A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 109: Mina, Son of the Sun


readx(); Except for a shadow above his head, wherever Yaz looked, there was only endless red.

"This crazy woman!" Yaci screamed hoarsely, with a bit of shock in his voice, and he murmured in horror: "With this level of attack, it has barely reached that level, right?"

Drops of softened stones dripped from the stone shield above Yaci's head, forming something like magma in a short time. A large area of dark elemental aura was dispersed. The stone giant under Yaci raised his stone shield and made a painful sound. A trace of burnt smell came from Yaci's robe. The dark elemental defenses surrounding his body began to resist faintly. I can't stand the endless blazing heat around me.

In Yaci's opinion, it was as if a hundred years had passed before the blazing heat around him finally slowly dissipated.

La vomit…

After the stone giant under Yaci let out a characteristic wail and roar, it turned into a pile of burnt rubble and fell. Yaci dodged the softened stone shield above his head in embarrassment. Feeling the hot ground under his feet, he hurriedly flew over again. The sky is floating.

His face was pale and bloodless, and he held the life-saving badge tightly in his hand. Yaci stared at the crazy woman, and swallowed hard while breathing heavily.

Give up

If you just collect this few mark points, there is no hope of obtaining the qualification of a demon hunter!

In the sky, the Son of the Sun was also panting in a low voice. His fiery red hair fell one after another as the magic power fluctuations stopped, and was draped loosely on his body, covering his face. One eye looked at Yaci from the gap in his long hair, and a cruel curve appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then the panting Son of the Sun laughed crazily and screamed: "Haha, hahahaha... You didn't run away because of my sister." Is that so? Don’t I care about life and death? Do you think this is the end? No! This is just the beginning!”

Yelling crazily, the small amount of clothes the Son of the Sun wore to cover his shameful body began to emit bright light.

The next moment, the Son of the Sun unexpectedly regained his peak magic state again, and the endless heat swayed once again. His hair was blown up by the burst of magic power. His eyes were cruel, ferocious, and crazy. He looked at Yaci coldly, with a cruel look on his mouth. The curvature slightly increased again.

It seems that the next moment, there will be another attack that will destroy the world.

"Demon Hunting Arms! This is the Demon Hunting Arms that can only be exchanged for Witch Elf! You..." Yaci screamed hoarsely, looking at the shameless clothes on the Son of the Sun in disbelief.

The so-called demon hunting weapon is a unique witchcraft weapon issued by the Holy Tower.

The other attributes of the demon hunting weapon are just average, but its greatest use is the ability to quickly convert the magic stones embedded in it into magic power. It is divided into three levels: low-level, intermediate, and advanced to meet the requirements of the corresponding level of demon hunting. wizard.

As for arcane wizards, they generally rarely use wizard spirits to exchange for such witchcraft weapons in the Holy Tower.

Generally speaking, when a mystical wizard has accumulated enough corresponding wizard spirits, he will only go to the Holy Tower to exchange for an opportunity to be transported to an exotic world conquered by the wizard world in order to obtain more knowledge. After all, knowledge is the fundamental power of the wizard.

Of course, we will also plunder some corresponding resources from the local world at that time...

The Son of the Sun just laughed crazily. If he didn't have insufficient magic power during the newcomer trial, how could he be chased like that by those people? Although this demon-hunting weapon privately given by his father is only a low-level demon-hunting weapon inlaid with intermediate-level magic stones, for the wizard apprentice, ordinary-level battles are almost full of inexhaustible magic power!

Yaz's eyes showed despair.

At this time, this woman already possesses the second-level strength of the top ten masters! If there hadn't been that fight before, I would still be able to fight, but now...

A wry smile.

However, just when Yaci was about to crush the badge, suddenly, three undisguised fluctuations of magic power appeared.


Yaz stopped moving, waiting for the last glimmer of hope.

"Sure enough, it's you, Son of the Sun! Hahaha, it's so fun, this is so fun!" Bibi Liona was so excited that she stood with Solam and Yunli, laughing excitedly.

"ah… "

However, the moment he saw Bibi Liona, Soram, and Yunli, the Son of the Sun's eyes turned red, and even the already desperate Yaci was left aside, with a shrill, crazy cry , a sharp roar, and even his face and eyes began to become distorted due to excessive ferocity.

"Bibi Leona! Solam! Yunli! I want you to die!"


The Son of the Sun turned into a ball of red sun and rushed towards the three of them losing all reason.

Solam looked at Chiyang rushing over with his cold eyes, and said calmly: "Mina, you still haven't changed at all."

The blue sword was slowly pulled out of Solam's eyes following Solam's words. The next moment, Solam's body shot out a large black smoke, lingering as if alive, and an unknown aura instantly filled the air. .

Shaking his head indifferently, Yunli said calmly: "We have already reached the Holy Tower qualification battle stage. Do you think you can still rely on your talent to suppress us? It's really... boring..."

After the space was distorted for a while, although there was no change in Yunli, there was a "strange feeling" around him, as if there was... a group of void creatures.

Bibi Leona laughed excitedly: "Haha, Son of the Sun, your wonderful memory last time was indeed not deep enough. We must let you relive it this time!"

After saying that, Bibi Leona's body began to turn into light blue, her golden wavy long hair stood up with the spurt of magic power, and a seven or eight meter long scaly water snake gradually formed, entwining around her body. , and at the same time, a golden pupil on his forehead slowly opened!


Under the endless blazing flames in the sky, huge magic power fluctuations are constantly scattered in all directions. All kinds of witchcraft are flying, screaming and roaring. The violent elemental fluctuations cause the surrounding natural forces to stir, and even some witchcraft impacts the air. They all began to twist and go up and down.

Yaz was so shocked that he opened his mouth and murmured in horror: "The wizard apprentice with the black aura is the so-called immortal guy from Black Sotha Academy. Who are those two people...?"

After swallowing his saliva, Yaci, who was about to turn around and escape quietly, trembled, just in time to see Luo Jia and Yoklianna who were coming after them.

"Two more coming?"

Yaci stopped because he had seen the greedy look in Luo Jia's eyes looking at him. As for the sorceress apprentice wearing a half mask in the distance, Yaci didn't pay too much attention.

Luojia glanced at the battle situation at Son of the Sun in the distance and shook his head disdainfully. He was about to take down this weak-looking wizard apprentice, but he seemed to suddenly sense something and stopped.

Farther away, there were already many wizard apprentices secretly observing, all waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

At this moment, the shocking battle that broke out here at Son of the Sun has attracted all the wizard apprentices in the nearby area, and there are even some wizard apprentices who are among the top ten masters of the academy hiding in the dark.

In such a situation, no one dares to take action rashly!

Luo Jia gritted his teeth and did not take action after all. If his combat power was severely depleted, it would not be a joke under the prying eyes of so many wizard apprentices.

Yaci no longer dared to escape, but instead tried his best to replenish his magic power on the spot.

Being spied on by so many wizard apprentices, this place has become the safest place for Yaz at this moment, at least until the situation does not change.

If there is really no hope, the only option is to withdraw from the competition to qualify as a demon hunter.

All the wizard apprentices present, no matter whether they were bright or dark, all turned their gazes to the battle group in the sky where the red sun flames were emanating. They were horrified and couldn't hide their excitement at the same time.

Such amazing strength represents an extremely high imprint value.

Then, if the situation really changes in a while, as long as you win any one of them, the mark points you will get will definitely not be in the minority, and may even be more than the previous two busy days combined!

After a while.

"ah… "

With an unwilling roar, the red sun in the sky crashed down, and the three figures who were constantly transforming and flying rushed over in unison, with the intention of putting the Son of the Sun to death if he did not leave the secret realm.

Today, these three people are no longer like they were during the newcomer trial. They were suppressed by the talent of the Son of the Sun so that only two of them can resist together. At least Solam and Yunli have the strength to fight against him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Almost at the same time, dozens of figures around him emerged from the darkness and rushed towards the direction of the Son of the Sun's fall, with the intention of sharing a share of the pie with Solam, Yunli, and Bibiliona.

Even Luojia and Yaci, who had replenished some of their magic power, all rushed towards the Son of the Sun regardless of risk.

At this moment, the Son of the Sun has completely become the object of the original sin of greed that everyone has pushed against him. His arrogance, arrogance, and arrogance will be completely suppressed by a force called "rules."


At the last moment when the Son of the Sun almost fell into despair and planned to crush the badge, at the moment when the greedy people were about to take action when their magic power was almost aroused to the limit, at the moment when Bibi Liona was about to scream in excitement, a loud and long sound The sound erupted in the sky!

Suddenly, all the wizard apprentices felt that the air was just a few degrees colder. When they turned around again, a huge ice crystal phoenix with wings spread for more than ten meters rushed down from the sky. The crystal ice feathers are lifelike, and the icy blue eyes are extremely cold. As the ice feathers spread out their wings, the violent and arrogant power of ice even makes all the wizard apprentices instantly feel numb and numb, with their souls frozen to the core. The ice wind burst out suddenly.

Yaz looked up at the sky and looked at the female wizard apprentice on the huge ice phoenix. He took a breath of cold air, trembled and murmured: "Ice Age Millie, you are back."