A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 116: Covering the sky with one hand


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A violent low roar came from the black crack above Hillwoods' head.


Two strong and thick arms were stuck on both sides of the black crack. Slowly, a red-spotted green-skinned python wearing a huge white crystal skull stretched out from the unknown dark crack. A pair of cold eyes looked at it. All living things present. And just when everyone thought it was a strange giant python creature with four limbs, slowly, a huge rhinoceros head with golden sharp horns slowly stretched out from the dark crack. At the other end, we explored the secret realm of the Holy Tower Trial!

In the end, the four eyes of the giant rhinoceros head and the giant python head glanced at Green, and then turned all their attention to the space crack above Green's head.

Under the pale mask, Green's originally confident face became dull.

How could it be a two-headed creature

But, why can my Black Sol Tower Friendship Key only feel one will


At this time, the more than 20-meter-long black crack on Green's head was opened by two thick and powerful golden melon seeds. Under the red crown, the huge single eye of the terrifying creature in the Black Sol Tower secret realm stared at Green for a moment. Then he looked towards another space crack above Hill Woods.

Feeling the hostility of the unknown life on the other side of the dark crack, the eyes of the red-crowned one-eyed giant beast in the Black Tower Secret Realm above Green's head began to glow with red light. After a sharp and ear-piercing cry, it began to struggle more violently. The extremely fat beast The front half of the body struggled to squeeze out of the black crack, and two pairs of golden claws stretched out from a pair of huge wings, which actually opened the black crack again!

Green gasped.

What kind of monster did he encounter in the secret realm of Black Sol Tower back then

Moo... hiss...

The two creatures in the black crack above Hill Woods also roared with hostility. The pair of thick arms were supported on both sides of the black crack little by little. Under the head of the giant rhinoceros, a body as thick and powerful as a giant ape began to rise from The other end of the dark crack poked out, and at the same time, the red-spotted green-skinned python wearing a huge white skull cap slowly struggled from the other end of the dark crack.

Green could no longer maintain his composure.

call out!

A fire bat witchcraft shot towards the extremely weak Hillwoods under the huge repulsive force. This was exactly what Green, who was also weak, had no confidence in the creatures summoned by his Black Sol Tower Friendship Key. The witchcraft cast by magic power was planned to kill Hillwoods first.

If he dies or leaves the secret realm, the Stigma Key of Friendship loses its magical support, and the two unknown creatures will naturally have no choice but to return to the unknown world on the other side of the dark crack.


A purple breath flowed through, and after Green's fire bat witchcraft flapped its wings a few times, it turned into little bits of basic fire elements and dissipated.

Green looked at the python's head protruding from the dark crack above Hillwoods' head with an ugly face, gritting his teeth, knowing that his plan had failed.

Hill Woods' face was equally ugly. Now all his hopes were pinned on his Stigmata Key of Friendship being stronger than the creature summoned by the opposite Stigmata Key of Friendship

Pinning one's fate on such an unknown gamble is the most difficult thing for almost all elemental wizards to accept.

The victory was already guaranteed, but who would have thought that this wizard apprentice from District 12 would actually...


Everyone who had lost hope in Green was completely shocked. Green actually had a Stigma Friendship Key? Two wizards with the Stigmata Key to Friendship actually collided? Moreover, the unknown creatures summoned by these two Stigma Friendship Keys are not weak, even... very strong

Obviously, these two Stigma Friendship Keys are not Stigma Friendship Keys in the general sense. They are probably high-level Stigma Friendship Keys personally given by those high-ranking Stigma Wizards!

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Hillwoods, the wizard apprentice in the 15th district, seemed to have reservations when he fought against Ice Age Millie. However, now that Hillwoods has shown his full strength, Green can completely suppress him from beginning to end. It is rare for him to do so. Opportunity to return the favor.

Green, on earth... to what extent has he reached

The hierarchy in everyone's mind has completely collapsed. Above the legendary wizard apprentice, there is Hillwoods. So who is Green? And such a powerful wizard apprentice has no amazing achievements in the past, and he is not even on the list of top ten masters

Could it be that all the wizard apprentices owned by Greene have...

Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts!


At this time, Green suddenly burst out with such shocking strength in the Holy Tower Qualification Battle. In other words, he had only one ultimate goal, and that was to be the strongest in the five regions from the 11th to the 15th District in the Seven-ring Holy Tower Qualification Battle. By!

For a moment, Ice Age Milly even began to feel "ashamed" in her heart.

This kind of emotion is just like a mature human being who feels heartily funny and self-sarcastic about some of the childish and ridiculous things he did in his childhood.

Once, during the regional war, he even said in a condescending tone that he was looking forward to Green's performance. I'm afraid at that time, he was just completely dismissive of his arrogance, right? Or was it a silent sneer

But at that time, I actually thought I had discovered a potential junior and had some fun...


Thinking about it now, this is really an invisible self-sarcasm.

I, as my father said, had begun to be arrogant without even realizing it, but I had never admitted it before. Now it seems that I even feel that I have begun to be a little stupid. Although I have been with that person at my peak for many years, I have begun to feel proud without knowing it...


Suddenly, Milly felt that the handkerchief with the green parrot on her chest seemed to be moving, as if she was attracted by something...

Mina, the Son of the Sun, looked pale and trembling as she looked at her "destined enemy" who was already so powerful and invincible. What on earth did her talent of being a body on fire, which she was so proud of and regarded as all her pride, mean to the other party?

Not even... not even a trump card

Mina only felt that she was in great pain and loss. What kind of "enemy of fate" was this? It was just her wishful thinking playing the role of a clown in a stage play, and she became a background character for the protagonist to climb to a higher mountain.

Solam and Yunli were equally shocked and dumbfounded.

Once upon a time, the two of them knew that Green was very strong, and even ranked him as a genius like themselves. For them, who were proud of themselves, it was a huge honor for Green to rank him in such a position.

But now it seems...

Both of their faces were full of bitterness.

Luo Jia's hand holding the staff could not help but tremble. On the head of his tall and thin body, a pair of eyes looked at the figure in the distance who had once had a fate with him. That night, after he attacked the poisonous tongue queen who had hurt his junior sister, it was the white mask hidden behind the poisonous tongue queen that appeared once!

It turns out that behind such a low-key and mysterious mask, there really is a giant that covers the sky...

Bibi Liona looked at Green, her innocent but somewhat embarrassed face, her eyes were shining brightly. On one side she looked at Green excitedly, but on the other she cursed Lafite and said, "It turns out that 'Brother Green' is so powerful. It turns out that he is the real genius of Black Sol Tower Wizarding Academy and even the Wizarding Continent! No wonder... No wonder that vicious woman would take the initiative to approach him. It turns out that she already knew all this! It turns out that that vicious woman not only has a vicious mouth, There is also a vicious and cruel heart, this hateful woman, this disgusting..."

Further away, Yaci actually sat on the ground, with an intoxicated and contented look on his face. He leaned lazily on the stone pillar and stared blankly at Green in the distance, muttering: "Hmph... what qualifications do you have for the Holy Tower?" War? For the weak wizard apprentices who have no chance, the biggest gain is here. Cough, cough, cough... those stupid guys."

At this moment, Yaci was like the satisfied and excited expressions of the confused and helpless children on the ocean liner after the five kings defeated the sailors.

They were not satisfied because the Five Heavenly Kings defeated the sailors, nor were they excited about joining the Blood Sails Alliance, but they were fascinated because they saw the wizard apprentice easily defeat the powerful sailor after performing witchcraft for the first time. !

Because this is the sound that will shine brightly and enlighten you on your unknown future path, stimulating the deepest desires and dreams in your heart.

Tears actually flowed from Yoklianna's eyes, and she looked quietly at the arrogant figure on the stone pillar in the distance.

"Brother Green, as expected...as expected, you are the strongest! Everyone...all the people in Black Sota Wizarding Academy don't understand everything you have done, everything you have experienced, and everything you have encountered. Only our closest people know you. How much you have paid for this and how much you have sacrificed. Everything you have today is what you deserve, Brother Green! All of us will be proud of you, including Brother Yorkris, who will also be proud of everything you have now. !”

Everyone present knew that at this moment, Green, who was qualified to compete in the Holy Tower in the Secret Realm, was like the rising sun, so radiant that no one could cover his light anymore.

Including, Green himself!


The secret creature of Black Sol Tower above Green's head actually squeezed out of the dark crack first. When Green saw the true appearance of this terrifying creature, he couldn't help but feel the true fear from the bottom of his heart!

The spherical body, which was more than thirty meters long, spread its wings and reached a height of more than fifty meters, literally covering the sky and the sun, the moon, and the stars. Under a red crown on the top of his head, a single red eye stood straight in the middle of his head. It looked so abrupt and unacceptable. On the ball-like fat body, countless densely wailing heads loomed on the skin without any feathers. They began to slowly absorb some negative emotional power. The wings and the two pairs of golden claws under the feet competed to tear everything apart. The terrifying power!

There is no way this creature is a terrifying existence that wizard apprentices or even ordinary wizards can contend with!

"Hmph, it's you, the little guy, who holds the Key of Friendship. The goal is to kill the guy opposite who also holds the Key of Friendship, right? Is this the Holy Tower Qualification Tournament in the Wizarding World?" In the sky, Green summoned The terrifying giant beast actually spoke to Green in the language of the wizarding world.

Green's body was trembling, but he nodded instinctively.

Seeing Green like this, the terrifying beast said calmly: "This is the first time you have summoned me to come. Remember, you are not allowed to summon me to come again within three days!"

Green nodded instinctively again, and then swallowed.

Green even began to suspect that facing this terrifying creature, even his mentor or senior sister might...

Well, no!

It's hard to tell the instructor, but Senior Sister Youquan should be sure to suppress this terrifying creature.

the other side.

The two creatures in the black crack above Hill Woods finally arrived at the Holy Tower Qualifying Battle Secret Realm.

However, what is shocking is that these two creatures, the so-called giant rhinoceros and the giant python, are actually a creature with the head of a giant rhinoceros but the body of a giant ape, and its tail is a more than thirty meters long creature wearing a white skull. The red-spotted green-skinned python is covered with purple mist.

This terrifying giant beast, which is more than ten meters high, not only contains terrifying power in its body, but the giant python tail is obviously not a decoration, and should contain some weird energy usage. Even if ordinary wizards see this kind of creature, they may only choose to avoid it.

However, this "powerful" creature is compared to the truly terrifying Black Sol Tower secret creature above Green's head...

It’s really not enough!

Suddenly, the giant beast from another world in front of Hillwoods turned around and said: "Hillwoods, this is your last chance to summon me to come. Run away, I will hold the other side of you for thirty breaths."

Hillwoods' eyes widened, his weak body trembling, and only despair remained in his eyes.

Thirty breathing times for what I look like

Green felt the terrifying aura of the creatures in the secret realm of Black Sol Tower above his head, and felt completely relieved. At this moment, the Black Sol Tower secret creature above Green seemed to have stopped gathering negative energy after assessing the strength of the creature on the opposite side. He looked at Green and said in a low voice, "What's your name?"

"Me?" Green said quickly: "Green, my name is Green."

"Well, Green? You still have two chances to summon me to the wizarding world. I'll help you deal with this little guy across from you." With that said, the terrifying creature in the Black Tower Secret Realm spread its wings, and it turned out like this He rushed over directly, and the terrifying momentum that crushed everything and destroyed everything rushed over, and it was impossible to resist!

(The Key of Stigmata Friendship can only summon the Stigmata Wizard Soul Servant to the Wizarding World and the world fragments attached to the Wizarding World.)

Moo, hiss…

boom! boom! boom!

In a battle between flesh and flesh, the majestic energy turned out to be an auxiliary means. After a beast-like tearing and collision, with screams and roars, dozens of stone pillars collapsed in a short period of time, a dream in Green's childhood. The real version of the monster battle here is taking place before your eyes.

After a while.

With a shrill scream, the head of the otherworldly creature summoned by Hillwoods shone into a pillar of pure magic light. The creature from the Black Sol Tower secret realm summoned by Green felt the pillar of magic light and stopped pursuing it. The other party slowly disappeared in this secret space.

The next moment, this terrifying creature from the Black Sol Tower secret realm turned its attention to Hillwoods, who was leaning weakly on the ice that was almost melting.

Green looked at Hill Woods, but Hill Woods just showed a faint smile. In Green's horrified expression, he didn't even make any move to crush the badge. He was just pinched hard by a huge golden claw, "Bang" The sound turned into blood mist and flesh fragments, and he died completely.

Green was stunned, why? Why didn't he choose to leave

Could it be that... for him, just like a noble knight with a glorious mentality, victory is more important than life

Green would not know that when Hillwoods first entered the secret realm of the Holy Tower Qualification Battle, he directly discarded the metal badges that all wizard apprentices regarded as their second life.

The reason for discarding it turned out to be that the sound of this low-quality metal was too unpleasant.

Hillwoods finally paid the price for his arrogance, stupidity, and ignorance, which was the chance of "second life" and his own life.

Ps: It’s still a big chapter, with a bit too many words, but it can only be written as one scene due to constant cutting.

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