A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 105: The theory of idealism


Suddenly, on a "low" stone pillar more than ten meters above and to the left of Green, the space was distorted. A figure appeared from the void and fell out, shaking his head as if he was a little dizzy. Green turned his head and looked over, and couldn't help but let out a sigh. This man seemed familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere. It seems... "I must have seen this guy during the newcomer trial, and the mark on his forehead is from the Dark Realm Wizarding Academy in District 12, so it is very possible." Green thought in his heart. "Uh... it's you!" A shout came from the wizard apprentice on the opposite side. This wizard apprentice was dressed very politely and rationally, but at this moment his eyes were bulging out like a grilled fish, his body was trembling constantly, his teeth were clenched, and he pointed at Green stupidly, his face full of expression. He looked red and angry, as if he wanted to eat Green. It seemed like there was some serious grudge between this man and Green. Green frowned, had he really seen this before? "Hmph, hum hum..." Suddenly, a deep laugh came from the mouth of the wizard apprentice opposite, and even turned into a wild laugh at the end. He covered his forehead with one hand, pointed at Green with one hand, and shook his head in excitement. Said: "Yes, it's you, it's you! I, Belrod, will never forget this mask. During the newcomer trial, you guy..." At the end of the sentence, Belrod seemed to realize that his harsh and cruel voice was a bit... Losing his composure, his expression suddenly turned into a look of indifference. He cleared his throat with a "cough, cough", clenched a hand into a fist and covered his mouth to hide his ugly appearance, pretending to cough. "Have you really seen it?" Under the pale mask, Green murmured. "You!" Belrod's demeanor that had just recovered was suddenly filled with anger again. He pointed at Green tremblingly and breathed heavily and unsteadily. Huh... After taking a deep breath and feeling stuffy in his chest, Belrod actually crossed his arms in front of his chest, shook his head slightly nervously, and said with a bored look: "Hey... forget it, poor little kitten, just let it go. The great Belrod of the Dark Realm Wizarding Academy will be the end point of your qualification battle and the historical mission of your existence. After all, I have made so much progress in the past ten years, and I have even become so powerful that even I am stronger than myself. I'm a little scared, haha, hahahaha..." Laughing, Belrod's body began to slowly change. Dense purple-black scales began to grow under the skin, with traces of sticky black liquid dripping from the scales, which seemed to be highly poisonous, and two pairs of fly-like wings sprouted from the back like a crocodile. tail, a strange aura filled the air. Green looked up and down at this blood transformation witchcraft, and finally had some memories and remembered this guy. During the newbie trial, when his mark value had just reached 30 points after a big battle, a wizard apprentice with such blood witchcraft rushed over shouting "little kitten", but he was scared away again. If he hadn't had insufficient magic power at that time and the secret realm was about to be opened, he might have chased that person to death. Now it seems that it is the legendary arrangement of fate that the two people were arranged together as soon as the holy tower qualification competition started! Could it be that, like in the novel, this person is his legendary fateful enemy or something like that? Green became interested and immediately implemented his plan without any rush. He just kept looking up and down at Belrod's bloodline witchcraft, as if he was observing and appreciating it. "Jie Jie Jie Jie... Tremble! Be afraid! Ignorant wizard apprentice, let Belrod, the protagonist of this era, end all your dreams. Let you know that all the meaning of your existence is just to be a foil. The great Belrod is just a green leaf. Living in the same era as me, it is really the luck and sorrow of an ignorant wizard apprentice like you, Jie Jie Jie Jie..." Belrod fell into a narcissistic and neurotic laugh. Green opened his mouth and was stunned. This was the first time Green had heard such words and thoughts in the Wizarding Continent. Uh... idealistic theory? Is the world self-centered? Are everyone else just supporting characters, existing for their own sake? Matter that you cannot see does not exist? This series of idealistic theories is the most basic wrong philosophy of wizards! I don’t know if this guy has a mentor. If a formal wizard knew that there was such a wizard apprentice in his college, he might have solved it himself, right? Such words can actually be said by a human who practices wizard knowledge. This is not only an embarrassment to oneself and the people of the academy, but also to the face of all wizards in the entire wizarding world. Shaking his head, Green found this man funny but also lost interest. It seemed... It wasn't fate, it was just a coincidence. Green was about to take action, but the other party struck first. "Jie Jie Jie Jie, suffer death!" As soon as the two pairs of transparent wings shook, Belrod rushed towards Green at a very fast speed, with a ferocious smile on his lips, and his fist covered with purple and black scales pointed at Then Green punched out. Body refining wizard? Green couldn't help but be startled. A guy who entered the Wizarding Academy at the same time as himself compared the strength with him? Like swatting away a fly, Green slapped him. He only heard a crunching sound, which seemed to be the sound of bones breaking. Then Belrod turned into an afterimage with a "swooshing" sound, and rushed towards him. It flew backwards at a faster speed before, hit a stone pillar with a bang, and slowly slid down. "Pfft! Impossible!" Belrod spat out a mouthful of blood, looking at Green with a pale face and disbelief, and one of his arms dropped unconsciously. Um? Green didn't pay attention to Belrod, but looked at these towering stone pillars with interest. How could they not be damaged by such an impact? It is very likely that this secret place is a fixed place specially prepared by the Seven Rings Holy Tower for each Holy Tower qualification battle wizard apprentice. No wonder these stone pillars have obvious artificial traces. "Hmph, hum hum hum..." Belrod actually laughed in a low voice again. He leaned weakly on the stone pillar and looked at Green. He said sullenly: "Ignorant wizard apprentice, do you think you have won? Poor little kitten. , lower your head and look at the things in your hands. Poor you are going to die soon, but you don’t know yet. Ignorance is really a blessing for you..." At the end of the sentence, Belrod actually revealed a look. He had an exaggerated expression like someone being pitied, and then coughed twice, with a trace of blood coming out of the corner of his mouth, and struggled to stand up, as if he was trying to collect Green's body. What's on hand? Green lowered his head and saw that his hands were stained with a lot of black liquid, which must have been accidentally when he slapped the opponent away. His thumbs casually rubbed the black flesh in his palm, and he asked in astonishment: "Voodoo?" Then, after Green confirmed that the flesh was indeed voodoo, the surprise on his face instantly turned into excitement. After observing the toxicity of this voodoo, I smelled it again, and then I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue to take a sip and taste it carefully! "Huh? With this kind of toxicity... If I concentrate it a few more times and then add the unfinished formula before, I should be able to meet my requirements for mixing poison and refining three or four times." Green muttered to himself. , couldn't help but raise his head and look at Belrod with fiery eyes. That look was like a woman meeting a naked beauty, or a hungry wolf meeting a helpless little lamb! Belrod's remaining hand pointed at Green tremblingly, his eyes almost popped out of his head, and his mouth opened wide: "You, you, you, you, you eat it, eat it, eat it..." Belrod His voice was stammering and incoherent, as if the sun had turned upside down and the end of the world was coming. Green couldn't understand what the other party was saying at all. However, Green didn't care anymore. Green just tried his best to keep a harmless "kind" smile on his face, and looked at Belrod nervously and excitedly. The slave kept a kind voice and said: "Well... Well, don't be nervous. Don't worry. , I won't hurt you, I can even let you go, as long as you configure this voodoo..." "Ah... monster! You shouldn't exist in this world! You monster! You are not real!" Belrod went crazy. He shouted, as if he wanted to deny the facts in front of him with all his strength, and actually broke the badge in his hand with a "Gaba" sound, and then disappeared in an instant. Uh... Green's "kind" smile sank, and he said gloomily: "Asshole, this guy." Green felt the extra mark points on his forehead, and couldn't help but feel angry and funny. He shook his head, and Green took out a seed. After simply handling it, he threw it on the ground, and a moment later a huge flower appeared on the ground. This seed was exactly the ground bud seed that Green had exchanged for thirty bottles of Venus, the goddess of love, and Tutor Elaine. He gently sat in, and under Green's urging, the flower quickly retracted into the ground without leaving any trace. In the darkness underground, Green took out another transparent and delicate small bottle. After gently unscrewing the cap, there was a faint spatial fluctuation. Green looked at a transparent gap in front of him and got in. This is the hidden gap that Green once bought on the fourth floor of Black Sol Tower. At this time, he had to use it because he wanted to focus on studying the explosive flame witchcraft. Green has made up his mind that he will not start the real battle to qualify for the holy tower until he has completely deduced the bursting flame witchcraft, which will take about two days. Green has only one goal, and that is to reach the pinnacle of the Holy Tower Qualification Competition from Districts 11 to 15! Moreover, Green wants to be 100% sure that he can become the only wizard apprentice in this area who is qualified to win the pinnacle!