A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 111: A monster?


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Milly's eyes in the Ice Age changed, becoming like a strange calm in the eye of a blizzard hurricane. Her long silver hair began to slowly condense with a layer of frost, and the diamond-shaped crystal light in the center of her forehead became more and more dazzling. A white cold aura gradually began to emanate from the body, and frost began to fall around the body for no reason.

Milly looked calmly at the strange wizard apprentice in District 15. Her cold, calm and beautiful face suddenly showed an arc at the corner of her mouth, as if it was an invisible ridicule or a disdainful sneer.


Following the change in Milly's expression, the ice phoenix in the distance no longer chased the exhausted Yuanli and Yokliana, spread out its huge ice crystal wings and flew over. Although the dark sky cast a large shadow due to the lack of light, it fell all the way. Large swaths of icy frost and white frosty winds spread out in all directions as the ice phoenix spreads its wings.

The moment Milly stood on the ice crystal phoenix's head, the world became silent, and then an overwhelming cold wind swept across the sky!

Solam, Yunli, Luojia, Bibiliona, and Yokliana gathered together again, gasping for breath, and looked at the female wizard apprentice on the ice phoenix who seemed to be a god of cold and cold frost, and they were all horrified. His eyes stared in surprise, with a hint of lingering fear deep in his pupils.

She actually still had some reservations about the battle just now

Even Yaci, whose body had thawed and was barely able to move, saw two legendary wizard apprentices confronting each other. He was unable to move anymore, staring directly at the majestic two sides in the sky in the distance.

This kind of battle situation is already a formal wizard-level battle in terms of level and attack speed, but it just doesn't have the ability to control the power of nature!

The Son of the Sun suddenly flew to Milly's side. Feeling Milly's state at this time, he looked at the wizard apprentice in District 15, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he whispered: "Are you going to use that?"

Milly naturally knew what Mina was talking about.

With sharp and cold eyes, Milly said calmly: "This person is very strong and should be able to use it. The weak period will depend on you at that time. We can't lose the qualification of a demon hunter!"


Mina looked solemnly at the surrounding wizard apprentices and nodded.

At this moment, only a few people can experience the battle between two legendary wizard apprentices. Those wizard apprentices who were scared away by Milly obviously did not know what was about to happen here and missed a spiritual feast.

After moving to a safe place, Solam and others held their breath and quietly stared at the two sides facing off in the sky.

The wizard apprentice in District 15 looked interested. He looked at Milly on the ice phoenix. She was standing quietly in a dark robe. The bells in the hollow of her chest jingled, jingling, no matter how hard the snowstorm blew. No matter how violent it is, it can't cover up the soft ringing of the bell. After listening to it for a long time, it feels like it has become some kind of beautiful melody.

The body slowly floated up, and the black robe swayed with the biting snowstorm.

The wizard apprentice from District 15 chuckled lowly and said: "Hmm hum hum hum... just right, perfect arrangement! Your ice witchcraft restrained those wizard apprentices and prevented them from displaying their strength. And I The witchcraft is the nemesis of materialized witchcraft like yours, you have no chance."

"Haha, is that so... no chance? Then give it a try, you arrogant and ignorant guy from the 15th District! It seems that you have been arrogant and arrogant in the small world of the 15th District for too long."

Milly seemed to have been completely irritated by the other party. Ice shards flew down not only her hair, but also her cheeks began to condense with a layer of frost. Her eyes were like the abyss of a polar ice cave. The bone-chilling magic inspired her to silently mutter low and complex words. The witchcraft spell was cast with the original witchcraft in one hand, and the ice crystal feather fan in the other hand flashed fiercely!


On the other side, the ice crystal phoenix under Milly seemed to have a telepathic connection. She leaned back slightly, followed by a mouthful of countless tiny ice picks. At the same time, she flapped her wings fiercely, and the cold wind blew on the pair of ice crystal wings. erupted.

"Double Ice Roar!" Millicent's cold voice screamed.

Feeling the overwhelming cold wind sweeping in, feeling the terrifying power of the frozen ground, and feeling the drop of water splashed by the majestic force of nature, the black-robed wizard from District 15 actually trembled.

"Uh huh huh, huh huh huh... Yes! Yes! This is the feeling of awakening sleeping cells! This is the feeling that makes me feel alive! It's so wonderful. The wizard apprentices in District 12 are indeed better than those in District 15. It’s so interesting! Uh-huh, haha!”

At this moment, his trembling was actually due to excessive excitement!

The curve of the corners of his mouth actually reached to the base of his ears. The wizard apprentice looked at the overwhelming blizzard sweeping over the sky. His big mouth opened 180 degrees like a snake trying to swallow an egg. After leaning back hard, he suddenly suddenly Lean forward, and then there is a burst of infrasonic waves that destroy the world.


Invisible infrasound waves swept past, and normal humans could not receive this sound wave frequency at all.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom…

After an invisible collision between the invisible infrasound waves and the ice and snow storm, followed by a harsh low friction sound, countless ice cone snowflakes trembled in a resonance, and all of them turned into ice shards all over the sky, and then returned to the most primitive elemental form and disappeared. In the power of nature.


The strong wind blew against his face and the black robe flew, but it could no longer hurt the wizard apprentice at all.

Roar! Ming!

Suddenly, a pure white leopard without any mottled colors pounced in the storm. Its five-meter-long body contained explosive power. Large shards of ice were flying on the ground. No one would doubt its destructive power. And in the sky, a crystal clear giant bird opened its claws and fell rapidly like a meteorite, grabbing it hard.

Millicent said coldly in the distance: "Ice sculpture snow leopard!"

The pupil of the wizard apprentice in District 15 looked at the ice sculpture in the sky with one eye, and the pupil of the other eye was aimed at the snow leopard coming towards him. The corner of his mouth still had that calm and excited smile, and with a "pop" sound, his hands shook. He clasped his hands together under the magic power, and an invisible sound wave exploded in all directions with the "pop" sound.


One of the front paws of the snow leopard, which contained explosive power, almost touched the cheek of the black-robed wizard apprentice. However, at this moment, time seemed to freeze.

The next moment, the originally majestic snow leopard turned into snowflakes all over the sky with a "bang".


The rapidly landing ice sculpture was swept by this invisible sound wave. After its body trembled countless times in a very short period of time, dense cracks appeared, and then with a "squeak", it turned into ice flowers that filled the sky and fell in all directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh…

Ice spears came one after another, and the terrifying power of each ice cone was enough to make ordinary wizard apprentices fearful and despair, but Millie in the Ice Age was one after another, and at this moment Millie seemed to be almost trapped. into some extreme madness.

He chuckled disdainfully and snorted softly.

The black-robed wizard apprentice from the 15th district actually just snapped his thumb and middle finger. After a sound of "bah, bah, bah", all the ice guns that came close to him exploded and turned into cold air all over the sky.


Solam, Yunli, Luojia, Bibiliona, and Yokliana only felt that their chests were constantly sucking in breath after breath of cold air, and their bodies were trembling slightly and they could not control themselves.

Such a fighting level... is it really just a wizard's apprentice

Yaci's frightened trembling was accompanied by incomparable excitement, and the eyes on his rickety body were filled with unspeakable excitement: "Yes! Yes! That's it! This is such a battle!"

Such an excited expression is just like the longing expression of the once confused and helpless wizard apprentices after the five heavenly kings used witchcraft to suppress the sailors on the ocean liner!

The Son of the Sun gritted his teeth tightly and tried to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart.

"Sound wave witchcraft uses the principle of resonant frequency to perfectly restrain ice witchcraft, water witchcraft, earth witchcraft, life witchcraft and other elements into material witchcraft, even for ordinary body refining wizards. It is very repressive. Space power and thunder element witchcraft can form counter-restraints, but neither my sister nor I have the corresponding means, and the attack speed of my fire element witchcraft distorts the air is not enough to affect such a strong sound wave... "

The Son of the Sun gritted his teeth tightly and murmured with an ugly face: "It seems that my sister has only one way. This is also the only way to defeat this terrible guy! This... monster from District 15!"

The Son of the Sun's tone was actually a little frightened, and his eyes were a little horrified!

It’s hard to imagine that a wizard apprentice would be called a monster by the Son of the Sun!

What kind of terrifying existence should this be

As the Son of the Sun murmured to himself, Milly and the ice crystal phoenix beneath her moved. As if in a desperate last ditch effort, Milly had a resolute look on her face, her eyes bursting with bright light, driving the ice crystal phoenix beneath her. Phoenix let out a loud cry and rushed towards the wizard apprentice who was called a monster by the Son of the Sun.

It seemed that this was indeed the last ditch effort for the legendary wizard apprentice in District 12, known as Ice Age Millie.

"Haha, are you going to die? The excitement you just aroused is about to become boring again..."

As the wizard apprentice from the fifteenth district murmured to himself, looking at the giant flying towards the sky, and feeling the resolute will within it, a clear bell suddenly sounded from the chest of the black-robed wizard apprentice from the fifteenth district. Sent!