A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality – Immortal World Arc

Chapter 5: Horse beast


Mingyuan City, the third largest city in Feng Country.

The city is located on a plain, covering an area of hundreds of miles. A large river winds across the south of the city, and the transportation by land and water is extremely convenient, which also contributes to the prosperity of the city.

At this time, the crowd entering the city at the gate of the city lined up in a long line, and their voices were noisy.

Liu Le'er dragged the tall young man into the crowd, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, and glanced at the top of the city gate several feet high from time to time.

There is an octagonal bronze mirror hanging there, facing the direction of the city gate.

At this time, the sun was rising, and a gossip pattern engraved on the bronze mirror was shining brightly in the sunlight, exuding a majestic aura.

To enter the city, you only need to pay some money to the guards. The inspection seems to be not strict, and soon it was Liu Le'er and the young man's turn.

The two came to the gate of the city, facing the eight trigrams bronze mirror on the gate, an inexplicable force enveloped the two of them.

Liu Leer's body seemed a little stiff, and she lowered her head.

The tall young man looked straight at the gossip bronze mirror, his eyes were dull, but no one noticed that a ray of blue light flashed in the depths of his pupils, but nothing strange appeared on the bronze mirror.

"Where are you from? What are you doing in the city?" A middle-aged man's city gate guard glanced at the two and asked lazily.

"Brothers, we brothers and sisters are from Liujia Town, three hundred miles northwest of the city. My name is Liu Le'er. This is my elder brother Liu Shi. He came to join relatives in the city, and treat his illness by the way." Liu Le'er's face was full. It was a smile, and he said quickly.

These years, although she and the tall young man depended on each other, they still had contact with outsiders. For convenience, they named this "Brother Shitou" Liu Shi.

While talking, Liu Le'er quickly took out some copper coins and handed them to the guard, which was slightly more than the entrance fee that should be paid.

Seeing this, the middle-aged guard showed a hint of satisfaction on his face, and stuffed the extra copper coins into his pocket calmly, took a look at the somewhat sluggish tall young man Liu Shi, waved his hand without asking any more questions:

"It seems that you brothers and sisters can't be villains, so go in."

Liu Le'er agreed, and dragged Liu Shi into the city quickly, walked a long way, far away from the city gate, and then slowed down in a deserted corner, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I still have the qi-entraining talisman my father gave me back then, which can cover up my own evil spirit, so I was not discovered by the demon mirror."

Liu Le'er looked around to see that no one was paying attention, muttered a few words in a low voice, and then took out a blue jade talisman from her bosom.

The jade talisman was two inches long and two fingers wide, and it was engraved with blue patterns, forming a complex magic circle, with soft blue lights flowing on it, like flowing water.

She looked at the thing in her hand, and after a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, she carefully hid the jade talisman again.

After turning two alleys, the two came to the main street of Mingyuan City.

I saw that the street was wide enough for three carriages to drive side by side. On both sides of the street were tall and spacious shop buildings, row upon row, all the way to the end of the field of vision.

However, not many bricks and tiles are used here, and most of the houses are built with wood. Although the houses are not very tall, and there are very few tall buildings over ten feet, they are fine and exquisite, which is very novel.

It was the first time for Liu Le'er to come to a big city like Mingyuan City, and the bustling crowds around her made her a little scared, and her body was next to Liu Shi.

However, although there were a lot of people around, they went their own way, and no one came to interfere with the two of them, so she gradually relaxed, and began to be attracted by all kinds of new gadgets in the city, and dragged Liushi to stroll happily on the street.

"Brother Shitou, look over there! I've heard about that stuff, it really looks delicious." Liu Le'er stared intently at a peddler selling candied haws not far away.

Liu Shi's dark eyes reflected the lively scene around him, his face was expressionless, as if he was completely indifferent to these.

Liu Le'er was about to pull Liu Shi over, when she suddenly saw the young man like this, she felt a sense of loss in her heart, and immediately remembered the purpose of her trip to the city, she quickly squeezed the young man's hand, and said seriously.

"Brother Shitou, don't worry, this city is so big, there must be a doctor who can cure you."

When Liu Shi heard this, his eyes flickered slightly.

Liu Le'er took Liu Shi to a food stall on the street and ate something casually, and asked someone about it, and quickly asked about the location of two nearby medical clinics.

In the west of the city, Li's Medical Center.

Li's Medical Center has been practicing here for a hundred years, so it can be regarded as a time-honored brand.

A middle-aged man in a green cloth gown sat on a wooden chair, pressed three fingers on Liu Shi's wrist, and carefully checked his pulse. Liu Le'er stood aside nervously.

This middle-aged man's name is Li Changqing, he is the contemporary descendant of Li's Medical Center, a well-known Xinglin master from the nearby generation, who has practiced medicine for more than 20 years.

After feeling the pulse for a while, Li Changqing withdrew his palm.

"Brother Ling's six veins are gentle and powerful, full of qi and blood, and his body is obviously in excellent condition. How could he suffer from soul-loss disease? When did his disease appear? Is there any external reason?" Li Changqing frowned and looked at him. Liu Le'er asked.

"My brother and I haven't seen each other for many years, and we don't know anything about his illness." Liu Leer shook his head.

"That's difficult. If you don't know the cause, you can't cure it. Please forgive me for my shallow medical knowledge and powerlessness." Li Changqing stroked his long beard and said apologetically.

"Are you really clueless?" Liu Le'er asked anxiously.

"The old man is really powerless." Li Changqing shook his head.

Disappointed, Liu Le'er bowed to Li Changqing and walked out of the hospital with Liu Shi.

"There are still many medical clinics in Mingyuan City. If we look at them one by one, we will definitely be able to cure you."

The girl was dejected for a while, and then said to Liu Shi in a cheering manner.

Liu Shi grinned, wondering if he understood Liu Le'er's words.

The two walked in one direction, crossed two blocks, and came to the door of another medical hall.

This medical center has a gray exterior wall, a black tile roof, and a wide courtyard, exuding a luxurious atmosphere. Compared with Li's Medical Center, it is much more stylish, and there are many people who come to seek medical treatment.

"This medical clinic is so big, the doctors inside should be more skilled." Liu Le'er was full of expectations, and pulled Liu Shi into it.

Half an hour later, the two came out from inside, the girl still had a look of disappointment on her face.

"No rush, there are other clinics." Liu Le'er quickly cheered up.

For the next half a day, the two of them walked the streets and alleys, almost visiting most of the medical clinics in Mingyuan City, but none of the doctors could do anything about Liu Shi's symptoms.

In the north of the city, Yejuzhai.

Two figures walked out slowly from inside, it was Liu Le'er and Liu Shi.

Liu Le'er looked disappointed, and lowered her head to play with the corner of her clothes.

Although this Wild Chrysanthemum House is not the largest medical clinic in Mingyuan City, it is said that the doctors here have a lot of insight into some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but it is a pity that they can't find out the cause of Liu Shi.

"Little girl, stay here." At this moment, a voice came from behind, and an old man with gray hair and green robe quickly chased him up from behind.

"Doctor Liu." Liu Le'er was slightly surprised and stopped.

This green robed old man is the person who just took Liushi's pulse, the doctor of Yejuzhai.

"What do you think about your brother's condition?" Liu Le'er suddenly asked with a little hope in her heart.

"Exactly. Just now, after the old man diagnosed and treated Brother Ling, I went to the back hall to read some medical books, and came across a case by chance, which was quite similar to Brother Ling's situation." The old man in green robe nodded his head high.

"Please tell me, doctor." Liu Le'er was overjoyed upon hearing this.

"According to the book, Brother Ling's symptoms are very different from those of ordinary soul-losing disease. Instead, he is cursed or restrained by others, and his soul is injured. Such injuries cannot be treated by ordinary doctors. It is possible for the immortal masters to take action to cure it. As for the things that cannot be spoken, it is a trivial matter, so that brother's tongue will not be hindered, as long as the spirit returns to normal, he will naturally speak." The green-robed old man continued.

After listening to this, Liu Le'er fell silent, and after a long while, she forced out some cute smiles:

"Thank you, Doctor Liu, for your guidance."

"Little girl, you are welcome. It is our duty as doctors to save lives." The green-robed old man shook his head and returned to the house on his own.

Liu Le'er led the young man out of the Wild Chrysanthemum House, feeling depressed.

"Oh, brother Shitou's situation, he really has been hurt by someone." The girl muttered to herself.

She is a fox demon. Although she is young, she has some knowledge about cultivating immortals and Taoism. From Liu Shi's strange behavior these years, she has already vaguely guessed that she might have been injured by someone.

For treatment, one must turn to a cultivator who is proficient in the way of the soul.

It's just that such a cultivator is extremely powerful, and she is really not sure that she can hide it from the other party with just a Qi-entraining talisman.

The two came to Mingyuan City this time to seek medical treatment, and they also had the idea of just in case, hoping that it would be best if they guessed wrong, but now it seems that things have backfired.

Liu Le'er couldn't help hesitating.

Just when she was frowning, there was a sudden commotion on the street ahead, and the pedestrians on the street were in a mess.

"The horse beast is startled!"

"Get out of the way!"

A sound of exclamation came from the front, and the crowd became a mess, rushing towards both sides desperately.

Not far away, a silver carriage was torn off by a strange cyan horse covered in scales, and it was running like crazy, just in time to rush towards where Liu Le'er and Liu Shi were.

The cyan strange horse neighed long and frantically, the carriage bumped left and right behind it, the driver's face was as white as paper, and he tried his best to pull the rein, but it was useless.

Liu Le'er was shocked and pulled the young man to escape, but it was already too late

In a gust of wind, the strange horse pulled the carriage and flew to the distance of two people. The girl could even clearly see the fangs of the blue strange horse and the white foam thrown from it.