taste of warmth, even a little bit of cold will make people unbearable. He felt that he could no longer bear the life of one person, without Xie Xingmu, without Chi Duoduo, it made him think about it like falling into an ice bank, and his whole heart was like falling into a bottomless abyss.

No, I must bring Chi Duoduo back intact.

Yu Chu stood still, trembling nervously, her nails dug deep into her palm, and her eyes were desperate and cruel.

Even if it costs my life, I will bring Chi Duoduo back intact.

Twenty minutes later, the phone in his pocket rang again. Yu Chu took out his phone and saw that it was still the same number. He closed his eyes and took two deep breaths to calm himself before answering: "Hello."

"You are limited to one hour to go to the quarry outside Xicheng District. If you dare to call the police or bring other people, the child will die."

This time, after talking face to face, without waiting for Yu Chu to answer, he hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, Yu Chu caught a taxi and went to the quarry in Xicheng District.

Xicheng District is still under development. Along the way, there are fewer and fewer houses and vehicles, and it has gradually reached the suburbs. The taxi driver parked his car in front of a dirt road and said, "There is a quarry ahead, but the road is too bad for my car to pass. Just get off here and walk for about ten minutes."

Yu Chu paid the bill, waited until the taxi turned around, and then walked in along the dirt road.

There are no residents in this area, and stones are piled up on both sides of the road. The road, which is not wide at all, is full of potholes under the pressure of heavy trucks, making it even more difficult to walk.

When the dirt road came to an end, a dilapidated factory building appeared in front of me, which should be the quarry that the person on the phone said.

There was no one in the quarry, so Yu Chu approached the workshop and reached out to push the closed iron gate. The door was not locked, and opened with a creak. Inside was a large warehouse-like room, with only an old quarry machine in the middle.

He looked around, but he didn't see anyone or hear any movement, so he asked loudly, "Is anyone there?"

The voice echoed in the factory building, which seemed more and more empty, but there was no response. He was about to take out his mobile phone to dial the number when a small door next to him was suddenly opened and someone came out.

"Yu Chu."

Yu Chu squinted his eyes, put the phone back, and said his name coldly: "Yu Feng."

Yu Feng seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and his long face was even more sinister. He walked towards Yu Chu step by step, stopped half a meter away from him, and squeezed out three words between his teeth: "Bastard."

Yu Chu didn't get angry, there was no expression on that face, and he didn't ask Yu Feng why he wanted to come here, but asked, "Where's the child? Why did you arrest him?"

Yu Feng looked him up and down, his long and narrow eyes were full of resentment: "It seems that you have had a good time, my father is in prison, my mother and I are separated, only you are getting more and more energetic. Yu Feng Chu, Yuchu, I really underestimated you before, I never thought that you were with that undercover cop, our Yu family is in this situation, it is all thanks to you, you wolf-hearted bastard."

With a loud and crisp sound, Yu Chu was slapped so that his head turned to the side, and a bright red overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He didn't wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, but turned around and continued to ask in a hoarse voice, "Where did you lock the child?"

"When you are about to die, you still care about that pup, so you should worry more about yourself."

After Yu Feng finished speaking, he raised his hand and patted, and two thugs came out from the small door next to him and stood behind Yu Feng.

One pointed a gun at Yu Chu, and the other pointed his gun at the head of the little boy in his arms.

That little boy was Chi Duoduo.

Chi Duoduo's face was covered with tears. When he saw Yu Chu, he began to struggle, crying loudly: "Xiao Chu, Xiao Chu..."

"Don't cry, if you cry again, I will throw you to death." Yu Feng turned his head and said viciously.

The moment Yu Chu saw Chi Duoduo, his heart relaxed at first, and then he huddled together. After hearing his cry, he comforted him: "Don't cry, don't be afraid, it will be fine."

Chi Duoduo choked with sobs and said sensiblely: "I, I don't cry, I don't cry."

"You take that son of a bitch's family very seriously, and you obediently came with a phone call." Yu Feng sneered sternly, "You want that son to live? I'll strangle him to death in you later." before."

Seeing Yu Chu's face turn pale, Yu Feng narrowed his eyes cruelly: "That scene must be very beautiful."

"If you have any grudges, come at me and let the child go." Yu Chu pinched her palm, her tone still calm.

Yu Feng looked at his face carefully, and said: "I told my father before that your obedient appearance was all faked, but he still didn't believe it. Yu Chu, do you know? I used to feel sick when I saw you .Why don't you pretend now? Why don't you cry and tremble, and curl up on the ground to pretend to be pitiful? The fox's tail can't hold it anymore?"

The more Yu Feng talked, the more excited he became, and he slapped Yu Chu again.

After a snap, Yu Chu staggered two steps to the side, shook his drowsy head, resisted the buzzing of his ears, and said to Yu Feng in a low voice: "If you have any hatred, come to me, let the child go!" It's... please..."

"Please? Please? Do you think your request is very precious? Bah." Yu Feng took a step back and asked in a cold tone, "Yu Chu, you broke my leg before, right? Ah? "

Yu Chu panted and did not answer, Yu Feng stepped forward and grabbed his hair again, forcing him to look at him.

"Ask you, did you break my leg?"

Yu Chu glanced at Chi Duoduo behind him, and replied, "Yes, I interrupted."

Yu Feng roared furiously, and amidst Chi Duoduo's screams and howls, he punched Yu Chu's lower abdomen hard with his fist, and when he bent down in pain, he knocked him down with another elbow.

"You dare to break my feet, you bloody bastard." Yu Feng stepped on the side of Yu Chu's face with his leather shoes, and said through gritted teeth.

Yu Chu choked out a mouthful of blood, gasped in pain, but still clenched her teeth, and said with difficulty: "Please, please let the child go..."

"Huh? Let the child go? It depends on my mood, and see if you will satisfy me." Yu Feng laughed shortly, and stretched out his hand to the side, "Ah Shui, put the iron rod by the wall Bring it to me, and I'll knock off his hands and feet."

The thug who pointed the gun at Yu Chu turned and left to get the iron rod by the wall. Yu Feng let go of his foot triumphantly, looked down at Yu Chu from a height, his eyes were shining with excitement.

"Don't you want this son of a bitch to live? Then you have to howl for me later..."

Yu Chu lay on the ground, glanced at Ah Shui who was walking towards the wall, and then at Chi Duoduo who was behind.

Chi Duoduo was held in the arms of another thug, and was also looking at him with tears in his face, his big eyes were full of horror.

Yu Chu gave him a comforting smile, moved her fingers resting on the ground by her waist, made a clenched movement invisibly, and then opened her mouth slightly.

He was sure that Chi Duoduo had seen it and understood what he meant, because the child gradually stopped crying and his expression was no longer so frightened.

Ah Shui, who walked to the wall, bent over to grab the iron rod, but his hand slipped for a moment, and the iron rod fell to the ground with a clatter. The thugs and Yu Feng, who were holding Chi Duoduo hostage, looked over subconsciously.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Yu Chu, who was still motionless, suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Chi Duoduo like a bolt of lightning. Before the thug who was holding him came back to his senses, he raised his hand holding the gun.

The thug subconsciously pulled the trigger, bang bang bang, a series of gunshots sounded, and a row of deep bullet holes appeared on the roof.

And Chi Duoduo bowed his head at the same time, biting the hand around his neck hard as Yu Chu taught him.


The thug let out a scream amidst the gunfire, and as soon as he let go of his arm, Chi Duoduo slid down and fell to the ground.

"Run." Yu Chu snarled, "Run to the door."