A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 103: Wonderful time


This was a room shrouded in irritability and depression. Sweat was dripping from Green's forehead but he had no time to wipe it off.

"Damn it! The qualification battle will be held tomorrow, but this explosive flame witchcraft will take at least three days to complete! Three days, only three days left! Do you really want me to continue to study this witchcraft during the qualification battle? "?" Green covered his head with his hands and roared. Nowadays, it is rare to see Green acting so violently.


Green let out a deep breath and gritted his teeth in an effort to control his emotions.

In the end, Green sighed and said: "Forget it, since we can't complete this witchcraft anymore, we don't need this night. Let's go to the Blood Sail Alliance meeting. After all, everyone is there except...Yorkris. .”

Green suddenly felt an inexplicable loss in his heart.

This feeling of emptiness is not all because of York Chris, but because Green feels that as he gets closer and closer to an official wizard and his forward-looking wisdom grows, if Green really becomes an official wizard in the Seven Rings Holy Tower, and according to the Instructor Peranos said that the mental power is transformed into physical fitness for cultivation. After a long time, when Green re-cultivates and reaches the peak of the first-level wizard, have these friends who have not been promoted to official wizards already...

Green didn't want to think too much, and even tried to avoid it. He shook his head hard.

Because Green's mind at this time has begun to fail to keep up with the pain and troubles caused by his forward-looking wisdom.

It seems that every official wizard will experience something unavoidable at one stage, that is, his true friends during his apprenticeship will die in front of him one by one.

For wizards, this period is just like adolescence for ordinary humans. A gradually mature mind will be integrated into future wisdom, and then it will gradually stabilize and become a true first-level official wizard.

The more you know, the smaller and powerless you realize.

"Perhaps, this will be the last time I see these friends." With the low voice, Green put away his irritable mood that he had not completed his research on witchcraft, and stood up in front of the test bench.

Walking quietly in front of the mirror, Green took off the large gray robe he usually wore, and then put on a gorgeous dark blue aristocratic dress given by Lafite, and put on decorative vine heart earrings, Fountain of Joy necklace, There were several dazzling rings, and a majestic hat studded with gems. Her long golden hair was carefully combed and fell behind her, and she wore a pair of men's high shoes for aristocratic balls.

In a rare move, Green picked up a bottle of Venus from the corner of the test bench and gently applied it to his armpits and deep neck.

Green looked at the majestic, solemn, and calm self in the mirror. It was completely different from his usual burly, wild, and mysterious self. It was as if he had changed. He grinned and tried his best to put on an friendly and polite smile, and left. Room.

Later, Green fell to the ground from the distance and walked step by step towards the Blood Sail Alliance opportunity site.

Several members of the Blood Sail Alliance who had never spoken to Green were beside Green. As they walked towards the venue, they looked at Green with some surprise. Looking at this mysterious wizard apprentice who acted in a low-key manner but became very popular, he seemed to be a bit agitated today. A different Green.

Green was also looking at these people.

I usually have a cold and mysterious look. If I could change and be enthusiastic, would I be able to become friends with them under certain arrangements of fate

Green didn't know, and had no chance to find out.

However, today Green smiled and politely greeted these relatively unfamiliar wizard apprentices. Several of them returned the greetings in shock, as if they were creating a peaceful and enthusiastic atmosphere like those hypocritical nobles, and collected their own 's true nature.

Green kept smiling, and greeted the familiar and unfamiliar Bloodsail Alliance members politely, greeting each other casually, and received responses one after another. At the same time, after Green left, these people all looked puzzled. His expression seemed to be discussing Green in a low voice.

Two years ago, Green's inclusion on the academy's potential list caused a sensation in the Bloodsail League, because it proved that Green had the potential to be on the Black Sol Tower's top ten masters list, and that he had the hope to win the Holy Tower Qualification Tournament. A wizard apprentice with the qualifications of a demon hunter!

Green just walked quietly, as if he wanted to memorize all the faces.


After tomorrow, these familiar faces, these people who can still make Green feel concerned, will forever become Green's memory, and will become the eternal memory in the deepest subconscious of Green's heart as time goes by.

Amrunde and Belle walked over arm in arm. Although the two never admitted their relationship, as the intimacy gradually became obvious, even a fool could see it. It was just that wizards disdain each other. Just talking about unimportant things.

"Green, it's great that you can come. Queen Tongue must not be angry now, haha." Amrunde smiled and handed Green a glass of red wine.

Green smiled casually and drank the red wine.

Belle's eyes moved. The most popular female wizard apprentice in Green's generation carefully looked at Green's different attire from usual, and smiled: "Green, your aristocratic outfit is much more attractive than usual. I saw it before. Come on, you are such a charming man."

Green smiled politely, shook his head and said, "How can I dress like this? I'm not Lafite..."

Green didn't say much about the rest, because many people knew that Green was not a noble when he was in the civilian world. Since some things are not important, there is no need to mention them more.

In the center of the hall, there were still pairs of wizard apprentices dancing ballroom. These wizard apprentices had cheerful smiles on their faces. Some of them even looked at each other, hugging each other and kissing passionately.

A man walked up to Green. No one wanted to approach him casually. Although he had put on a very casual look and put on clothes that fit the atmosphere, there was always an indescribable coldness about him. It's like a monster with a cold heart is covered with a layer of human skin that exudes fiery heat.

This person is Solam.

Sorum looked at Green's different attire today. Like Green, he seemed to be trying very hard to put on a relaxed smile and said, "Congratulations, you have become a master on the potential list of Black Sotha Academy."

Green shook his head slightly, but didn't say much. He just smiled politely and said, "Compared to you, a wizard apprentice who is ranked among the top ten masters in the academy, I still have a long way to go."

The two nodded to each other tacitly.

The difference was that Solam looked at Greene with admiration, as if he was gratified by Greene, an unassuming wizard apprentice who had suddenly risen to prominence, just like the seniors looked at some of their juniors ignorantly in a superior mentality.


But Green just tried to imprint the image of the other party in his heart.

Will Thorum, the "first person" among Green's wizard apprentices, be promoted to an official wizard, and join him in the Seven Rings Holy Tower to become a demon hunting wizard in the wizarding world

Or, turn it into your own eternal memory...

Green and Solam walked in different directions. Green looked at the two familiar figures and walked over step by step. However, suddenly, Green stopped and looked at a man on the other side of the ball crowd who was silently raising a glass to him.

He has blond hair on his back, a tall figure, a broad chest, and the beard that he once had. He is wearing a restrained noble dress, and there is a lovable female wizard apprentice leaning next to him.

This person is none other than Amiida, the man who was once deeply in love with Lafite.

When Amiida saw Green looking at her, a trace of moisture instantly appeared in her eyes. In order to cover up her fragile emotions, she raised her head and swallowed the wine in the glass. Then she tried her best to put on a tolerant smile and gently hugged her with one hand. He hugged the female companion next to him, but he couldn't help but use too much force with his hand, which made the female companion next to him frown.

Green also smiled politely and nodded lightly towards the man. Without saying anything, he passed through the dancing crowd and walked towards Lafite, Bin Johnson and Robin.

"Haha, Green, you're finally here. If you don't come again, Sister Lafite will come to your place and tear down your house!" Bin Johnson laughed, dancing gently to the dance music and Robin.

Green looked at Bin Johnson's happy look, with a sincere smile on his face. Green would never forget that lost night. This seemingly unscrupulous man comforted himself by his side. This was a true friend.

There are some friends that you don't pay attention to at all, or even care about. Only when you are in a difficult situation in life do you realize that they are true friends.

Green smiled and glared at this guy. A truly close friend always hurts his friends.

Green looked around and said, "Huh? Where's Yokeliana?"

Robin twisted his body, pointed a finger at the masked Yokliana in the dancing crowd, and said, "Isn't that right?"

Green looked at her, and saw a feminine smile that had gradually begun to mature on her face, dancing gently, and the timid young girl's expression seemed to have turned into a memory. Opposite her was the male wizard apprentice Green had met during the newcomer trial, Heinluo.

This wizard apprentice, who looked average, had a dull personality, was short in stature and didn't talk much, was looking at Yokeliana intently, his steps moving awkwardly to the beat of the music.

I hope that you can experience the happiness of having each other in the years to come.

Finally, after Green smiled at Bing Johnson and Robin, he walked straight towards the woman who was drinking red wine and pretended not to see Green.

She is wearing a hot red dance skirt that highlights her graceful figure. The crystal crescent moon earrings shine with a charming luster. Her long eyelashes peek through her short brown and black hair. Her icy eyes look imperiously at the crowd in the distance, just like that. Sitting freely and freely, her slender white legs were exposed from the high skirt, and a pair of white exquisite high heels shook gently to the beat of the orchestra pit.

At this moment, Green said silently in his heart: "She is Lafite. The arrogant and poisonous queen who is feared by many people, wholeheartedly protects her relatives. Except for some compromises with herself, she will never give up because of others' incomprehension. To change something. She is just Lafite, a unique and unique woman, a woman who makes my heart beat in a certain moment, the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes, an eternal bright light in my life."

Green walked silently to Lafite, but Lafite still just crossed his legs and drank red wine, pretending not to see even when Green walked up to him.

With a playful smile, Green saluted with an exaggerated gesture and said softly: "Beautiful lady, I wonder if I can invite you to dance?"

A charming arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. He put down the wine glass in his hand. Lafite put his white and delicate hand in Green's, half-smiling and half-jokingly: "I'm afraid your dancing skills will overwhelm me, right?"

Holding back his smile, Green said: "Then please ask the beautiful lady to take more care of you."

Deep in his eyes, which were domineering and cold, was a sweet smile that he didn't want to show in front of outsiders. Lafite followed Green's invitation and walked to the dance floor. He lowered his eyebrows and looked at Green's jerky dance. Lafite almost burst out laughing on the spot, but He endured it and tried hard to maintain a special romantic atmosphere between the two.

Speaking of which, this was Green's first time dancing in his life, and it might also be... his last.

Green and Lafite stared at each other, both of them suppressing their laughter, for fear that they would laugh first and ruin this somewhat boring trick.

There is rarely such a feeling among wizards anymore, especially dark wizards...

Lafite looked into Green's eyes and suddenly said slowly: "I feel like you are a little different today. Did something happen?"

Green's smile remained the same, but he quietly looked at the dazzling and beautiful Lafite at this moment. He slowly lowered his eyebrows as if to escape from something, shook his head gently and said, "No."

With a smile, Lafite did not ask further questions, but quietly enjoyed the tacit understanding, love, heartbeat and the familiar body temperature between the two of them in the lively crowd.

As he danced with Lafite, Green saw a woman sitting alone and bored, Ilartiwen, this ordinary woman whom Chris had a good relationship with but didn't know if she had a private love affair.

In a corner, the elder of the Blood Sails Alliance named Berg was quietly drinking green champagne, holding his face silently with one hand, seeming to be thinking about something, looking at the dancing crowd in front of him with deep and melancholy eyes, like a Famous philosophers generally understand life.

After letting out an inaudible sigh, Green showed that smile again.

Holding Lafite's waist, Green quietly enjoyed this wonderful moment of his own, as if he wanted to imprint the beautiful memory of this moment in his soul forever and never forget it.

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