A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality – Immortal World Arc

Chapter 35: Cross the sea


Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

It's night again.

Cold Flame Sect's scripture storage pavilion.

Since the Tianfutang incident occurred not long ago, the number of people patrolling here has doubled compared to usual.

In a dense forest hundreds of feet away from the attic, a pale silver blurred figure slowly emerged. Under the cover of night, the face could not be seen clearly, only the eyebrows and eyes could be vaguely seen.

The figure looked up at the mysterious octagonal attic in the night. After a while, he took out a lavender talisman and stuck it on his body.

The purple talisman shattered silently, turning into several fuzzy tadpole-shaped runes, flying up and down around the fuzzy figure, and then fused into its body.

A purple mist suddenly appeared around the fuzzy figure, instantly submerging his figure, causing him to disappear out of thin air.

Naturally, the figure didn't really disappear, but turned into a mass of nothingness, and floated directly in the direction of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, ignoring the patrolling people around.

Although those patrolling people looked around from time to time, and their spiritual sense kept scanning every corner around them, they couldn't find the existence of that figure at all.

It didn't take long for the figure to float to the door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It was already late at night, and the Sutra Pavilion had long been closed, and there was not a faint light on the wide stone gate, obviously there was a restriction.

The figure murmured something, made a formula in his hand, opened his mouth and spewed out a cloud of almost invisible blue energy, hitting the gate.

If you magnify the green air a hundred times, you can see that the green air is composed of countless tiny runes, and when it touches the prohibition on the gate, these tiny runes melt into it.

The forbidden light curtain seemed to be corroded, a big hole appeared, and the figure flew away without a sound.

The unrestricted Shimen is useless, and the figure has disappeared into the Shimen.

The prohibition on the gate shimmered, and it immediately returned to its original state.

All these flashes and flints, the patrolling people outside did not find anything unusual.

The figure entered the Sutra Pavilion, and a circular hall appeared in front of him.

The main hall is huge, about twenty or thirty feet long, and there are more than a dozen roads extending from the main hall, and it is unknown where they lead.

In the deepest part, there is a pitch-black staircase that winds its way to the top.

The figure glanced at it, and flew towards a passage without making a sound.

The passage was not long, and he soon reached the end, in front of which was a tightly closed stone chamber.

The door of the stone room is covered with a layer of white prohibition just like the outside.

There is a white jade slab on the top of the gate, on which the word "gongfa" is engraved.

Joy flashed in the figure's eyes, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of green air. Just like before, the white barrier was corroded by the green air to form a big hole, and the figure flew into it immediately.

Behind the stone gate is a large stone room, inside which are placed hundreds of bookshelves, all covered by a layer of light red light curtain.

Each bookshelf is divided into grids, and a jade slip is placed in each grid.

There are signs next to the grid, introducing what kind of exercises are recorded in the jade slips inside.

The figure casually walked to a bookshelf, opened his mouth and spewed out a burst of green air, corroding a big hole in the light red light curtain around the bookshelf, waved his hand and released a suction force, sucked a few jade slips into his hand, and his spiritual consciousness penetrated into it.

After a while, he frowned slightly, and casually threw a few jade slips back to the bookshelf.

The exercises in the jade slips are some alchemy and even Nascent Soul stage exercises, but they don't seem to be taken seriously by this person.

The figure was walking around in the stone room, and it didn't take long to check all the jade slips on the bookshelves, and shook his head, looking very disappointed.

The person turned around and flew outside without hesitation, quickly passed through the stone gate, and returned to the hall after a while.

He immediately entered another passage beside it, and at the end of the passage was another stone room.

There is also a white stone slab on the top of the stone chamber, with the word "shufa" written on it.

The figure followed the same pattern, and quickly broke the restriction on the gate again, and entered inside again.

Not long after, the figure returned and entered the third passage.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed, and these dozens of passages were searched by the figure, his brows were furrowed, probably he didn't find what he was looking for.

The figure slowly floated to the deepest pitch-black staircase, glanced up, and slowly flew up.

The stairs are not long, and soon at the end, there is a huge stone gate several feet wide.

There is a person sitting cross-legged on the left and right sides of the gate.

The one on the left is white and fat, with fat head and big ears, wearing a purple cassock, he seems to be a monk, while the one on the right is tall and thin, with a scorched yellow face, which looks sickly.

However, both of these two people's heads are faintly brilliance, and the aura radiating from their bodies is like an abyss like an ocean. They are two strong men in the Void Refinement Stage!

The two of them sat and practiced with their eyes closed, oblivious to what was going on below.

The figure glanced at the two of them, then quickly moved away and landed on the stone gate behind them.

A wave-like ray of light emerged from the stone gate, refracting colorful and enveloping rays of light, which were obviously much stronger than the restrictions in the stone chambers below.

If his guess is correct, behind this stone gate is probably the cabinet of the scripture storage pavilion of the Lengyan Sect, where the most exquisite classics of the Lengyan Sect are stored. It seems that it is not easy to break the restriction here.

The figure narrowed his eyes slightly, paused for a moment, then moved forward again, and landed in front of the gate as lightly as if there was nothing, less than a foot away from the two cultivators on the left and right.

At this time, the fat white monk on the left frowned slightly, opened his eyes involuntarily, and glanced left and right.

"What's the matter, Brother Lingxi?" The tall and thin man on the right also opened his eyes and asked.

"It's nothing." The fat monk looked back at the door of the cabinet and muttered to himself.

He didn't really realize anything, it was just a kind of deep feeling from his heart caused by some kind of secret technique he had practiced, but the success rate of this technique was not too high, and as soon as he thought of it, there were layers of emotions. Forbidden, plus there are two of us on duty here day and night, let alone a monk in the integration stage, even if a master in the Mahayana stage wants to covet this place, it is absolutely impossible to do it silently.

Thinking of this, the monk slowly closed his eyes again.

Seeing this, the tall and thin man didn't care, and closed his eyes to practice.

The figure stood motionless from the beginning to the end, until the two Void Refining Stage cultivators closed their eyes and practiced, then there was a slight fluctuation between the brows, and a powerful power of spiritual consciousness radiated from it, quickly covering the entire gate, faintly condensed into a A protective barrier.

Then it opened its mouth and spewed out a burst of green air, which landed on the water wave restraint on the door.

The water wave restriction immediately flickered with light, as if resisting the intrusion of green energy, and unavoidably radiated mana fluctuations, but the two monks in the Void Refining Stage who were separated by the barrier of spiritual consciousness did not notice it.

The two-handed technique of the figure changed, and the green energy rose and shrank suddenly, changing in all directions. Competing with the water wave restriction, the half-foot-sized area in the center faded a bit.

The figure flickered without saying a word, and disappeared into the gate.

All this seemed complicated, but from the time he shot to break through the restriction of the gate, to when his figure was not in the entrance, it took only one or two breaths before and after, and at this time the barrier of spiritual consciousness dissipated quietly.


The fat monk raised his eyebrows, opened his eyes again, and suddenly turned his head to look at the cabinet door behind him.

The water waves on the surface of the gate were shimmering and emitting a dense light, and there was nothing unusual about it.

But just now, a trace of ominous feeling clearly emerged in his heart, although it was still fleeting, but it made him feel suspicious.

"Brother Lingxi, did you discover something?"

The tall and thin man also seemed to notice something was wrong at this time, he stood up quickly, first glanced back at the gate, then closed his eyes again, but the huge divine sense quickly swept in all directions without reservation.

"Brother Qingtao, did you notice anything wrong just now?" The fat monk walked to the gate of the cabinet, looked at it carefully for a moment, and asked.

"Unless...someone can escape hundreds of miles away from the scripture storage pavilion within two or three breaths, or break through the glass and profound water array that ancestor Leng Yan personally set up back then, and enter the cabinet." Gao Shou The man had opened his eyes at this moment, shook his head, and said slowly.

Obviously, his spiritual search just now found nothing.

"How is this possible? It seems to be my illusion." Hearing this, the fat monk shook his head with a wry smile.

If you want to break open the glazed water formation silently within two or three breaths and restore it to normal, I'm afraid that the Mahayana elder in the sect may not be able to do it.